When That Day - Part 2

The Millionaires' Daughter [Haitus]

Credit to: http://kaleidoscopek...s.blogspot.com/
Made By: Orphey

Chapter 12 – When That Day… - part 2 

The years slipped away. Midori hadn’t expected them to go as quickly as they had but in the time she’d been to Korean, returned to Japan with the boys promotions and found herself back in Korea for their ‘Mirotic’ promotions the days had flown. Maybe it was because they hardly had time off, the stylists of the group but before she knew it Midori was staring at her calendar is dismay. 

1 month.

Against her will a tear fell from her eye, running down her cheek before pooling at her neck. Frustrated she brushed it away. She still had no more courage than when she’d first left her father. She’d still return to his side. Worse; she hadn’t seen her father in the two years. Where he’d gone she didn’t know.

The sea lapped the rock surface below where Midori and Yunho had found a place to comfortably crouch. At the beginning Midori had, enthusiastically, been jumping up and down and pulling at Yunho’s arm telling him she wanted to see the rock pools but when they arrived it was less thrilling than she’d expected. Still she’d found joy in sitting next to him and watching the water, with the laughter and noise of their friends not far from them. 

Midori jumped when something wet and sloppy landed on her arms. She turned her head sharply to see Yunho slapping more sunscreen on her pale skin. With a curious tint to her eyes she waited for an explanation that didn’t come until he’d finished and was leaning back, squinting against the sun.

‘I don’t want you being burnt,’ he said simply, though he hadn’t looked at her.

With a small giggle at his thoughtfulness she turned back to the water as if it was more interesting then the man next to her. Her thoughts flew away with the wind, as did her worries. Yunho had a way of making her forget her worries, forget their time limit. 

Rustling emerged from her side but she didn’t turn. Another smile fell over her lips when her hand was caught in his, twisted and played with. She was so caught up in the twisting sensation his actions gave to her stomach she didn’t understand the question that had fallen from his lips. ‘What day is it?’


Midori had turned to meet his chocolate eyes, surprised at the pain that reflected back at her. ‘What day is it?’ He repeated, a clinch in his throat.

With wide eyes she whispered that it was Monday, the 18th. She watched his face fall, before he lowered it from her sight, hiding it under the hat that balanced dangerously on his head. So quiet were his next words she almost missed them.

‘We've lost so much time.’ 

Understanding filled her, followed with sadness. In her best attempt to remove her pain from her face she slid on a happy smile, trying to focus that they still had time. That the dreaded day of farewell hadn’t come yet. 

‘Don’t think about it,’ she said, letting her hand slip from his she stood and walked to the edge of the small rock pile. 

She heard him follow her, saw him stand next to her with his eyes cast out at the sea, ‘I never thoughts I’d love you as much as I do.’ 

She remained silent, blinking back tears. They didn’t have long left together, unless she could find some kind of courage. ‘I don’t know why. But I can’t keep my eyes of you Midori. You make my heart stir in the strangest ways.’ 

‘Yunho… I-I,’

All the things she wanted to say weren’t coming out right. She was tripping on her words; her head spinning with confusion because how was she supposed to accurately put her thoughts into sentences when she couldn’t even explain her emotions herself?

Before she knew it she was gushing that she loved him, that she was sorry, that they’d figure something out. All her jumbled words quietened when soft lips pressed gently against hers. When he pulled back she couldn’t help but let a small smile slip over her face.

‘Did Changmin teach you that technique?’ 

His chuckle filled her ears and peace fell over her again as he mumbled a deep maybe. With her face cupped in his hand, his forehead resting on hers and sharing the same breath he whispered to her, only her, ‘Everything you do is beautiful.’ 

Her heart rattled, her lips unconsciously slipping into a smile before she brushed them against his again. 

Midori didn’t realize how much she was crying until knocking sounded at her door. Flustered she called out a quick ‘coming,’ and raced for the bathroom, splashing cold water on her face to hide the trace of tears. Regardless her eyes were red and her lips still trembled slightly. 

She raced to the door only to find Yunho already inside, a bright smile on his lips and a bouquet of flowers in his hands. Her sadness grew away and she raced up to him and pulled him into a hug to try and hide the crying eyes. A soft sob escaped her when his arms came to wrap tightly around her. 

She’d never be able to tell him but she realized that in his embrace, to be held so tight, she’d never felt so free. 

‘You coming tonight?’ Yunho’s voice asked, pushing through her blur of depression. With her head still buried in his chest she nodded twice, tightening her arms around her. Sensing something was wrong he pushed her back gently, ‘Midori?’

‘I’m just happy,’ she lied before taking the flowers from his hands and rushing to put them in water. Midori had long ago rented an apartment for when she was in Japan. She had the money and she wanted somewhere she could be with Yunho, alone… without the distractions of the world. 

Midori and Yunho walked into Yoochun and Eleyne’s house late. The songwriter Midori had met so long ago had gotten her dreams and was pregnant with the couple’s first child. Then there was Junsu and Faith with their song 

Hope happily bouncing around the room. When the young boy caught site of Yunho he left his fathers arms to run, hands outstretched, to the tall man next to the small Japanese women. With the same smile Midori couldn’t get enough of Yunho lifted the boy up into his arms and started to ask how his day was. 

Eleyne’s voice suddenly filled the room as her eyes caught site of the new arrivals, ‘You came!’ She said with excitement, pushing up to go and give them hugs but Yoochun casually held her down and simply shot her a look 
she’d long ago come to understand. She was pregnant, that meant she couldn’t move, or at least in Yoochun’s eyes. 

Eleyne had constantly complained about it, swearing she was well enough to do basic every day things but Yoochun had been relentless and left no room for arguments. Yunho couldn’t help but agree, if Midori were ever pregnant with his child she’d be locked in the house all-day and pampered.

Despite Yunho’s best efforts to make Midori sit on the only remaining chair she denied until, with no other options, she sat down on the floor and pouted at him. With half a smile he took the chair and let the guilt eat at him while Midori rested her head on his knee.

The whole purpose of going to their friend’s house had seemingly fallen out the window until finally Taeyeon announced the good news, a new duet for a musical. The room had, in ever sense of the word, erupted into joyful voices. Hugs were shared followed by congratulations. 

Changmin, on the other hand, got caught by the green-eyed jealousy monster and, with wide eyes, the remaining couples had watched the two argue before storming out of the house. Yunho had tried to intervened but ended up standing awkwardly in the middle of the room when the two had left. With a half smile he walked back to Midori, pulling her up to her feet and settling down on the couch with her on his lap.

Yunho and Midori were amongst the first to go home, though even then it was late into the night. Yunho had bundled a sleepy Midori into his car and before they’d been halfway to her house she’d fallen to sleep.

His conscious told him to carry her up to her room and let her sleep but he found himself driving to his house. Not really knowing why he walked around the parked car and opened the door to pick his girlfriend up when he stopped.

When she was sleeping the concerns that rattled her world, instead of disappearing, appeared. It was as if, because her mind was turned off, she couldn’t hide her concerns anymore. Yunho watched with a heavy heart as she cried in her sleep, the tears running down her cheeks to pool in her shirt. 

Slowly he lowered himself down so he could see her face to face. His hand reached out, brushing away the stray tears before he carefully wound his arms around her and lifted her from the car. With her in his arms he kicked the door shut and slowly made his way into his house, careful not to wake her. 

Regardless her eyes began to flicker open and drowsily locked onto Yunho’s. ‘Yunho?’ she whispered through the haze of sleep. 

‘I got you,’ he replied as he fumbled with the door, gently pushing it open and close with his foot. A soft smile lifted his lips when she nuzzled into his arms, her breath tickling his neck. A soft hum escaped her.

‘Thank you.’

Slipping his shoes off with his feet he muttered that she shouldn’t worry and carried her to the bedroom, laying her down gently. Immediately she rolled over and hugged his pillow, inhaling the scent of him. Yunho couldn’t stop his smile as he helped to remove her shoes.

‘I knew you were the only one.’ She mumbled as sleep overcame her.

His eyes flew to hers, softness engulfing their depths. He surprised even himself when he lifted her back up gently, pulling the blanket out from under her and wrapping her warmly in its embrace. He pressed a brief kiss to her forehead before walking to the light switch and flicking it off. He shot her sleeping body one last look before leaving to sleep on the couch.


Midori woke to darkness. With her heart thumping in her ears she pushed herself out of bed, moving to let her legs dangled over the edge, taking in hasty breathes as she tried to even her breathing. She couldn’t close her eyes, when she did the nightmare would formed again. The light rays of the moon slipped into her bedroom along with the city lights but they were no comfort. The reaching hands and mocking voice still haunted her.

With stumbling steps she made her way from the bedroom, her hand brushing along the wall to keep her bearings. With past experience her hand flipped the switch to the lounge room on and almost screamed when she saw the body slumped awkwardly on the lounge.

The scream vanished in when she recognized the person, his mouth hanging open and long limbs hanging awkwardly off the small lounge. With tentative steps she walked closer to him, looking down with an amused smile at his awkward sleeping habits. 

Her feat had disappeared, the nightmare that made her wet with sweat was swept to the back of her mind and all you could see was him. With a yawn she lowered herself to the ground, letting her head rest on the small space left on the couch and let her eyes flutter closed. That’s where she found herself in the morning but Yunho’s form had vanished and his jacket was draped over her shoulders. With sleep still lingering around her Midori gently rubbed it from her eyes and took a blurry look around the lounge room, searching for her boyfriend.


No answer.

‘Yunho?’ fear littered her voice, the reason behind it she didn’t fully know but she found herself stumbling to her feet and beginning to search the house desperately.

‘Mi?’ A familiar voice questioned and before the older man knew what was going on he had a bundle of human flesh thrown at him. A soft smile appeared on his lips as he looked down at Midori who’d thrown herself at him but he didn’t let his arms wrap around her, rather stood awkwardly in his towel waiting for her to realize.
When she did a loud yelp left her lips before, with a red face and unsteady breathes she jumped back and turned away from him with his laughter in her ears.

The Japanese girl jumped when his hand set itself on her shoulder, his other rubbing the water from his hair with the spare towel, ‘Why were you calling?’

Embarrassed she shook her head as an answer, indicating she didn’t want to say. Instead, her face still on fire, she raced out of the room much to the amusement of Yunho.

From that day she’d semi moved into Yunho’s house until she no longer went to the one she’d bought. With little time left she’d wanted to spend as much time with him as possible. Time that had flown away from her until she had none left.

It was the last night with him that she became frantic but hid it from the male who was seemingly oblivious. Yunho didn’t know the day she had to leave, he knew it was soon but she’d never let go off the piece of information. She didn’t want to. Instead she’d hidden the calls from her father, deleted the messages and tried to not think that she was leaving him in the morning. 

Instead she remained wrapped in his arms eating food they, or he, probably shouldn’t as an idol and stealing all the kisses she could one last time. When his heavy eyelids fell closed and his breathing became deep she realized, with a heavy heart, he’d fallen into a slumber. The tears came instantly, pulling her body into heavy sobs. Desperately she hid the sound with her hand and until morning arrived lay next to him, breathing in his scent and trying to smother her crying.

Her phone buzzed at 5am. Time was up.

Reluctantly she lifted his arm away from her, letting it fall to the warm mattress as she eased herself from the bed. With a breaking heart she leaned down and pressed a soft kiss to his lips, desperately trying to memorize his face, his smell and his laughter for when she needed it and he was no longer there.

‘I love you,’ her words came out chocked with tears. Pain was pressing down on her chest, breaking her defences as an endless trail of tears ran down her cheeks. With a hand covering she cast one last glance at the man she loved before she slipped away from him, out of the room and into the arms of her father.


With the cursed arm of her prison keeper swung around her shoulder, the satisfied smile haunting her and the crushing pain in her heart she tried to push the man lying without any knowledge on his bed, hoping to wake up with her, from her head. Regardless her tears continued to spill, even with her father’s slightly frustrated voice telling her to control herself. 

‘I hate you,’ she whispered but her father, too caught up in his own victory, didn’t heart her words.


Yunho woke with a smile on his face. 

He rolled to his side, one hand reaching out to touch the warm skin he expected would be at his side but his hand met the cold sheets. Drowsily he opened his eyes, searching the room for her.

‘Midori?’ he called, voice still hoarse from waking. When she didn’t answer he rolled out of bed, his hand rubbing the sleep from his eyes as, with messy hair, he made his way to the lounge room. Finding no one he moved from room to room, slowly becoming more desperate as he realized she wasn’t there.

Like a tone of bricks it hit him. She’d left. 

Her tears came back to him, the sudden intimacy and her desire to not sleep, to stay up with him as long as they could. How could he have been so stupid? Desperately he raced for the door, ripping it open and bolting out of his house and there she was, standing with her father next to the car that was going to take her from him.

‘Midori!’ he shouted, racing over to her and pulling her away from the man who was causing her so much pain, ‘What are you doing?’ he whispered when he was close enough to her, his hands had found themselves gripping her face, holding it gently as he tried to find a way to stop her overflowing tears.

‘I have to leave,’ the gentle voice he’d grown to love shook as tears cascaded down the pale face, the dark eyes he’d fallen into too many times were clouded with pain. His hands rose slowly, brushing away what tears it could, his tender eyes promised a hope, protection. 

His voice was shaky when he responded. His hands were unsteady despite the promise he’d made himself to stay strong. The day they’d been dreading had come too soon. The words he wanted to say didn’t appear, didn’t surface and instead he came out with nonsense, ‘It’s ok.’

‘I don’t have a choice… but if my heart stays with you what do I do?’

Useless and without the proper answer to her question he brushed the tears from her face one last time and with a breaking heart assured her it was fine, everything would be ok. Even as she began to be pulled away by her father he kept calling after her, telling her she’d be fine, that everything would be all right.

It was only when the car she’d been shoved into disappeared from his sight that the tears fell. 

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trishababes21 #1
Please update this story!i just started reading it and it's really good~~~~please Please update!!
Hello, new reader here.<br />
I have no words to describe how much I'm loving this story!<br />
Update whenever you can.
@Nataleyoung haha yeah it is ^^ one of my O! readers told me I should post it here as well ^^ Thank you so much for your support~!! :D It means so much to me ^^
nataleyoung #4
:O this story is also posted on OneTvxq's forums right? :D im always reading from there :DDDDD LOVEEEEE YOUR STORIES! ^^
Ah~!!!<br />
Love the story already!!<br />
I love all the moments together!!<br />
Can't wait for next chappie!!<br />
New Reader(:<br />
LOL I love the line "Go and Kick Babe"
Whoa. I loved how Midori and Yunho's relationship progressed. :D Her father's is such a cold man. >:( All those lies he fed her... Tsk, tsk. >:\ Ah! I have an idea for Midori and Yunho's couple name! MiHo~♥ XD Lol. I'm such a dork. XP Anyway, I love the fact that the main character's name is Midori because it's my friend's anime roleplay name! :D
omg.I'm totally in love with this story already<br />
The way you describe how she dresses Rena<br />
You look like an expert<br />
Great job<br />
update soon^^
Whoa, this seems really awesome so far~! :D I extremely love the "breaking free and spreading my wings for freedom" concept for the story. ^^ And your writing is pretty fantastic as well. :) I'm looking forward to more~ ^_^
I think I'm going to love this<br />
update the first chapter please:D