
A Nightmare

Her day continued with nothing out of the norm. She ate her breakfast in peace, she got ready to practice with the other girls for a new song that they had.

What was that song again? Genie? She thought to herself. They were filming the Japanese version of Genie today, and they were going to have a male main character who rubbed the lamp and made wishes about SNSD. None of the girls knew who the guy was, and they weren't going to know until he showed up on set. Apparently he was one of the trainees for a new all-boy member group that was going to debut in a couple or so years.

Yuri, after showing up at the set with the rest of the girls, went straight to the bathroom in a hurry after drinking 4 bottles of water prior to her arrival at the set. The bathroom smelled so nice, like apples and cinnamon.

Pretty decent for a public bathroom.

After coming out, she saw someone who didn't look like he was part of SM Entertainment down the hall. He just wore a white t-shirt with a plaid pattern button up on top, along with a grey jacket and a pair of blue jeans. Thinking that he was possibly lost, she walked over to where he was and tapped on his shoulder a few times.

As he turned his full body around, Yuri froze in her place, shocked. 

His eyes. They were swirling black pools of nothing. 

They were only like that for a split second, though. As soon as he blinked, they went away. Was Yurijust seeing things?

Why does he look so familiar? And why am I acting so shocked and stricken as I look at his face? Where have I seen him?

As the guy stared at the woman who just tapped on his shoulder, he questioned politely, "May I help you with something..?" Seeing as she just stood there and didn't react, he quickly said, "Oh! Mianhe. Was I in your way?" He then stepped back, getting out of the center of the hallway.

Yuri, snapping out of her phase, looked up and replied, "Oh wait. Aniya. It's ok. I just thought you were someone else for a moment," with a smile. "Are you new here? Do you need directions or something?"

"I'm good. I'm the main character for the music video being filmed today. You're Yuri from SoNyeoShiDae, if I'm not wrong?"

She nodded in his direction. "Annyeonghaseyo! It's nice to meet you! I'm Park Chanyeol. I'm a trainee here at SM Entertainment and I'm going to debut in a new boy group with 11 other members I think," he laughed a little, "It looks like we'll be working together for the rest of the day. Maybe during break, do you want to go eat lunch somewhere? We might as well get to know each other since we're under the same record labe land we'll be seeing each other regularly."

"S-sure. Sounds good!" She stuttered. He gave her his phone, and she typed in her number so he could call her and figure out where they should go. 

Now I know why he looks so familiar. He was the one right in front me in my dream last night.

He's the one that sat in front of me in the hexagon.

Chanyeol nodded in Yuri's direction and walked away, down the hall toward the set with the room that was setup to look like an attic. Yuri looked down for a bit and squinted at the smooth floor underneath herself, questioning why she saw his face in her dream when she knew that it was a scientific fact that people couldn't dream about faces that they have never seen before.

And 11 other people? Was SM planning another large rookie group to debut in couple years, just like Super Junior and Girl's Generation? Maybe it's just to make larger endorsements or something. 

Sometimes I think that SM Town has too many artists in it and SM should just focus on promoting wat they have now... Aish. Yuri thought to herself.

After snapping out of her daydream, Yuri quickly walked down the hall and to the set that her and the rest of the group were going to be in. She took her mind off of the recognition between her dream and Chanyeol, and continued the rest of the day without thinking about it.


Coming home and walking to a quiet, peacefulroom, Yuri lied down on her bed, trying to fall asleep. It was a long day.

Turning on the TV across from her, Strong Heart was being aired. It was the YG Family Special. Laughing at the stories and jokes that they told, Yuri was finally able to relax and lie in bed comfortably. She twisted one more time under the sheets and felt something move. It was very subtle though; subtle enough for her to brush it off and ignore it. It was probably just the air conditioner coming on and moving the blanket. The blankets of the bed insulated the body heat that Yuri gave off. The warmth of the bed let Yuri drift off into a peaceful sleep.


1:32 AM

1:32 AM

1:32 AM

1:32 AM

Her phone next to her very brightly suddenly, showing the current time. 


Stupid alarm. Why now...?


Yuri, sitting up in bed, squinted her eyes and turned off her phone's alarm. She also turned down the screen's brightness. The girl then walked to her bathroom across the hall, turning on the lights as soon as she walked in. Looking in her reflection of the large mirror that faced her, her face molded into one of horror. 


She stared at 12 faces in the mirror, all lined up. Only about seven of them were familiar, but the other 5 didn’t recall anything from Yuri’s memory. They still looked familiar though. They felt familiar. Like the sense of their presence was in Yuri’s recollection, but she couldn’t pinpoint where it was from exactly.


Yuri turned around, but no one was there. Not even a shadow. Neither were the twelve men. Looking back, Yuri was shocked even more to the point where she couldn’t move. They were still there, staring at Yuri with the mixing black eyes, into her own.


Their eyes were filled with the same black nothingness as before. Yuri’s mind flooded with the horrid dream where she was whipped and bleeding and chained to the floor, the pain still memorable. The walls around her fell apart, and she was in the middle of the large room again just as before, except the twelve faces that were in the mirror were lined up and actually behind her.


They then took a step forward with their left foot in unison, walking in step with each other until they formed the same circle around Yuri as they did in her dream. Turning and twisting in a small circle, Yuri tried to scream, but nothing would come out. She couldn’t move her vocal chords at all. wouldn’t vibrate when she pressed her fingertips to it. The voiceless girl then felt helpless. As soon as she put her hands by her sides, she couldn’t get them to rise again. Like she was in a glass bottle.


How does it feel to be ‘bottled up?’ asked one of the men in a long black robe. The one directly in front of Yuri took one step toward her. His lips didn’t move, but Yuri could still hear his voice. His robe had this 


painted in white around the ends of the sleeves, lining the hood, and ling the bottom of the robe as well. It was a strong contrast to the pure black robe. His voice was in her head, but she wasn’t making it up. He was inside of her mind, talking to her, even though his voice seemed to go all around them.


Yuri couldn’t understand the reference he was making, if he was even making one at all. Her mind drew blanks.




Her mind flashed back to the whippings as the whip crashed and surrounded her left arm, bringing her back to the fact that she couldn’t move anymore. Her body felt pain once more, and the helpless and voiceless girl was wriggling in pain. Even though her hands were no longer chained to the floor like the first dream she had, she still couldn’t move because of the invisible force that surrounded her. She noticed something wet trailing down her left arm. 



Blood. She saw blood as the thick liquid circled around her arm, making its way to her hand. The stinging in her arm increased and reminded Yuri that it was just a dream. It was a dream, right? It was smilar to the dream for a while ago. No real reason why this was actually happening to her. 


She tried to wake up.


She tried to find peace.



She tried to close her eyes.


She tried to ignore the pain. 


She tried to move.


 But she couldn't do anything. It felt like a thousand hours had passed before Yuri realized that she wasn't making any progress; that she was in same place as she was before she even tried to get out and wake up.

She was stuck. She felt bottled up. 


That was when Yuri sat up in bed, sweating. Sweat was dripping off of her almost as if she just came out of the pool, or the shower. How come now she wakes up? Yuri felt one arm more sweatier than the other, and went to the bathroom to drink some water since she always carries a glass of water to her room before she falls asleep. Turning on the bathroom lights, Yuri saw that it wasn't sweat on her arm. It was blood. Her right hand was covered in blood from when she ran it up her left arm in an attempt to get rid of what she thought of as sweat. She immediately stuck out her hands and the faucet, letting the blood wash away from her hands, along with Yuri's energy. If the dream really was a dream, it wouldn't have affected me this way, right? 

Yuri turned around and looked back at the mirror. Her eyes traced her left arm, and they sighted a red gash that was parallel to the ground. 

This was only the second dream that she had, but that was two too many. They were exhausting, even though Yuri was stuck not being able to do anything in her power to keep from being whipped. 

How was I even affected this way if is it was a dream? 

After wrapping up her arm with gauze that she found in the medicine cabinet, she changed into another pair of clothesto sleep in and went underneath the covers of her bed. Yuri reasoned with herself the fact that the sheets could be changed in the morning. Her arms hurt anyway, so she woudn't be able to lift the heavy blankets downstairs to the laundry room. 

She slept a dreamless sleep for the restof the night. 







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Updated Ch. 2! Sorry it's still short...


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vanilladream #1
Chapter 3: i love the plot of this story..
what is it with exo and yuri's nightmares..
thank you for the update ^.^
Chapter 2: OHHH very curious!
Wonder why EXO appeared in Yuri's dream...
You're a good writer ^^
Lucy_BJ #3
Chapter 1: it's cool! wonderful! short...