Shopping with SNSD

When The Sun Sets Red

Hey! It's been a while! I plan to make this chapter as enjoyable as possible because I didn't update for a long time!


Eventide(Chayeon)'s POV

I smiled when I saw SNSD enjoying themselves. They all had smiles on their faces and playing with each other. Taeyeon was walking hand-in-hand with Tiffany, swinging their hands as they walked. Sooyoung and Sunny joked around with each other, laughing and having fun. Yuri and Jessica were in a deep conversation and were also walking hand-in-hand. I was walking with Yoona, Seohyun, and Hyoyeon unnies. All of them we dressed in casual outfits and either sunglasses or hats to cover their faces. 

I decided to break the silence between me and Yoona unnie. "So, unnie, what do you do in your free time?"

"We usually don't have a lot of free time, but when we do, we usually eat," she answered.

I was going to respond but Hyoyeon unnie interrupted, "No, Yoona-yah, that's just you and Sooyoung."

Yoona gave Hyoyeon a glare and that is how the glaring war between Yoona and Hyoyeon started. Since I was right in the line of fire, I stepped backwards and Seohyun did as well.

"I didn't mean to start that," I said. " I just wanted to break the silence, it was uncomfortable."

Seohyun patted me on the back. "Don't worry, they'll get out of it soon. If we didn't fight we probably wouldn't be this close."

"You seem a lot more responsible than the rest of the unnies," I remarked. Seohyun nodded.

"Yeah, I get that a lot. I had to be that way, because I was so young when I joined the company, I had to be responsible for myself because my parents can't always be there for me in this profession. I guess you can call it a survival tactic."

I could understand where Seohyun was coming from. Back on the Sun, my father was never there for me, I had to figure out almost all of my basic needs myself. The Shining, I learned from my teacher, but how to live my life, I had to figure that out alll by myself. I had to be self reliable and independent. But also alone, without a friend in the world.


We were shopping in a shoe store when I felt eyes on me. I looked around but found no one. I shrugged it off and continued to look for shoes. I found nice white ones. They were sneakers and were really light. I liked plain clothes, I thought that they matched me well. I had also found a pair of blue hi tops that matched the clothes that I bought.

"Unnies, I found everything!" I looked around for SNSD but only Taeyeon was around. I approched her and showed her the shoes.

"Are these okay? And where are the rest of the unnies?" I asked. She took the white pair out of my hands.

"They went to go shopping for something also," she said while examining the shoes. Then she took the blue pair from me. "These are good shoes, good for dancing. Okay, kaja. We have to pay then find the girls."

She smiled sweetly, intertwined our hands and started walking towards the cash register.

My heart was beating so fast. I could feel that something was wrong. I looked around, searching for the source of my uneasiness, until I found it. Standing behind a shelf of shoes was a man. To humans he looked normal, but to me he was a mand dressed in a bright red robe with a blue shooting star on the back. It was the sumbol for the Shooting Stars, an elite group of fighters that worked for my father.

'Father must have found out that I had ran away. If he finds out about SNSD, he will definitly kill them.'

I had to act fast, I ran to another shelf and dragged Taeyeon with me. I hid there, and covered . She struggled to get free but I held firm. She squirmed and tried to push me away. Finally she managed to bite me. I bit my lip to hold in my pain. Out of the corner of my eye, I see the Shooting Star spot us. He started to run towards us. I grabbed Taeyeon's hand and ran towards the mall's exit.

"WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU!?" Taeyeon screamed at me. "LET ME GO!"

We were getting no where with Taeyeon struggling to break free so I pick her up and carried her out. She continued to try break free, she pulled at my hair and hit my head. She lost her energy and finally broke into tears. I could feel her tears through my shirt. I felt guilty but this was for her own good. I didn't know how much info that one Shooting Star had gathered about my time here but I couldn't take any chances. I had to protect Taeyeon.

We had reached the outer parking lot when I felt a sting in my leg. I fell and looked down at my leg, golden liquid spewed out of my leg. I looked back and there was the Shooting Star. He had shot me! Taeyeon had stopped crying and looked at my leg and then at me. Her expression was filled with fear. The Shooting Star was heading towards his aim at Taeyeon's head. I had to stop him! I stood up and blocked the shot from hitting Taeyeon. The blow hit my straight in the chest. The Shooting Star looked at me in surprise. Taeyeon looked at me with shock. Golden liquid came from my chest. I could barely breathe but I ran at full speed towards the Shooting Star. I tackled him to the ground and punched his face. He out and so did I.


When I woke up, I was covered with a blanket and lying in a comfortable bed that smelled like srawberries. My forehead was covered with a wet cloth and beaded sweat. I looked around and sat up cautiously in the unknown room. It was a fairly large green bedroom, with many pictures, stickers and plushies of peas.

My hand that Taeyeon had bitten was bandaged and my wounds from the Shooting Star were bandaged, too.

Shooting Star, Shooting Star.... Shooting Star! Where is he!?

I was about to get out of the bed when the door suddenly started to open. I quickly layed back down on my stomach, covered myself with the blanket and pretended to sleep.

"Are you awake?" A voice asked, it was so soft that I could barely make out what they were saying. I smiled unconciously. The voice was so sweet and pure It was beautiful.

Someone sat in the space next to me. They placed their hand on where my stomach should have been but I was laying on my stomach. They were rubbing my ... I felt my cheeks redden instantly.

I slowly got up from my position, my raised in the air and lifted my head to face the person. My head rushed with blood but that didn't matter. I had to know who had such a beautiful voice, who had taken care of me.

I was shocked when I saw a certain baby-faced girl facing me.

"How are you feeling?" She asked then smiled slightly. Her eyes were still puffy and red from the tears that I had caused.

"I'm fine, but why are you rubbing my , Tae unnie?" I asked.



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randrew1215 #1
Please update it
TheLoneWolf #2
Chapter 6: update soon
Chapter 6: ohhh I love your story :DD it's amazing. the shooting stars and all :)) cool