Chapter 7

A Heart Sealed in Time

“Hello class I am Mr. Emerson and I will be teaching you for the remainder of the year” he smiles to the class but you noticed that the warmth of that smile did not reach his eyes. Well that’s not creepy at all you think.  What the heck was he doing here? When you look over at YoungJae he does not look at all like the happy person he was just two seconds before the teacher walked in. “hey” you whisper over to him. He pays you no mind. “Pssst” you say as you poke him a bit but his main focused remained on the teacher. “Yah” you say a tad but louder “ms….” The teacher looked down on the seating chart “Gonzales if you feel such a nature to talk in my class maybe we should have a discussion in my office after school about it hmm” you cringe a bit. “She has nothing to discuss with you” YoungJae burst out. That catches you by surprise “well Mr. Yoo looks like we are going to need a talk about disrupting my class come during lunch so we can talk about this” young jae just continues to look furious at the new teacher. Wait why does he get to come during lunch and you have to come after school. That’s not fair you had wanted to go home and finally get some sleep. Your sleeping habits were really becoming worse and worse recently. The bell tolls for lunch and everyone gets up to leave. “Mr. Yoo remember to stay put” the teacher said with a smirk. You look from young Jae to the teacher and back. He just gives you a side look saying to get going and you leave. But you were too curious and back track to the classroom. ”what are you doing here” you hear young Jae say to Mr. Emerson. Through the crack you see Mr. Emerson at his desk smiling at young Jae “Awe come on now Jae you’re really going to treat your hyung like this” hyung? Wait young Jae knows this guy. “You are no hyung of mine you need to leave now” you had never heard young Jae so angry. “Leave why would I leave I just got here I have an awesome job great benefits plus there is not shorted of girls to look at” he snickers. “you know why” young jae responds “ Ooh come on little bro that is all in the past ancient history you know that” he pauses for a bit then smiles back at YoungJae “but you know she still as beautiful as I remember” huh this perked your interest even more who were they talking about. “HEY Mel what are you doing there” you hear Jenni yell out which makes you jump and run dragging her around the corner with you. You peek around the corner to see Mr. Emerson down the hall way checking. Damn you were going to kill Jenni. “You sure know how to spoil things don’t you.” You say to her as you let her go” she gives you a look as if to say who so you think you are talking to “come on let’s go eat” you both stop off in the cafeteria and eat your food at the table with the new transfer students. They had picked up the nasty little habit of eating lunch with you guys. At first you had thought it was that they liked they table that you and Jenni usually sat at. I mean you couldn’t blame them it had been the perfect spot. So you and Jenni had decided to just give it them and sit somewhere else. However that was not the case no matter what table you moved to they were always there to sit with you all smiles. Which wouldn’t normally bother you because they were all a great group of guys very funny and kind but the fact that where ever they went all eyes were on them and after a while being under the watchful eyes of almost every female in school was tiring to you. Jenni on the other hand didn’t seem to have any problem with that. It seemed she and Jong up had reached an impasse and she seemed to have raised a white flag and was now being friendly with him not noticing the rest of the world. “Where is YoungJae?” bang ask. “He got called to stay during lunch for interrupting the new teacher” you respond. the whole group stopped their conversation and looked at you. “Wait back up YoungJae was rude to a teacher” Daehyun asked. You look around as all the guys stare at you. Even jong up was at attention “umm well yeah the teacher actually said I have to stay after school to talk with him and YoungJae just interrupted saying I have no reason to stay after class” they guys looked amongst themselves “what was this teachers name” himchan asked “his name?” you question “well his name is Emerson” you say “what does he look like” bang ask “well he kind of reminds me of the actor Kim soo hyun but now that I think about it his smile kind of reminds me of young jae’s” the guys look at each other again and immediately get up “sorry ladies but we have to go we forgot something” they all leave out the cafeteria in a rush. Well that was strange. You wanted to go after them but something told you that that wasn’t a good idea. You sit for the rest of lunch waiting for YoungJae who never comes. As you slowly walk to class a little disappointed that you didn’t get to have lunch with him you brighten at the idea that there was still the rest of class to look forward to “wait why am I acting like this its not like my happiness should depend on whether I see him or not” you say to yourself “seeing who” you hear a girly voice behind you. You turn around to see park ji-na “what do you want” you ask as she walks up to you “ I asked you a question” she asked with her fake smile in place “that’s none of your business” you say, she dropped her smile and her fake voice as she spoke to you again “look just because oppa is nice to you doesn’t mean you can go and get a big head he will never like an outsider like you this will be my only warning leave oppa alone and we will leave you alone ok foreigner” she pushes the books you were carrying to the ground but then starts to pick them up “oh Mel how can you be so clumsy here let me help you” “Mel you ok” you look to the side to see young jae leaning out of the classroom “oh oppa I didn’t see you there Mel just dropped her stuff I was helping her though” she bats her eyelashes and hands/shoves the books at you and heads over to YoungJae. She is such a fake trick you think. You walk past her and YoungJae into class you had no time for this. Class starts again and both of you are silent during the whole class. When the bell rings everyone leaves the room except for YoungJae Mr. Emerson and you. “Mr. Yoo I don’t believe I called you to stay after class” Mr. Emerson smiles at young jae “no but I usually walk her home so you’ll understand if I stay” young jae counters what the heck is going on here “no need I’ll drive Ms. Gonzales home” YoungJae looked like he wished to do nothing but argued but didn’t know to say so all he could do was pack up and leave. As he got to the door he paused and looked at you one last time as if to plead something from you but gave up and left. “Now Ms. Gonzales do you remember me” you turn to look at him “huh” you say “do you remember me from you past” he asked again with a smile.

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