What Happens When You Mess With Our Girl

Story of My Life


I watched as twelve boys took the stand. I groaned. More people to make fun of me today.

Then I heard the introductions. “Hi I’m Kris.” I ignored them and continued to stare off, waiting for the laughing to come. All the girls and guys were standing now, staring at the twelve in front. “Hi I’m Suho” I groaned. “I’m Tao” I continued on in my thoughts. “I’m Thehun.” “Xiumin” “Baekhyun” “Luhan” “Chanyeol!!!! I’m Chanyeol guys!!” “…” “I’m Kai” Girls swooned, some screeched. “Kyungsoo” his eyes widened and a girl fainted. “I’m Chen.”

Waiting for it….

The line never came.

I sat confused for a minute. I recognized that voice. I’d recognize that voice anywhere. I stood up, tears b my eyes. I saw my twelve boys standing there.

I screamed so loud. Everyone moved out of my way. I dashed down the stairs on the bleachers. “CHEN!! KAI!! CHANYEOL! KRIS! MY BOYS!!” I ran straight at Chen, and jumped in his arms. I kissed him. He stepped back surprised, and leaned back. “Sorry who are you?” he hadn’t seen my face yet.

Everyone watched waiting to see if I really was dating him. “Chen it’s me. It’s Ji Yeon.” He looked straight at me. “Ji Yeon? OH MY GOD!!” he wrapped his arms around my waist, and kissed me back.

Everyone stood there shocked. They weren’t expecting it.

“Chen oh my.. I’m so glad you’re here…” I cried hard. My tears hitting his chest. He set me down. “Now, now we will get together after this alright?” I nodded. “I need to say hi to the rest of them” he smiled and nodded.

I looked to the left. Eleven pairs of eyes stared at me bewildered. I hugged each and everyone. I hugged Baekhyun and Luhan together. “We need to go shopping after school” They grinned and nodded. I moved on down the line. “Sehun, Tao.. My maknae’s” I hugged them tightly. “I have a panda plushy for you Tao, and Sehun I will make you some homemade food when we get home.” They giggled, and looked at each other.

Then I came to the chest. “Looks like we meet again chest. It’s nice seeing you” I patted Kris’ chest and laughed. “I found our entertainment person guys!” I looked up at him, and laughed. “Some things never change huh?” he laughed. “I guess not” I hugged him and he hugged back. I turned to the  kids in the bleachers who were now staring at me.

“Now do you believe me? I know these people!” I grabbed Chen’s hand, and pulled him to my side “This is my boyfriend! These are my friends! Stay away from them!” I shouted angrily. I turned to them. “Come on guys, let’s go sit and catch up” I squeezed Chen’s hand and smiled at the rest of them. I nodded to a corner and walked over there. They all followed me.

Chen sat in the corner, and I sat on his lap, the others sat in a circle around us.

“Guys tell me what’s been going on!” I smiled, they all looked at each other. Chen bit his lip. “You should go first. The guys know about what’s been happening. Your bullies. I told them.” I gulped, and nodded. “Well… As you guys know… I’ve been bullied since I got here. By one person in particular…” Tao got suddenly serious. “Who is it?” he asked quietly. “Gabe Es-“ I never finished my sentence. Tao was already striding over to the bleachers. The girls were staring at him. “Gabe. Which one of you is Gabe?!”

“Yah! Maknae! Get your back over here!” I shouted. Kris stood up and moved over to Tao. Kris whispered something, and Tao pushed him away. “I’m doing this alone duizhang.” Kris nodded, and stepped back. Gabe stood up, not knowing what was going to happen. “I’m Gabe.”

Tao’s eyes darkened. “come here.” Gabe stepped down. A kid stopped him. “No don’t go, there’s no telling what’s going to happen.” Gabe shrugged him off “No stop, I want to go talk to this kid. See if he’s real.” The kid backed off, and Gabe stepped off the bleachers, and towards Tao.

He stopped in front of Tao. “I’m Gabe. Who wants to know?” Tao grabbed his collar. Gabe cried out in pain. His clavicle was already broken. “My fist. Because you bullied my jiejie!! I love my sister!” he said loudly. He kicked Gabe’s shin, and punched him in the gut. Gabe grunted and went onto his knees. Tao kicked him right where his clavicle was broken and stomped back over to us. Gabe writhed on the floor, clutching his arm in pain.

I watched horrified. “Kris oppa! Why didn’t you stop him!” I punched him. “Ow!! That hurts people you know. And he told me not to stop him. You know what he gets like when he’s angry and protective over you.” I was pouting when Tao returned. “Jiejie what’s wrong?” he asked me. “You beat him up! Tao! You shouldn’t have.” Tao looked at the floor, then sat on my lap, and pouted.

“Jiejie he’s hurt you a lot more than I did to him.” He acted cute, and I softened. Then smiled. “Ok fine…” he grinned, and pecked my cheeks. “Thank you!!” he stood and jumped onto Kris’ lap, sitting on him. “Kris gege I’m tired.” Kris chuckled. “Go to sleep Tao.”

Xiumin turned to me. “Do they have any buns here?? I’ve been dying to get some! I haven’t had any for two days!” I just laughed. “Yes they do. And I have a whole stock at home.” He grinned, and giggled. “YAY!” I rolled my eyes, and turned to Kai.

“Kai you have to keep your shirt on here. You’ll get expelled if you don’t.” Kai cringed, and Kyungsoo sighed happily.

Chanyeol just grinned like a fool the whole time.

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