
Straight Forward

The twinkle, twinkle, Ho whoa~

Sumgyeodo twinkle eojjeona?
Nune hwak ttwijana
Beire ssayeo isseodo
Naneun twinkle tiga na

Your phone played "Twinkle" as it was trying to wake you up but failed since you kept on pressing the snooze button. " Rin , enough with the snooze button, you're going to be late for your class-"

"LATE!? This can't be! Move out of bathroom, I need to wash up! Not when it's the first day of school! " you got up and threw the covers and grabbed your clothes.

In 10 minutes, you were out of the door brisk walking your way to the staircase.

"Yes auntie, I will eat when I get there! Bye auntie!" You ran to the bus stop and arrived as it opened its doors. Although it was full, you were persistent enough to stand and reach school.



With all the running you were able to spare exactly 8 minutes for you to find your first class.

You could could hear girls squealing " He's so cute! i wonder where are the rest of the group! ", "Aaaaaaah! I can' believe he's in our class!", or the most general " OH. MY. GAAAAAD."


"1307.1307.Room 1307. One. three. Oh.-- ouch!" You bumped in to a person's back and muttured a sorry. 

"Ah. Yah hyung! I told you to go already! I'm not that of a bab-" The boy turned around to meet his friend's face only it wasn't any of the boys.

"I'm sorry. I wasn't looking at where I was going" You muttered your apology and stepped back. He was cute. White skinned, tall, slanted eyes, and -- 

He was shocked. He just stared at you as if you were some experiment and couldn't understand the results.

His expression made you feel uneasy so you just broke the awkward silene" th-this is room 1307, right?" 

"Uh...yeah" He pointed his finger upward making you look at the sign that read 1307. He stopped staring, quickly turned around and went inside the room. 

Sehun sat down on a chair that was beside the room's window. He was thinking why that face was so familiar when he looked at you. He thought about it. Just then his thoughts were interupted by the teacher's voice,


"Welcome back to school, students. To those who haven't met me before I am Mr. Lee and I will be your class adviser and your Physics teacher."

A group of students groaned upon hearing the name of the subjects and you were probably the only one happy about it.

" Anyway" Mr. Lee continued " I see that most of you are familiar with each other but I would like to introduce to you a new student."

Just when you thought that he had forgotten  about introducing any new students, he looked at you and told you to stand up and to come up front.

"Please introduce yourself miss..."

"Jae Rin. My name is Kim Jae Rin and I am a transfer student from Canada. Please take care of me" you gave a slight bow at the end and returned quickly in your seat. As you received small smiles and "hi"s from some of the students.

*Kim Jae Rin* Sehun thought again he looked at you as you were seated behind the girl to his right. *Why do you seem so familiar?* 


Mr. Lee started off with the background of physics, explaining the term's syllabus. " I bet you're all bored, eh? But before I end the period, let me go through my house rules in my class" He went on and on about the number of cuts, his "definition" of late and consequences when caught eating or cheating. 

"Ah! One more! I am now allowing you to play music when we have individual paper work. Just make sure you don't disturb any other students. And please. You're not in a noraebang. " laughter rose from the 35 students in class.

"If I hear anybody singing, I will make you sing, everyday during class, for a week. With a matching dance step. "  he swayed his hips, doing Psy's "Gentleman " dance moves.  

You couldn't help but laugh "Mr. Lee stop you're turning me blind!" Shouted the boy beside you

The bell finally rang, and Mr. lee greeted everybody To have a great lunch since they're serving lasagna.


You placed your physics book inside and grabbed the ones for your afternoon class. The halls were empty since most of the students were eating at the cafeteria until you closed your locker door and "WAAAH! You scared me! " a boy with dear like features came close. Though his face was kind, the scare made you drop your books.

" I'm sorry! I didn't mean to scare you! " he bowed as you were bending down to pick up your books. He then approached you saying " really I'm sorry! I didn't think I'd cause any trouble...are you new here?

You nodded as you were amazed by the kind face towering over you.

"My name is Luhan. And you are?" Luhan extended a hand and you were still dumbfounded, you still didn't know what to do but stare. 

"Jae Rin." You finally let go of the breath you were unconsciously holding in and said something.

Luhan's eyebrow creased together slowly putting down his hand, and then he gave you the sweetest smile you've ever seen " Have you eaten lunch? You can sit with me and my friends if you'd like." 

In a span of 2 minutes, you were walking your way together with Luhan towards a table with 8 boys . Not that you felt out of place, it's just that their stares went back and forth between you and Luhan even if you were meters away.

You and Luhan were getting closer and you could hear them already talking about you.


"Oh. Luhan gēgē is bringing a girl to our table!" A boy with panda eyes pointed at you and felt yourself blush


 *I can't believe this is happening. *


"It's the first day and he already has a girl? He actually beat me to it." replied the dark skinned boy.

"Oh stop assuming, Jong in! It's mea- " said another while eating and soon started coughing.

The boy with angry bird eyebrows was annoyed, "Xiumin, don't talk when your mouth is full!" 

"He's choking! He's chocking!!! ~~ drink some water! " a motherly like boy reached out to pat Xiumin's back and another one handed Xiumin a glass of water. 

Beside Xiumin was a boy who was smiling at you and Luhan. He smiled, and it was welcoming. He even has a dimple! You looked at him and smiled back, feeling as if he's a good person right away. 

You stood beside Luhan and most of the boys looked at you obviously waiting for an introduction.

"Well? Won't you introduce yourself?" Luhan held your back making you straighten and clear your throat.

"Hi my name is Jae Rin! I'm a new student here and yeah... That's kinda it." You smiled and started to panic when everyone else was quiet.

" I like you. I feel like we'll get along just fine. I'm Chen by the way! " Chen blurted out. 

"Jae Rin. Don't be scared , We don't bite. " Luhan raised his right hand as if making a promise. " Hey guys, introduce yourself!" And just then you wished you recorded what they said:

Angry bird eyebrows is Kris
Forever chomping his food down, Xiumin.
Tao's the one with panda eyes.
Dark skinned assuming boy Jong -in.
Chen, as he introduced himself , is Chen.
Suho was the "guardian" .
D.O. is the mother hen.
Lay was the one with a warm smiling.

" Where are the other three ?"  Luhan asked in general.     

*Others? This is like memorizing chemical formulas! *

As if on cue you heard a deep voice behind you, "Here! New girl, Luhan? Hi, I'm Park Chanyeol" and a shorter boy behind him waved hi as he sat down beside Lay,  "Baekhyun -imnida! " 

You gave Baekhyun a small smile and waved back, " Hey there, I'm Jae Rin. "

Jae Rin? The new girl? what's she doing here at our table?  before another line of thought ran through Sehun's mind you spoke,

"Ah! You're the boy I bumped into this morning!" You exclaimed. " Sorry again..." You lightly hung your head low.

Lay interrupted " Luhan, it seems like Sehun met your girl first. " followed by a smirk he barely shows.

"It'th fine. Uhm... Hey. I'm Thehun" Sehun sat beside Chanyeol as he introduced himself. 

After the awkward silence, Chanyeol accompanied you to get some food.


"So..." Chanyeol was walking with you, to the line of students waiting for the lasagna

"Sooooo?" You raised an eyebrow and realized you had to look up as he was like a tower. 

"Tell me something about yourself! No wait ! Let's play the question game ! You ask something about me and I'll answer, then I ask you something and then you answer. Is that okay with you? " Chanyeol suggested as both of you stood in line.

Though you two we getting close, you gave out the information that were asked and nothing more. After 5 minutes, you found out based on the current experience , Chanyeol is a contagious happy virus, he likes to rap and has two left feet.

"Really! I even stepped on my mother's foot while we were dancing in the living room! " you both laughed and arrived at the table. You sat down still laughing with Chanyeol while the others had a conversation of their own.

"Well you two are getting closer." Suho was talking about you and Chanyeol"  I wonder how this school year will be now that Jae Rin is with us. " Suho started talking to everyone who had business of their own

You were about to eat the last portion of lasagna when all 12 heads snapped up to look at you.

"Uh. Are you sure? I didn't really expect that you'd let me eat with you every now and then." 

"Well, technically, we are your only friends since you're new here." Baekhyun explained to you as if he was a scholar. 

"I think it'd be cool." You gave them another small smile and stood. " anyways, I still have a class, and I need to find my class room.  thank you for inviting me to lunch, Luhan. Thank you everybody for being welcoming." You bowed to them and asked " Uhm... Where is room 2304?" 

Kai stood up and grabbed his bag " I'll come with you! I have a class in that building in a while. I can even tour you too if you need." 

"Yes please. " you mumbled and he linked his arm with yours, smirking, he turned to Luhan, "Hey Luhan, I hope you don't mind" he waved at the boys at the table and you both left the huge white, cafeteria.

Kai showed you that there are 5 buildings and your specific classrooms. Since you had 30 minutes before class officially started again, Kai dragged you to the garden behind the 2nd building where he'd usually go after lunch.

"Where did you come from? "Kai was lying down on the grass looking aa if he was shooting an advertisement for a condominium. 

You were feeling extra sarcastic to annoy him being in that calm state "My mother's womb, Korea, the cafeteria."

Kai chuckled at what you just said " I know that, what I meant where did you transfer from? " 

"Canada. " his lips formed a small 'o' and then he added " but you're Korean is so good. Are you a half blood? And not like the one in Harry Potter."

You explained that you are a pure Korean and then you suddenly opened up the past. 

"My parents separated when I was young. I ended up going abroad with my dad and I never had contact with my mother ever again. I didn't know what to do so the best place to relieve my stress was i my room, while I sleep, or in a studio where I dance even when I'm tired."

Both of you were sitting ob the grass and you hugged your knees, Kai patted your back and stood up.

"Stand up."

You were having your emotional moment then and there,

"But waaaee?" You replied like a kid not wanting to leave the playground. 

"Kim Jae Rin. Do you want to be late for class?" Kai extended a hand and as you checked your phone for the time. Without hesitation, you grabbed Kai's hand and he pulled you up with ease.

You said your good bye and only heard him say "See you around! " as you ran to your room.

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xobabysky #1
Nice story!
misschoi96 #2
Chapter 39: Absolutely perfect! I loved it! Two thumbs up chingu~ Keep up the good work^^
Youngin #3
Chapter 39: Love it! :D
shinee3112 #4
Chapter 29: So far so good!!!
Chapter 39: Oh my gosh! Second lead feels. Awwies. My poo Luhan. I still love you! You know that! Haha
I really loved this story. I even stayed up to read it. It was like a real drama. I loved it~
Chapter 38: AHHHH this story is very nice!!!! its jjang!!!!
Chapter 39: WAAAAH, what a nice ending, haha. Great story!! n______n
XxLoserGyuxX #8
Chapter 39: AHHH GREAT STORY GOOD~ I enjoyed reading it~
Chapter 39: WOOO nice story~~ ^^