Chapter 7: We're just friends


After breadfast, I went to get dressed and JinYoung took me to school. 

"So how are you feeling?" JinYoung said as he reached over and took my hand.

"Better than ever." I smiled at him.

"I'm sorry about the thing before." He said softly.

"It's fine. Don't mention it again." I shook my head. It was better not to mention it again since every I think of it it brought me nothing but pain.

"Okay." He sighed and smiled. "So did anything happen to that guy, Sandeul? He looked pretty ill yesterday." He quickly changed to subject.

"Oh. Him? I don't know. He said that he was fine but he had a really high fever yesterday." I said, starting to get worried about Sandeul again.

I rolled down the window and felt the air. The breeze reminded me of Sandeul for some reason.

JinYoung's phone rang. He was on the phone for a few minutes and then hung up. He looked quiet depressed afterward.

"Sorry, Naeun-ah. I can't take you home today." He said softly, looking guilty.

"It's fine. I will ask Chunyun to take me home later. Don't worry." I smiled to ensure him.


"No, I will be fine." I cut him off and giggled at his reaction. He was worried, I understood why.

He drove his car into the school's V.I.P parking lot and parked his car at the same spot. We got out the car when we saw his friends came out of their cars as well. The four of them had the same car model, just different colors. CNU had a calm blue one while Baro had a playful yellow and GongChan with an energetic red. Oh, yeah. The rich kids.

JinYoung walked up to them and did their little handshake thing that I never really figured out how they did that. I think it was the men between men thing. GongChan seemed to noticed that I was with JinYoung so he did the "Way to go man" knuckle thing. Another men between men thing.

After quiet a while of greeting, well, more like chatting, they slowly walked back to me. I understood that they had been away for a month but this was really taking forever.

"Let's go." JinYoung put his arm around my shoulders, causing a little "ooh" from his little friends. I chuckled.

I looked up at him and mouthed  "I know that I'm your, no need for this." 

He smiled and pointed at Baro. Oh, so this is Baro's idea.

We walked together all the way to the "Foreign language" department, where CNU and I had first period togehter.

"Careful not to walk too much okay?" JinYoung reminded me. He turned to CNU. "Take a good care of her okay?" With that he went his way to his class with Baro and GongChan. I smiled at CNU. He nodded then laughed.

On the way to class, I asked him a few questions about his trip to Jeju.

"Are you sure you're okay? You now about the JinYoung thing." The sudden question kind of shocked me. He seemed to noticed that I was uncomfortable with that topic. "We;;, I'm just asking. You seemed pretty hurt yesterday. Just make sure." He walked ahead of me, avoiding to talk about this topic any longer.

"Oppa." Soyoung ran to CNU and gave him a hug. "Sorry, that I wasn't able to hug you yesterday. Why didn't you go home anyway. Mom is really waiting for you." Yes, Soyoung is CNU's sister. They have opposite personality though, really different. CNU is calm and understanding while Soyoung is a complete ball of energy, she couldn't seem to be able to sit still for more than 10 minutes outside of class. CNU was an independent man, and really wild when it comes to business, while Soyoung was daddy's little girl and had no interest in her family fortune whatsoever.

"Wow, wow, wow. When did my sister start to care about me?" CNU said jokingly.

"Since I told you to buy me gifts." She beamed sarcartically. "No, seriously." She added.

She turned and saw me. I gave her a weak wave. "Morning."

"Girl. What happened? You look fine now. Yesterday, JinYoung was mad. He even thought of brea-" She jumped to me. CNU cut her off by covering with his hand. I bit my lip and scratched the back of my neck. That's when I try to hold back my tears.

"Huh?" I bit my lip. "Brea? You mean break... break up?" It gave me a harder time to say that word than I thought it would.

"No... I mean he even thought of... of... bread, yes bread, since you like it." Soyoung stuttered. What a nice way to pull that off. I chuckled as I saw CNU facepalmed. I already knew what Soyoung tried to say. I was glad thateverything turned back to normal though.

The bell rang and I didn't see Sandeul yet. Together, CNU, Soyoung and I went to class. 

The whole day went by and I started to get worried. Sandeul didn't go to school so he must had been really sick. My mind was at elsewhere the whole time in class, thinking about Sandeul. I was kind of glad that JinYoung was busy and that he wouldn't be able to take me so I could go to Sandeul's house and visit him. Wait, why am I glad that JinYoung couldn't take me to Sandeul? I mean Sandeul and I were just friend.

I went to Mr.Cheng and asked him if he had Sandeul's address so I can visit him. And as an outstanding student, I was considered trustworthy enough that he would be able to give me his address.

After sending JinYoung to the gate and kissed him goodbye. I went back to Chunyun and asked him to take me to Sandeul.

"Chunyun oppa, here's the address. Just tell mom that I have to stay for tutoring if she asks okay?" I reached over and handed him the piece of paper with the address.

His house was not that far away from school, since it only took us ten minutes driving. But well, it was farther than my house so it might take a ton of time if you walk.

We reached the place and it was a small house, well maybe it was normal size but compared to the size of my house, it was kind of small. The address was right. The gate was big, I think that it was even bigger than the width of the house itself. I rang the bell and about a minute later or so, a woman answered the door.

"Excuse me. Is this Sandeul, I mean..." Oh no, I forgot his real name. I'm so stupid. I meantally slapped myself.

"You mean Lee Jung Hwan, don't you?" The lady was nice. She smiled at me and opened the gate.

"Thank you." I bowed and went inside slowly. I looked back and motioned Chunyun to go and that I would call him when I wanted to go home. He nodded and drove away.

"So are you a friend of Sandeul?" The lady said while leading me inside the house. 

"Ne. I'm one of his classmate. I heard that he's sick so I came to pay him a visit." I smiled and replied politely.

"How nice of you. He had a fever last night but I think that he should be fine by now." She opened to door and led me in. The inside of the house was smaller than I thought it would be. It was small but neat and it felt really welcoming when you entered, unlike my house. "Come on in." She gestured.

"Thank you." I smiled and took off my shoes. At my house I had my own shoe clothset so it was a bit odd for me at first since I just left my shoes where the others were.

"Sandeul-ah. Your friend is here to see you." The lady came inside and knocked on the door on the far right of the house. There were more than 5 rooms in this house. Quiet a bit for such a small house. And there were a few people outside in the living room, but they all looked like they were the same age. That's odd. This lady sure had a lot of kids that have the same age. I thought.

"Ahjuma, who?" I heard Sandeul's voice coming out from the far right side of the house. He sounded tired.

"A girl." I heard the lady whispered back. 

"A GIRL!?" He shouted. I giggled.

"Shh, shh. And she's cute." The lady shushed him and said with a much smaller volume which made it nearly impossible for me to hear.

I heard footsteps. And there appeared the lady again. She motioned me to come to her. I walked lightly across the wood floor and went to her. I didn't forget to bow at the people in the living room They waved back. 

"He's inside. Go on." The lady whispered to me, pointed at the last door on the right. My eyes widened. Usually the owner would go out to greet the guest not the guest go inside the owner's room. Bu well, since she insisted.

I walked cautiously to the last door and knocked. The door swung wide open and Sandeul was behind it. His hair was all messed up and he was wearing his boxer and a white T-SHIRT. My eyes widened at the sight and so did he. He shut the door right before I could react. After a few seconds of shock I started giggling.

The door went opened again and instead of the messed up Sandeul, now we had a normal Sandeul.

"Uhm. Sorry about before." He said scratching the back of his neck. He went to a side and let me in.

"No, it's fine. It's my fault that I came without telling you first." I tucked my hair to the back of my ears and went inside. It was totally a boy's room. It was quiet messy and also quiet dark.

"I'm sorry, it's kind of messy in here. Let's go outside and talk." He pushed me out as he saw my expression.

We went to the kitchen for him to grab something to drink. I saw the lady winked at Sandeul, not the seductive way of course, but it seemed like the "way to go" kind of wink. We were about to go outside the yard and drink but the lady insisted that we should stay inside.

So we ended up sitting on the sofa at the living room with all his "siblings" I think.

"So, how are you feeling? Any better?" I asked after taking a sip from the water he gave.

"Good. No worry." He smiled brightly and ensured me. 

"You don't look so well though. Are you sure?" I leaned forward to take a better look at him. His face was still pale but not as pale as yesterday. His lips were still dry and his eyes lost that gleam that a;ways brightened up others' mood.

"No. I'm fine. Positive." He leaned back a little as I leaned forward.

"Why don't you just tell her that you miss her already." The guy in blue scoffed.

"And girl. Just say that you miss him and want him to go to school already. Taking so long." The girl in black slapped my arm.

I looked at Sandeul, confused. "No. It's nothing. They are just acting silly since no one ever came to visit me before beside my parents." He explained.

"Wait. So they are not your parents?" I pointed at the lady and the guy next to her and asked, totally confused.

He laughed. "No. They are the houseowners. I rent a room here. And so are they." He pointed at the weird people sitting down next to us.

"Oh." Now it all made sense. I smiled shyly.

"Let me go get some thing to eat." Sandeul stood up slowly.

He took a few steps and his body seemed to swayed side to side and slowly but sudden he collapsed. Again! My eyes widened and I quickly ran to him and the others followed me.

"Sandeul-ah. Yah! Sandeul." I yelled as I slapped him continuously. "Yah! Wake up. SANDEUL!!!" 

"Make way. I will carry him inside." The buff guy in the back announced and pushed my lightly to a side and carried Sandeul into his room, bridal style.

I followed him inside. The lady told the others to stay outside while she went inside. The guy laid Sandeul gently on his bed and left the room. I panicked. 

I sat down on his bed and held his hand. His hand was cold. I looked up at the lady, who was checking on Sandeul. She placed her hand on Sandeul's forehead and looked at me with frighten look.

"We need to get him to the hospital." She said after a while of thinking. My eyes widened at the word hospital.

"It's that serious?" I asked while staring at Sandeul.

"No, I'm fine. need to go to the hospital." I jumped as soon as I heard Sandeul's fainted voice. I looked at him.

"You're awake." I exclaimed.

"You dummy. You are this sick but you still refused to go to the hospital?" The lady sounded mad.

"Well maybe I am." He smiled weakly. "I don't like the hospital."

"Oh. I know why. Maybe it's because your 'girlfriend' is here that's why you don't want to go to the hospital so that your 'girlfriend' will take care of you instead." 

"Ahjuma!" Sandeul shouted and ended with a cough.

I slightly blushed for some reason.

"What? Aren't you guys a couple?" The lady asked with her innocent face.

"No!" Sandeul and I said at the same time.

"We're just friends" He said.

"Okay, sure. I need to go to the pharmacy to get you some medicine. If you need anything ask Jinwon." The lady left the room with that.

I sat down next to him as he rested his head down. 

"Do you always have to freak me out like that everytime?" I stared at him.


"You fainted in front of me twice. TWICE!!!" I pointed out. "And why did you tell me that you were fine when you are like THIS?"

He didn't answer. I sighed. "Fine. If you don't want to tell me then I will live with it then." I stood up and got out of the room.

"Wait. Naeun." He called out but I just shut the door. "Aw. forget it. I'm such an idiot." I could hear him hitting his bed.

I giggled on my way to the kitchen. I wanted to make him some porridge.

"Excuse me." I said shyly at the girl sitting on the dining table next to me. She looked up. "This may sounds weird but may I use your kitchen for a while?"

She looked at me, weirded out at first but then smiled. "Go ahead Sandeul's girlfriend. Take care of him please."

SANDEUL'S GIRLFRIEND? "Uh, I think that there's a misunderstanding here. I'm just his friend plus I already have a boyfriend." I said to her, but she didn't seem to had believed me.

"Go ahead and cook. The rice is next to the sink and the vegestables are in the fridge and if you need anything, just ask me." She said before getting back to her study.

"Uhm... thanks." I said and went to get the rice and the vegestables out. But wait the...

"The pots are in top cabinet on the right." The girl said without looking up. She's a mindreader. I frieaked out.

"Thanks." I took out the pot and cooked. It was easy, after about fifteen minutes, the porridge was ready to serve the ultimate idiot, Sandeul. I made more than enough so I left it in the pot and told the others that there were some left if they wanted some. I did cook quiet a lot. I was not good at measuring. 

I poured the porridge into a bowl and but some, I mean a lot of pepper on top since pepper is good for sick people.

I knocked the door and waited for permission to go in. Sandeul was shocked when he saw me came in with a bowl. He sat up.

"A special treatment for sick people." I smiled as I handed the bowl to him. 

"You know how to cook?" He said with disbelief.

"What does that suppose to mean? Of course I can cook, I just never needed to cook." I narrowed my eyes.

He ate a spoonful. I bet it was still hot. His face turned red, I think that it was because the porridge was still boiling hot. Sorry, I didn't warn you. After finished eatting, we talked a little about class.

"Sorry, it's getting late. I need to go home now." I said after feeling my phone vibrating. I was sure that it was Chunyun.

"Sorry for you troubles." Sandeul said, looking guilty.

"Don't say that. We're friends right?" I smiled and gave him a pat on his shoulder. "Bye." I took the emty bowl and went out.

"See yah. Thank you." He called out after I shut the door. I put the bowl in the sink. I would had washed it for them if my phone wasn't keeping on vibrating. I greeted the guys at the living room and went outside, where I found Chunyun leaning against his car, holding his phone.

"You don't need to call me for every second." I scolded him as I walked in the car.

"Sorry miss. But I was worried." Chunyun explained.

"Nah, just kidding. Let's go." I chuckled at his expression.

My phone was vibrating again after ten minutes in the car.

Caller I.D: JinYoung <3



July, 16, 2011.

A/N: Sorry late but long update ^^

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Update soon please?
keisha96 #2
Eeeep! Love this fanfic!! Totally love Sandeul here!! :DDD
Dubu-Lover #3
I love this fanfic! Update soon! <3 im gonna suscribe nw :)
babysmurfbaek #4
I really like it! :) Update soon!