Chapter 2: That transfer student


"Miss. Young Master JinYoung is here." Ms. Yang, our buttter informed with a bow. 

"Tell him that I will be right out." I put down my fork and picked up a napkin. I looked over to my mom and smiled as a request if I can leave the dining table. She looked to my dad and nodded. It's like a tradition for my family to ask before leaving the dining table. I wiped my mouth with the napkin and pushed out the chair. I bowed politely before leaving the table.

"Bye, mom." I skipped over to her seat and kissed her.

She pulled away and gave me a disappointed look. "A lady should never act that way. Oh, my. I'm starting to wonder whether or not I should marry you off." My mom said jokingly with her straight face. I pouted.

"Have a good day honey." My dad patted my shoulder and winked. He has always been to the encouragous one.

"Yes, sir." I smiled and blew him a kiss. "Bye dad." I skipped over to the door.

"Ah uh. Walk." My mom reminded me. I slowed down and yes, of course, walk like a lady. As soon as I got through that door, I immediately zoomed to the front door, where Yoon was. She carefully put on my coat, fixed my hair and then gave me my bag.

"Thanks." I smiled at Yoon and ran out the door. The chill air of an early spring morning hit me right when I stepped out of the door. I shilvered.

"Morning." JinYoung was outside, leaning against his red sport car. How old were we? 17, old enough. He waved at me with his heartwhelming smile. I smiled brightly at him and ran toward him. I skipped down the stairs and gave him a hug. "How are you feeling today?" He asked as he brushed my hair.

"Awesome!" I beamed then took a deep breath of the fresh morning air and his scent.

"Okay, let's go." He gently pushed me away and ran over to open the passenger side door for me. "Lady first." He smiled.

I giggled as I walked slowly to the other side.

"So, why are you picking me up today?" I asked after he drove through of my house's gate. It was always my driver who takes me to school. Something must be up today.

"Can't I drive my girlfriend to school without a reason?" He smiled after turned to look at me for a moment.

"Nah, seriously." I investigated his face.

"I want to buy somethingfor my mom for her birthday." 

"You chose the right one then." I smiled as I leaned over and linked my arm to his and rested my head oh his shoulder.

"I know I did." He laughed then kissed the top of my hair. "Jasmin?" He asked.

"Uh huh. My aunt got it for me when she came to visit yesterday." I knew exactly what he was talking about. Why? We had been together for more than 2 years now. I was surprised that he actually noticed that I changed my shampoo. I usually used rose scent.

"It made for you." He laughed while brushing me hair with his fingers. "Okay, we're here." He announced as he parked his car on the school's V.I.P parking lot.

We walked hand in hand to class like everyday. Soyoung was at her locker, taking out her stuffs, like always.

"Soyoung." I called as I saw her. She waved back, closed her locker and ran to us.

"Annyeong, JinYoung-ssi." She waved at JinYoung first.

"What about me?" I pouted and narrowed my eyes.

"Annyeong, Naeun-ah." She laughed.

"How are you feeling today, my friend?" I asked as I put my arm around her shoulder. We walked to our classroom together. JinYoung had a different class so he went another way. Soyoung and I just talked about school works all the way to class.

The class was crowded, as always. Mr.Cheng, our Chinese teacher was early today. He was up next to the board with someone, a boy. It was a boy. "Look, new student." I whispered to Soyoung. She also noticed, she nodded. I walked to my seat, right up front, next to the teacher's desk. I placed my bag next to my desk and sat down. When I looked up, I was shocked, horrified and ... shocked. The guy from the bakery was there, standing next to Mr.Cheng. I mediately turned back and looked for Soyoung. I could tell that she was shocked, too; but at the same time she looked happy and amused by the fact that he was in our class. I looked back at him. This time he saw me. He looked shocked. Why would he be? I should be shocked not him.

The bell rang as I sat anxiously in my seat. Please don't. Please don't make that rude guy be in my class. I had this serious illness toward rude people, if you know what I mean. I don't like people with ill manner, like him!

"Everyone, stand." I stood up and demanded. "Good morning, Mr.Cheng." I bowed and everyone else followed. A must do class routine.

"Okay, students. Settle down. We have a new student." Mr.Cheng announced, trying to get others' attentions. "Hey, you. Sit down." He pointed his ruler at the guy in the back.

Like always, I turned around and looked at the person that was causing troubles and tell them to sit down. Because of course I'm a class president. The guy sat down and I turned back to face forward.

"Thank you, Ms.Soo." Mr.Cheng said, smiling.

"My pleasure." I said politely with a slight bow. Just like how my mommy taught me.

Mr.Cheng cleared his throat, "So, we have a new student. His name is Lee Jung Hwan." He finished his sentence and then stepped back and passed the attention to the bakery guy.

"Annyeong. Nice to meet you all. My name is Lee Jung Hwan but please feel free to call me Sandeul instead." He introduced himself while capturing the girls' hearts with his brght smile. That must be the brightest smile I ever saw in my life. I rolled my eyes. Psst, trying to be nice. I scoffed.

"Ms.Soo. Would you like to introduce yourself and the class rules?" Mr.Cheng said softly from behind. I was shocked. Why did I have to do it? Why? Why me?

I nodded and stood up. I had no choice. "Annyeonghaseyo. My name is Soo Naeun, class president. Nice to meet you." I said with my brightest smile and a bow afterward.

I looked up, he smiled at me and looked away. "So, this class's only rule is 'Do what you suppose to do.' and that means study and pay attention." I said confidently and like always ended up with a smile. I sat back down at Mr.Cheng's signal.

"So as you can see the only seat left in this class is the seat behind Ms. Soo. So... Sand...Mr.Lee, please have a seat behind Ms. Soo." Mr.Cheng struggled on finding the right name to call the bakery guy. 

Wait what??? Behind me? NO WAY! I was screaming my head off after hearing what Mr.Cheng said. The bakery guy followed the instruction without any questions. Hewalked slowly down the stage and walked passed me. I held my breath as he wakled by. Oh my god, I still couldn't believe that he was sitting behind me. WHY? GOD WHY?

"Let's start today's lesson." Mr.Cheng said after everything was settled. "Textbook, page 222 please."


The lesson went smoothly without anything happened. The bakery guy, wait I should start calling him Sandeul now, right? Okay. Sandeul didn't really talk in class, which was awesome since I hate people that talk in class espeicially when they sit right behind me. Sandeul seemed to be a really bright guy. At least he has a good brain. He had almost all the same classes as me, except for homeroom, he had the same one as JinYoung.

I was in so deep in my thoughts that I didn't realized that JinYoung was calling me. "Naeun-ah." He called as he ran to me. "Sorry, I can't take you shopping today. Something came up that I have to go. I can't take you home. Will you be alright?" He asked, still pantting from the running. He sounded guilty.

"It's alright. I will just call Chunyun and ask him to come pick me up. It's fine. But is everything okay?" I smiled and asked in concern. He never leave me alone unless there are something extrememely important. Soyoung went home since she needed to go to her family meeting.

"Nah, nothing serious. Don'tworry okay.Just get home safe." He leaned forward and pulled me to a hug. I smiled and nodded. "Okay bye." He pulled away and ran to his car. Must besomething really urgent.

I sighed as I trailed off along the classrooms' walls. I took out my iPhone and called Chunyun. No one picked up the phone. That was odd. I called my mom. "Mom? Can you tell Chunyun to come pick me up?" 

"Sorry honey, Chunyun is out sick today. Uh... What happened to JinYoung? He was suppose to take you him today isn't he?" 

"He had something to do that he can't take me home. Where are you mom?" I asked.

"Your dad and I are in Jeju right now. I told you yesterday. Michael and Yoon are all here. I'm afraid that you need to get a ride him honey." My mom sounded worried.

"It's fine mom. I will go home with Soyoung then.Bye mom, have fun." I lied. Soyoung left. I hung up.

"Aigoo."I sighed as I wandered around the school alone. The students were already home. "Now how will I get home?" I whispered to myself.

"Hey, want a ride home?" A unfamiliar voice came out from behind and startled me. I turned around and...



July 8, 2011

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Update soon please?
keisha96 #2
Eeeep! Love this fanfic!! Totally love Sandeul here!! :DDD
Dubu-Lover #3
I love this fanfic! Update soon! <3 im gonna suscribe nw :)
babysmurfbaek #4
I really like it! :) Update soon!