The Necklace


Everyone had one. The necklace, I mean. It wasn't just any necklace; people were given one as soon as they were born. The charm on it was just half of a shape, made to only have one other side that truly fit. Some people had hearts and triangles while others had squares and circles. These pieces sometimes looked like they fit others even though they weren't meant to be; this encouraged people to experiment with each other even though the whole point of the necklaces was to eliminate realizing someone wasn't right for you. These necklaces were the cure to heartbreak. 

People aren't forced to wear them at all times, but many people do it anyway, just because they don't want to pursue someone and realize that they weren't meant to be later on. They don't want to waste years to end up with nothing - this way was much more efficient.

Will some people be willing to go to extensive lengths to discover their significant other?

Will their efforts be payed off?

What would you do?




This story takes place in present time.

These necklaces were meant to allow people to find their soul mates without the heartbreak.

Except for Miyn (Dara). Miyn, a junior in high school, can't find anyone with the Divide even similar to hers. She's gone around her whole school, gone to the college campuses nearby (Who wouldn't want an older boyfriend?), and even the bookstore to look for the One. She figured that her true love would at least have something in common with her. A lot of her friends have already found their significant other. It's common to find the One before graduating high school. It's time to find her own now - even if she has to travel miles to find the One. Maybe they even share the same kind of music preference.

Same goes for Jiyong (G-Dragon). He's gone most of his life as a YG trainee. Even after he and his group debuted, he was not allowing himself to relax every once in a while to take a breath and look to whom holds the other half of his necklace. He wanted to find his soulmate without the necklace - he believed in not using an object to find someone for him. He kind of blamed himself, though. His other four group members in BIGBANG decided to wear their necklaces to concerts and interviews, just in case their other half was in the crowd or watching TV. It worked for all four of them; each of their girlfriends claimed that they were meant to be, and they tried it out. Maybe he should just wear it once to see if anyone claims that they are the One - maybe she'll be in the crowd at their next concert. 


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bubblyluss #1
Chapter 1: good and awesome