Status Quo

The Witch and Me

It was a typical fine morning for the sky was blue, the clouds looked great over the horizon, and the cool breeze felt amazing for the red-haired girl as she started the engine of her blinding pink Nissan GT-R from the driveway of the university dormitory. She moved in just a month ago, after she got kicked out by her dad, and forced to stay in the dormitory till graduation. Her nose scrunched as she remembered what exactly happened, the very unfortunate event of her life.




"Enough! of this nonsense of yours Miyoung!" Mr. Hwang frustratingly ruffled his hair as veins start to pop out on his head. The father and daughter was at the poolside of the Hwang's mansion, having a heated debate or more of an earful of sermon coming from the older about the younger's night escapades that were disgracing their family name.

The Hwang's are well-known in this particular district of Seoul of wealthy people for the older Hwang shares a great portion of his servings to the big shot businessmen and foreign to local investors surrounding the Gangnam district.

The name and status that the older Hwang himself bested to take care of, to maintain the dignity and the high paying respect as the inferior ones and starters look up to him.

And well, there is Stephanie Hwang Miyoung, the youngest Hwang and definitely the cause of the headache of the old man. The younger girl was always the center of the blazing colourful neon lights and blasting dub music in the clubs of Seoul making her father upset.

Those boys whom his daugther dated with, was making his blood boil. After an eternity of persuading those good-for-nothing guys to stay away from his precious daughter and all the nights when he would be awaken up by a drunk Stephanie was making his heart ache, after all he is her father.

After Mrs. Hwang died, the old Hwang promised to his wife to take good care of their children especially the young Tiffany and seek only the best and good for her but after Hwang Holdings establised its name, he constantly neglected his daughter leaving her to the butlers and maids to tend her needs.

"How many times do I have to tell you to stop going to bars and clubs wasting your life with your brat of  friends!" The old man lashed out.

Well Mr. Hwang your daughter is one to talk too.

"B-but Daddy, I swear t-that would be the last t-time" Miyoung or she'd rather be addressed in her English name Tiffany put her act, her undeniable acting skills in persuading, coaxing and tricking her dad always work , as she started off from her well rehearsed stutter.

"Don't give me that Miyoung, it's not going to work definitely not this time" He looked at her intently in crossed arms.

"Dad, I'm sorry" The younger girl decided to put her act on a higher level seeing her father not budging nor soften his gaze at her.

She started to sob, fakely.

"I'm v-very sorry that I'm such a disappointment in the family tree but this I promise to you that it will never ever happen again." Still continuing her facade, the red hair was suprised about the act she put, even herself was amazed. 'I should really put an acting career' she thought.

" Not working on me but you can try that to Butler Lee he might buy it." 

The younger one could only slump her shoulder in despair of  trying to coax her father.

"I have decided that you are going to stay in your school dormitory up to your graduation." The older Hwang stated with a determined expression that even the cute frown and pout from his youngest will not deter his decision.

The slack-jawed Hwang Miyoung could only stay in silence as she tried deciphering what the shocking decision her father made.

"NOOOOOOOO!!" After a moment the younger screamed in disagreement.

"No dad! You can't do this to me! I can't do that, and what would my friends will think of me? That is so uncool and besides it's so boring and so dull in there that making me feel like an old cat lady. It's going to destroy me Dad, minute by minute and piece by piece of me staying in that....................... in that crappy place for losers." The red haired girl continued her litany like it's a matter between life and death.

'What will they think of me If they knew I'm going to stay in the school dormitory. No, just NO.

"Yes. One, I can actually do that my daughter. Two, you should really have thought about it before spending your night stupidly at random bars and clubs in Seoul fooling around and Three. Will you shut up, I'm done with this discussion."

With that the older Hwang started to walk his way towards the living room, leaving the stricken Tiffany Hwang to ponder her thoughts.

"And by the way, you are moving tomorrow."



Flashback Ends



It was not that bad though, she can still go out but she has to sneak her way out that requires a lot of strategies and a genius mind to pass through the security.

She smiled brightly to the sun, showing her eye-smiles as she stepped on the accelerator making the engine roared and made her way to the university that was just a couple of blocks away but she needed to detour not wanting her clique to know about her moving in.




Students of Dongsuk University paced back and forth in the hallway scrambling to their respective rooms as some other classes had already started.

"What the hell is she doing here?" A certain red haired girl spat disgustingly, rolling her eyeballs towards a particular blonde girl or what her clique mockingly dubbed the blonde ; 'an eye-sore'.

She's an eye sore because she's alone. 'Cos in this university, everybody has somebody 'cos if you are not, you're definitely out. People will call you names just like this certain red haired girl and her clique, the popular ones.

The blonde girl silently walked her way through the glares and indifferent looks coming from a group of students standing by the doorway of her Comparative Anatomy class, she kept mum as she heard a word or two from the girls whispering against her, but she couldn’t give a damn.

It doesn't matter anyways to some people inside the university if you are in the 'popular track', 'cooler track' or the 'loser track' and lastly the ‘nobody track'. Just like this raven haired girl with big headphones who was busy tapping here fingers against her worn out skinny jeans paired with cool J's and a black Pierce The Veil baseball shirt to finish off. With closed eyes, she swayed her head side to side to the music playing in her iPod with a backpack slumped lazily on her side while leaning against one of the hallway lockers; emitting a rebel chic aura.

"Yo! Krystal" A really tall girl with a short hair tapped the chic playfully on her shoulder as she passed by, waking her up from a music trance; the girl named Krystal looked up lazily on her watch, with an annoyed expression she pulled her headphones to the base of her neck and adjust her black Jansport on her back as she walked towards her Sociology class, thirty minutes late.

On the other hand, there is Seo Joohyun or preferably to be called 'Seohyun' but nobody knows it anyways, so it doesn't matter to everyone in this university because nobody cares about her.

You can always see her in the deserted university library with towering books surrounding her table or in the study area for geeks; alone. She rarely says a word and you can hardly see her having a conversation with a human being or see her with another human. She's really tall for her age though, but because of those humongous granny glasses, meh.

 She's number one in her class and one of her favorite subject is History and magic, alchemy and those kind of creepy stuff peak her interest and she fancies this cartoon of a green talking frog with a looking yellow star sticking in its belly posing weirdly. But then again nobody gives a penny about her so no one would like to know.

You see people make labels about other people, placing them in this kind of box or draw an invincible line where they really belong or what they thought they should belong. They would be happy if these certain unwanted people would go out on a day wearing plackards inside the university to mark and placed themselves to where their line ends and what they really are; uncool, stupid, losers and a nobody.

And the popular and the cool ones always on top of the social food chain. Where they think they could do anything they want and could get out of the troubles because they think can, a god complex brats.



Label is a word separating the world.


And where are we?


Oh yes, almost forgotten, the petite blonde girl who was sitting in the back of the classroom, all by herself. Not one seated at her left and right nor the front and back.

A complete and total isolation.

Well the good thing is she will get the peace she needed for her precious sleep and that she doze off to Neverland. Her teacher didn't mind though since the blonde girl is one of the great students in her class, nah she'll pass.

Jessica Jung.

The Loner, she's neither ugly nor stupid either. She's even a great model of perfection.

Beauty like a goddess, body like of a nymph and she's smart too.

Why getting out casted? It's not like she give a damn though.

Maybe of a certain red hair girl who was busy polishing her nails pink?







Sorry for the lame chapter but I will try to update longer in the next chapter.


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Omg another great story :D
I will be loving this for sure been fond of magic lately
so excited what will happen next and sica is so cute lol poor taengoo~

subs! hope youcan update soon ^^
Chapter 3: haha nice face paint kim!! bloody hell this is soooooo interesting!!!!!~ i was wondering how will this little mushroom capture this icy midget~~ i love how you run the story, the words etc.. i find it funny lol~~ update soon author-sshi~
Chapter 3: And as much as i love this fic i can't help but to imagine the four cool girl are the four hotties in The Covenant. I wonder who'll be the antagonist though...
Lalallama19 #4
Chapter 3: That left me hanging, but it was a good read :D
That part with Jessica is my fav, Nobody messes with Sleeping Sica XD
I'm just wondering, are Krystal and Jessica not sisters here? Its just that I'm so used of them being sisters ( which they are) in fanfics.
TaeNyIzLove #5
Chapter 2: OMFFFGGGGGG YOU HAVE PURFECT ENGRISH KKKKKK STORY CONCEPT IS DAEBAK I'm glad the characters met its also good that the story wasn't rushed I love it :>
Lalallama19 #6
Chapter 2: GAAAAAAAH! OMG! I was smiling all the time :">
Finally the couples met! KYAAAA! I can't help but do a body slam on my bed XD Wonder how fluffy you can be, when they start having blooming feelings ;) AuTHOR FIGHtING!
Chapter 2: YoonHyun met!! ^^
Chapter 2: Hi! New reader!!!!
This story is interesting! I can't wait for the next chapter and all!! ^^
Love the way all pairing interact with each other!

Update soon!
parttimejob #9
Chapter 2: Ohh sleepy head jung dont even open her eyes hahaha

Cool author keep it up hwaha
VanessaH2012 #10
Chapter 2: OMG this is so good!! I love it! And the descriptions are amazing!