The Way Home

Story of My Life


It was two days later, and her test was finally over. She and the boys could finally go home! Of course Gabe was going to have to go with her. She knew for a fact that he couldn’t stop loving her. She had finally taken off her fake look, and went to school, as was tradition. Let them see how beautiful she really was, then she’d go home.

She strutted around, in a tight black mini skirt, black knee high heeled boots, and a black shirt that hung over her shoulder. Of course she was way out of dress code, but no one could resist it, and no one could write her up. Not even the female teachers. Everyone stared at her, gaping.

She flipped her pitch black hair over her shoulder , as she walked. Guys cleared the way for her, and nearly all of them dropped their belongings. A male student had the nerve to walk up to her. “Hey are you a new student? Your very beautiful. I’m Kris, what’s your name?” she smiled. Her pearly white teeth flashed in the light, and her wolf canines showed. Her perfectly straight teeth were just one small part of her that mesmerized people.

“My name? Ji Yeon. Not interested.” Ji Yeon, touched her finger, that had a long nail, to his forehead and pushed him out of the way. “I already have a Kris in my life. He’s tall, Asian, and beautiful. I don’t need another lowlife male in my life.” She started walking towards her class again, but Kris stopped her, and pushed her against the wall, pinning her arms there.

Her eyes flashed dangerously. “Let me go now!” she glared, and struggled. Damn these Earth boys being stronger than women! “Why?” he smirked, and looked her up and down. “Take. Your. Hands. Off. Me. Puny. Human.” She struggled more. “No.” he put both of her hands in one of his, and ran his other hand along her body.

“I believe the lady said hands off.” A voice came from behind them. Kris turned. “Mind your own business. I’m getting some from the here.” Kris looked up at the guy in front of him. “Oh but Ji Yeon is my business.” Kris smiled. “So you’ve treated the too? How is she? Is she good?” the guy growled. “I was trying to be nice. Now get your hands of my girlfriend. Hi my names Kris. Wu Yi Fan.” Kris had his full face on.

The other Kris widened his eyes. “Y-your Kris?” Kris nodded. “Get the hell away from her.” The other backed away. Kris turned to Ji Yeon. “Now. How is that for a save? Do I get a kiss?” she smiled. “Of course.” He leaned down a little, and she stood on her tip toes, because even in her heeled boots she was still waaaayy shorter than him.

He pressed his lips to hers, and gave her a soft sweet kiss. “Thanks for that. It was an amazing save. I hate it that males are stronger here.” He smiled. “Are we now?” Ji Yeon widened her eyes. “No don’t you dare.” Kris laughed, and picked her up, kissing her once again, for longer.

When he pulled back, she was panting. Her eyes were closed. “That was wonderful…”

Kris smiled. “I’ll see you and the others back on Exo.” He set her down, then he just disappeared. She leaned against the wall, and sighed. She had to wait till all twelve had gone before she could go back, and Kris was the first to go. Ji Yeon sighed. She knew she wanted Tao to be the last, but she didn’t know if he would be. It was random. Whichever one showed up next was the one to go.

She waited, she hated waiting. Chanyeol moved next to her. “Hello there sweetie.” He grinned brightly, and she smiled back. “Hey there tall stuff. Mind giving me a kiss before you head back?” he took her hand and twirled her around. “No problem.” He tilted her back and pressed his lips to hers, then the pressure suddenly lifted, and he was no longer there. Ji Yeon sighed. “I have to wait all day…”

She waited more, Baekhyun, Sehun, Suho, Chen, Kai, Kyungsoo, Luhan, Xiumin, Yixing. They all came next, in that order, and as she wished, Tao was last. She was happy for that. She went to lunch, and of course, Gabe was there.

“Hey Ji Yeon, where’s the boys? I see only Tao today.” He sat in front of her and she sighed. “They went home. As soon as I see Tao, he’ll be going home too. Then I follow, and your coming with me. Hái hǎo ma?” he stared at her “What was that?” she face palmed. “Nothing alright. But don’t forget your friends here, because one they won’t remember you, two you’ll never see them again, and three you won’t make any friends in my home. You can count on that.”

Ji Yeon looked around, and didn’t see Tao. She sighed. She wanted to go home really badly. “Where’s Tao…” she looked around, for the black pants, dress shirt, and feather like black hair. She didn’t see it.

“Ji Yeon. Hello? Are you listening to me?” she rolled her eyes. “No. I don’t like you, so stop it.” Guys walked by her, and whistled, she ignored them. A guy sat by her, talking none stop how she was so beautiful, and some other things that would be punished if said on Exo. “Hey baby. Aren’t you so y..” he wrapped his arm around her waist.

“Why don’t you come with papa and let him give you the good stuff?” his hand slid downward, and she slapped it off. “Why don’t you find an actual to around with, because that’s not me. Go away”

He growled. “Why you little . Your coming with me whether you like it or not. I’m going to show you how much of a dirty little you are.” He stood up and grabbed her wrist, pulling her with him. She struggled, trying to punch and kick. She hadn’t looked at the guy, so she hadn’t seen who he was. “Let me go!” she shrieked.

The guy backed her up against the wall, and smirked. “You want me to let you go now? But jiejie, you promised me I could be the first to have your child! Now who is it? Kris? Chen? I’ll beat all of them up so they can’t do anything!” Ji Yeon laughed. “I’m sorry Tao. I didn’t realize it was you. I was distracted by the jack over there that I have to take back with me. Where’s the Wèi Bào?” Tao looked down at her. “Home. Your mother thought that you could handle it, so you’ll be able to leave an hour after I disappear.”

Ji Yeon ran her fingers through Tao’s hair. “Well since they all kissed me, I think it’s only appropriate that you do it as well.” He smiled. “Of course jiejie.  But since I get to be here longer…” he leaned over and crashed their lips together, moving his lips against hers. She wrapped her arms around his neck. He picked her up, and she wrapped her legs around his waist.

Tao set her feet onto the ground, and finally pulled away. “I have to go now. I’ll see you at home.” She nodded, and his touch disappeared from her skin. She leaned against the wall, and looked at the ground. “Why can’t I leave now…” Gabe was staring at her from afar.

She returned to her seat across from Gabe, and laid her head down. It would be a long hour until she got to go home.

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