Rejected Promise

Life As We Know It (She's An Heiress)

=Rejected Promise=

Tao sighed and said, "Tell them to wait."

The butler nodded and bowed and Tao closed the door. He looked at me with a problematic face. "I'm so dead, Soo Jin. I. AM. SO. ING. DEAD." 

I crossed my arms on my chest and laughed. "You don't say?" I said with a hint of sarcasm.

Tao ran his fingers through his black hair and walked across the room. He sat on edge of the bed and looked up at me. "'You don't say?'" he said mocking me. "What was that, Soo Jin? You're supposed to comfort me! "Your Peter Pan" is going to kill me!" he exclaimed making air quotes as he says the words Your Peter Pan.

I laughed again and sat beside him. I placed my arm around his shoulder and ruffled his hair. He smiled a little but then after a few seconds, he buried his head in his hands and groaned. "Taoris is over." he quietly said with a bit exagerrated tone. Too bad, I heard it.

I furrowed my eyebrows and smacked him on the arm causing his head to rise from his hands. "Are you gay?!"

His eyes widened. "NO! OF COURSE NOT! What I meant was Kris is probably ending his friendship with me because I took his precious Tinkerbell away from him. DUH!"

I smirked. "If you say so, honey. Because if you are, we'll get a divorce or worse I might kill you." 

He faked gasped and placed his left hand on my right shoulder while his right hand is on his right chest where his heart is pretending to be hurt.

"Ouch... Don't you trust your husband, honey?"

I laughed and he also did. A few moments later, his face turned serious causing me to stop laughing also.

"You know I love you, Soo Jin, and I will never lie to you. We made an oath. You promised me you're not going to leave me and then I promised you that I will protect you forever."

I nervously laughed and said, "Uhmmm... Tao, you're taking this too seriously. I was just joking, alright."

He grabbed my right hand and squeezed it and to my surprise, it didn't hurt. I even like the feeling of him holding my hand. I just don't want to admit it to him. "No, Soo Jin. What I said a few seconds ago has nothing to do with your joke about me being gay. The point is I need you to make an oath. I need you to promise me that you will never leave me because Soo Jin... I swear to God that I will protect you forever."

I looked down. I don't know what to say. 

A promise is a promise. If I promise him that I'm not going to leave him, I might break that promise. Of course I want to promise him that I will be right beside him no matter what happens... but we will never know when problems will come and I will have no other choice but to leave him. 

No, Soo Jin. Stop thinking that way. You will never leave, okay? Because when a problem comes, Tao will protect you. Keep that in mind, Lee Soo Jin.

Tao sighed and stood up. "I already asked you about the 'choose me or lose me' and I'm not going to ask you that again, Soo Jin. If you want to leave and be with Chanyeol, I respect that. Because I love you and I want you to be happy."

He took a few steps towards the wardrobe and grabbed a sweatshirt and sweatpants and went directly to the bathroom. A minute later, he got out already wearing the sweatshirt and the sweatpant and he placed his pajamas inside his suitcase. He headed towards the door and spoke."Take a shower. I'll just go to the lobby and answer Kris's call. I'll be quick. I'll take a shower when you're done. Bye." And then he left.

I sighed and grabbed an outfit and brought it with me to the bathroom.

Fifteen minutes later, I got out of the bathroom already wearing a new outfit. I grabbed a simple-looking ring from the small box placed inside my suitcase and placed it on right hand's index finger. I combed my hair and grabbed the keycard from the dressing table. I ran towards the door and closed it and swiped the card. I got inside the elevator and felt itchiness from my right hand's index finger. I groaned in frustration and rubbed the finger where my ring was. I removed it and transferred it on my left hand's fourth finger right next to my pinky.

I heard a ding and the luxurious lobby of Grand Hyatt greeted me. I got out of the elevator and looked around the lobby. A Chinese girl maybe around my age is sitting on the couch near the beautiful fireplace is holding a Canon camera. I stiffened. What if she's taking a picture of me? Bahh... Don't be too assuming, Soo Jin. She's not placing the camera in front of her face. She's just holding it. She's just browsing through her pictures.

I tucked a strand of my hair on my ear using my left hand and breathed heavily. I turned towards the front desk and there I saw Tao leaning his elbow against the front desk and his back facing towards me. The only hotel worker on the front desk is the butler who knocked on our door earlier. 

I walked closer and stopped a feet away from him. Tao's left hand is holding the wireless phone near his left ear and I gasped when I saw a shiny object around his fourth finger. Wait... why do we have the same ring? Errr... Not exactly the same but it almost have the same design. Huh. Coincidence on board.

Tao's POV

I sighed as I enter the elevator. Why can't she just ing promise?! That's just simple for her because I know she loves me. Call me a conceited idiot or a windbag but I can feel it. She loves me. I just don't know what came to her mind why she gave Chanyeol a chance. 

I admit. I don't believe that Chanyeol is just using Soo Jin as a rebound. I'm not really the best at reading minds but I'm quite good especially if the person is an open book. I can tell what they are thinking just by looking at their facial expression or in their eyes. Fortunately, Chanyeol and Soo Jin are open books.

I can see the way Chanyeol looked at Soo Jin. He loves her and not Dara. Chanyeol already moved on from her two months ago when he realized that Dara wasn't the right girl for him. Chanyeol just agreed about Dara having dinner with us because she's his friend. Just a friend and nothing more. 

I was so shocked when Chanyeol said that Soo Jin is his girlfriend. I've been reading their minds for a while already and... DAMMIT! I WAS SO STUPID! I never sensed that the two has a relationship and that relationship is not just a relationship. It's the relationship that broke Soo Jin. Chanyeol was his first boyfriend and it's just so unfair for her that her relationship with him isn't working.

Her first relationship should be one of the best relationships in her life. But unluckily, it didn't work well. 

Just because Soo Jin and I can't be together doesn't mean I won't love her. I guess what other people say is true then. That sometimes, we fall in love with people we can't have. At first, I don't believe that because I was too confident with myself. Girls like me and all I needed to do was sit comfortably and a few seconds later, girls will be around me begging for me to marry them or asking if I could father their children and I say to myself, What the ? None of these girls have the attitude that i want for a girl!

And then there comes the most beautiful, most charming, and cutest girl in the world. Lee Soo Jin. And... . I can't even explain why I fell for her. It's just.... She's just so... There's just... There's something about her that I can't even let go even though I know that almost all of my best friends are falling for her I mean- Who wouldn't fall for that charming face?!

I guess I was just jealous of the other boys who get to talk to her. In her ten days of stay in the mansion, I only talked to her for like five times. Twice is the only time when it was just the two of us. Thrice is with the boys around us. That's why I took the only chance and threw my phone outside the car's window so I could spend more time with her.


I'm so in love with her. It's insane. 

I sighed for the second time and rubbed my nǎi nai's wedding band around my left hand's fourth finger.

I heard the ding. I walked along the lobby and thankfully, when I looked outside through the hotel's glass doors, no people with cameras are outside though a teenage Chinese girl who is sitting on one of the couches placed near the firepleace caught my eye. I raised an eyebrow when I noticed a Canon camera (the same with the camera I bought in Seoul) is placed on her lap. I just hope she's not taking a picture of me.

I reached the front desk and saw the butler who knocked on our door earlier.

He pointed towards the wireless phone and I grabbed it. 


"She's mine, Huang Zi Tao! Did you touch her?! Don't you dare touch her. Touch her and I'll ing kill you." 



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Living with 12 guys... It ought to be crazy hahaha
queen_of_march #2
Chapter 33: "YOU BREAK UP WITH HER RIGHT NOW OR ELSE I WILL ASSASSINATE YOU!" Wow Tao's so badass now lol~~ XD
queen_of_march #3
Kai's GIF just killed me... That killer smile~~ >.<
interesting :)
Exo_hztao #5
Chapter 47: This story is great!!! Continue writing more stories!!! :)
Prancis #6
Chapter 4: Which app do you use for all the photo??7