Our Love Is Like The Wind...

A Walk To Remember


At the hospital
Fany's still sleeping on the patient bed.
Wooyong's also sitting beside her.
As soon as he got call by Mr.Hwang
His heart stooped beating
Along the way to the hospital
He wished for a million times 
That she would be alright!
just then Mr.Hwnag enters...
" Wooyoung, run along, son " 
" I'm not tired"
"Wooyoung, i just need a minute with her"
Wooyoung looks at him and goes outside the room..
Mr.hwang is sitting beside her and let out a sigh.
" Daddy " Fany called her father with a very lightly voice
Mr.Hwang looks at her.
" You looks so serious " 
Mr.Hwang hold her daughter hand tightly..
"Hm...Do you remember when you were 5 or 6..."
Fany nods her head lightly.
" You said you hated gravity...and you wanted to jump of the roof and fly?"
Fany smiles a little..
" I was so angry at you for making me come down" Fany continued her father...
" Honey, i kept you too close, it's because i wanted to keep you longer"
" Dad " 
" You know when i lost your mother, i was a fraid my heart would never open again" 
Mr.hwang shaked his head and said sadly.
" Fany, i couldn't look at you for days....But then..." He continued...
" I Love you so much " Fany said and smiled at her father...
Mr.hwang looks at her
Then he lower his head and cry on her arm hadly...
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Next Morning
Wooyoung is sitting in a bench outside his house..
Then Taeyeon approaches him..
" Hey " She greeted.
" Hey " Wooyoung got up from his seat.
"Hmm....I want to give you this" She handed him an album of picture.
" What's this?" Wooyoung asked.
" The pictures from the play " 
Wooyoung looked at it sadly...
" I'm sorry, wooyoung!"
" It's doesn't matter"
" I guess you're with who you should be..It's like she chose you"
" Yeah, i don't even know why" Wooyoung let out a small smile.
" I do" Taeyeon said.
Then she gives him a kiss on a cheek and leave...
Wooyoung frozen there and just looks at her back clueless.
Then he opens the album and takes out the picture...
He lets out a sigh and smile a little...
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _  __ _ _ _
At the hospital.
Wooyoung came and visited fany again...
" How are you? " Wooyoung asked first.
" I'm pretty good, how are you? "
" I'm fine " 
He's sitting on her bed while fany's sleeping on the bed too.
" I have something for you " Fany said.
" You do? "
Then she grabs a book on the table lamp next to her bed.
And gives it to wooyoung..
" Don't worry it's not a bible" Fany said with a smile
" It was my mother's. it's got quotes from her favorite books and quotes by famous peopes. she thought" She continued.
Wooyoung leans close and kiss her hand.
" Com'on " Fany suggested
" Okay, let's check it out" WOoyoung accepted.
Wooyoung opens the book and read it out.
"What's a friend?...It's a single soul dwelling in two bodies. Aristotle."
"No, right here" Fany pointed at the part that he should read.
"Okay, sorry" 
" Find out who you are..and do it on purpose" Wooyoung read it.
" That's Dolly Parton" He continued.
" I was thought she was smart" Fany said and laugh.
Wooyoung opens another page of the book and read it out again.
" Love is always patient and kind. it's never jealous. Love never boastful or conceited. it's never rude or selfish.."
Fany mumbles along and close her eyes.
"..It does not take offense and it not resentful" Wooyoung finished it.
He close the book and put it away..
" You know what i figured out today? " Fany asked.
" What?" WOoyoung smiles at her.
" Maybe god has a bigger plan for me than i had for myself. like this journey never ends. Like you were sent to me because i'm sick"
Wooyoung lean and touch her face.
" To help me through all this" 
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 
5 days later...
Fany released from the hospital..
Now she's sitting at the balcony of her house.
Then wooyoung join her with a big telescope that he just finished built it.
" Wow!! You built this?" Fany asked.
" Yes! For you" Wooyoung smiles.
Then he place it perfect for fany to look it.
Fany get up from her seat and walks toward the telescope.
She test it.
Wooyoung's standing behind her.
" Wow! There it is" She said happily.
" Come here, come look at this" Fany called wooyoung to look at it too.
Wooyoung look at it too.
" WOW! That's cool" 
He let his eyes of the telescope and goes to sit beside her.
Looking at her face while she is looking at the sky.
" Do you love me? " WOoyoung asked her.
Fany turns around and looks at his face.
"Hmm." She nodded her head.
Wooyoung smiles at her happily.
" Will you do something for me then?"
" Anything"
" Will you marry me?"
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 
At the church.
Wooyoung is waiting for her to come out and be his wife.
Then fany links her arm with her father and walks toward him.
Wooyoung smile widely and accept her hand from her father.
Her father read the quote for them.
" Love is always patient and kind. it's never jealous..."
" I love you " Wooyoung said to fany while her father is reading.
" I love you too " Fany said it back.
"...Love is never boastful nor conceited, it's never rude or selfish, it does not take offense and is not resentful........"
After that they become a very great couple in everyone else.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ __ _ __ 
2 months later...
Fany and i had a perfect summer together...
with more love than lot of people know in a lifetime.
And then she went, with her unfailing faith.
Fany save my life 
She taught me everything
about life, hope...
And a long journey ahead
I'll always miss her.
But our love is like the wind, I can't see it but i can feel it.....
Fany....Let's meet in the next life, okay?
_________________THE END_______________
I'm very thankful for all of you
Thanks for your love with this story
However it's not good...
Thanks you for you love!!!! 
OH! One more thing i want to thanks for all of my subscribers a lot!!!! Love you...
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Keroppilove #1
Funny I just watched the movie lol
Thanks!!! Will be update soon!
DaisyFany92 #3
i hope it's end with happy ending...update soon..
alexandertermo #4
wuaaaaaaaaah <br />
update soon^^<br />
i just play a walk to remember and you make me think of tiffany LOL ^^<br />
update soon chingu ;) ^^
alexandertermo #7
man, wooyoung is a bad boy:(<br />
why he should hurt fany???<br />
please update soon^^
really! sorry i confuse it! what to do?
I can't wait for the romantic parts to come!<br />
I'm kinda confused....Junho is part of Woo's bad boy crew but he was the one that wrote the play?!
Thanks you ^^