


"Friendship... is not something you learn in school. But if you haven't learned the meaning of friendship, you really haven't learned anything."

There was a loud knock on the door, which caused me to jump up from my bed immediately. 

I opened the door and was greeted by a bucket of cold water.
And you know who threw it at me? Yuwon.
“What the heck?” I yelled quickly getting a dry towel to wipe my face.
She laughed, “It’s 8:50am my dear, school starts in 10 minutes!”
My eyes widened and I turned to look at my clock ‘8:10am’
“But-“ I pointed at the clock.
She raised an eyebrow, “That’s strange, the first bell went off and everyone’s already rushing to class. Check your phone.”
I quickly ran over to my bed, flipping everything that is laying on the bed and I finally found my phone - unlocked the screen and, ‘ 8:53am’
“Oh god I’m really late” I jumped and quickly washed up and got dressed.
“Gee, who the heck adjusted your clock” she chuckled and help me with my bag.
“Let’s go” I said and we rushed off.
“Did you sleep well?” Taehyung asked when the teacher was marking our worksheets.
I nodded, “Why wouldn’t I?”
He shrugged, “You’re late today”
To be honest, I like this part of him, eventhough he’s just my friend but I love it when he cares. I think it’s because no one really cared about my existence before. Well, my parents used to care, but after everything that happened, life changed. 
I was kinda zoning out till Taehyung waved his hand infront of me, I snapped out of my thoughts and glanced at him, “You were saying?”
He laughed softly, “Nothing, you look like you were burying yourself deep in your own thoughts, everything okay?”
I smiled, he does care. It felt great. I don’t know why though.
Smiling like an idiot, “I’m perfectly fine”
He grinned, “You look cute today, with your hair all messy like that” he ruffled my hair.
“Hey! It’s already bad enough, don’t make it look like I just came out from a hell hole or something.” I said trying to fix my hair.
He chuckled, “Oops, my bad then.” he said and pinched my nose.
We both laughed and started attacking each other, lightly slapping each other’s shoulders, scribbling on each other’s books, pulling each other’s hair. It’s like we’ve been friends for years. He's such a happy person, I wonder if there's anything he's insecure about.
You know, in the sweetness of friendship let there be laughter, and sharing of pleasures. Cause that’s one of the ways to keep us happy.
Eventhough there may be sad moments in our life,  but how bad could it get? There’s nothing you can’t fix.
Life is like a piano, white keys are happy moments. Black keys are sad moments but remember both keys are played together to give sweet music.
As for me, I’m still figuring out how to play the piano, eventhough I know the tune is not right.

Soon it was time for lunch, I promised Yuwon that I would be joining her for lunch today.  And suprisingly she was waiting for me right at the corner of the hallway. She smiled cheekily at me but it slowly faded away after Taehyung appeared walking beside me.
“Hey, Seyeon.” she waved at me, completely ignoring the figure beside me.
I sensed something wrong and decided to ask but,
“Kim Taehyung.” she beat me to it.
He sighed, “Jung Yuwon, was is it that bothers you at the moment?”
“You. You’re one of his friends so I don’t really feel comfortable if you tag along.” she frankly.
“Okay then, see you later Seyeon.” he shrugged and left.
Yuwon glanced at me, “I’m sorry. It’s just me, I don’t like being around ‘them’. Eventhough Taehyung’s not like Namjoon but yeah, I hope you don’t mind.”
I smiled, “Of course I don’t, I totally understand.”
“Good.” she said, “Is he your first friend here or?” she questioned.
I nodded, “Mmhmm, he’s nice.”
“Well that’s good, sometimes being friends with girls is just way too dramatic, especially girls here in Seoul High.”
I chortled not really saying anything in response.
The teacher called for Yuwon because of some biology project so she wasn’t able to join me for lunch, so I decided to go sit with the guys instead. After queuing for my food, finally getting what I need, I rushed over to their table and set my tray next to Taehyung’s. 
“Wow look who’s here. What happened to Yuwon?” he asked while munching on his food. 
I laughed softly, “She has some stuff to take care of”
He nodded and continued eating.
Soon, Namjoon appeared and took the seat infront of me. Yes, he was facing me.
He gave me a long silent stare, his face was utterly expressionless.
“Hi” I waved at him, trying to break the awkward stare.
He snapped out of it and waved back at me, without saying a single word. And with that he carried on with his food.
Taehyung was looking at us with a suspicious look, “Why are you two so awkward today…”
Namjoon smiled, “Seyeon-ah, here have this” he placed his drink next to my tray, “I owe you one remember?” he winked at me.
I immediately understood what he’s trying to say and nodded like a happy kid. He chuckled and began chatting with the rest of the boys.
“Hah..I thouaksj somethijng happegjned betweebn the two of you. I sworfe the atmospasdhere was so weirjkd just nojgw.” Taehyung was talking with his mouth full.
I lightly slapped his shoulders, “Yah, don’t talk with your mouth full it’s disgusting” and laughed at him.
He swallowed his food and smiled geniunely, “Sorry”

Suddenly some guy from the varsity came over to our table, he's hot but guys like this cannot be trusted.

"Hey Kim Taehyung" he threw all the food on his tray on Taehyung's, "That's for kissing my girlfriend" but he was not done and punched Taehyung in the face. I was shocked, speechless.
"And that's for sleeping with her"

"What the is your problem I didn't sleep with her" Taehyung yelled.
The guy scoffed, "So you're saying she made this up? Wow are you such a ing loser to not admit that you had with your friend's girlfriend?"
Taehyung grabbed his collar, "There's nothing to ing admit you bastard I didn't do it with her" and punched him square in the face. 

"Why? Because you're too ashamed of yourself? You know how you were, a ing manwhore, you hooked up with girls everyday and you don't even care about how other people felt."

"I didn't sleep with Eun Hae"

"How am I suppose to believe you?"

"Bros before hoes man. I changed, and you know it"

Without uttering a single word, Taehyung dashed off. And I'm left standing here trying to figure out what that guy meant, was he really a manwhore? Is he really not who I think he is?

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Chapter 6: Hope you update again soon!
Chapter 6: Awwwww he came to her rescue! Hahahhaaa so cute!
Her dad is a bit sickening thoughh O_______O
CherryTotomatoZELO96 #3
Chapter 6: And how dare u Seyeon's dad calling my Taetae Oppa a !!! Well, meet me now!! I'm so gonna murder u!!><
CherryTotomatoZELO96 #4
Chapter 6: Love ur story Author-nim!!XD
Chapter 6: Waaaa i love this! Update soon please ♡ *-*
Chapter 5: Finallyy~~ I waited for so longgggggg
Can't wait to know more about Taehyun's past!!! Hahahahahaahah XDDD
Chapter 4: Good story ^^
update soon :)
Chapter 4: keep up the good work
Chapter 4: Seyeon and Taehyun's interactions are so cute >____<
Chapter 4: it's not that lame! don't be so harsh on you~
i actually like this one ^~^

but will Yuwon still ignoring all BTS? it's somehow... silly idk...
anyway, pls update soon ^~^