
When The Sun Sets Red


Eventide's POV


From my view on the "Sun", as the humans call my home, I saw the humans in their everyday life. Going to school, and to work. Having fun, getting stressed, laughing, loving each other, I wanted to be like them. Humans were allowed to make their own chioces, their own lives. My life was limited. I was to take over my Father's job, The Shining, when he died and he would pass that job onto me and I would become the "Sun". My days were filled with the training for the Shining. I had to learn when to come out and when to set and what time I had to hide behind the Earth for Lunar Eclipses, and when to hide behind the Moon, for Solar Eclipses.

I looked down at the Earth once again, this time focusing on a family of five. One of the children was a young boy playing in the backyard with his older sister. The other sibling, a girl, older than the other two, was in her room doing homework. Meanwhile, her parents were in the kitchen making lunch together. I smiled. This was the part of human life that I loved. Even though it was not a very dramatic scene, it was heartwarming. It was somehing that I longed for.

"Eventide", my teacher was calling me. I pouted. I didn't want to go to lessons! Aww...

My teacher was a nice person but he never showed any enthusiasm. It was boring to listen to and most times I would just space out.

"When the Lunar Eclipse starts today we have to hide behind the Moon."

"Okay." I replied. I was seriously bored. I knew all the material already! I have been training for 118 years! I was an expert on the Shining now!

"Alright, I'll be right back, I have to go prepare for the event. Stay here."

I looked back to Earth, which almost all covered by the Moon. Suddenly, I thought of something. What if I went to Earth now, my Father wouldn't see me go down because the Moon is in the way right now. But if I went to Earth I would have to change my appearance first. Seeing a bright red girl with firery red hair walking around is not exactly a normal sightng for humans. I changed myself into a girl with bright red hair and dressed myself in a simple white T-shirt and jeans. I slipped on a pair of sneakers and looked into a mirror.

I now looked like a normal highschooler. I smiled and looked back at Earth. I jumped off my terrace and flew towards Earth.


Author's POV


SNSD were walking to the SM building when suddenly Jessica screamed when she felt a huge wieght on top of her. Jessica's scream made the other members jump.

"Yah!" Tiffany screamed. "Are you trying to make me-" She couldn't finish her sentance when she saw a girl on top of Jessica. The girl's hair was a bright red and her arms had burn marks and were bleeding. She was uncounsious and her breathing was in deep gasps. Jessica was stuck under her and had scraped her elbow. Tiffany looked up. There was no possible way for this girl to fall. There were no buildings in the surrounding parking lot and there was security everywhere.

"Unnie!" Seohyun ran over to Jessica and carefully lifted the girl off her. "Unnies, we have to bring her inside. She's losing a lot of blood."

The others nodded. Yoona took the girl from Seohyun and carried the girl on her back and walked inside. Yoona placed her on the floor of their practice room. Taeyeon, Sunny and Sooyoung started to bandage the unconsious girl. They pressed lightly on her wounds to stop the bleeding. Tiffany and Yuri were helping Jessica clean herself up. Once they were done, they all walked over to the girl. Taeyeon had a troubled look on her face.

"What should we do?" Hyoyeon asked. "Do we report her to the police?"

"Well, that wouldn't be the best thing to do, right?" Sunny replied. The others looked at her with question. "Think about it. People wouldn't just let this pass by. There would be swarms of press and cameras asking about the story behind this girl. We can't report her without being questioned. 'Hi, officer, we're here to report this girl for falling on Jessica.' It's not going to work."

The others nodded. "That's true," said Yuri. " Can you imagine the problems this might have? 'SNSD reports an injured girl to police for falling on Jessica.'"

"Let's let her stay with us for now. There were a lot of rumors lately that there were people out to destroy the reputations of idols. We can convince the company into making her a trainee, that way when people see us with her there will be no questions. That would also allow us to have time to find out how she fell on Jessica and if she is out to get us," Taeyeon said. "Okay, everybody get ready for practice until she wakes up. We can't waste time." They moved the girl to a corner and propped her head up on Tiffany's pink jacket.


Eventide's POV

When I woke up, I was looking at clouds. I smiled, knowing that I had landed on Earth. When I sat up, I was shocked to fiind nine women dancing in front of a mirror. I realized that the cloud were not actual clouds, but paper that covered more mirrors. I was slightly disappointed, I had thought that I had landed in a beautiful place with lots of grass and butterflies. But these women were more beautiful than butterflies in my opinion. When they danced they looked like they were gracefully flying like a butterfly. Each move was so graceful and smooth.

One of the women noticed me in the mirror and stopped dancing. The others stopped dancing as well, confused on to why she stopped, but then realized that I was watching them. The first woman that stopped turned around and walked over to me.Even from the floor I could tell that she was not very tall She walked with much confidence and charisma and her blonde hair bounced gracefully up and down. Her facial expression, however was not very graceful, her eyebrows were furrowed and her mouth was plastered into a frown. She bent down and took me by the collar so that I could clearly hear what she was going to say.

"Who are you?!" I tried to back away but her grip on my shirt was too tight. "Apologize to Jessica for hurting her!"

"Taeyeon-ah, it's okay I'm fine." Another blonde ran over to us and separated me from Taeyeon. When she released me I landed on the floor. My body was shaking like crazy, and I felt tears about to spill over.

"I'm sorry," I said quietly. I sobbed by myself. "I didn't mean to hurt you. I just wanted to go to a nice place."

It wasn't a complete lie, I just didn't tell the the whole truth. Another woman walked over to me and went down to my eye level. She smiled with both and eyes.

"Ujimayo, I'm sure it was an accident." She said and I nodded. She stuck out her hand. "I'm Tiffany. What's yours?"

I panicked. What am I going to say? Eventide is a pretty strange name on Earth, right? I had to think fast.

"Cha-chayeon,"I replied. Yeah, Chayeon's a good name. That's who I am now.




First chapter complete! Sorry if I made Taeyeon look like an agressive person. I really like her...



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randrew1215 #1
Please update it
TheLoneWolf #2
Chapter 6: update soon
Chapter 6: ohhh I love your story :DD it's amazing. the shooting stars and all :)) cool