The Impossible Made Possible

iii / iii


When Sehun wakes up in Luhan’s bed, the first thing he thinks is, What the hell happened last night? His eyes fly open.

   He breathes a sigh of relief when he sees that they both actually have their clothes on.     

Trying his best to not be too loud (as Kyungsoo’s still sleeping as well), he slips out of Luhan’s bed and pads over to the door, exiting the room.

   When he’s made his way to the kitchen, no one’s there. It’s five o’clock in the morning, anyway. He doesn’t expect anyone to be there.

    Feeling drowsy and sore has an impact on his decisions. He decides to make coffee to help him wake up. Usually coffee isn’t Sehun’s favorite drink, but, you know, whatever.

    He also takes a painkiller for his shoulders. The muscles are awfully stiff in his arms from dancing so much. But he still isn’t glad that the promotions for Growl are slowly coming to a stop.

   Once the coffee’s done brewing, he sits down at the empty table and swirls a popsicle stick in his sugarless drink, watching the steam curl out and up towards the ceiling before evaporating rapidly. Even though Sehun knows the water cycle by heart, he doesn’t feel anything raining down on him or tiny clouds appearing above his head. Science is baloney, he thinks.

    He disregards the steam. And burns his tongue two seconds later. Ouch.

He must have not been quiet enough, because soon Luhan comes shuffling out anyway. He sees Sehun and his eyes brighten. “Oi, kiddo.”

     Sehun shrugs at him, cheeks burning, and resumes aimlessly twirling his coffee. Luhan takes the seat next to him. “How’d you sleep?”


“Aw, being stony cold again? I’m sorry to hear that you’ve been having a bad day, grumpy bear.”

  Sehun almost chokes on his coffee.

Luhan eyes him in dismay. “Was it me or the coffee?”

  Sehun lets his burned tongue (yeah, got scorched again) hang out of his mouth slightly as he sets the coffee down with a pained expression. “I think it was both,” he croaks.

    Luhan’s also keeping his eyes on the drink. “You want that?”

Sehun grimaces and waves his hand, pushing the coffee towards Luhan. The older boy’s face lights up as he takes it gratefully. “I can’t believe you don’t like coffee.”

      Sehun sniffs in disgrace, scratching a pattern on the wooden table with his nails. He glances at the clock. 5:28 a.m. “For God's sakes, can I not like coffee and pretend I do? I don’t have to adore every beverage.”

     Luhan shakes his head in amusement and says, “That’s cute. Okay, Sehun.”

Sehun sticks out his tongue at the offending guy.

    Of course, it’s inevitable that Minseok’s going to come. Sehun can’t prevent something like this. It’s like Luhan’s a Minseok-magnet. So Minseok’s attracted.

    Luhan smiles at him when he comes in. Minseok grins back and ruffles Sehun’s hair. Sehun ducks, scowling.

    Sehun looks at the two of them when Minseok sits down to chat. It’s a mixture of Korean and some Chinese that Luhan will subtly slip into the conversation, and, honestly, Sehun can’t understand a thing. They talk so fast and he bets that one just knows when the other is about to say something particular. It’s becoming frustrating.

    Sehun sighs and decides he better get dressed. “See you, guys.” He stands up and is about to walk to the room when Luhan catches hold of his wrist.

   “Where are you going? The party just started.”

“Party?” Sehun says, wrinkling his nose. “Invite me to a party when you have cake.” He tries to get Luhan to let go.

    “All right, if getting dressed is all that important.” There’s a laugh in Luhan’s voice, and he releases Sehun’s wrist, leaving the younger boy to make his own way out of the kitchen.

    Sehun feels slightly disappointed. Luhan doesn’t seem to recall what happened last night. What if he just embarrassed himself for nothing?




Of course, maybe praying to the Lord that Luhan won’t have a mood today isn’t enough, because Luhan finds out that Sehun accidentally knocked his camera off the desk.

   “ing hell, Sehun,” Luhan seethes for the seventh time, repeatedly slamming his finger on the power button. “It won’t turn on!”

   Sehun winces at the intense curse thrown at him. “I didn’t mean to, I swear--”

“Bull. Why do you always have the intention to make everything worse for me?” Luhan says. After a pause, he realizes that Sehun’s not talking and turns.

    Sehun is holding the camera battery in between two fingers and is offering it to Luhan. He mumbles, “It was charging.”

   Luhan’s mouth opens and closes. “I - sorry--”

“I thought we went over this,”  says Sehun, voice cracking helplessly. “I don’t want to make everything worse for you. Why do you even love me if you treat me like this? I bet you don’t! You don’t understand how much--” He breaks off, and just drops the camera battery. Luhan picks it up and Sehun watches him insert it into the camera.

    When it turns on, Luhan uncertainly says, “Presto?” and grins sheepishly at Sehun. He raises the camera to take a snapshot of Sehun, but Sehun whirls around with a huff.

    Luhan’s too fast. He jumps on Sehun from behind and spins the taller man around. Sehun just looks at him.

  “Listen,” Luhan begins, but Sehun interrupts.

“I don’t want to listen anymore. Your words are like knives, damnit,” protests Sehun, trying in vain to get away.

   “Fine, we don’t have to talk,” Luhan reassures him softly, arms circling around Sehun’s waist. Sehun swears Luhan is getting taller.

    Sehun, by now, is convinced that he’s never going to get used to Luhan kissing him. It’s surprising every time. He can taste the coffee on Luhan's lips, he realizes woozily. A short gasp is elicited from Sehun when Luhan tugs harshly on Sehun's lower lip with his teeth. God, what is Luhan doing to him?

But it doesn’t last long, anyway.

    Minseok is everywhere, Sehun swears when he sees the older boy frozen at the doorway.

Luhan pulls away in panic, his eyes wild. “No, Minseok, it’s not what you think.”

    But Sehun’s had enough of Luhan’s loyalty. He growls under his breath. “Of course it isn’t, Luhan!” he snaps. He feels like he’s just been punched in the gut.

    He has so much he wants to say to Luhan, but it all just catches in his throat. He swallows down the anger and lets out a shaky breath. No. It isn’t worth it.

    Sehun turns and pushes past a surprised Minseok. It’s nothing really to be angry about, right? It’s guaranteed that Luhan would want to hide everything before he actually tells Minseok face-to-face. It’s only logical.


Calm down, he tells himself as he walks towards the living room. Perhaps Zitao’s in the mood to hang out.




Sehun’s almost forgotten how it feels to actually go out and have a decent time. Zitao and him spend the whole day shopping, eating cupcakes, and running away from fans. Of course, all of this is after they evade the persistent bodyguards. They come back home feeling exhilarated and refreshed.

    After Kyungsoo’s done rolling his eyes at them, they grin at each other and part ways to go to their separate rooms to change. The sun has gone down already and there’s not much to do except eat dinner and go to sleep. Sehun’s glad that he got to go out instead of huffing and puffing around, trying to ignore Luhan.

    In fact, it doesn’t bother him anymore.

Seeing Luhan’s face doesn’t even trigger anything. He just says hello and makes his way to the closet, opening it and rifling through the “Sehun” section. They share such a tiny closet, he thinks.

   He changes his shirt and flings the dirty one at the hamper ungraciously, grimacing when he misses completely. He turns around to see Luhan watching him, almost carefully. The other guy has the radio on and is writing in a journal or something.

   Gnawing on his lower lip uncertainly, Sehun meets Luhan’s gaze. “Yes?”

“I’m sorry,” Luhan says simply, eyes never leaving Sehun. “I’m so, so sorry. I don’t know how you feel right now, but if you’re angry, you have every right in the world to be. I’m an obnoxious tard and God.” He clenches his hands.

   “Have you been waiting all afternoon to say that?” Sehun asks.

Luhan looks away, tight-lipped.

   “You’re not obnoxious, your mood swings are,” sighs Sehun, slowly walking over to where Luhan is. “And, by the way, I’m not angry.”

  Luhan blinks in surprise. “You’re not?”

“Why would I be? I know you, and you’re impulsive. You do things without thinking. There’s no reason why I should blame you because that’s your personality.”

    Luhan lets his shoulders sag, releasing an exhale. “Wow, you’re not mad.”

“Is Minseok?”

    Luhan shakes his head. “No, not really,” he says, bleach blonde hair falling over his eyes. He closes his journal and sets the pen down. “I think he’s just hurt. This is what I’ve been afraid of this whole time.”

   Sehun watches him in sympathy. He would be like this, too, if he inflicted pain on Jongin like that. Maybe one day he will, he thinks.

   “I’m sorry,” Luhan says again.

Sehun looks at him questioningly. “I told you, I’m not mad about that.”

   “No, about everything,” says Luhan painfully. “I was such a cold-hearted, stupid best friend. I thought everything about my plan would work. It wasn’t even a plan. I called you impossible. I think that would have hurt a lot, Sehun, don’t even deny it. I surely would be shocked if I was called impossible. If you were a choice, how were you impossible, though? I thought I was being so smart, but in reality I wasn’t making sense.”

      Sehun can’t respond.

“It’s because you never were impossible to me, Sehun,” whispers Luhan. “You can’t be impossible, because even though you denied it today, I do love you.”

      Sehun’s about to reply when he eyes the radio. Growl is playing, the music wafting through the speakers. He can’t stand Luhan looking so lost and depressed like this.

      So he starts to dance.

   Luhan glares at him furiously. “I was in the middle of something really heartbreaking, you bastard! Why are you dancing?!”

      Sehun just laughs at him. “You didn’t even need to apologize. That whole speech was for nothing.”

   He should have seen it coming. Luhan pounces and drags the taller man to the floor just as he’s nearing the chorus, pinning him down.

   “God, you’re a moment ruiner,” groans Luhan. Sehun blushes and Luhan grins stupidly. “Where has confident Sehun gone?” he whispers before kissing Sehun harshly.

  Sehun responds immediately, legs tangling with Luhan’s. Luhan’s hands sneak up his shirt, fingers running over his stomach. Sehun parts his lips and their tongues fight for dominance, Sehun giving in to Luhan eventually. His arms loop around Luhan’s neck. He’s so lost in bliss, he can hardly remember his own name.

  Every time Luhan captures his lips, he feels like he’s melting into one giant Sehun puddle. He’ll never get used to this, he confirms to himself.

   And every time Luhan whispers that Sehun is his choice, not even words can describe how happy he is.


Luhan comes out to the rest of EXO that him and Sehun are dating a long time later. Sehun pleaded him not to for a while, as he was too scared of rejection. Thankfully, they accepted it with a vote. But they were all shocked and Wu Fan was a little more than disgruntled. But eventually they came to be on speaking terms again.

    Minseok mopes around for a while, but then Sehun, one day, persuades him to tell him all about Luhan, out of curiosity. After looking at him warily, Minseok says okay, and for an hour or two he regales Sehun with stories about Luhan and stupid things that the Chinese boy has done in the past. Sehun laughs, and soon they’re speaking comfortably with each other.

    Minseok grudgingly congratulates Sehun on winning Luhan’s heart (after the long struggle they had together) and Sehun confidently says that Minseok will find someone, one day.

   Luhan and Minseok, though, never stop being best friends. Sehun can tell that it’s awkward between them at first, but Luhan still adores Minseok, inside and out. Sehun’s glad that Minseok was smart enough not to start picking fights with both of them.

   It becomes a fact of everyday life that Sehun and Luhan are dating. They promise each other to not let it show too much. They’re determined to show their band mates that they should be thought of as regular people, and not classified as gay (or, as Sehun claims he is, biual) or any other degrading term. Sehun’s sure that EXO wouldn’t discriminate them, and he turned out to be right.

 But overall, Sehun’s happy. All throughout their relationship - every single place Luhan takes Sehun, the day that Luhan gives Sehun a ring, every single stupid kiss Luhan places on Sehun’s lips - each day, each minute, god, each second, Sehun never regrets being Luhan’s possible choice.





/slow clapping it out

wow wait

/slow clapping it out


/slow clapping it out

wow it's doNE 

took me three weeks of writing and three days to post

sighs how sad

But lots of Hunhan for you lovely people! <3 You should be thankful I even went through with posting this, lol. #xiuhanandtaohunconflictingagainsthunhan

I made a new tag everyone should use it in the future

I love angst and pain and tears so yay be glad you all get a mushy smushy ending but next time you should prepare yourself for deATH

(and lots of it)

again if there are typos, I'm sorry! I can donate my heart for you when you get heart disease <3 (possibly referencing a coming-soon kaisoo fanfiction?????? hehehHEHHEHEheheHEh)

thank you for going through with all this stupid angst (you got rewarded with fluff and top!lu <333) and putting up with me! I hope I can see some of you guys subscribed to other EXO fics I make in the future! but even if I don't, I love you anyway! kisses


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SnowDreamYuki #1
Chapter 3: i liked it, i felt most of the ends tied together and ps guess what i found out, chanyeol, kai and kyungsoo are now roommates
Chapter 3: Hmm it still had the feeling like details were missing in between the whole story. Like how Luhan had finally decided no on Minseok, for example. But like I said before, it's as if the jumpiness and confusingness enhances their jumbled, awkward feelings of love for each other. So I guess in the end, it works out? It has to work out anyway since Luhan chose Sehun.
I don't know what I just read,I was confused tbh but since it ended with hunhan, it's all good xP
Chapter 2: It didn't make sense but made sense all at the same time. There were some parts involving their emotions that I was confused by, but it somehow made sense because I felt like I was feeling their confusion with them. And it all kind of sorted itself out into making sense because they do have feelings for each other... Now I'm starting to feel like I, myself, don't make sense in the comment. Goodness XD
Chapter 2: I like this so far! Can't wait for part three. It would be easier to read though if you put spaces between the paragraphs. The plot is really good, and your writing is nice.
Chapter 1: Oh, the mystery that is Luhan's feelings. Poor Sehun, he's so confused. All I heard in my head was "Let Out The Beast," especially when Luhan kissed Sehun. Goodness! I'm really looking forward to part two!