Chapter 5

A Heart Sealed in Time

That fact of whether you heard right or wrong had bugged you all night. Did I really hear him say that? If so why would he call me that I mean we just met and why did I like it so much I never attach onto people like that but what if I didn’t hear right that would make me crazy right? You keep walking to school thinking about that not paying attention to your surroundings. You suddenly get tugged to the side as a car speeds by you. You look to the side to encounter yourself against a strong chest when you look up you see YoungJae well speak of the devil you think. “Why aren’t you paying attention?” he says for some reason he looked angry. “First off, can you umm let me go” you say as you shake off his hold “second I was just think that’s all”. He places you on the outer side of the road away from traffic as you both proceed to the school entrance “I hate crazy drivers and this is a school zone what was he thinking” you look at him curiously was he upset that the guy almost hit you you smile to yourself well this is nice to feel protected. Then you shake off the feeling why are you warming up to him like this “penny for your thoughts” he asked instead of answering him you blurt out “why are you here anyways”. It seems that every time you think of him or don’t expect him he is there to save you or just be there for you. “What do you mean I’m pretty sure I am on my way to school” he chuckles. “yeah I know that but don’t you get dropped off with the rest of the transfer students” you pause for a second “and what’s up with that do you guys like all live in the same place or something you guys are like always together” he gives you a big smile “so you pay attention on how I get to school huh?” you immediately face forward as your face turns red “no no I don’t I just happen to notice as I was walking to school” you rush out to say why did you let that slip. He just keeps on smiling as you guys get closer to school “anyways you haven’t answered my question yet why do you guys always come to school together?” you ask again. “Hmm we are um very close you can say we have known each other for what seems like centuries” he laughs real hard at the last part. It confuses you but you decide to let it go. “So have you come up with a song for us to sing?” he shakes his head “no I need to find the right song for your voice something smooth and mellow I think.” As you both walk into the building a group of girls walk up to you both all smiles for YoungJae not so much for you. “Hi oppa” one of the girls says in what she thinks is a cutesy voice but all it does is make you cringe. “hey park ji-na” she pouts a bit “oppa I told you you don’t have to say my last name ji-na is fine and preferred” she attempts to giggle cutely and bats her eyelashes. urge this is just a train wreck to watch you try scooting away but YoungJae just grabs your arm and holds you in place “that’s ok park ji-na I don’t like dropping honorifics with people I’m not comfortable with well me and Mel have to go to class” he drags you along and you look back to see the group of girls just glaring furious stares at you. This will not end well. “YoungJae can you let my arm go.” he looks down and instead of just completely letting you go he just loops your arm through his. This completely blows your mind “aren’t Koreans supposed to be conservative or something?” you asked stunned as to why he still wasn’t letting you go. “Aren’t Americans supposed to more open minded about close boundaries” he counters. You give up you were never going to understand him. You sit through class half listening to the teacher half looking outside. Today would be a nice day to have lunch outside. As soon as the bell rings you immediately get up and rush out of the classroom and by pass the lunch room to head to the roof. You set your stuff down and look around as the combination of sun and a light breeze hits you and you close your eyes and put your face in the direction of the breeze. After a calming minute like that you take out your iPod and set it to shuffle the first song that pops up is Whitney Houston’s duet with Mariah Carey When You Believe. You smile this song always gave you peace. As you sing along you don’t notice YoungJae step up behind you. As you sing out the last line he begins to clap. “Amazing simple amazing” he says in a soft voice. It startles you and you spin around to face him but trip up in the process. He reacts quickly so that instead of you landing on the hard ground you land on him. You lift your face a couple inches and see his face just inches from yours.                                      

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