Chapter 8

A Heart Sealed in Time

      “Excuse me?” is all you could manage you have never met him before you would have remembered “I have never met you sir” he just smiles at you “yes yes you have Mel” you look at him confused as you have a small headache grow. He relaxes behind his desk as he smirks as you rub your forehead against the headache “it was yesterday don’t you remember” your body unknowingly relaxes but for some reason the headache persist “oh um yeah I do remember that. I just wasn’t sure if you wanted to keep that you know under wraps." again he smirks like he was hidding a secret “For the time being yes I just wanted to formally apologize since you never gave me the chance to” he stands up and begins collecting his stuff. “Umm I’m confused” you say as you stayed seated. “I’m going to complete what I was doing yesterday before you ran off” you think then you shake your head “nope still not following” he just laughs “I’m taking you home it’s the least I could do after almost mowing you down”  yeah this doesn’t really feel like this should be happening this way “um no you are fine I don’t need it I could just take the bus” you start to gather your stuff and head out “no I insist” he puts a hand on your shoulder and started guiding you towards the teachers parking lot. You feel uneasy about getting a ride from him but there really wasn’t a reason to say no. as you both walk out the school you see a figure waiting. “Mr. Yoo it’s late what are you still doing at school” YoungJae ignored the teacher and looked just at you “come on we need to practice” he grabs you hand and begins to walk away. You feel a tug on your other hand “Mr. Yoo I was going to take Ms. Gonzalez home” you pull your hand out of Mr. emersions and slide closer to YoungJae “umm that’s ok mr.emerson I forgot that we agreed to practice today” you feel relieved to have an excuse not to go with him. He looked like he wanted to argue that fact but he just smiles and laughs a bit but his smile did not reach his eyes which gave you the chills but you were comforted by the fact that YoungJae was still holding your hand. As Mr. Emerson walks away you turn to YoungJae who just stands there glaring at him. “Umm YoungJae” you ask as you wave your hand in front of his face. “Huh” he says as he blinks out of his glare “Ummm” is all you can say as you look at your hands still locked with his with your face blushing. He just looks at it then at you and then starts to walk with you away from the school still holding your hand. You tug at your hand a bit but he doesn’t let go so oyu give up and keep walking. “YoungJae can you tell me where we are going exactly” you look around at the surroundings and you notice that you guys are going in the opposite direction of the bus stop. “We are going to eat” he says it casually as you stroll up to a restaurant and takes a seat. You slowly sit down not knowing what else to do. “Umm it is kind of getting late” you move to stand up. “Please Mel” you hear him say softly. You look at him and see the worry and fear in his eyes but you couldn’t understand why it was there. “Yeah ok I’ll stay” he grabs your hand like he needed to feel like you were really there with him. “YoungJae I am really confused right now and I need you to start clearing things up because it seems like you know what is going on” you say as you continue to look at him. “Mel have you ever met someone and know that they were meant to be yours?” you sit there and look at him yeah but that was only with him but you were not about to tell him that. “Umm what are you trying to say” YoungJae shakes his head as if trying to gather his thoughts “when you look at me don’t you feel like you know me” his eyes were pleading you to remember something but all that came was a headache. “Umm” but before you could respond the waitress was at your table looking eager to serve YoungJae. “What can I get for you sir” she asked without looking at you. For some reason it just pissed you off to be ignored. He looks at the menu then  looks at you “what would you like” the girl is forced to change he attentions to you “oh your so cute is she your younger sister?” she ask as she manages to turn her attention back to YoungJae before you could even speak that set your temper a blaze. Before YoungJae could even answer you stand up and slide into his side of the booth and get YoungJae to put his arm around your shoulder “actually he is my date” you glare up at the girl as if daring her to say something and you look back at YoungJae just to see him smiling. You both order your meal and eat in peace without the waitress bothering you again. You both walk in silence towards your house. “Well here I am” you point towards the boarding house “what were you trying to say in the restaurant” he just shakes his head and smiles “so was that a date” he changes the subject. You blush and shake your head as well “no I mean I just hate when girls do that its highly annoying” he just grabs your hand “well I’ll consider it as our first date” he tugs on your hand to pull you in for a kiss on the cheek which leaves you stunned. "Go in I’ll wait." You slowly walk into the house and close the door then run up stairs to your room to look out the window to watch YoungJae's figure walk down the street.  

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