
The Millionaires' Daughter [Haitus]

Credit to: | Made By: Orphey



The value of identity of course is that so often with it comes purpose. 

~Richard Grant

Having a dream hadn’t been the easiest thing for Midori, not when her father had other plans for her life. Other children grew up dreaming of exploring space, saving the day for villains or curing a cute fluffy bunny. They hadn’t understood when they asked Midori what her dream was, she’s responded with a sharp, ‘I don’t dream,’ just the way she was instructed to.

The children had been allowed to run wild with fantasy and creativity whilst Midori had been smothered in technical books, facts and lectures. The other children had known what it was like to go to the park with their friends, Midori had known what it was like to have a bodyguard watching her every move.

It wasn’t that she’d ever been kidnapped, nor that her existence was any threat to her father’s business. No, rather than something so complicated it was just that her father wanted full control of his daughters life, regardless of her thoughts or wishes. He was just that kind of person. Controlling. Unrelenting… scary.

She’s once read a book on human rights and challenged her father with the right to free thought, free opinion and free will. Her father had slapped her sharply and told her not to be so smug, that she was lucky to have a roof over her head. She’d shut up since then.

Yet, in secret, she’d managed to allow herself sparse moments of a fantasy, where books thicker than her arm didn’t exist. When her father had been away working and she’d been able to, she’d sneak away from her maids, or rather caretakers and, more often than not, find herself in front of a mirror playing with her hair or her mother’s make-up.

It had always ended in a beating when she’d been found but, for those short spaces of time, she’d been happy.

It was when she’s turned seventeen that she decided she’d had enough of living a controlled life. She’d blown up in the middle of one of the lectures that made her head hurt. With, what her father called ungratefulness she’d pulled her hair out of the tight bun, allowing the long length to unravel around her shoulders. With a fierce glare from brown eyes she’d slammed her study book closed and, in a moment of utter joyous relief, flipped the table over. She’d watched with a sense of pride as the tea she despised spilt over perfect white carpet.

She’d run away before her lecturer could call the body guards, not that it mattered. Midori had been too caught up in the moment to realize her body guards were outside the door and next thing she knew she was been escorted, reluctantly, to her father.

The large oak doors had closed behind the stubborn female, her body guards on the other side and she’d found herself face to face with her father. She watched as a muscle jumped in his throat, his hands balled into fists.

‘Have you gone crazy, Midori?’

Rather than the meek response he expected she lifted her chin squared her shoulders and looked him dead in the eyes, ‘Rather than crazy, wouldn’t the right term be sane?’

His eyes narrowed to slits, something that indicated he was barely holding his own temper in check, ‘Are you trying to imply that, for 17 years, you’ve been insane?’

‘Or brainwashed, which would you prefer father?’ Her face darkened, ‘the deal is off,’

Midori didn’t jump when his fist smashed into the table seated in front of him. She’d expected it. She was use to it. Paper flew from the table, landing in scatters around the room but Midori’s fathers eyes never left his daughter.

‘What’s gotten into you?’ He shouted, the deep voice booming through the room and making the body guards outside quiver, ‘One week ago you were agreeing with our deal and now?’

Midori kept her face blank her voice calm, ‘Now, I’ve realized that for all these years I’ve been pushed into a perfect little box you created and I’ve been suffocating.’

Her father’s face had turned a deep shade of red, ‘All our plans! Everything ruined because you’ve grown ‘sane?’”

Midori didn’t respond, her eyes staring at a spot on his forehead, unable to meet eye contact. She grew cold, pushed herself away from any emotions. ‘You expect me to be ok with this?’ He boomed, ‘Mr Isawa has already agreed, everything is ready!’

Her eyes met his. Coldly she responded with a sharp, ‘I don’t care,’

A heavy silence fell. Two pairs of identical eyes continued to glare at one another as the clock on the wall notified them of every second that passed. The daughter her heel to leave, was half way to the door when the scratchy voice of her father interrupted her escape.


When she turned she saw her father, half bent over the desk with a look of bewildered desperation over his face. ‘Because I don’t want to be someone I’m not. I want to marry the person I love, I want to do what I love and I want to smile without feeling the stab of pain through my chest!’

‘So what do you intend to do?’

A flicker of a smile flittered over Midori’s pretty face, ‘I want to be a make-up artist,’

The next thing she knew she the glass that had previous held rice wine was flying across the room and smashing into a million pieces. Midori found herself on the floor, hands covering her head until silence fell again bar the heavy breathing of her father.

She didn’t look back up at him, didn’t make eye contact, ‘I’m leaving,’

She didn’t even make it past the body guards, instead she found her arms grabbed by the two unforgiving men and turned back to face her furious father, ‘You will do what I say! You will remove these delusions from your mind and grow up!’ Her father shot her one last angry look, ‘Take her away.’

She went quietly.

。~ ✿ ~ 。

She’s been in that room for two weeks. After the first week she’d stopped eating the extravagant food they’d continuously given her. With one of the meals came an article, the front page read, ‘Another conquest for the Millionaire,’ the contents of the article was something she didn’t want to see.

Eventually, late at night when the end of that fateful second week was approaching her father had come and it had been then that she’d found her dream coming to life. Yet, as a reminder, she kept the article with her.

Don’t fall in love…

A smile split Midori’s face as she walked briskly down the streets of Tokyo, ‘Fancy asking someone not to fall in love, is it something that can be so easily controlled?’

The young Japanese girl shook her head as she turned into the stylist shop. She’d been met with the hustle and bustle that was a hair dresser shop and the smell of dye and scented shampoos. She loved it.

One of the free hairdressers had appeared after a short wait but rather than the sweet smile Midori expected the girl ran critical eyes over her. Something clicked in the back of Midori’s mind, right, I’m a rich girl.

‘Can we help you?’

Despite the hostile approach Midori slipped a smile over her face, ‘Is it possible to get a haircut anytime today.’

The woman barely looked through the book before slapping it shut, leaning a lazy elbow on the tattered book, ‘No.’

‘Ah…’ a pretty girl rushed to the counter, pushing the other girl away with a brief, ‘Go wash my clients hair.’ The girl smiled apologetically at Midori, ‘She’s a bit defensive against people who are better off, just ignore her. What can I do for you?’

Midori smiled, understanding washing through her as well as a spark of hurt, ‘I wanted to know if there was any time for me to get a cut today.’

The girl smiled, ‘Just a cut, didn’t want any colour.’ Eyes ran over Midori’s long hair, ‘You’d be a pretty brunette.’

Midori laughed, a hand weaving through the heavy locks, ‘No, just a cut thanks.’

‘Ok, do you mind coming back in,’ the girl took a quick glance at her watch, ‘half an hour? Would that be alright? I’m free then.’

Midori nodded happily, half an hour was a shorter wait then she’d expected, ‘thank you!’

‘No problem, see you soon ok?’

Midori waved goodbye as she walked back onto the streets of Tokyo. A gush of wind blasted her but she ignored it, her eyes catching the delicate look of a small café nearby. She’d lined up with the hundreds of people wait for the lights to change and crossed with a purpose. She found herself in a window seat at the café, watching the men dressed identically in black suits, in summer they’d all be in white tailored shirts with black ties. It was a sight to see.

The half hour had passed quickly and before she knew it she was being led to the washing area. She’d never grown old of the hairdressers washing her hair, the feeling that she could completely trust them and relax for a few short minutes.

‘What would you like done?’ the pretty girl from before asked. Midori smiled gently at her reflection.

‘Cut it short.’

The girl’s eyes widened, ‘Short?’ their eyes met in the mirror, ‘Did you just break up,’

Midori shook her head, though she loved the idea of cutting your hair when you break up as a way to forget and create a new person she wasn’t that experienced in life, ‘Rather than because my hearts broken it’s because I can finally be me,’

A small smile slipped over the girls face, ‘You’re Midori, the millionaire’s daughter, right? Your father finally let you be yourself?’

Two pairs of eyes connected, ‘What?’

The girl simply smiled, ‘Lots of us ‘commoners’ have been waiting for you to finally break free. It’s obvious when you smile in all the photos that you’ve been miserable for years.’

Midori didn’t respond, a slight disappointment slipping through her. She’d always thought she’d been convincing with the fake smiles and kind words. She set it to the back of her mind when the hairdresser started to cut, ‘You don’t mind what it looks like as long as it’s short?’

Midori stopped herself from nodding, ‘Just as long as it’s above my shoulders.’

The girl smiled at her brightly, ‘I know just the thing,’ the first cut was just below her shoulders, cutting off more than half the length in an instance and rather than being upset a feeling of adrenaline instantly twisted through Midori.

‘So, what are you going to do now, I assume you’re not going through with the-‘

‘No,’ Midori interrupted, ‘I’m not… I want to be a make-up artist.’

The girls’ eyebrows lifted, ‘Really? Actually, you’d suit it. You’ve done your hair and make-up all these years right?’

Midori smiled, ‘I didn’t want my hair in a tight uncomfortable bun and thick make-up plastered on my face.’

The girl laughed, ‘I wouldn’t either. My names Maiko by the way,’ she shot a sneaky grin, ‘did you fall in love or something,’

Midori laughed, ‘Far from it, he’s given me six years to get my ‘ridiculous’ dream out of my head,’

Maiko snorted in disgust, ‘I’ve wanted to be a hairdresser since I was 13, I’m 20 now so I’m older than you but I can still see myself doing this for the rest of my life. Do you mind if I hide the mirror, I want to surprise you.’


The next thing Midori knew she was staring at a black curtain and grinning like a mad fool, the more hair Maiko quickly cut of the more freedom she felt like she had. She no longer had heavy locks pulling her down but she was free, she could feel the air on her neck.

‘Almost done,’ Maiko suddenly said and Midori realized she’s spaced out, ‘You look gorgeous by the way.’

Midori smiled happily, though she was sure Maiko couldn’t see, ‘Thanks, I’ll take your word on it.’

She heard the, now familiar, laugh of Maiko and felt soft fingers run through short hair, ‘Can I put some cream and booster in it?’

‘Go nuts,’

‘Thanks, I will.’

Cream that smelt like sea-salt drifted to her senses a small smile flicker over Midori’s face, she’d always smelt like lavender, something she hated.

‘Done,’ the cheery voice of Maiko announced happily and suddenly the curtain was being ripped off and Midori saw herself, her new self.

Her hair was just brushing her shoulders at the front, a light caress. Through the mirror Maiko held up she could see that the back of her hair was short and, if you looked at her from the side, it swiped upwards gently.

She had a light fringe that weaved in with the longer hair and framed her face, making her delicate looks even gentler. She looked stunning.

‘Maiko… thank you so much,’ tears sprang to her eyes and with the practice of years she blinked them away. Before she could stop herself she’d sprung up and pulled the unsuspecting girl into her arms.

‘Thank you,’

Maiko laughed happily, ‘It’s ok, it’s ok, one of the other girls told me you paid already so enjoy.’

The two girls said their final goodbyes and Midori was a little down the street when her name being shouted out hit her eyes. She turned to find Maiko standing about a metre away.

‘You wanted to be a make-up artist right?’

She nodded softly. Maiko pulled out a flyer, handing it with a happy smile to the girl in front of her, ‘Go to this if you haven’t got a job lined up yet. No experience required, you just rock up and show them how much better you are then the others. If you’re chosen you’re the new make-up artist for a Hallyu band,’

Midori, shocked and absolutely delighted wrapped Maiko in a hug again, ‘Thank you, for everything.’

The other girl simply smiled, ‘Go and kick babe,’



I hope you do end up loving it :] I hope you enjoy it~ Thanks for subscribing and commenting~!

Thankyou~! :D I hope you enjoy it hehe, and I hope I make you love Yunho even more :P Thank you heaps for commenting and subscribing~! 

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trishababes21 #1
Please update this story!i just started reading it and it's really good~~~~please Please update!!
Hello, new reader here.<br />
I have no words to describe how much I'm loving this story!<br />
Update whenever you can.
@Nataleyoung haha yeah it is ^^ one of my O! readers told me I should post it here as well ^^ Thank you so much for your support~!! :D It means so much to me ^^
nataleyoung #4
:O this story is also posted on OneTvxq's forums right? :D im always reading from there :DDDDD LOVEEEEE YOUR STORIES! ^^
Ah~!!!<br />
Love the story already!!<br />
I love all the moments together!!<br />
Can't wait for next chappie!!<br />
New Reader(:<br />
LOL I love the line "Go and Kick Babe"
Whoa. I loved how Midori and Yunho's relationship progressed. :D Her father's is such a cold man. >:( All those lies he fed her... Tsk, tsk. >:\ Ah! I have an idea for Midori and Yunho's couple name! MiHo~♥ XD Lol. I'm such a dork. XP Anyway, I love the fact that the main character's name is Midori because it's my friend's anime roleplay name! :D
omg.I'm totally in love with this story already<br />
The way you describe how she dresses Rena<br />
You look like an expert<br />
Great job<br />
update soon^^
Whoa, this seems really awesome so far~! :D I extremely love the "breaking free and spreading my wings for freedom" concept for the story. ^^ And your writing is pretty fantastic as well. :) I'm looking forward to more~ ^_^
I think I'm going to love this<br />
update the first chapter please:D