Chapter 5

Last Friday Night

  Joonmyun didn't know what to do. What to tell mostly. Clearly, some part of Kyungsoo's mind had blocked the hateful memory of that night. Whatever happened then, was tucked in way at the back of his head and kicked to the darkest corner. Maybe it's a good thing, he didn't want history to repeat itself again. It was awful when Baekhyun went through it, it'll be worse if Kyungsoo did too. 

  He sighed in thought, why can't heartbreak just leave them alone? Life would be less upsetting.

  He stopped in his tracks, noticing a certain blonde a little down the corridor. He backtracked immediately, not wanting to bump into him. Though maybe he should've watched his back as well as his front. Maybe then, he wouldn't have bumped into someone. Someone who was clearly in a fowl mood, and ready to snap.

  "Watch where you're going."

  He quickly turned to apologise to the junior, "So sorry, I was just - hey, aren't you Lu-"

  Apparently the cotton coloured hair boy wasn't in the mood to talk and just ignored him, moving on his way

  Joonmyun frowned, well that was rude. He should learn to respect his seniors, and what is up with his hair. He is pretty sure just by that unnatural hair colour, the younger has violated more than one school rules.


  Though his hair was dyed a very pretty shade of light cotton pink to give off a friendlier impression, the annoyed and angry frown on his face scared off some of the people dying to approach him. His hands shoved into his pockets, as he made his way to the locker. Opening it, he saw a taped picture on the locker door inside. For a moment there, all the anger disappeared and betrayal filled his heart. Questions filled his head, why would the elder do that? Was it something he really wanted? Was it all a lie? One in particular ringing in his head, why is he never good enough?


  Sehun slammed the locker door so hard, it rang in his ears. But it still wasn't loud enough for him to just shut everything else out.

  "Someone's angry today," Yixing noted, taking in the younger's appearance. "You missed practise yesterday, what happened? We have a performace in just a month. I need to make sure you and Jongin-"

  "I don't think that's going to happen,” Sehun cuts in. He knows he's being silly in a way, but does not have the patience to deal with that bastard right now. Even the mere mention of his name 


  “I don’t think I can do the dance anymore," Sehun said, trying to remain calm. He was being selfish, he knew. But he cannot handle it right now. Not now.

  Yixing blinked, and anger bubbled in him, “I don’t care what happened between you and Jongin, but leave it cause you two are doing the show. We only have a few weeks to practise, barely a month. We don’t have time to change plans.”

  He turned away, not wanting to create an argument. This is his last year, he is not letting two squabbling kids ruin it. As it was his last performance for the school, it was very important, and they’ve been working on it for too long to change it. There will be scouts attending the show, it could be his only chance to show them what he's really made off.


  "Look Yeol, I know you mean well but I can't give you his number," Jongdae said, trying to be polite for the fifth time. 

  "Come on, Chen, I just want to talk to him," Chanyeol pleaded. "It's been a while since I actually saw him. He hasn't even been coming to school these past few days."

  Apparently he noticed too, Jongdae thought. He did find it weird that Baekhyun has been missing school for a while now. The last time he saw him was the night at the party, and he wasn't in his clear mind then either. His friend has been acting different, but Chen wasn't sure if he should ask him.

  What he was sure off is that he can't give Chanyeol Baekhyun's new number. Baekhyun will have his head if he does.

  "Fine, you know what, I'll just drop by his place later," Chanyeol told him huffily.

  "Wait, you can't do that," Jongdae said, surprised. "You promised to give him some space."

  "It's been a week Chen," Chanyeol told him, exasperatedly. "It's been a week since we talked. I'm just going to tell him that the kiss was nothing, and hope everything gets better."

  "Fat chance that will work," Jongdae said.

  "You got any better idea?"

  "Just don't push him for an answer, okay?"

  "I won't," Chanyeol promised. Besides, he already knew the answer.


So, um, hi *waves awkwardly* I figured in the events of Kris and SM thing, I should update this to distract myself. Besides the last update was the last day of last year so yeah.

Thanks for reading, and try to guess what's happening. Whoever got the closest right gets a few spoilers or answers to your questions ;)

Not much, plenty of typos. Thanks for reading n_n

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re editing the story bit by bit. minor stuff don't worry. slowly making a comeback


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Miskii #1
Chapter 6: I'm glad to see that you're back and I'd love to read a new chapter from you :)
My heart is begging for more ChenLay, so please let there be more of them <3<3
And good luck! :D
parvitasari #2
Chapter 5: I think it's waste my time to have read 5 early chapters just get to know nothing.. Just tell us what happen in that party. 5 chapters is too much to delay the truth.
Chapter 5: I think Kai and Luhan had a kiss or something that cause Sehun to be angry at Kai. I don't know.Arghh I'm itching to know what happen to them at the party. Please update soon and flashback please ... *puppy eyes but turns out to be an ugly stare.Pardon me xD*

Ps. Your story like a mystery and romance. I love it. :D
darkshoumy #4
Chapter 5: ok i think chanyoel and kai had a kiss (or more) the friday party and something happened to between kai and sehun? lol
thanks for the update! read you soon i hope! ;-)
nikdae #5
Chapter 4: This is really confusing but the following chapters going to clear some things (hopefully) up. And I`m hoping Chenlay makes their appeariance soon!! Please update soon!
Chapter 3: Yay an update! Now I am really curious about the party! And I enjoyed a protective junmyeon and the krisho. Seems like there's some history between them already? Please update soon :)
gatau-- #7
the poster is so cute~
Chapter 3: Omg this is so good,please more Krisho,and I hope Baekyeol shows up soon!!!
Chapter 3: "Last Friday night, we went streaking in the park, skinny dipping in the dark, then had a ménage à trois..." Was that what happened? Lol! I'm so intrigued. Can't wait to read more!
Chapter 3: last an update! Poor kyungie he really needs to find out what happened at the party, ne? I also enjoyed the krisho a lot! Good work :)