When That Day [Part 1]

The Millionaires' Daughter [Haitus]

Credit to: http://kaleidoscopek...s.blogspot.com/
Made By: Orphey

Chapter 12 – When That Day… - part 1

The view was spectacular, something Midori supposed she was use to since she’d been exposed to riches ever since she left the womb but there was something more magical about the view of Seoul late at night. In her eyes it was because of the man who stood casually beside her with his hands tucked in his suit pants.

He’d rushed back to meet her after an interview and still wore his makeup and styled hair. A faint smile fell over Midori’s face when she opened the door to greet him, he’s rushed in with a faint smile and pressed a gentle kiss to her forehead. When she’d asked if he was wearing make-up his face had shone bright red, his beautiful hands rising to cover his face.

A warm hand slipped into hers, cutting off her memories. She turned slightly to meet his smile, retuning it with one of her own. 

‘We’re suppose to put a lock on this fence,’ he said casually in Japanese, another part of his disguise to remain invisible. Midori couldn’t help but think it was funny that he had a scarf and beanie and glasses on with his suit but she kept those thoughts to herself. He was still adorable and, for now, hers.

‘Do you have the locks?’ she questioned taking a step forward to examine some of the other locks with names written with love on them. She couldn’t help but think it was incredibly romantic to sign your love on a lock and throw away the key so your love remained locked forever.

A matching pair of locks suddenly dangled in front of her face and Midori turned amused eyes to her boyfriend, taking her own and making her way to sign it. She didn’t want him to read her message, though she knew he would.

She didn’t look up until she felt his presence behind her, his own lock sitting casually in his hand he motioned for her to follow him to a spot on the fence and together they locked their locks together on the fence.

My saviour, Yunho. 
I love you.

Yunho read out her message with a smile before, with a quick glance around, pulling his scarf down and kissing her cheek quickly. Midori had been quite happy to stay on the small roof but Yunho was already pulling her away. He’d told her earlier that he had a plan for her, a special sight seeing tour all for her. They walked through the city; hand in hand late at night until they arrived at the edge of a wide river. 

‘Han river.’ He said, though she hadn’t asked. With a jump in his step her helped her walk towards the fence that surrounded the particular spot they where at. With her hand in his he started to point out facts of the river, old historical things and memories that belonged to him and s. 

‘Yunho?’ she suddenly asked, turning to face his body. He turned to her, eyes sparking behind his glasses. His hand continued to play with hers. ‘Thank you.’

She couldn’t see his lips but she knew he was smiling at her, ‘for what?’

‘Being you.’

He scoffed at her but turned away hiding his large smile. His hand left her to wrap around her shoulders, pulling her into his side so she could smell the slight tinge of chestnut and sweat on his body. They remained that way for a while, comfortable in another’s presence, despite the traffic of human bodies that passed behind them. Midori was surprised she wasn’t nervous with so many people around while she was snuggling up to an idol.

A sign escaped her lips as Midori tired to build up enough courage to tell him the thoughts running around in her head. ‘Yunho?’

He didn’t reply, simply turned his head to her and, if the scarf hadn't been in the way, would have pressed his lips to her forehead in a chaste kiss.

‘Can I ask a favour?’

‘Anything,’ his voice said quietly in her ear causing a rally of shivers to run up her spine. She should have been use to it but she wasn’t. Not when every moment together, every small touch became a beautiful memory. She liked that they, unlike some other couples, didn’t do more than kiss and cuddle. Why did they need to show their affections in any other way, they both knew they loved one another. More than that Midori respected the fact that Yunho held Christ as his religion, though she had none. In respecting his religion she respected his values. In a way, knowing he didn’t want to do anything but be with her made her feel loved, special; like a precious jewel to him.

‘Don’t let go of my hand.’

Almost in response his free hand reached up and caught hold of hers, holding it tightly in his. The wind rushed past them, blowing his scarf up but he didn’t try and stop it, his promise steady. Her own hair flew around her in disarray, tickling her face. 

‘I love you.’ He whispered as the lights flickered over their faces. 

With a genuine smile she pulled his face down to hers, hiding his features with her own face before pulling his scarf down and placing a kiss on his lips. She didn’t care that people could see, she didn’t care if they judged she wanted to let him know she loved him.

Give me the courage to stay with him. She whispered to whatever God was out their, maybe Yunho’s God. I’ll never forgive with myself if I hurt him.


Midori followed Tvxq around their schedules from variety shows to performances she found herself watching them, either sitting with the staff members or in the back rooms waiting for their return. As much as she wanted to only see Yunho there was something special about his group that made it impossible to focus on one person. They were all to breath taking. 

It took almost a week before he found the time to steal her away for another date. As usual he wore glasses, dark shades that hid half his face with a cap this time and the usual scarf though today it was bright green. 

She wanted to tell him it might draw attention but the smile he shot her when she appeared at the door to answer his know blocked her thought patterns. Her breath was taken away before the wind stole the rest. Instantly her hands came up to rub her arms, winter was here.

A small frown crossed Yunho’s face before he brushed past her into Eleyne’s apartment that she was staying in and made his way to her wardrobe. Midori followed behind, trying to stop him with soft cries of ‘wait,’ and his name but he only flashed her a bright smile and kept walking.

Once there he opened her wardrobe, happily sweeping through the clothes shed unpacked and threw a warmer jacket at her followed by a beanie and scarf. ‘Yunho, it’s not that cold,’ she tried to argue but he simply flashed her another one of his smiles and she was useless to argue especially when he walked over to where she’d seated herself on the bed and, bending down slightly, helped pull the beanie over her head. 

Her heart was racing as, with his face so close to hers, he brushed her hair into place and straightened the red beanie on her head. When he finished he breathed a soft, ‘perfect,’ before pinching her nose gently causing her to crinkle it cutely. With a sot laugh he pulled the scarf around her, tucking it in at the ends. 

‘Up,’ he said, pulling her up as he said it so he could help her put the jumper he’d picked out on. When he was finished he flashed her another smile, pulled back and held onto her arms and declared happily that she was 
beautiful. Embarrassed she turned from him, a shy smile over her face. 

‘Are you hungry?’ she asked as casually as she could as she made her way to the kitchen. She was already at the cupboards staring at her food when Yunho’s arms wrapped around her, his head nuzzling into her neck. ‘Yunho?’

‘Not hungry,’ he replied softly, ‘are you?’

Blushing red she nodded, closing the cupboard door and turning to face him only to wrap arms around his neck, ‘You’re cuddlier than usual,’ she whispered as he lowered his lips to hers, brushing them together gently.

Midori felt him smile against her lips, ‘I’m just happy to be home,’ he lied. Clueless Midori smiled back at him and, pushing her self up on her tip toes, gave him a kiss on the cheek.

‘Why are you here?’ she asked as she made her way past him to the couch, settling her legs under her comfortably.

Yunho walked over and leaned against the other couch, his hands crossed over his chest, ‘Taking you on a date.’

Midori’s eyebrows drew together, ‘In day light?’

He flashed her a grin, ‘Why not?’

She simply shook her head in wonder, a slight case of nerves jumping around her stomach. Would it really be all right?

Yunho seemed oblivious to her concern, he always was and instead he jumped up to her like a child. The large smile she’d fallen in love with remained on his face as he pulled her up and towards the door. Laughing now she questioned where they were going.

It came as no shock when he stopped, turned with a grin and said, ‘Surprise.’

Midori found herself walking, hand and hand, with Yunho down the streets of Seoul until they came to a shopping district. With a jump in his step and a happy grin shinning in his eyes he dragged her through the crowded streets, much to Midori’s distress. 

Occasionally he would stop, pick up something cute and pay the shop assistant before dragging Midori on, rattling away in Japanese the entire time. Excitedly he’d stop at some accessory shops and place headbands on her head. The only problem was Yunho didn’t seem to be concerned spending money on her, despite his obsession with saving coins. When she brought that up he simply said, ‘Why wouldn’t I want to spend money on the girl I love?’

She hadn’t been able to argue with that, at all. 

So she’d simply walked with him, trying not to smile too stupidly while being on a date with him. She, probably along with Yunho, had never indulged on a normal date, one where it didn’t matter who could see you. In Japan she’d have been sited by someone or another and ended up in a newspaper, with the words scandal in the title.

He’d pulled her into a small park around lunchtime; placing her down under a tree and Midori couldn’t help but remember their first date. 

‘Hungry?’ he asked with a slight smile as he, joyously, pulled out small packed lunches. When she raised her eyebrows at the neatness of the lunchboxes Yunho gave her a shy grin and admitted that Jaejoong had helped him.

‘Thanks,’ she whispered, hiding behind one of the rice balls that had been made so carefully. She couldn’t help but notice the ones in her lunch box were prettier than Yunho’s. A sly smile slid over her face, she couldn’t help but feel touched.

Afternoon was drawing near when he pulled her into a small coffee shop, up the stairs into a more secluded place in the small shop. They placed their order and, when it was delivered and Yunho wasn’t concerned of being interrupted he removed his scarf and glasses.

Again she found herself memorized by his face, the scars that marred it only adding to his character. She couldn’t help but think he needed to stop protecting her. It was time for him to be protected.

‘What?’ he asked with a grin, taking another sip of his drink.

Before answering she took another sip of her own drink, letting the froth rest on her upper lip unknowingly. ‘I didn’t think we’d be doing something so simple,’ she laughed happily, eyes sparkling over her hot chocolate. 

She was surprised but didn’t flinch when he suddenly leaned over the small table, his hand softly cupping her chin. With his thumb he gently brushed away the froth that lay on her skin, teasing him.

With red cheeks and her eyes downcast she whispered a brief thanks to him before taking a long sip of her drink and, in effect, burning her tounge. With her face scrunched to try and lesson the pain she dropped her drink to the table and coughed into her free hand. Yunho, concerned, left his seat to bend over next to her, patting her back gently as, embarrassed, she tried to get a hold of her dignity again.

Yunho’s chuckle brought her out of her own embarrassed memories, ‘You’re so cute.’ 

Shocked brown eyes met his, so close to her, ‘What?’ she gasped out, still trying to forget the burning on her tongue.

With a small glance behind him he pressed a kiss to her nose and returned to his seat, laughing at her red face. 

Midori’s phone buzzed so quietly that Yunho couldn’t hear. With fear in her heart she slowly moved her hand down to her pocket, pulling the white phone out to stare at the new message.

Time’s almost up.

She slammed the phone shut, panic lining her face. With shaky hands she tried to remove the battery becoming desperate when another message came while trying to remove the damn power source. 

She didn’t notice Yunho’s concerned face, nor that he’d left his seat again to see what was going on. Still trying to remove the battery with trembling hands she was, in a way, grateful when Yunho’s steady ones removed it for her. With teary eyes she met his, trying to ignore the fear squeezing her stomach.

Surprise fell over her when he smiled softly at her, his hands reaching out to holds her gently and rubbed his thumbs casually over their backs. ‘Don’t worry,’ he said softly a grin over his face, ‘I promised I’d never let go of your hands, remember?’

Her own smile fluttered over her face, a soft ‘Yeah,’ escaping.

Yeah… she remembered. 

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trishababes21 #1
Please update this story!i just started reading it and it's really good~~~~please Please update!!
Hello, new reader here.<br />
I have no words to describe how much I'm loving this story!<br />
Update whenever you can.
@Nataleyoung haha yeah it is ^^ one of my O! readers told me I should post it here as well ^^ Thank you so much for your support~!! :D It means so much to me ^^
nataleyoung #4
:O this story is also posted on OneTvxq's forums right? :D im always reading from there :DDDDD LOVEEEEE YOUR STORIES! ^^
Ah~!!!<br />
Love the story already!!<br />
I love all the moments together!!<br />
Can't wait for next chappie!!<br />
New Reader(:<br />
LOL I love the line "Go and Kick Babe"
Whoa. I loved how Midori and Yunho's relationship progressed. :D Her father's is such a cold man. >:( All those lies he fed her... Tsk, tsk. >:\ Ah! I have an idea for Midori and Yunho's couple name! MiHo~♥ XD Lol. I'm such a dork. XP Anyway, I love the fact that the main character's name is Midori because it's my friend's anime roleplay name! :D
omg.I'm totally in love with this story already<br />
The way you describe how she dresses Rena<br />
You look like an expert<br />
Great job<br />
update soon^^
Whoa, this seems really awesome so far~! :D I extremely love the "breaking free and spreading my wings for freedom" concept for the story. ^^ And your writing is pretty fantastic as well. :) I'm looking forward to more~ ^_^
I think I'm going to love this<br />
update the first chapter please:D