Trouble on First Day

Because I'm Stupid

Chapter 5


Lunch went relatively smoothly.

After Sehun arrived, his friends bombarded him with questions about why they were not informed that he had a roommate earlier. He simply brushed off their questions with a blank stare accompanied by a lazy wave of the hand. Luhan cursed his luck for getting such an arrogant roommate. How could someone so rude have so many friends?

Baekhyun introduced him to his abnormally tall friend named Chanyeol, who decided to start interrogating him about his past life. Thankfully, after a while Baekhyun told him to stop. (“He’s not a freaking murderer, Yeol!”)

Sehun’s tall, tanned friend suddenly asked him if he brushed his teeth before or after breakfast. All eyes looked at him expectantly.

“Umm…before breakfast?” he replied nervously.

And so commenced the long debate about whether brushing your teeth before or after breakfast was more beneficial.

A boy with an oval face explained to Luhan, “We had a long debate about this last year. It got pretty intense. I’m Yixing, by the way. And I brush my teeth before breakfast.” Luhan started talking to Yixing and found out that he was also Chinese, liked to dance, and had been going to the school since sixth grade.

“So how are you liking it here?” Yixing asked.

Luhan smiled. “I’m getting used to it, I guess. People here are kind of weird, but I like that.”

“The weirdness rubs off on you. When I first came here, I thought he-“ he cast a glance at Chanyeol, who was in the middle of a soliloquy about how brushing your teeth before breakfast would potentially lead to death “-was kind of weird, but now I think I’m weirder than him.”

Chanyeol paused long enough to say, “No, I think I’m still a little weirder.” And he was ranting again.

Yixing laughed, and so did Sehun. Luhan watched as Sehun’s poker face momentarily gave way to a broad smile and his eyes formed little crescents. He almost looked like a little toddler being offered a lollipop. Almost. Because before he knew it, the smile was gone and was once again replaced by his expressionless face. Luhan came to his senses and tried not to look at Sehun again. After all, it wasn’t like Sehun was paying any attention to him, either.

The bell rang, and Luhan found out that he shared his next class, as well as the rest of his schedule, with Sehun’s tanned friend. Luhan was a little wary of him, because of the way he talked and his casual, laid-back personality, as if he was king of the world. But as the boy, who introduced himself as Jongin, talked, Luhan saw that on the inside, he was sweet and polite.

He also noticed a sudden change in the way girls were looking at him as he walked through the hallways with Jongin.

“You seem to be quite the Casanova,” Luhan teased.

Jongin shook his head. “Nah. I mean, I’ve dated, but I’m not a player and I actually care about who it is. Like, I want them to like me for me, not because I they think I’m hot or whatever.”

“Do you think you’re hot?” Luhan pressed. He couldn’t help it; Jongin brought out his playful side.

Jongin pouted and gave him a little punch. “Aish, watch it, newbie.”

Luhan chuckled as they settled into the seats of their math class. He had to admit, the day was going pretty well and he was glad to see that Jongin was not rude and stuck-up like he first assumed.

Their next class also went by smoothly, and then it was time for their last class of the day: dance. Jongin was impressed that Luhan was in the vocal and the dance class.

“I at singing,” Jongin complained. “You could probably make it as an idol if you wanted. If you can dance and sing, you’re the package deal. And you could probably be visual too.”

Luhan laughed. “I’m not that good.” They entered the dance studio, and he scanned the room for familiar faces. He saw Yixing, who was waving at him; Thunder, who he remembered was Dara’s brother; and surprisingly, Sehun.

“Sehun dances?” Luhan whispered to Jongin.

“Yeah,” he replied. “He’s definitely one of the better dancers in the class.”

Luhan glanced at Sehun again. He was talking to a pretty girl that he didn’t know, but as Sehun talked to her, all the coldness that he usually had when he talked to Luhan was nowhere to be seen, and he looked approachable, almost friendly. He was like a different person.

The girl, on the other hand, was listening to what he was saying, but she had a bored expression that Luhan found rather rude. The boy who rarely showed any emotion to anyone was smiling at her; the least she could do was look interested.

When he broke his gaze at her, he saw Jongin smirking at him knowingly.

“That’s Mi Sun,” Jongin explained. “She’s a very good dancer. But you better watch out. A lot boys like her, but she’s never said yes to anyone. Never been rejected, either. You’ll have some serious competition, and if you ask me, she’s not worth it. Don’t worry, though: I won’t tell anyone.”

Luhan blinked, confused, and then realized that Jongin had misunderstood what he was thinking while he was staring at Mi Sun. At that moment, the teacher clapped his hands and everyone was gathering around him, so he didn’t bother to correct him.

“Welcome to another year, guys,” the teacher said, scanning the room. “I hope you-“ his eyes landed on Luhan, and he squinted, waiting for an introduction.

“Uh, I’m Luhan. I’m a new junior. From China.”

“Welcome Luhan,” he said in a flat voice that did not sound welcome at all. “I’m Mr. Park, but I overhear students in the halls calling me JYP, so I suppose I should just make that my official name.”

JYP had them do some stretches, and as they stretched he explained his plan for the year. “We perform thrice at school. Our first performance will be for Christmas, before winter break. We’ll have another performance in April, for a halftime show for a fundraiser. The last performance is before school ends, in June. Some of you may have some opportunities to perform outside of school, but I will inform you if I am considering that.”

Luhan allowed his eyes to wander around the room and he noticed that Mi Sun was staring at him with an expression that might have been something close to fascination. Or as close to fascination as someone like Mi Sun could get, anyway. She looked away, and so did Luhan. Luhan hoped she was just looking because she was just curious about the new kid or something, and not because she found him attractive. That would be a disaster, because he was not the least bit interested in her, and more importantly, that wouldn’t put him in one of Sehun’s good books. He saw the way he was talking to her before class, and he guessed that Mi Sun was the one Jessica was talking about when she said that Sehun liked someone.

Stretching was over, and JYP told them that they were doing a very simple choreography to get them started. “This isn’t a couple dance, but you’ll need a partner.” Luhan locked eyes with Yixing just as Sehun caught Jongin’s eye.

         “Stop!” JYP shouted. “Stop glancing at each other. I’m picking your partners. It’s better to be with someone you have no attachment to. You can improve your dancing skills that way.”

         Luhan clenched his fists and hoped for Jongin or Yixing, and not for Mi Sun or (god forbid!) Sehun.

         “Yixing with Eunhyuk…Mi Sun with Hyoyeon…Jongin with Taemin…”

         Not Sehun, not Sehun, not Sehun, Luhan thought. But as he glanced around the room, it seemed that there was only one other person left.

         “…and Luhan with Sehun.” There it was: the death sentence.

         “Wait!” Sehun protested. “Luhan and I are roommates. So we have attachment.”

         This was half-true. There was absolutely no attachment between them, even though they were roommates.

         JYP smiled. “I know, Sehun. That’s why I put you two together. Since Luhan’s new, I figured that it’s better for him to be with someone he knows.”

         Luhan wanted to face-palm. Instead, he took his designated spot beside Sehun and tried to ignore the death glare the latter was giving him.

         “He knows me pretty well, JYP.” It was a female’s voice.

         He looked up, expecting to see Dara or Jessica since they were the only girls he knew so far, but was surprised to see Mi Sung with her hand raised. This was a downright lie, and he didn’t even want to imagine what Sehun’s face looked like right now.

         “Is that so, Luhan?” JYP asked. Luhan liked JYP well enough, but at that moment, he kind of wanted to kill him.

         “Um…I think it’s better if I’m with Sehun,” he stammered. He stole a glance at the said person, and relaxed a little when he saw Sehun looking a little relieved, although still rather annoyed. On the other hand, everyone else looked completely shocked, with his or hanging open. He wondered why when he remembered what Jongin had said:

         “A lot boys like her, but she’s never said yes to anyone. Never been rejected, either.”

         And in those seconds, Luhan became the only male to ever reject Mi Sun. On the bright side, Sehun probably wasn’t going to murder him.

         “Very well then.” JYP glanced around curiously, wondering why his students looked so surprised. Figuring that he was out of touch with student gossip, he began to teach the dance. Halfway through, the phone rang.

         “Just a second,” he said, and went to pick it up. His expression turned from a nonchalant one to a very alert one. After he hung up, he announced, “I’ll have to take care of something real quick. I’ll be back soon, I promise.” He was gone, and Luhan felt his stomach drop.

         For a few tense seconds, no one said anything.

         “I guess we should practice?” the boy named Eunhyuk suggested.

         No. The universe was conspiring against him today. The other pairs were already starting to practice, so he had no choice but to follow along with Sehun.

         He had thought he had done Sehun a favor by not pairing up with Mi Sun, but it seemed that he was not planning on forgiving him. Luhan couldn’t help but notice that Sehun was being rougher with him than anyone else was being with his or her partner, and he was getting fed up.

         “What’s your problem?” he whispered under his breath after Sehun nearly sprained his wrist. His anger was getting the better of him.

         “What are you talking about?” Sehun asked, sounding just as irked.

         He had hit the nerve. Luhan was tired of Sehun acting like he owned everything, ignoring those he felt were not worthy of his attention. “You know what I mean,” he said, a little louder this time, and he sensed that others were starting to listen in.

         “No, I don’t!” Sehun wasn’t whispering at all now. His voice was almost a shout, and now Luhan knew that everyone else was indeed watching them now.

         “Why do you hate me so much?” Luhan countered. He wasn’t going to let this brat win this time.

         Sehun gave him a little shove, and that’s the last thing Luhan remembered before they were a tangle on the ground, and eventually Yixing yanked Luhan back while Jongin was restraining Sehun.

         “What on earth?!?”

         Everyone gasped. It was JYP, and he did not look happy.

         “What on earth is going on here?” When no one answered, he pointed to Sehun and Luhan. “Both of you. To Ms. Kwon’s office right now.”



         Ooooh Hunhan is in trouble! Lot’s of things happened, and the story is really going to pick-up from here! There shouldn’t be any more boring chapters…or at least I hope not LOL.

         I googled the name “Mi Sun” and there seems to be an actress with that name. It’s not the actress. You can picture Mi Sun however you want; I just made her up. And for those of you who have watched Dream High, remember JYP played a character called Yang Teacher? Picture the dance teacher here to be like him; like the character from Dream High.

         Do you guys like Exo’s new album? I sure do! My favorite track is probably “The Star” because I love the way Baekhyun says “ladies and gentlemen!” I also like “First Snow.” Jongin sings very well in that song.

         Sorry I haven’t updated in a while. I was busy with school, but now I’m on break so I’ll try to update more. And I’ll try to update more often when school starts again.

         See you guys soon!


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leedino #1
Chapter 7: i like this chapter!
update as soon as possible! <3
leedino #2
Chapter 6: Update soon! This fic is very interesting! I love it.
Chapter 6: Aaaahhg i like this fic!! Please update soon, ne~~?
Oh my.. I should've read this sooner!! This is awesome. Sehun is such a brat. Poor Luhan he just transferred to Korea and he has to face all these troubles.
Chapter 4: Ohhh please update soo... We need more :(
Chapter 3: more more more
leedino #7
Chapter 3: Update soon!
Hunhaaaaan <3 You are doing great! I can't wait for the next chapter :D And stay positive! Fighting!