
Straight Forward



You woke up with puffy circles under your eyes, stinging a little bit. Your head ached but your heart was aching more than anything. You felt like crying every time you thought about what happened at midnight . It was something you didn't expect yet you were expecting now that you were back in Korea. Even if you were already living your dream, the other part was being fulfilled as well.



"Luhan!" You watched him run to their dorm, running away from you just because of the small kiss on the forehead.


*Aish. This chingu, always fooling around! *Though most girls took this kind of scene as if they were falling for the guy-next-door, you took it rather lightly. You closed the door laughing at the foolish Luhan who ran away. It was sweet, but you didn't see it as something more than what you two were - friends.


You headed to your room with a towel, drying yourself up. You bent down to the socket to see how your phone was doing. Soon the phone vibrated notifying a text message. Just when you thought you only had one, there were notifications piling up already.



2 missed calls from: AWESOME AUNTIE <3


 At this time of the night, soon to be morning, you knew your aunt would be asleep from the tiring day she always had.


Text from: Luhan Chingu


Really sorry, sleep well Jae Rin! ^_^


You laughed at his text and skipped to the other unread messages.



Text from: The one and only


Jae Rin!!!!! Don't ignore your aunt's texts! She's been calling and looking for you!



Your eyebrows were pulling themselves together, the questioning look for what Eun Hae's message meant. Quickly, you scrolled back to the other unread messages. As expected, the remaining messages were from your Aunt.  You read from the very beginning of your Aunt's short but numerous messages





Jae Rin? Are you on break from your classes?

Jae Rin, I need you to pick up my call okay?


Sorry, my Rin. I just thought you need to know this.


Jae Rin? It's past 9:30, are you still practicing? You need to know something


Jae Rin, where are you? Please pick up your phone.


Rin, call as soon as you can. It's about your omma.



Your eyes widened at the last message. Dizziness hit you quickly and you fumbled with your phone, just to get a grip of it. You lost balance making you sit on the floor as you dialed Auntie's number. You didn't care that the clock already passed the 12 o'clock mark.


The phone was ringing and you were already impatient. On the 5th ring, you decided to drop the call to go to her place but you heard a voice in the other end


"JAE RIN!" Your aunt's voice was hoarse, but that didn't matter with what you were about to hear.


"Auntie! I'm sorry I only got your texts, I ran out of battery during class. What are you going to tell me ? What about my mom ?" You said and felt like you ran out of breath.


The other end was silent, and then you heard your aunt sigh deeply.


"Rin rin, I found her. I found your mom" Auntie said


You were silent, allowing Auntie to continue what she was supposed to say,

"I got a call yesterday from the hospital and they were asking if I was her sister-in-law. Then I went to visit her, she was there but she was asleep. She's still here, Jae Rin!"


You held your breath, in a state of shock. You didn't know how to react. Happy that you scan meet her? Sad?  Why was omma in a hospital? Who was taking care of her?


*omma is alive!* this line repeatedly flashed in your mind. Your heart felt heavy and water formed in your eyes, rolling down your cheeks uncontrollably. The painful years of being separated, not having a mother by your side.


"Jae Rin?" Auntie was still talking to silence and was checking if you were okay.



phone call ended


Tears fell freely from your eyes, heaving, you threw your phone on the bed.



It was already late morning, and you moved like you were sick of the routine of living.  You approached the desk to look for the patient. Omma.


The nurse saw you from a distance, automatically giving a smile. "Yes, how may I help you?"


"I- I'm looking for a patient." You said, almost a whisper.


"What would be the name of the patient?", the nurse said sweetly.


"Kim. K-Kim Ha Ni" You stuttered your mother's name, unfamiliar with it rolling off your tongue.


It took the nurse a while before she stood from her seat, "Please follow me."


You walked in silence with the nurse, following her through the elevator and the hallways of the hospital. Before you could both reach the end of where you were walking, the nurse stopped and gave a light knock.


Room 211

Kim Ha Ni


The nurse pulled on the door for you to enter she gave a light bow.


"Wait. What is she sick of? " You turned to the nurse

"I was not informed but she has costochondritis attacks every now and then. "


"Thank you." You bowed allowing her to leave.



You closed the door behind you but didn't move from there. From afar, you saw your mother on the bed, tubes attached to her, and an oxygen mask ready for use.


Her long hair was framing her face, others flowing on the pillow she was on. She was skinnier than you remembered, probably from the state she was in. Her face was small, pale skinned. She looked so peaceful.


You walked forward, close enough to be just beside the bed. You sat down, still in silence. You took in the image of your mother resting, and wanted to push yourself. You stared at her palm that was facing upward. Soon you brought your own in to hers, holding her just like when you were young.


You started crying suddenly, full of emotions and memories running over you. You sniffed,  and just let yourself go in tears. She had the same beauty as when you were young. All she needs right now is some color on her cheeks and a big smile.


"I missed you so much omma. So, so much. " unconsciously, you squeezed her hand but you didn't expect to feel the hand to squeeze you back.


Quickly, you looked up from where you were seated, and you saw tears rolling down your own mothers' face.


" Omma, please tell me you're awake! Omma!" You shook her hand lightly and instantly you saw her open her eyes slowly.


"Jae rin~ah, my daughter." Your mother said with a smile forming on her lips. Upon hearing your name, without hesitation, you leaned forward to give her a light hug. The water works stayed, you cried silently, for joy . Your mom was in front of you and she remembers you despite the separation. The pain shot through you, emotionally and physically, you were tired of being separated from the people you love.


"Omma, I'm tired. I'm tired of being like this. I'm tired of how dad is." You said whilst calming yourself.


"The rest, you don't have to carry everything in this world on your shoulders. Sleep, Jae Rin~ah. " your mother said softly.


"But omma, I-" You wanted to explain how it was.


"Rest, Rin-Rin. Don't let it bother you. I'm here, I'm the one who's supposed to be carrying your burden." She your long hair, giving a soft smile to ease your burden.


You nodded in agreement, even if you knew she was the one who needed the rest more. You let your thoughts drift away, escaping what kept your mind in tension.




All you saw were green and red dots of light in the room as you woke up. Your mother was still asleep, and you slept longer than you expected. You stood and grabbed your bag to head to the door. Looking back at your mother, you smiled . Seeing her at the very least , safe and still alive.


You pulled the door close, and felt a bad hunch.


*I'm just hungry*  You looked at your watch, instantly thinking how on earth you missed 2 meals already.


Passing by a few more rooms, you walked down the corridor and looked at the elevator doors. It was still on the lower floor so you just kept on pressing the down button as if it would arrive faster than it normally would.


Once you heard the ding, You stood before the silver doors again and waited for your turn to get on. You looked at the floor making sure you wouldn't trip between the small gap but that didn't follow through. Not with the person who was in front of you.


"Jae Rin." A man's voice resounded inside the elevator. He looked at you, his guard in black suites  holding the open button, nobody making a move to get off.


You grew pale at the sight of the man shocked that he would even come here, " Why are you here? "


" We have the same purpose. Your auntie told me. " The man said without breaking his strict posture.


" And you would care? You didn't even care about her before, why start now?" You shot back


" She betrayed us, Jae Rin. She wasn't faithful!" He raised his voice, loud enough for a scolding. He moved and  his guards copied his motion, stepping out of the elevator. You pressed the open button, hoping in


"THAT'S BECAUSE YOU DIDN'T GIVE HER DAMN TIME, APPA. You didn't let her explain. You are stupid for leaving her like that when she needed you the most!"


You practically wanted to slap him but touching or even getting close to him was not on your list. You hated him for everything that he is. It pained you again, all the happiness with your mother earlier, drained away at first sight of your father on the elevator.




"Jong-In! Yah wait for me!" Luhan shouted from the door. Kai was already  by the stairs, waiting patiently for his hyung who was about to treat him and Sehun.


"Where's Sehun?" Kai asked as Luhan walked closer.


"Finding his shoes. Our matching shoes got together so it's kind of hard for him." Luhan said without laughing at how his dongsaeng looked like before he left him.


Kai nodded and looked down at the staircase only to find a girl walking slowly and silently. Kai guessed it was you, and jogged down to meet you half way. Just then, Sehun was already walking out from their dorm.


"Jae Rin, are you okay?" Kai asked and wanted to slap himself hard * OBVIOUSLY she's not, she has tears rolling.*


You shook your head, but gave a smile standing brave as possible. Kai hugged you, cradling your head to pull you closer. You pulled away, dragging a foot to take the last flight stairs that would lead you to your room.


"Walk faster, Sehun~ah!", Luhan moved a few steps closer scolding the slug moving Sehun.


"Come on, Kai just went down." The older boy said and they both then walk back to the staircase to meet Kai who suddenly went down.


Kai guided you up the stairs, touching the small of your back, making sure you wouldn't fall.


Sehun hated what he saw before him. He saw you crying, you looked like you were about to crash into a million pieces, fragile. He stopped dead on his tracks, looking at Kai for answers who shrugged his shoulders. Luhan looked at the same scene, not moving.


You and Kai already walked past the two other boys, till you felt your wrist being pulled. With care, Sehun was the one who pulled and looked over you.  He couldn't bare the sight, feeling pain himself.


*Why ? Who did this to you?*  He wanted to ask but before he could even mutter a word, somebody else took you in his own arms.


Sehun felt like crushing into a million pieces himself. He didn't feel like going out anymore. He didn't like the feeling but what can he do? Push his hyung away?


* it's like I never told you anything that night, hyung. *


He felt a little relieved when you decided to pull away.  You gave the faintest smile to Luhan and turned to Sehun, searching for something. You were hoping he'd give you something, at least some encouragement.


*come on. Su Yeon's not here. Please?* You had the urgency to hug him tight, something that he might think would be awkward, but to you, right now, that could have been a good help for the stat you were in.


You smiled, trying to hide the pain you were already in, and what you were already going through.


"You guys go eat out, I'll just make sure she's okay." Kai announced in general pulling you towards your room. Sehun wished he could rebel against his hyung but Kai already was doing the job he was supposed to have. Luhan pulled Sehun away, no choice but to accompany him like they planned.




Author's note: I MISS YOU. So much. so so much! Please send in some ideas, comments, new readers and some love!

I really appreciate hearing from you ^_^

buing! buing! buing!


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xobabysky #1
Nice story!
misschoi96 #2
Chapter 39: Absolutely perfect! I loved it! Two thumbs up chingu~ Keep up the good work^^
Youngin #3
Chapter 39: Love it! :D
shinee3112 #4
Chapter 29: So far so good!!!
Chapter 39: Oh my gosh! Second lead feels. Awwies. My poo Luhan. I still love you! You know that! Haha
I really loved this story. I even stayed up to read it. It was like a real drama. I loved it~
Chapter 38: AHHHH this story is very nice!!!! its jjang!!!!
Chapter 39: WAAAAH, what a nice ending, haha. Great story!! n______n
XxLoserGyuxX #8
Chapter 39: AHHH GREAT STORY GOOD~ I enjoyed reading it~
Chapter 39: WOOO nice story~~ ^^