The Impossible Made Possible


i / iii



Sehun and Luhan are constantly fighting.

All day, around the clock, they’re bickering. Snapped retorts and degrading comments are common in the EXO dorm, and Luhan and Sehun are to blame, thank you very much. It doesn’t matter what it is. If it’s who ate the last slices of salami to who took someone’s clothing, the pair will find something to squabble about.

Their relationship was better back in the day, Sehun will often grumble to himself. Back in the day, meaning a year ago. When Luhan was an angel, both inside and out. But as three hundred sixty-five days dragged on, Luhan became more distant and his bubbly personality drained away. Sehun tried to blame it on the stress, but soon it was clear that only a couple days before their release of Wolf, Luhan turned into Satan. And he’s had it out for Sehun ever since.

  Luhan’s still a person Sehun admires. Someone he looks up to. But recently the qualities that made Luhan stand out a year ago aren’t shining as brightly. Something dimmed them. It angers Sehun whenever Luhan will blame him for something he absolutely didn’t do. He tells himself to calm down and that everything will turn out fine, Luhan’s just having another mood, it’ll pass. However, it never does.

    So Sehun does the reasonable thing. He lashes out, back at Luhan. Luhan will be surprised by his retaliation, and then his irritation will deepen and he’ll retort. Sehun will stop trying to provide him with fact and resorts to insulting the older one. Anger will turn into full-fledged fury, and someone will have to break them apart. Usually Minseok.

   Minseok is Luhan’s mood-maker now. Minseok gets Luhan to take a deep breath and will lead him away from Sehun, whispering reassurances. Sehun will be left there, feeling hollow and guilty and mad all at the same time, and eventually Jongin will find him sitting lifelessly on the ground, knees hugged to his chest, because he hates fighting with Luhan. Luhan is his best friend, even if it doesn’t work the other way around.

    But Luhan leaves him no choice. His y attitude never leaves, even after Growl is released two months later. Sehun doesn’t want to believe that Luhan hates him, and is bewildered by every show of affection onstage. It’s probably for the fans, he tells himself. All for the fans.



Luhan finds Sehun one day when he’s sitting at the dining table, watching Kyungsoo and Yixing and one of the managers make dinner. He looks angry, and that’s when Sehun needs to panic. He looks around the room and Sehun’s about to make a dash for the door when he frowns and stomps over to the nineteen-year-old.

  “Where’s my charger?” The question comes out of Luhan’s mouth like a demand.

“What charger?” says Sehun dryly, glancing up at Luhan and drumming his fingers on the table nervously.

Luhan huffs. “You know what charger. Computer charger. You were the last one to use my computer, weren’t you?”

  Sehun shrugs. “You know, you could have asked nicely. ‘Sehunnie, have you seen my charger? I seem to have lost it, and since you used my computer last, I would think you would have some sort of idea, unless I’m wrong.’”

    “. Just tell me where it is.”

Sehun throws him an annoyed look and says, “Well, I don’t know where it is, so I can’t possibly tell you, can I?”

“My computer was on the charger when I lent it to you!” cries Luhan, expression incredulous. “I asked you to take it off once it was done charging--”

  “And I did.”

“—but now I can’t find it! That obviously means you put it somewhere, doesn’t it?”

     “I don’t know, you tell me.”

“Just answer the question!”

  Sehun sighs. “I put it on the desk.” He clearly remembers. Yesterday afternoon he borrowed Luhan’s computer for fifteen minutes, and when it completed charging he tugged the cord out of the computer and out of the wall, and placed it on top of the desk, right on top of a stack of papers. There is no doubting he removed it after using it and put it away properly. Why is he blaming me?

     “It’s not there,” says Luhan. “Are you sure you remember correctly?”

“Yes! Damn it, Luhan, stop attacking me! How do you know you didn’t misplace it?” Sehun spits, fingers curling and throat tightening. Here we go.

  “Because I’m organized, unlike someone I know.”

“ off,” Sehun growls, standing up and his hands. “If you’re so organized and I’m not, why don’t you go look for it and put it in the right place?”

By then Yixing realizes it might escalate to a fist fight and sends Luhan a warning glance, and Luhan flips Sehun off before stalking away to their shared room.



They don’t fight for a few days afterwards. It turns out that the charger fell on the floor and Kyungsoo accidentally kicked it under the bed. Luhan told the singer that it was okay, but never once apologized to Sehun. Sehun lets Luhan cool off after that.

But one day, when Luhan says that he wants to room with Minseok and Kyungsoo , Sehun takes it like a blow.

  It’s true that Minseok and Luhan were together for most of the year while EXO-M and EXO-K were separated, but Sehun was Luhan’s best friend at the time. They were inseparable. Even though Luhan prefers coffee to bubble tea, he would still go with Sehun to find the nearest bubble tea shop and they would have a blast. Sehun never used to like it when Luhan went to China.

   But of course, Luhan’s turned into the devil, hasn’t he?

Sehun feels hurt on the ride home, like Luhan has punched him in the gut. Is Sehun really that annoying to room with? He was never aware of it. Is that why Luhan’s been stressing him out for months now? Probably.

He doesn’t talk to Luhan when they arrive back at the dorm, and of course Luhan notices. He elbows Sehun’s side, giving him an irked look, like, Why aren’t you paying attention to me? Tough, Sehun thinks. You just probably need someone pick on. But then Luhan just nonchalantly shrugs, like he doesn’t even care, and resumes talking animatedly to Wu Fan.

   After a couple of hours, Sehun goes crazy. He can’t stand not knowing why Luhan doesn’t like rooming with him. He needs to find out. So he corners Luhan in the hallway and spits it out.

        “Why’d you choose Minseok?” he blurts out.

Luhan looks at him innocently. “What?”

“You know what I mean.”

Luhan stops playing dumb after that. He scowls as he replies, like Sehun is something unpleasant. “Because you’re clingy.”

Now it’s Sehun’s turn to question him. “What? Clingy?”

“Yes,” says Luhan, annoyed. “You’re clingy, and really aggravating. You have no sense of humor, and you just really like to make things difficult for me." He gets more and more worked up, and soon he's on a roll with the insults. "Minseok's my age, so he actually acts my age. You can get really immature. And you embarrass me twenty-four seven. You make me so irritated. I just feel like I..." Luhan trails off with a huff of frustration.

   Sehun stares at him, hardly believing what he heard. "You... you think I'm annoying. And childish."

     Luhan raises an eyebrow, like he's waiting for Sehun to argue.

"But what about last year? Was I still irritating, and immature, and humiliating?"

   Luhan his head, lips pursed like he's pondering over it. "I don't know. I get the feeling I could stand you more back then." He glances at Sehun's expression, which is taken aback. His own.... Luhan's face is void of emotion. "Are you going to get angry now?"

   "That's it?" Sehun says. "All this time, I was something you could just stand?"

Luhan doesn't reply, but Sehun doesn't want a response. I thought I was more than that.

    Ignoring Luhan's surprised face, Sehun blinks away tears and spins on his heel, escaping to their room. Only fifteen will be joining dinner tonight.



Sehun is woken up by Kyungsoo, Luhan, and the manager coming into the room noisily. He grumpily listens to them cursing and tripping over things as they try to find their own beds. Kyungsoo whispers, ", Sehun's sleeping!" and Luhan hisses, "I know! Just stop standing on my foot, damnit!" and the manager scolds them both for being so profane because what if one day something slips onstage and fans see how dirty-mouthed they are? Apparently Luhan doesn't give a crap.

      Once they're all actually in bed, Sehun closes his eyes and relaxes his shoulders. He hopes he can slip back into his dream of rainbows and cake and fluffy bunnies and no Luhan. In his dream world, everyone is happy with everything. Even the cake is happy that it's being eaten by fluffy bunnies because at least it's not being eaten by angry tigers, now, is it? Oh, and did he mention that the best part of his dream is that Luhan doesn't exist? Well, the best part of the dream is that Luhan and his treacherous self doesn't exist.

    Which is why Sehun wants to fall asleep again after spending two hours staring up at the ceiling, holding in tears and wondering where he went wrong. I can't cry, he told himself. Luhan would make fun of you if you cried. He called you childish and immature. He would tell you that you can't handle criticism and you would only prove him right by giving in and crying.

    Sehun doesn't think he's clingy. He spends time with Luhan because he enjoys to be around him, a lot. He trusted Luhan's judgement (most of the time) and admired him. Luhan was a role model... but now Sehun doesn't even know if he can call him that again.

   Sehun feels a pang in his chest. He doesn't deserve to be insulted. That's who he is.

  It’s confusing. Half of him wants to believe that Luhan doesn't mean what he said, because why would he pretend to be Sehun's friend all this time? Luhan's smiles were genuine, Sehun could tell. Because he was Luhan's best friend for the longest time, he knows when Luhan is feigning interest or joy. Luhan just changed. Saw Sehun in a different light. Like how Sehun saw Luhan in a different light after their first album was released.

     Luhan didn't change for the better, though. He changed for the worse. Sehun is the same as he was a year ago, and he doesn't know why Luhan suddenly hates him.

    Luhan hates him, Sehun realizes. The sickening feeling in the pit of his stomach worsens, and listening to his roommates snore makes him feel even more alone. Which is why he flinches when someone whispers, “Sehun."

      He recognizes Luhan's voice right away, and he doesn't answer. Does he really want to? Is Luhan going to sneer at him again?

   But this time, Luhan's voice sounds softer. More controlled. It's not vibrating with fury, or cold and smooth with bitterness. It's almost like Luhan's reaching out to him with a lighter tone. Sehun knows that tone. It's the one Luhan uses when he's trying to coax someone, or comfort, or even apologize to. Sehun doesn't completely trust it.

      “Sehun, I know you’re awake,” says Luhan. Sehun has known Luhan for so long, the latter can differentiate when he’s sleeping from when he’s wide-awake with eyes open. Sehun cringes. What is the point of that when Sehun is just someone Luhan can put up with?

          When Sehun remains silent, Luhan sighs and quiets down. Good, Sehun thinks, he gave up.

    But after a moment there’s rustling, and soft footsteps. The left side of his bed dips, and he panics, knowing it’s Luhan. Fingers tug at the sheet and pulls down, exposing Sehun’s shoulder. Luhan grips it and pushes, and Sehun rolls over slightly. He grits his teeth and pushes back, not wanting to give in. The grasp on his shoulder loosens. “Sehun-ah,” is all Luhan says.

   “What?” he mumbles, eyes fixated on the bathroom door.

“Can I apologize?”

     “For ting with me for three months straight?” he says, sliding his arm under his pillow to support his head. “I guess you can try. But don’t expect you’ll get very far--”

       “I was stupid,” begins Luhan, resting his hand on Sehun’s arm. “I was stressed. Everything was annoying me, even you. I took it from you the worst - I started thinking horrible things. That you wanted to torture me. Make it harder. I - when I accused you earlier, I was begging myself to stop, but I just released my anger out on you.”

       “You’re saying exactly what you said two hours ago,” says Sehun angrily. “Thanks, but no thanks. Don’t really want to hear how much you despise me again.”

    “I don’t despise you,” Luhan protests, and Sehun can hear his voice waver. “I… got a confession.”


“Minseok. He spilled out his feelings to me.” Sehun can see Luhan frowning. “I felt horrible because I never answered him. And he still treated me so kindly when I had an outburst. Then when I saw you…”

    “Why are you trusting me with this?” demands Sehun. Then he remembers his sleeping hyungs and lowers his voice. “Your ‘apology’ doesn’t even make sense. What, when you saw me? What did I do?”

    “Fine, believe it’s a load of bull,” fumes Luhan. “I came here to say sorry, and this is how you treat me? I saw you and I got angry. End of story.”

   But Sehun refuses to let it go. He rolls over completely and stares Luhan directly in the eyes. “Why?

Luhan’s lip trembles. Fear flashes in his pupils for a split second, and then it disappears. “Because nothing is fair.”

       “What’s not fair?” asks Sehun. Their conversation is going in circles, and it’s driving Sehun mad. He feels like a hamster on a treadmill. Running towards the answer, but Luhan keeps ordering him to go around, and around, and around. Damn it, Lu!

         Luhan takes a shaky breath and brushes the hair off Sehun’s forehead. Sehun’s expression is demanding, but he’s just confused as Luhan leans closer and closer with the pad of his thumb circling softly on Sehun’s cheek.

     And then Luhan’s way too close.

Sehun pushes on Luhan’s chest - really pushes on it. He's stunned and probably blushing so he puts as much force into the push as he can, and Luhan is now at a comfortable distance. He can hardly think straight. Luhan's playing with me again, he thinks. Toying with my emotions. Isn't that what Luhan seems to do best these days?

    "Get away," Sehun manages to say, tone disgusted, and Luhan receives the message. He has taken it too far. He swallows and scurries back to his own bed, and Sehun angrily turns back over, closing his eyes with a fiery determination to sleep.


Sehun avoids Luhan as much as he possibly can after that, because he can't shake off the feeling that Luhan was trying to kiss him. He doesn't know what to think about it. He only feels dazed and there's a hardening feeling in his stomach and he gets light-headed. Actually, he prefers not to think about it.

    He's okay with avoiding Luhan, because after that night, Luhan seems more subdued and distracted and he's not so angry, and Sehun gladly takes advantage of that. You never know when things will change. Luhan may get pissy again.

    Luhan's still a bit snappy, though everyone is used to it now. Looking closer upon it, Sehun can see the tension between Minseok and Luhan. Every time the two are around each other, Luhan seems to get nervous and overwhelmed, and if Sehun so much as steps into his vision line, his face will darken and Minseok will bite his lip and ask if Luhan is okay. Then Sehun will walk away out of fear, but he'll look back and Luhan will look guilty. Then he'll realize that Minseok's talking to him and the cycle will restart.

    Sehun knows that something's wrong with Luhan. He still half-believes that the Chinese boy was invaded by Satan, but he's now worried that it might be serious. Really serious.


The next time they fight, it's for no reason. Something about beds. But then Sehun's pushed against the wall and Luhan's eyes are dark and his voice is low and dangerous and Sehun's ing scared. But when Luhan kisses him, all feeling drains away.

      Luhan pushes his knee in between Sehun's thighs, still keeping a death grip on the younger boy's shoulders. Sehun squirms in his hold and squeezes his eyes shut as Luhan's tongue works magic inside of his mouth. Oh God, oh God, oh God, he chants in his head. His hand comes up awkwardly to rest on the back of Luhan's neck.

     Living with fifteen other men has really screwed up Luhan's brain. Apparently it's screwed up Sehun's brain, too, because he's actually enjoying it. But when he lets out a strangled moan, Luhan comes to his senses. He pulls away, looking mortified.

     Sehun heaves for breath and stares, wide-eyed, at the boy in front of him. Luhan's insane, thinks Sehun. He's an absolute raving maniac.

    Luhan mutters something about how he lost control and that he shouldn't have and he's the worst human being to walk the planet, and it's so pitiful and sounds so much like a decent apology that Sehun almost forgives him.

    But then he remembers that he still doesn't have any idea what's going on and Luhan just made out with him and he thought Luhan hated him and why is Luhan expressing different feelings towards Sehun all at once? He stares blankly at the person that is playing with his mind and Luhan feels his gaze and looks up. Their eyes meet for a couple of seconds and Sehun's breath hitches. His head hurts and his heart hurts and he mumbles that he feels sick. His world sways. It's Luhan's fault.

    No, Sehun's not okay.

Luhan starts tearing up and Sehun's so confused and so tired that he faints right then and there, collapsing into Luhan's arms.


Sehun opens his eyes and is greeted by light so blinding he stops for a minute to think. Am I dead? he wonders. But then he adjusts and he realizes he’s in the living room, alone.

    He sits up and puts a hand to his forehead, feeling dizzy. One glance at the clock tells him that the rest of the members should be doing their practicing. They left him behind. Probably thinking he’s sick.

   Sehun stands up, and all the blood rushes to his head. Now he remembers when he fainted. Luhan was kissing him. Sehun can feel himself pale again. He can’t understand Luhan at all. Avoiding didn’t work. Luhan was still able to corner him. Maybe after seeing that Sehun was out for an hour, Luhan would realize that messing with Sehun’s brain obviously isn’t the answer.

    But Sehun can’t condemn Luhan for kissing him if he can barely comprehend the situation, can he?

    Well, since they’re out at practice, let them stay practicing, Sehun woozily thinks. He stumbles into his room, shuts the door, and flops face-down on top of his bed. Falling asleep isn’t a problem. Not now.


He comes out later for dinner, and finds his band mates already eating. He sits with them and starts chowing down, already ravenous. In between bites he asks them how voice practice went, and if they had fun, et cetera et cetera. They tell him cheerfully, and they wonder if Sehun is feeling better. Sehun replies yes and gives himself another helping of manduguk. A manager sniffs indignantly at him and Sehun shrugs. He can’t help that he’s hungry.

     They don’t have dessert that night, and just sit at the table and converse with each other quietly. It is announced that Junmyeon and Zitao will do the dishes, and they’ll start a comedy movie in about ten minutes. Junmyeon and Zitao stack up the plates and their beautifully crafted silver chopsticks, and mutter to each other as they make their way towards the sink. Baekhyun takes the last of the gamju, and Chanyeol slaps his shoulder playfully, whining that the older didn’t leave any for him. Baekhyun smirks at his roommate, and Wu Fan tells them both that alcohol isn’t that great for you anyway. Jongdae rolls his eyes.

      Sehun doesn’t really join in when his hyungs talk at the dinner table too often, he mostly likes to listen. If he has a really important piece of information to contribute to the conversation, he’ll speak up. But sitting back and eating while observing them is relaxing. Most of the time he’ll forget about the things occupying his mind.

   Like Luhan. When their gazes meet for a couple of seconds, Sehun almost winces. He can see Luhan’s embarrassment, and Luhan turns away before Sehun can even register that this boy jumped him only a few hours ago. Sehun flushes and looks away as well, feet tapping nervously.

     Obviously they don’t have enough space to cram twelve people on one sofa, so some get comfortable on the couch and a few sit on the floor. The managers didn’t really feel like watching it, except for one, who took his seat in a chair and dragged it over.

         Sehun finds himself yawning over and over and once in a while he’ll drift off on Jongin’s shoulder, and Jongin will nudge him to ensure that his best friend is keeping track of the exciting parts. Sehun will nod blearily like he’s been watching the whole time.

      When Jongin wakes him again, it’s when the romance is finally kicking in. Sehun murmurs, “Mmhm,” and his eyes flutter tiredly. His gaze flicks to the clock. 11:23. He should be in bed by now. He has to wake up at six thirty a.m. tomorrow.

       Jongin stuffs a piece of popcorn in between his lips. “Stop sleeping,” he whines. Sehun gives him an insignificant look and is about switch sides and sleep on Junmyeon when someone says, “Let him be.”

     Sehun’s ears prick in surprise when he hears Luhan stand up for him, glancing over at the blond. Luhan shifts uncomfortably when quite a few people look at him, although he neglects to defend himself. “You should go to bed if you’re tired,” he suggests, addressing the younger boy with a tiny quirk of his lips. A smile.

      Sehun doesn’t smile back, nor does he reply, but he entertains the notion that Luhan proposed. He pats Jongin’s head, stands up, and walks quickly to his room with his stomach still tumbling. He struggles with a little tossing and turning in frustration, but then he slips into sleep.

     When he wakes up again there’s an arm flung around his waist and someone pressing up against his side, and heavy breathing. Sehun doesn’t think twice about it, just revels in the added warmth because tonight somebody really did turn the AC up high.


The next day, Luhan is a moody, hormonal mess. He glares at Sehun as soon as the younger man sets foot in the kitchen. Sehun rolls his eyes back. He can almost feel the anger building up inside of Luhan, like he's ready to snap, but Minseok, as per usual, calmly pats his hand. Luhan stops glaring actual daggers around the room and stops to look at the eldest in EXO, grimacing in return.

    Sehun groggily pours the milk into his cereal and eats on the counter, shoveling down everything. He woke up early to Luhan slipping back into his own bed after half a night flopped on Sehun, at, like, three in the morning. Ever since then he's been hungry. He doesn't know why he's had such an appetite lately. Maybe stress is slowly starving him.

    "It's a performance day, isn't it?" groans Jongin, merely a huddled lump of meat in his chair. "I'm bored of it." Complain, complain, complain. So what if they’re still performing Growl? They only have a week more of the promotions, anyway.

      Yixing shrugs. "At least you enjoy to dance. I do, too, so I don't really mind it."

Baekhyun scowls and props his chin upon his hand. "While SM procrastinates, we have to dance and sing and entertain the people. Though most fans' faces just make you want to give them what they want, I demand a break. My jaw is tired, and my mood has spiraled downwards - drastically. Bum bum bum, down into the deep abyss of depression we go."

    "Early mornings will do that to you," grunts Wu Fan. "Stop complaining, Byun Baekhyun. You got a break day yesterday."

   "I'm in a terrible mood," announces Baekhyun, as if no one knew that already.

"Join the club," agrees Luhan, frown deepening.

    Sehun crankily dumps his cereal bowl in the sink and huffs. "Thank you very much for asking, but I think I'm in the worst mood of all of you guys because a certain someone was sleeping on me all night and I hardly got any rest." This isn't entirely true. He just feels the need to blame Luhan. He doesn't like being glared at this early in the morning.

     A light pink dances across Luhan's cheeks. "It was so cold last night!" he complains, kicking Sehun's leg when he walks over. "You were closest, so I decided to use you as a blanket."

    "I appreciate being respected as a person, not a blanket." His words drip with sarcasm. Sehun puts his back to the wall and slides down, eyes narrowed. He yawns widely, hugging his knees to his chest.

     "Why don't you care about my well-being?" Luhan bad-temperedly says, crossing his arms. Minseok gives him a warning glance.

    Sehun slyly chooses his response. "Because you turned into a ing bastard," Sehun says. There. He provided an answer. And it is one hundred percent true, scientific fact. He could have added "confusing," but he's been waiting so long to get it out straight to the point. It doesn't matter what his consequences are. As long as Luhan knows how he's acting, he doesn't care how furious Luhan will be. Luhan will fix himself, he thinks determinedly.

      Junmyeon and Wu Fan side-glance, kind of shocked. Chanyeol and Jongdae and Jongin start to snicker. Minseok looks down at the table, impassive, and Luhan is absolutely red in the face. With anger, with embarrassment, Sehun can't tell.

       Kyungsoo, on the other hand, scratches his head with a blank look. "Why do you guys sleep together if you can't ever get along, honestly..."

      Sehun splutters, "It's not my fault!" and when Chanyeol and Jongdae hear "sleep together", they snicker and bury their heads in their hands in the hope that Luhan won’t hear. They’re not successful.

     Luhan stands up and smacks Jongdae on the head. "What are you, five? Stop laughing about that! It's not even remotely funny!"

    Chanyeol snorts at him, whilst Sehun just purses his lips, tapping his foot. Luhan spins on his heel to face him. "And you... I'm going to talk to you later."

      Sehun raises his eyebrows as if to challenge Luhan. Sure, he can handle a talk. He needs to chat to Luhan as well about his attitudes. Sometimes he forgets who's older.

     Luhan looks like he's struggling between the choices of killing Sehun or ignoring Sehun, and soon he goes with the latter. He disappears from the room in less than two seconds, fleeing from everyone.


The performance goes well, as always. The fanchants are perfect, their dance moves look just like they did in their music video, and the high notes are strong and breath-taking, courtesy of Baekhyun, Jongdae, and Kyungsoo. Jongin's singing has improved so much, Sehun can't help but feel awed. He remembers when Jongin had so little self-confidence about singing, and look where he is now.

     Junmyeon's voice is consistent, like it is every time. Wu Fan and Zitao are two different pitches, with Zitao being higher and Wu Fan with a low, rough voice. Chanyeol raps the verse like he's been doing it all his life, and Yixing's singing is velvety and high, like a bird. Minseok is lower than Yixing, but they sound similar, and he carries out his lines well.

    Luhan… Luhan hasn't changed. Luhan is melodious and soft when he sings, and Sehun loves his voice. He wants a voice like Luhan's, but, to his disappointment, he can't do it like the older guy can.

    Sehun is almost a little late to come into the last chorus because he loses himself in Luhan's voice before Junmyeon's verse. It amazes him that when Luhan's onstage, his dance moves are so smooth and connected and his voice is beautiful and angelic but when he gets angry with Sehun, his body language will be rough and aggressive and his pitch drops two times lower, accompanied by a dangerous tone.

   After the performance, the first thing Sehun wants to do is sit down and take a break. The EXO-K car takes a stop at the supermarket before they retire to the dormitory, and Sehun almost falls asleep on Kyungsoo.

    He still can’t get the image of Luhan’s burning gaze out of his mind, and his stomach flips. He doesn’t want to think about Luhan, and their fights, and how they kissed, but unfortunately Luhan just keeps sneaking to the front of his mind and he can’t shake away the thoughts about him.

    Thankfully, Chanyeol and Baekhyun start engaging in interesting conversation, and Sehun slowly starts to forget about Luhan. It’s nice to have a couple laughs with them without worrying about him, and as he rests his head against Kyungsoo’s shoulder with Kyungsoo his hair placatingly, he starts to relax a bit. Maybe life can get a little bit better if Luhan isn’t occupying his thoughts twenty-four seven.



this still feels like a heavy crapload of like 284 k ugh

I love all of you btw <333


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SnowDreamYuki #1
Chapter 3: i liked it, i felt most of the ends tied together and ps guess what i found out, chanyeol, kai and kyungsoo are now roommates
Chapter 3: Hmm it still had the feeling like details were missing in between the whole story. Like how Luhan had finally decided no on Minseok, for example. But like I said before, it's as if the jumpiness and confusingness enhances their jumbled, awkward feelings of love for each other. So I guess in the end, it works out? It has to work out anyway since Luhan chose Sehun.
I don't know what I just read,I was confused tbh but since it ended with hunhan, it's all good xP
Chapter 2: It didn't make sense but made sense all at the same time. There were some parts involving their emotions that I was confused by, but it somehow made sense because I felt like I was feeling their confusion with them. And it all kind of sorted itself out into making sense because they do have feelings for each other... Now I'm starting to feel like I, myself, don't make sense in the comment. Goodness XD
Chapter 2: I like this so far! Can't wait for part three. It would be easier to read though if you put spaces between the paragraphs. The plot is really good, and your writing is nice.
Chapter 1: Oh, the mystery that is Luhan's feelings. Poor Sehun, he's so confused. All I heard in my head was "Let Out The Beast," especially when Luhan kissed Sehun. Goodness! I'm really looking forward to part two!