The SM New Year's Showcase

Because I'm Stupid

Chapter 7


The next few weeks went by pretty smoothly. Though there was still some tension between Luhan and Sehun, they avoided talking to each other as much as possible. They did most of their homework in the library and didn’t talk when they were in their room together unless it was absolutely necessary.

Mi Sun was trying to get more and more close to Luhan, though. Luhan talked to her politely, but he was really getting annoyed. Sure, he’d admit that she was really pretty, but he was hearing from everyone that she was trouble. Well, everyone but Sehun, of course.

Sehun still liked Mi Sun as much as he always did, but he decided to just wait for her to get over Luhan. He thought that one day she would wake up and realize that he was the right guy for her. His friends tried numerous times to convince him that she wasn’t worth it, but he wouldn’t listen.

“Don’t you remember what she did to Yuri in eighth grade?” Jessica said, exasperated. They were sitting on a bench outside the arts center after class, doing some reading for their Literature class. “They had that one dance performance together, right? There were like ten girls, and Yuri won the audition for the lead. Mi Sun got second. But when Yuri was changing into her performance costume backstage, Mi Sun stole her costume so she couldn’t perform. And Mi Sun got the lead instead while Yuri cried in the audience. Don’t you remember that?”

“No one was able to prove that Mi Sun was really the one who stole it,” Sehun pointed out.

         “Well, who else would have done it?” Jessica sighed. “The point is, you can do so much better.”

         But Sehun couldn’t be convinced.


         It was one month into the school year, and Luhan was opening the door to the library when Dara burst out. She looked hassled, and she was looking at the floor.

         “Excuse me,” she mumbled, scurrying past.

         “Dara?” Luhan asked.

         “Luhan?” she looked up. Now he could see that her face was streaked with tears. “Oh my god, Luhan. I’m sorry, but could you…?”

         “What is it?” he asked, holding out his arms for her. She collapsed on his shoulder and started sobbing.

         “I’m sorry, it’s just –“ but she broke off in sobs and Luhan could no longer understand what she was saying.

         “It’s okay,” he said soothingly. “Let’s go to the cafeteria and you can tell me what happened, okay?”

         The cafeteria was empty since lunch was long over, but they were still able to get some juice and sit down in a corner. By that time, Dara had calmed down quite a bit and he was able to comprehend what she was saying.

         “So I was working on a group project in art,” Dara explained. “My partner is Mi Sun – yeah, I know you know her. Everyone knows she likes you,” she added when she saw Luhan’s expression. “But anyways. She doesn’t like me, because she thinks you like me. You know, because we’re friends and everything.”

         Luhan felt a pang of guilt. He thought it was kind of his fault that Dara was crying.

         But then she said, “It isn’t your fault, of course,” as if she read his mind. “Mi Sun has been trying to ruin my life for a while now, but I never let it get to me too much. Until today,” she sniffed, and Luhan handed her a tissue.

         “Thanks,” she sobbed. “While I was doing the art project with her, I left the room to get supplies. When I came back, we worked on the project some more and when class was about to be over, the teacher said that her sketchbook was missing. She talked about how it was really special to her, and that it had to be someone in our class who took it because she had it in the last class. She said that whoever took it should give it back. And she walked around the room to check our bags, and she found it in mine.” Dara’s crying was beginning to get more intense. “But I didn’t take it. I don’t know how Mi Sun would have taken it, but I’m positive she did it and she planted it in my bag. I love art class so much, but now the teacher doesn’t trust me and she gave me a detention and –“

         “Stop, stop,” Luhan consoled, putting a hand on her shoulder. “Calm down.” Honestly, he didn’t know how to solve the problem, but he did know that he definitely did not like Mi Sun. And it made him feel somewhat guilty that Mi Sun’s hatred for Dara was because of him. “I’ll talk to the art teacher if it’ll make you feel better. We can’t let her get away with this.”

         Dara began to protest, saying he didn’t have to, but Luhan put up a hand and said, “I’ll give it a shot.”

         She smiled at him through her tears. “Thank you so much, Luhan. Remember, if you ever need a favor for anything, you can count on me, okay?”

         “You don’t need to do anything for me,” he began, but she waved it off, muttering, “You can count on me. Any favor.”



Sehun was running to the science building as fast as he could. He was practicing a choreography in the dance studio, but he completely forgot that he had a meeting with his science teacher and lost track of the time.
         He was about to turn a corner in a hallway when he heard music. Singing. Beautiful singing. He never really liked singing that much, even though a lot of his friends were vocally talented. He didn’t like slow songs with meaningful lyrics. He preferred upbeat songs that were fun to move and dance to. This song was a slow song, but for some reason, he was moved by it.

         He listened, wondering where it was coming from, and who the singer was. It seemed to be coming from the floor above, which made sense because that was where the vocal practice rooms were. He climbed up the stairs, completely forgetting about his science meeting.

         The voice was getting louder and louder. He was getting closer. Finally, he found the right practice room. As soon as he saw who was inside, he ducked around the corner of the hallway.

         Three people were inside. Chanyeol was sitting in a chair, strumming his guitar. Baekhyun was on the floor next to him, tapping his foot to the beat. And the person singing was sitting on the floor across from them. The person singing was Luhan.

         Sehun knew Luhan could sing. He’d heard about it a few times, but he never heard it in person. He didn’t have a powerful, bellowing voice or a y, raspy voice but his voice was soft and sweet, like a lullaby. It had just the slightest hint of a Chinese accent, which only made it more unique. He pressed his ear to the wall in an attempt to hear the lyrics.


“I’m really, very foolish

I know of no one other than you

You’re looking at someone else

Yet you have no idea of my feelings like this


I won’t be in your days

I won’t be in the memories either, however

Only you, I looked only at you

And the tears keep coming


As I watch you walking past, I’m still happy

Even yet you still don’t know my heart

I should stop this and go


I really want to see the day

I’m withstanding the pain each day

“I love you” is playing on my lips

Alone once again, crying for you

Alone once again, missing for you

Baby, I love you, I’m waiting for you.”


Luhan stopped singing, and Chanyeol finished the song with a few strums on his guitar. Sehun heard a round of applause.

“You’re really good,” Baekhyun said.

Good? He’s more than good you unappreciative little –

“How long have you been singing?” Chanyeol asked.

“Only about two years. I was never really serious about it; I just did it for fun.”

“Well,” Chanyeol said. “I think you should enter the New Year’s SM Showcase Competition. Have you heard of that?”

The New Year’s Showcase competition was when the arts students at SM Academy got to show off their talent. It happened two to three days before New Year. It began with an art exhibition for the visual arts students, and some of the drama students got to display their acting skills by doing mini-scenes from famous plays. The dance classes and vocal classes performed, some select groups got to perform by themselves, and six lucky students: three boys and three girls got to do solo stages. It was always two singers, two dancers, and two actors. The whole school attended. Scouters from big talent agencies often came to watch, and so did tourists and locals. It was a big event, and everyone ended the day with a huge feast. Competition was fierce, and it was extremely hard to get a solo spot. Some of his friends had done it before, though. Jongdae got the singing part last year, and Jongin’s friend Taemin had done dance.

“I really think you have a chance,” Baekhyun said, sounding serious.

Baekhyun never complemented people’s singing unless they were really good.

“I don’t know, guys,” Luhan protested. “I’m not that good. And it’s my first year. No one knows who I am.”

“That doesn’t matter,” Baekhyun and Chanyeol said at the same time.

“Wow, what’s the time?” Luhan sounded like he was trying to change the subject.

What is the time? Sehun thought. He looked at his watch. To his shock, he was already fifteen minutes late for his science meeting. He ran out of the building as fast as he could, but even as the teacher lectured him for being late, there was only one thought running through his mind: Luhan has to get that solo spot.



“Sehun, aren’t you taking anything?” Jongin asked him.

         “Huh?” He looked down at his tray. Sure enough, he was so preoccupied with his thoughts that he forgot to take anything to eat. He shrugged and nonchalantly picked up an apple.

         Jongin chuckled. “Suit yourself,” he said, smirking.

         As they sat down for dinner, Sehun thought about the New Year’s Showcase. Singing was a very competitive spot. He wondered if Luhan was thinking about trying out, and how he could bring up the topic if they were talking.

         If they were talking. Sehun couldn’t remember the last time he talked to Luhan. It would be rather awkward if he brought up the showcase out of nowhere.

         He came back to reality when he heard Jongin softly humming a song as he was eating.

         “What song is that?” he demanded.

         Jongin stared at him, surprised. “Dude, calm down. It’s just a song. Do you not like it?”

         “No – I just – I mean – What’s it called?” Sehun stammered, sounding rather crazy.

         Jongin looked worried. “It’s ‘Because I’m Stupid,’ by ss501. You know, from Boys Over Flowers. Are you okay, Sehun?”

         “Yeah I’m fine.” He returned to munching his apple. Because I’m Stupid. Because I’m Stupid.

         “You should know that. You know, with the dramas and everything,” his friend teased.

         “Oh god, shut up,” he snapped. Just as he was forgetting the showcase…

         “Maybe you should do acting for the New Year’s Showcase instead of dancing,” Jongin sing-songed.

         Great. Sehun just scowled.




Wow! It's been a while, hasn't it? I'm sorry. I'll try to do my next update faster. Anyways.

I'm thinking of starting a new story. Whenever my next update is, I'll tell you guys about that. About my new story...I was thinking: Which female kpop idol would you want as your best friend? I don't want to do Jessica or Dara again since I'm using them in this story. Maybe Sunny? Nicole (She's leaving Kara! I'll miss her!)? Suzy? Anyone. If you have any ideas, please leave them in the comments. If you have none, that's fine too.

The teaser for SM The Ballad looks great. According to the teaser, I think my favorite song will probably be Chen and Jonghyun's duet. Although I also can't wait until SNSD makes their comeback.

If you like this story, also try "Up Until Moving Day." It has funny scenes and also hunhan! If you think this story is good, and you have friends who like hunhan, feel free to suggest it to them too...if there are still people who love hunhan...


too much XiuHan lately... -_-

How come couples stop interacting once I start shipping them? My old otp was 2min from SHINee, but I swear, when I started shipping them (I started shipping them as soon as I became a Shawol...which was as soon as I became a Kpop fan...I'm an ex-shawol, but I still love SHINee), I swear as soon as I started shipping them, they had fewer and fewer moments. Am I bad luck or something? I hope not.


Until next time!


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leedino #1
Chapter 7: i like this chapter!
update as soon as possible! <3
leedino #2
Chapter 6: Update soon! This fic is very interesting! I love it.
Chapter 6: Aaaahhg i like this fic!! Please update soon, ne~~?
Oh my.. I should've read this sooner!! This is awesome. Sehun is such a brat. Poor Luhan he just transferred to Korea and he has to face all these troubles.
Chapter 4: Ohhh please update soo... We need more :(
Chapter 3: more more more
leedino #7
Chapter 3: Update soon!
Hunhaaaaan <3 You are doing great! I can't wait for the next chapter :D And stay positive! Fighting!