Chapter 2

Last Friday Night

  "Thanks for picking me up."

  Chanyeol looked surprised, as if he had forgotten there was a passenger next to him. He flashed a bright smile at the brunette.

  "It's fine. It's been a while, anyway."

  Kyungsoo let out a breath he didn't realize he was holding. He bit his finger, unsure what to do now. He had woken up in a stranger's house, wearing some else's shirt and no recovery of what happened at all last night. He must've been wasted. He was lucky enough to find some pain killers in one of the bathrooms downstairs, but the memories didn't return. Plus, he had to call an old friend of his for help. An old friend who was kid enough to bring over a clean shirt, no questions asked. He was completely lost at how he ended up in the neighborhood. He hadn't been there in over a year.

  "Are you hungry?"

  "W-what?" Kyungsoo asked, wary and confused. What was he on to now?

  "You're biting your finger as if you haven't ate in days," Chanyeol commented. "If you want breakfast, we could stop by somewhere."

  "Um, no thanks," he ignored his stomach rumbling. "I'm fine."

  "Are you sure? There's a really good diner here. See, there it is."

  Kyungsoo knew it was no use protesting when the younger began pulling up in a parking space. He was hesitating and unconsciously bit his finger even harder. Chanyeol had already gotten out of the car, when he carefully took off his seat belt. You can do this, he told himself. It's just breakfast, which is hopefully free. He had no money with him.

  "I don't have any money," was the first thing he told Chanyeol after he got out.

  The younger had an unreadable expression on his face before that familiar smile spread, "Don't worry, it's on me."

  When they got into the diner, the smell of breakfast mixed with coffee and other delicacies hit his nose. Kyungsoo almost forgot he was with Chanyeol, as his body, or maybe his stomach, automatically led him to the food counter. His eyes roamed all over the menu, hungrily. Coffee, tea, omelets, hash browns, Danishes, pancakes, waffles, everything just seemed delicious right now."

  "One bacon omelette and um, green tea? I've never tried green tea," Chanyeol said, startling Kyungsoo. When did he get there? "What do you think Kyung, should I get green tea? Or maybe just Americano or coffee with sugar? I can't choose."

  "I don't know," he answered quietly, out of instinct.

  "Well, what are you having?"

  "I think I'll just have pancakes and tea," he said.

  "I'll have bacon omelet and white coffee, cause I've never tried white coffee and I heard its good," Chanyeol said, before handing the menu back to the waitress.  When they managed to get a table, Chanyeol began to talk and talk, filling in the conversation for both. Kyungsoo gave a small smile, the younger had always been talkative. He could never stay quiet for long, bugging the teachers half the time. He also knew that the things the latter really want to ask is harder to get out than others.  

  "So you had fun last night?" Chanyeol asked, innocently. "I saw you and Baekhyun dancing together."

  "You did?"

  There was a fleeting look, "Yeah, you two seemed to had lots of fun. Celebrating the end of exams!"

  "Yeah, maybe," he said, before a thought struck him. "Wait, you were at the party?"

  "Yeah, I had to leave early though. But I was surprised to see you two," the taller told him. 

  "You left...early? Why?"

  "You don't remember, do you?" He asked, suddenly serious, his eyes seem to search for something.

  Kyungsoo shook his head, meekly, "What happened?"

  Chanyeol opened his mouth to say something, when two plates were set down on their table. The two snapped out of their conversation and thanked the nervous waiter. Chanyeol began to talk and talk again, about anything really, breakfast, school, coffee, the show he watched last night. Anything but last night.


Took me a while, but here's the 2nd chapt. Tell me who you're expecting/want to see in the next chapt. Enjoy ~
Poster from I n s a n e Designs



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re editing the story bit by bit. minor stuff don't worry. slowly making a comeback


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Miskii #1
Chapter 6: I'm glad to see that you're back and I'd love to read a new chapter from you :)
My heart is begging for more ChenLay, so please let there be more of them <3<3
And good luck! :D
parvitasari #2
Chapter 5: I think it's waste my time to have read 5 early chapters just get to know nothing.. Just tell us what happen in that party. 5 chapters is too much to delay the truth.
Chapter 5: I think Kai and Luhan had a kiss or something that cause Sehun to be angry at Kai. I don't know.Arghh I'm itching to know what happen to them at the party. Please update soon and flashback please ... *puppy eyes but turns out to be an ugly stare.Pardon me xD*

Ps. Your story like a mystery and romance. I love it. :D
darkshoumy #4
Chapter 5: ok i think chanyoel and kai had a kiss (or more) the friday party and something happened to between kai and sehun? lol
thanks for the update! read you soon i hope! ;-)
nikdae #5
Chapter 4: This is really confusing but the following chapters going to clear some things (hopefully) up. And I`m hoping Chenlay makes their appeariance soon!! Please update soon!
Chapter 3: Yay an update! Now I am really curious about the party! And I enjoyed a protective junmyeon and the krisho. Seems like there's some history between them already? Please update soon :)
gatau-- #7
the poster is so cute~
Chapter 3: Omg this is so good,please more Krisho,and I hope Baekyeol shows up soon!!!
Chapter 3: "Last Friday night, we went streaking in the park, skinny dipping in the dark, then had a ménage à trois..." Was that what happened? Lol! I'm so intrigued. Can't wait to read more!
Chapter 3: last an update! Poor kyungie he really needs to find out what happened at the party, ne? I also enjoyed the krisho a lot! Good work :)