Can't You See

The Millionaires' Daughter [Haitus]

Credit to: | Made By: Orphey


Chapter 5 Can't You See

Sometimes I wish I were a little kid again, skinned knees are easier to fix than broken hearts. 

~Author Unknown


Have you eaten?

Respond. Don’t respond. Ignore the text and have to face him tomorrow with a heart full of anxiety and a head overflowing with thoughts and ‘what if’s or respond and let her feelings show. Midori shook her head, pulling her bottom lip into with her sharp white teeth. She continued to stare at the screen before her fingers involuntarily started to type back. Her finger dawdled over the ‘send’ button, anxiety and nerves working a ball into her stomach.

Yunho? No I haven’t eaten yet. Have you?

She tried to keep it simple. Simply Japanese that he could understand. Confusing him was the last thing on her mind. He got enough of that when filming the music videos and songs. She shook her head, she could never do it. He was too kind. Even his eyes twinkled with the good humoured nature of a man that knows he’s living a good life. He didn’t look like the sort you’d want to push burdens on.

Her phone buzzed, shocking the small girl as she snapped away from her thoughts.

Let’s go eat together.

Despite herself a smile slipped over her face and she shot a quick glance at Maiko to make sure she was well under the influence of sleep. A giggle escaped when she noticed her new friend was face down on her bed, the covers tangled around her long legs.

She typed a quick message back to Yunho, Where and when? Midori moved over to Maiko, pressing a soft kiss of affection on her exposed cheek. She snuck towards her closet and stood in sudden realization. What the hell was she doing?

Her phone vibrated in her hand. Dazed she looked down.

You go… here. I’ll take you somewhere nice. A smile surfaced over her face. What a cutie. Japanese must be a hassle. She took a glance at her watch; it was 11pm for goodness sake, what place would be open? She shrugged off the concerns. She didn’t care. She wanted to meet him. With a giddy laugh she jumped forward into the mess of clothes and finally decided upon an outfit that consisted of a little too much feminine power. But damn, did she look good.

With another quick glance at Maiko she jotted down a short note and ran to the apartment door. She slipped out of her slippers, into her boots and bounded for the elevator without a second thought. She knew Yunho’s apartment, a precaution in case they couldn’t make it someone on time nor needed a quick style up for a surprise event. It was about 10 minutes walk from her house. Her phone buzzed.

Stay safe.

A giggle left her and her steps quickened. He cared.


She sent back with a cute smile. She found herself looking forward to meeting him, to seeing his smile. She wanted to see the little freckle that was balanced above his lip and the scars that intrigued her. But as soon as she stood in front of his dorm, as soon as it actually came to knocking and knowing there were four other boys in the room that would more than likely shoot her cheeky grins she couldn’t knock.

In the end she didn’t have to. The door suddenly flew inwards and a dazzling Yunho stood staring at her in shock. A red scarf was wrapped loosely around his long neck, his body dressed in a tight fitting white sweater and tight jeans.

Slowly a smile flew over his face, his eyes smiling happily at her. She returned it gently, a blush already rising in her cheeks. Voices called from behind Yunho who, with a blush of his own, turned back and called out something in Korean. The voices replied, a hint of a tease in them before cackles of laughter followed.

‘Let’s go,’ Yunho said with a grin, closing the door to the laughter that followed his departure. Midori simply nodded, walking along side him as they, together, headed for the elevator.

One word circled in Midori’s mind… awkward.

‘How are you?’ his mellow voice suddenly asked. Shocked she raised puppy eyes to his, her lips parted slightly. Something clicked. He was referring to her outburst earlier. Unsure how to respond she simply nodded.

They entered into the cold air quietly, each uncertain how to respond or interact. From the corner of her eye she saw Yunho duck his hands into his pockets, head facing forward confidently.

‘Where are we going?’

His eyes met hers, a smile over his face. He lifted his hand pressing a finger over his lips. A smile tripped over Midori’s face. She couldn’t help it. He was cute, in a manly way. How did that even work?

Blindly she followed him, wondering how he knew where he was going. He hadn’t been in Japan for very long, let alone long enough to really surprise her, who had been to thousands of fancy restaurants. She was pleasantly surprised when they stopped at a takeout ramen store and, after getting their meals, continued walking.

He led her to a park, one she had never been to. With the bag carrying the ramen in one hand he turned around and offered his free hand to Midori. With a shy little smile she took it as they headed up a slightly steep hill and found a bench on the top, surrounded by cheery blossom trees that’s petals had faded away as winter approached.

He motioned for her to sit first, the smile on his face still present before taking his seat next to her.

‘How’s your Japanese going?’ she said softly, hoping he would understand. The male turned, smile at her as the cold wind ruffled around them, ‘I still have a lot to learn.’ He responded, slightly awkwardly.

His Korean accent was still present. Midori found it oddly flattering. He handed Midori her ramen, as well as a pair of chopsticks. Conversation ceased for a while as they simply sat in one another’s company, enjoying their own meals. Even when they finished and Yunho had taken the rubbish to a nearby bin they didn’t really speak.

Midori looked at Yunho from the corner of her eye. He was staring into space with a soft smile on his face. Pink tinted his cheeks, most likely from the slight chill in the air. Something struck in the back of her mind. She was alone. With a man, who had invited her out to dinner at 11pm. Either something was wrong or this was a date. Did she want to be on a date?

‘Yunho…’ she said softly. He turned to her with a slight hum, light twinkling in his eyes. She chocked. She didn’t have the courage to ask. Instead, muted, she shook her head. In her effort to avoid awkwardness her hair was set out of place, her short fringe pushed to the middle instead of the right side of her face. Before she could lift her hand to push it away Yunho was there.

She was shocked by how large his hand was. How soft it was and how warm it was. She didn’t expect sparks to flutter from her stomach when he brushed her hair into place. Nervous she watched him. He wasn’t wearing make-up, something she found strangely attractive, even if he did look better with it on. He looked like a man, even with his scars and imperfections visible. He looked human, rather than like a celebrity that she was infatuated with.

Before she could look away his eyes moved from her fringe to meet hers. A gasp escaped her pink lips. His fingers were still brushing her forehead and cheeks, his eyes flashing with an emotion she didn’t really understand.

‘Yunho…’ she whispered, trying to break the tender moment. It made her uncomfortable but he didn’t respond. His eyes simply continued to watch her, continued to send her heart rate flying.

When Yunho whispered something in Korean her eyebrows drew together, ‘I don’t understand.’

He didn’t reply straight away. She saw him swallow and wondered what it was that made it so hard from him to say. Her eyes widened, maybe he didn’t know how to say it. She was about to tell him it didn’t matter when he interrupted, ‘I like you.’

She froze, eyes caught with his. She didn’t realize she was holding her breath nor that some by passers were whispering how cute they looked together. She was caught in his gaze, in the steady look he was giving her and the hand that had moved to cup her cheek comfortably.

‘What?’ she whispered.

‘I like you. I think. Is that ok?’

Slowly she nodded, eyes never leaving his. Slowly a smile snuck onto her face and she thanked the heavens that a sudden wind picked up and covered her face with her hair. Well, until she saw him return her smile with a look on his face that let her know he knew.


‘You’re happy?’

With her eyes downcast she nodded, ‘I’m happy.’

He grinned, pressing a sudden chaste kiss to her forehead, ‘I’m glad.’ He whispered.

Suddenly feeling awkward she pulled away from his hands. They sat rather awkwardly for the next few minutes before she sneezed. Embarrassed she turned away from him, especially after she saw the little smile over his face.

Midori jumped when warm material was suddenly draped around her. She turned with a start and again found herself trapped in his warm eyes.
‘T-thanks,’ she stuttered.

He just nodded, his eyes moving to stare unseeingly at the night again. She wondered what was running through his mind, what made his eyes so serious all of a sudden.

‘You’re really beautiful,’ he suddenly whispered. He slowly turned to look at her, even leaning forward, his elbows on his knees and his head tilted he made her heart race. She was beautiful. He thought she was beautiful.

Her phone buzzed. Midori, still flying in the clouds of joy, turned away from the kind eyes of Yunho and pulled out her small white phone. The smile fell. She felt the warm palm of Yunho rub her back, didn’t need to turn to know he was concerned.

Instead of telling him it was fine like she wanted to she stood up. Walking a few feet away she opened her phone and answered with a soft hello. Yunho desperately tried to keep alone with the conversation but didn’t make it past the first initial greetings.

‘Hello my daughter.’

Midori shivered. ‘Father.’

A cold chuckle sounded down the phone, ‘Having fun with your new boy toy?’

Midori froze, her eyes flashing to Yunho’s concerned puppy eyes for a moment, ‘You’re having me watched.’ A statement. She knew he father to well, she should have figured this would happen.

‘Not watched, my dear daughter. I’m simply protecting you. Do you think he likes you?’

Silence. Midori stood like a statue. She heard shuffling behind her and knew Yunho was coming towards her but tried to ignore it. Her heart was ripping.
‘He doesn’t Midori. He’s using you, they’ll always use you.’ Tears sparkled in her eyes. No, she thought, no. Yunho’s different. ‘Come home Midori. We can settle the arrangements…’

Midori felt herself being turned, warm hands pushing the chill that had fallen on her away. Her eyes locked with Yunho’s. Warm eyes… kind eyes. The sort of eyes she could easily loose herself in. ‘Listen to me Midori. Stop daydreaming,’ came the voice of her father.

‘Midori,’ Yunho suddenly whispered, a large hand coming up to gently brush away falling tears, ‘What’s wrong?’

‘He’s a good actor I give him that,’ hissed her father down the line.

Yunho leaned down, his face impossibly close to her, closer than any male other than her father. Midori found that she was holding her breathe, her eyes unable to look away from the man in front of her, the man who was slowly healing the rips in her heart.

‘Who is it?’ he whispered, eyes searching hers carefully, ‘You’re crying… why?’

She just shook her head, never taking her eyes of him, ‘For goodness sake Midori, he’s playing you! Come back to me!’

Yunho’s eyes softened, not that he could hear the whispered lies her father was whispering to her. He carefully reached up, slipping the phone from her hand and hanging up. He didn’t bother to talk to the person. All he knew was that someone was hurting Midori. The cute little Midori whose eyes normally sparkled with childish joy at the tiniest things.

‘It’s ok,’ he whispered, wrapping her into a warm hug. Midori’s body was stiff, her heart drumming in her chest. A strangled sob rose in but he hushed her, rubbing her back slowly. It’s ok,’ he whispered again glad that he body slowly started to relax against him. Her arms rose tentatively to grip his white cotton shirt. He held her tightly as she started to cry, let herself cry in front of him, knowing he’d look after her.

She didn’t tell him why, he didn’t ask. For the first time in her life she let herself open up to someone with the complete trust that he wouldn’t betray her. Her father was wrong.

‘Thank you.’

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trishababes21 #1
Please update this story!i just started reading it and it's really good~~~~please Please update!!
Hello, new reader here.<br />
I have no words to describe how much I'm loving this story!<br />
Update whenever you can.
@Nataleyoung haha yeah it is ^^ one of my O! readers told me I should post it here as well ^^ Thank you so much for your support~!! :D It means so much to me ^^
nataleyoung #4
:O this story is also posted on OneTvxq's forums right? :D im always reading from there :DDDDD LOVEEEEE YOUR STORIES! ^^
Ah~!!!<br />
Love the story already!!<br />
I love all the moments together!!<br />
Can't wait for next chappie!!<br />
New Reader(:<br />
LOL I love the line "Go and Kick Babe"
Whoa. I loved how Midori and Yunho's relationship progressed. :D Her father's is such a cold man. >:( All those lies he fed her... Tsk, tsk. >:\ Ah! I have an idea for Midori and Yunho's couple name! MiHo~♥ XD Lol. I'm such a dork. XP Anyway, I love the fact that the main character's name is Midori because it's my friend's anime roleplay name! :D
omg.I'm totally in love with this story already<br />
The way you describe how she dresses Rena<br />
You look like an expert<br />
Great job<br />
update soon^^
Whoa, this seems really awesome so far~! :D I extremely love the "breaking free and spreading my wings for freedom" concept for the story. ^^ And your writing is pretty fantastic as well. :) I'm looking forward to more~ ^_^
I think I'm going to love this<br />
update the first chapter please:D