Chapter 3

Last Friday Night


Monday soon came and Kyungsoo was still feeling confused on what happened on Friday night. Chanyeol wasn't being much help, since the older was too easily distracted by other things. And Kyungsoo didn't want to bring the topic up since it sort of involved Baekhyun from what he knows.
  Speaking of which, he hasn't manage to get a hold of his friend during the weekend. He had tried over and over again, but Baekhyun never picked up. Maybe the older was just ignoring him, since he could his phone was ringing by the tone at the end.
  Sighing, he made sure he seemed presentable enough before going to school. His eyebrows furrowed when he noticed how he wasn't greeted by the usual appearance of a certain brunette waiting for him by the school door. Frowning, he made his way to his locker. He took out all the stuff he needed for the day, and kept the others.
  "Just leave me alone!"
  Shutting his locker quietly, Kyungsoo was startled to see Joonmyun coming up his way, looking throughly distraught. The elder didn't notice him as he was busy chewing on his lips and his hands kept playing with the scarf around his neck.
  Wait, why was he even wearing a scarf? There wasn't even a hint of cold wind.
  The elder stopped and his gaze softened when he turned towards the younger. Instantly, he let go of his scarf, and tightened his hold around his books. A wave of relief seemed to wash over him when he saw the younger.
  "Kyungie, you're alright," Joonmyun said, smiling though it seemed slightly forced.
  "Why are you wearing a scarf?" Kyungsoo asked, a curiously blank look on his face.
  ", it's cold?" The elder replied, more like a question.
  A thought hit him, and the younger touched his neck, out of instinct, "Do you, did someone give y- did someone mark you?"
  Joonmyun let out a nervous laugh, "Don't be silly, how can someone just mark me?"
  "Anyway, how was the party?" The older asked, quickly averting the topic.
  Kyungsoo knew what he was trying to do, and see no point in questioning the elder any further. He merely shrugged in reply, "I can't remember what happened at the party. I don't even know whose party it was."
  "It was Jongdae's," Joonmyun told him. "Don't you remember? On Friday morning, you were begging for us to go with you. If I had known it was Jongdae's party, I won't have gone."
  "Why not?"
  "You mean, besides the fact that his parties are usually too wild to remember?" The elder replied. "They usually come along with a jerk who thinks he can just come waltzing in someone's life after-"
  Joonmyun then noticed how his tone had gotten angrier and possibly louder, and quickly shook his head, smiling apologetically at the younger.
  "Sorry, but yeah, the whole going to the party thing was your idea," he told Kyungsoo.
  "Are you okay?" The younger asked, worried.
  "I'm fine, I just need a break," he replied, tiredly.
  "Hmm," he hummed in disbelief, but decided to let it go. "Is Baekhyun absent today? I haven't seen him since I got here."
  "I haven't seen him since Friday, sorry," Joonmyun told him. "Have you tried calling him?"
  "He's not picking up."
  "I don't know, sorry Kyung. I have to go, the bell's about to ring," the elder told him. "I'll see you during lunch."
  Well, that wasn't much help, Kyungsoo thought. He was too busy trying to figure out what happened last week to pay proper attention to the teacher in front. In the end, he had to pay the price for it by facing the teacher's wrath. He was more than happy when given the chance to escape, thanks to the ringing bell.
  He was on his way to his next class, when he bumped into someone. He turned to see a familiar tanned figure smiling sheepishly at him. The younger seemed nervous and unsure what to do, as he quickly shoved his hand in his pocket.
  "Hey," Kyungsoo said, a little unsure right now. He's happy because the younger actually made some time to talk to him at school this time. But judging from the tone, he has a feeling this isn't good.
  "What is-"
  "Kyungsoo, there you are, I was looking for you!"
  He mentally cursed Joonmyun for his timing, and shoot Jongin an apologetic smile before turning to the elder.
  "Hey hyung," he said, a bit surprised to see the look on the elder's face. It was a scary look that Kyungsoo had never seen before. It was the same look that Joonmyun had when he was dealing with his ex. Annoyed, anger, and the 'need to kill' look all in one. What shocked him the most was that it was directed to Jongin, who seem to cower away slightly.
  "What do you want?" Joonmyun asked, more like growled at Jongin.
  "Hyung?" Kyungsoo was confused now. Why was he angry at Jongin?
  "I just want to talk to Kyungsoo hyung for a while," Jongin said, trying to not seem intimidated. "I just want to explain what happened."
  "What's going on?" Kyungsoo asked, confused. Jongin turned to him with what seemed to be....relief? Joonmyun didn't seem to stop glaring at the younger either ways.
  "I'll tell you later," Joonmyun said, tugging his hand. "Come on, we're already late for class."
  "It wasn't what it looked like," Jongin quickly said, trying to convince the two of them. At closer look, Kyungsoo saw that he looked completely guilty.
  "Don't you have class?" The elder asked him, sharply.
  "Don't you all have class?" Another voice stepped in.
  The three turned to see a tall blonde by the name of Kris. Jongin mumbled something incoherent and went off. Kyungsoo could've sworn he heard Joonmyun muttered 'coward' and he can't help but frowned. Jongin wasn't the only one scared of Kris, the latter was scary looking, not to mention he's also part of the student council.
  "We're going," Joonmyun said, more urgent. He pulled Kyungsoo towards the opposite direction, ignoring the latter's call.
  "You can't keep running," Kris called out. He didn't seem in any hurry to catch them though.
  "Shut up," Joonmyun said, more to himself.
  "What happened that night?" Kyungsoo asked, the question he still haven't figured out the answer too.
  "I told you we shouldn't have gone to the party."
Tadaa! What do you think? I tried to fit in a bit of Krisho as requested, but you had to squint really hard.
if you have the time, can you check this to tell me which Fic you want me to update next.

Poster from SKYWARD Graphics Request Shop


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re editing the story bit by bit. minor stuff don't worry. slowly making a comeback


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Miskii #1
Chapter 6: I'm glad to see that you're back and I'd love to read a new chapter from you :)
My heart is begging for more ChenLay, so please let there be more of them <3<3
And good luck! :D
parvitasari #2
Chapter 5: I think it's waste my time to have read 5 early chapters just get to know nothing.. Just tell us what happen in that party. 5 chapters is too much to delay the truth.
Chapter 5: I think Kai and Luhan had a kiss or something that cause Sehun to be angry at Kai. I don't know.Arghh I'm itching to know what happen to them at the party. Please update soon and flashback please ... *puppy eyes but turns out to be an ugly stare.Pardon me xD*

Ps. Your story like a mystery and romance. I love it. :D
darkshoumy #4
Chapter 5: ok i think chanyoel and kai had a kiss (or more) the friday party and something happened to between kai and sehun? lol
thanks for the update! read you soon i hope! ;-)
nikdae #5
Chapter 4: This is really confusing but the following chapters going to clear some things (hopefully) up. And I`m hoping Chenlay makes their appeariance soon!! Please update soon!
Chapter 3: Yay an update! Now I am really curious about the party! And I enjoyed a protective junmyeon and the krisho. Seems like there's some history between them already? Please update soon :)
gatau-- #7
the poster is so cute~
Chapter 3: Omg this is so good,please more Krisho,and I hope Baekyeol shows up soon!!!
Chapter 3: "Last Friday night, we went streaking in the park, skinny dipping in the dark, then had a ménage à trois..." Was that what happened? Lol! I'm so intrigued. Can't wait to read more!
Chapter 3: last an update! Poor kyungie he really needs to find out what happened at the party, ne? I also enjoyed the krisho a lot! Good work :)