
Straight Forward



Luhan entered the room silently, avoiding any questions from the boys, especially the curious-Chen. Luhan attempted to blend in with the atmosphere, dropping his bag just beside the shoes at the door and ran to the simple kitchen they had. Xiumin was washing the dishes with Kris and both checked as to who entered. Kris gave the deer looking guy a death glare as soon as they made eye contact and Luhan opened the fridge to grab a glass of water.

"Mwo? What did I do?" Luhan took a sip from the glass.

"He doesn't even remember, Kris. Besides you're already here." Baozi explained feeling pitiful for Kris.

"Well he has to! Just because he's out with some girl doesn't mean he can miss out on house duties!" Kris whined loudly.

"Oh ! Is it my turn today!?" Why did you guys eat so early?" Luhan attempted to make some efforts of helping out.

"Yah Don't touch anything, I'm almost done." Kris hip-bumped Luhan tp keep him from coming near the sink.

Out of nowhere a voice sounded off with a question, " Who's Luhan's girl? Is that why he's always gone after class?! Yah Hyung." Chen stared asking loudly practically letting the boys hear everything.

"Training before girls, Luhan. We still have a lot to go through." Suho lectured putting down some snacks on the table.

"Do we know her? Have I met her before?" Chanyeol shouted from the couch he was sitting on as he watched re-runs of Full House.

Luhan's heart raced at the thought of you. You already accepted the boys. *I hope she accepts me too. Jae Rin. Luhan's girl*  Luhan wanted to announce already. But not at the sight of Sehun. He was at the creek of the door Luhan himself entered just moments ago. Sehun heard what they were all talking about. He's been standing there, holding the door know, listening. His eye were deep, from the looks he wasn't as excited as the other boys were. Silence erupted as they saw Sehun with the sad - frustrated look on his face.

Suho was the first to speak, "Oh? Sehun~ah, Come and eat with me. I have some chips  with me."

"No thanks Suho-hyung. I'll be on my bed if you're going to look for me." Sehun's deep was hear which was followed by a loud bang of his door.

Eyes were glued to the direction Sehun passed, the depressing aura shaking up everyone.

"What's wrong with him, It's like he had Tao's expression while doing some martial arts." Chanyeol exhaling grabbing the chips that Suho offered to Sehun.

"Yah! Don't eat everything in one go! Share!" Suho hit Chanyeol's arm who had the bag of chips to himself.




Sehun entered the dark room he shared with Kai and dragged himself towards his bunk. He dove face first and after 10 seconds he realized, he's not going to die by suffocating himself with a pillow. Kai who's been lately been addicted to texting finally realized what's happening from Chen's loud, literally loud, curiosity.

"He's already making the moves on her?" Kai said not even looking at Sehun's direction.

" Yeah. And I'm still stuck with this deal or whatever with Su Yeon. " Sehun's frustrations was heard through his voice.

" Sehun, It's been weeks since she said that! You really haven't done anything? You haven't even checked on her since the Jae Rin's accident?" Kai was shocked enough for him to sit by the edge of the bed putting his phone down to talk to his dongsaeng properly.

"Sehun, I'm her acting brother. I'm also you're brother and right now, I'm telling you, you've got to try if you really like her so much that you're heart literally pounds fast that it hurts." Kai explained.

"At least be there for her constantly. Even if you have Su Yeon blocking you off, find ways to reach her. She's just next door, Sehun. There's more than the school and the studio  to meet up with her. She's still your friend, you're only block mate, and can I just say the first girl you're actually serious with. " Kai let his thoughts out, just to wake Sehun up from what he's feeling.

Sehun was there, staring at the ceiling that was only lit by the moon. Sehun breathed out all the stress he had in himself. He hated how slow he was. He hated seeing somebody else hold your hand. Somebody else be with you. Somebody else love you.

"And Luhan hyung? How am I even supposed to do anything with him around?"

" Sehun~ah. No matter who it is you're up against. Find a way. Try, give your best for Jae Rin. Just because Luhan's there or Su Yeon is there doesn't mean you stop loving a person. Don't draw a limit for yourself to struggle with. " Kai spoke with so much confidence for Sehun to get the idea of having the courage to love a person.




Overnight, Sehun already planned the possible things he could do to stay by your side. He woke up earlier, than everybody. He grabbed everything he needed and moved through the dorm without making any noise. When he got to the hall, he had to find a way to wake you up. Apparently the only way to wake you up without waking the rest of everybody else was through the phone.


"Not yet. I don't have to do the laundry yet. My basket isn't even half full yet." You mumbled and realized that you were in the dorm. You felt  your phone was vibrating underneath our pillow and really wasn't in the mood in answering it.

Oh Sehun Calling.

Your eyes grew wide and fumbled with your phone until you were able to hold it upright and answer the call decently.

"Yeoboseo?" Sehun's voice filled your ears and for some reason you felt dizzy.

"Jae Rin, good morning!" Sehun said sweetly making you smile.

"Good morning to you too. What made you call this early in the morning?" You answered

"Don't laugh okay? I just need to see you  and it would be of help if you could open your door, please." Sehun said honestly, his racing as he said that he needed to see you. He needed you right now.

You felt warm, despite the cold morning of Korea and stood to fix yourself up.

"Alright give me 2 minutes. I need to brush my teeth. " You giggled at how silly you were, hearing the same from Sehun  and dropped the call.


You fixed up with one thing in mind.  Sehun.

* He's really there outside? And he needs to see me.*

You unlocked the door, and Sehun was leaning by the hallway patiently waiting. From the sound of the door creaking, Sehun looked up and met your eyes. *Finally, I get to spend some time with you again, Jae Rin. *

"Come on in, Sehun." You said without hesitating.

Sehun watched you walk back to let him in, bowing lightly to say thanks.

"I.. Uhm... Good morning. I'm sorry I woke you up. I just needed to see you." Sehun said sincerely again as he looked at you.

*It was making you feel warm again. It's no kidding when they said they feel sparks fly. You heard those words from him, something unexpected. Though, it made you feel light, so important, so....*

" I hope you're not mad." Sehun said as he felt the silence grow long awkwardly.

You shook your head and forgot that he was still there. * You're not imagining, brain. He's really there in front of you. Alone. Not with Su Yeon.*

"YES!I mean - yes, that's okay."  You smiled at him, happy to hear those words come from him in person.

"Ah, but what's going on? How can I... well help you? Are you okay?" You came closer, checking if Sehun was alright.

"I'm ... close to okay. You just have to be yourself, let's uhm... go out? It's my treat." Sehun gave a toothy smile, his eyes shrinking as his smile grew even more.

"Then what about Su Y---"

 "Don't mention her name. Or Luhan. " Sehun's smile disappeared  upon hearing what you were about to say. You nodded silently and headed to your small room.

"I'm sorry...Let me change first!" You said happily to avoid having a sad conversation.

Sehun took a seat at the kitchen, waiting again. His heart raced thinking of the most possible things.

* How are you?  Did you sleep well? Agh. What am I supposed to do ? *

"Hey you good?" Sehun's short train of thoughts was cut of by your voice. Sehun looked at you, out of training clothes, out of uniform. You were beautiful, naturally.

"Ah-uhm. Yeah. Let's go?" Sehun took the opportunity of being a gentleman and pulled the door open.


The two of you stood close again as you waited for the bus to arrive, "But where are we going? What's going on?" You couldn't help but ask, as much as you wanted to enjoy the time with Sehun like before, you had the urge of knowing what's up and helping him out.

"Just stay with me, you'll probably understand. Let's have early lunch first?" Sehun suggested as he pulled you towards the bus.

The bus ride was a little bit longer than expected then you saw that you were at Myeungdong. Sehun took you by the hand letting you enjoy the shopping district.

"Yah! Jae Rin~ah! Look!" There were young students singing near the pedestrian and from the sound, they were really good. Sehun pulled you by the hand towards the crowd that was building.

"Isn't that the song of CNBLUE?!Ommo! Ah! I can't see anything!" You hated how your height limited your vision of CNBLUE performing.

Sehun saw your face drop and knew this wasn't the purpose of this secret date.

"Uhm excuse me. Excuse us please. Sorry, please excuse us."Sehun wrapped his hand around yours once again, pushing through the crowd to reach the very front.

Your smile grew back when you saw the in front of your eyes. Only meters away, you nodded your head, enjoying the good music and the sight of Minhyuk.

Sehun did the same thing, but watched you instead. He felt relieved seeing you happy like this again. When was the time he made you feel like this? Sehun couldn't believe that he was the one who made a way.

You were going overboard with feelings at that moment, You were conscious, you checked and felt a squeeze on your hands. From what was happening, you felt your face warm up again. Sehun and you were holding hands, with nobody letting go. With your other hand, you placed it on your chest and no doubt, it was racing.

The crowd died, dispersing and moving in to the shops once they finished their performance. You let them be, standing idly there, watching them.

"You wanna take a picture with them? " Sehun asked and you couldn't say no to that. The two of you appraoched the people working behind. To your luck, Yonghwa and Minhyuk were about to head to one of the cafes.

"EXCUSE ME!" Your voice was heard by those around you and soon got the attention of the two musicians.

"Sorry to disturb you, but would it be okay to have a picture together? " You asked sweetly as they looked at you with Sehun.

"Sure. What's your name?" Yonghwa asked

"Jae Rin. Nice to meet you" You bowed and smiled brightly.

"I'm okay with Jae Rin, but will your boyfriend get mad?" Minhyuk said as he took your hand phone.

"Sehun's --"

"I'm okay with it"

Sehun cut you off, and gave a short flirty wink and you felt like dying with what was happening . Minhyuk and Yonghwa beside you smiling like it was a normal thing to happen. Minhyuk calling Sehun your boyfriend. Aigoo.

"Kamsahamnida Sunbae! " You bowed again, saying thank you to both idols. For a short while you fangirled with the pictures you had with them. You made your way back to Sehun who was smiling like an idiot.

"Yah! You idiot! Why'd you do that!" You hit Sehun's arm hard, hating him for cutting you off earlier.

"Do what?!" Sehun asked back, facing a different direction and pulling on your hand once again.

His motion silenced you, * Why Oh Sehun, Why? You're making me feel like this again.* . You liked the afternoon, though it was getting colder the moment was right. Sehun beside you was something you could get used to. Sehun was someone you could be with comfortably, someone you could love.

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xobabysky #1
Nice story!
misschoi96 #2
Chapter 39: Absolutely perfect! I loved it! Two thumbs up chingu~ Keep up the good work^^
Youngin #3
Chapter 39: Love it! :D
shinee3112 #4
Chapter 29: So far so good!!!
Chapter 39: Oh my gosh! Second lead feels. Awwies. My poo Luhan. I still love you! You know that! Haha
I really loved this story. I even stayed up to read it. It was like a real drama. I loved it~
Chapter 38: AHHHH this story is very nice!!!! its jjang!!!!
Chapter 39: WAAAAH, what a nice ending, haha. Great story!! n______n
XxLoserGyuxX #8
Chapter 39: AHHH GREAT STORY GOOD~ I enjoyed reading it~
Chapter 39: WOOO nice story~~ ^^