


“Rather than turning the page, it's much easier to just throw the book away” 


My first step on Seoul High. It feels great, starting fresh at one of the top schools in Seoul.
How did I get in?
Well, I did the entrance exam of course. And fortunately I passed right at it.
Believe it or not, I even studied for the exam. I didn’t want to be the stupid and idiotic transfer student, no way.
The first impression is always important.
My hair was pulled into a side braid. Uniform was on as it should be except my skirt was not as short as the others.
7:45 am, the bell rang. If I’m not mistaken, school starts at 8. I was drowning in an ocean of my thoughts till I didn’t even notice I bumped into someone….and also stepped on that person’s foot. Gee
I looked up and there’s this good looking guy. Yes, the one I bumped into.
I scratched the back of my head, “I’m sorry”
He raised an eyebrow and smiled, “It’s okay” and left.
I was shocked. If I was still in Busan High I would have been beaten up by now for bumping into some random guy.
Wow, people are not that cruel after all. I think it’s just Busan High itself. Definitely.
I was trying to find my way to class, but the school is just too big. I think I’m somehow lost. Oh damn.
I think I’m just running in circles all the time.
There’s this notice board right at the corner of the hallway. I strolled my way there to have a look just incase if there’s anybody there.
Someone with light and slightly purplish hair caught my eye.
I can’t see his face since he’s facing the notice board.
I patted his shoulders, “Excuse me but can you-“ I froze when he turned around, It was that guy I bumped into a few minutes ago.
“Erm, sorry um-“
“Hey there” he said.
“Hi um can you- I mean, I’m new here and kinda lost. Can you help-“
“What class are you in” he cut me off. 
I sighed, “Class 31, Biology”
“Oh we’re in the same class, let’s go” he held my arm and pulled me along.
I widened my eyes as I stared at him.


“Here. Class 31, Biology” he let go and walked in. Since I’m a new student, I need to wait for the teacher to introduce me to the class before doing anything, so I stayed outside of the class.

Later, the teacher signaled me to go inside. I went in and all eyes were on me.
I bowed, “Hello, I’m Jung Seyeon from Busan. Nice to meet you”
The class was filled with students’ whispers.
What are they talking about? What do they think of me? Do they think I'm not up to their standards?  
My mind filled with questions and thoughts.
I'm not confident enough, but I decided to shrug that feeling off.
“Now Seyeon-shi, you can take the empty seat next to Taehyung at the last row. Taehyung please raise your hand so that she can make her way to her seat.” the teacher said.
I scanned the classroom to search for the person who is supposed to raise his hand. 
I was shocked and stared at him for a split second.
So his name is Taehyung.
I walked to my seat and plopped my backpack on the chair.
Funny thing is, Taehyung grabbed it and put it on the floor.
“The chair is for you to sit, not your bag” he said and smiled.
I let out quiet laugh and sat down.
A few minutes later, the teacher started teaching. I glanced at Taehyung, wanting to get a better look at him. He does not have white milky skin but his skin colour fits him perfectly.
He caught me staring and I quickly looked away.
He chuckled and passed me a note.
      “Jung Seyeon. Right?”
I replied with a yes and pushed the paper back to him. 
A few second later, he passed it back.
     “Let’s be friends, Seyeon” 
with a smiley face at the end of the sentence.
I smiled and nodded at him.
Kim Taehyung, my first friend.


The bell rang signaling that it's time for break. I was keeping my things and all of a sudden Taehyung called out my name.

I looked at him and he smiled, "Wanna grab something to eat?" he offered.

I hesistated for a moment, "Sure" and smiled at him.


While walking our way to the cafeteria, he showed me some parts of the school. This school is seriously so big I swear.

As we reached the cafeteria, he was kind enough to help me with my food as I find a place for us to sit. But he said to look for 6 guys, I gave up since I don't even know how they look like. I waited for him instead.

He patted my shoulder, I turned around and saw his million dollar smile. "Let's go, they're just there" he said pointing at the table they're sitting at.

I smiled, "Okay then"


Taehyun introduced me to all 6 of them and then sat beside a guy named Jin. I sat beside Taehyung since I'm not really close with the others yet.

"So, Seyeon-shi?" Jin asked.

I nodded, "Just call me Seyeon"

"Oh okay, so why did you transfer to this school?"

"I....there was some problem"

Taehyung glanced at me and and saw how my expression changed.

"Hey, she's here now right? Why care so much about the reason" 

I smiled, he was helping me out.

"Alright then, Seyeon-ah what's your zodiac sign?" Jin asked.

"Capricorn" I answered.

Taehyung widened his eyes and turned to look at me.

"Oh really? Same like our Taehyung-ie then. Wow, is this some coincidence or-"

"Seokjin hyung just eat your food already" a guy named Jeongguk cut him off.

He chuckled and ate his food.

"Yah, the maknae just asked you to shut up" Jimin, the one with cute eyes laughed.

Jin glared at him, "Who are you to calling 'yah' at huh"

"Oops sorry then" Jimin said and continue munching on his food. 


Taehyung snickered, "Don't mind them, they're always like this" 

"They're cute" I giggled.

"You see, noona just said I'm cute" Jeongguk grinned.

Jin and Jimin both glared at him, "Eat" they said in unison.

Taehyung gave me a look and chortled, "They sure are" and the both of us continued chatting.

I noticed we have alot in common. Except that I prefer strawberry flavoured ice cream rather than chocolate ones..

He's a nice friend.


I warned myself not to get too attached.


First chapter up! 

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Chapter 6: Hope you update again soon!
Chapter 6: Awwwww he came to her rescue! Hahahhaaa so cute!
Her dad is a bit sickening thoughh O_______O
CherryTotomatoZELO96 #3
Chapter 6: And how dare u Seyeon's dad calling my Taetae Oppa a !!! Well, meet me now!! I'm so gonna murder u!!><
CherryTotomatoZELO96 #4
Chapter 6: Love ur story Author-nim!!XD
Chapter 6: Waaaa i love this! Update soon please ♡ *-*
Chapter 5: Finallyy~~ I waited for so longgggggg
Can't wait to know more about Taehyun's past!!! Hahahahahaahah XDDD
Chapter 4: Good story ^^
update soon :)
Chapter 4: keep up the good work
Chapter 4: Seyeon and Taehyun's interactions are so cute >____<
Chapter 4: it's not that lame! don't be so harsh on you~
i actually like this one ^~^

but will Yuwon still ignoring all BTS? it's somehow... silly idk...
anyway, pls update soon ^~^