Chapter 4

Last Friday Night

  Party at my friend's tonight. You should come tonight.

  Followed was an address to a house he was unfamiliar with. It was short, yet different. Short, cause well the text was simply short. Different because it differs from all his previous texts because the text isn't justa place and time to meet up for a quick session. Though, it's mostly the same, the text also included an invitation to a party. A party, Kyungsoo had never been to a party, this could be his first one. One, where hopefully, him and Jongin will take a new step in their relationship.

  Kyungsoo smiled at the thought. But it didn't last long, when he was faced with his friends' uncertainty.

  "I don't know..." Joonmyun said. "It feels like a trap."

  "It is a trap," Baekhyun said, scoffing. "He's luring you to what he thinks is a night of pleasure for both of you. But you two had slept together, so really there's not much difference."

  Kyungsoo blushed, and muttered something incoherent.

  "Baek's probably right. He might drug you just to try something new," Joonmyun said.

  "He won't," Kyungsoo said, frowning. "He won't. He's not as bad as you guys think."

  He knew he wasn't. Kyungsoo knew what others thought of their relationship, and while it wasn't the most proper, doesn't mean Jongin automatically becomes the bad guy. The younger was sweet, and surprisingly gentle. He was eager, yes, like most of the teenagers around his age. It wasn't exactly fair that Jongin was constantly seen as a ruthless player while Kyungsoo was simply another notch on his belt.

  Kyungsoo knew this wasn't true. It can't be true, Jongin actually felt something for him, even if it was something small and tiny as dust. It was something.


  "That's pretty much all I remember," Kyungsoo admitted.

  "That was hours before the party," Joonmyun groaned. "Did you drink that much to actually forgot everything that happened that day?"

  "Maybe, I don't know," Kyungsoo said, his eyes widening nervously. He glanced down at his tray of food, hoping they could give him some kind of clue as to what happened after that.

  "Okay, okay," Joonmyun said, taking a deep breath, and ran his fingers through his hair. "Well, you should probably know that you got Baek to go along with it, and I had to follow to make sure neither of you did anything stupid."

  Kyungsoo nodded, as pieces of puzzles began to fit in bit by bit. It wasn't much, but it was more than nothing. He had been too busy wondering what happened at the party, he didn't really think what happened the morning that same day. He remembered feeling very eager to go to that party. To finally be able to mingle among the people Jongin hung out with. He remembered being nervous, wondering if it was the right choice.

  Well, judging by the looks of it, it wasn't.


It was tiring but at the same time relaxing, it helped soothed his troubled mind. Dancing was what he does best, what he enjoyed the most. Yet, it didn't take a genius to tell something was bothering the young dancer. His eyes were trained on his reflection, as he moved sharply to the beat. Instead of the easy, cocky feeling he always had, it seemed more as if he was angry with himself. Like he was punishing himself for something he did.

  Unable to take it anymore, Yixing turned off the music. He turned to the younger, who had stopped and gave him a questioning look.

  He heaved a tired sigh, "Why did you-"

  "Are you alright?" Yixing asked, cutting him off. "You don't seem yourself today."

  "I'm fine. I just- Why did you turn it off?"

  "The song was supposed to give off a cool, seductive feel, not an angry, I-want-to-smash-your-face feel," Yixing told him, pointedly.

  Jongin sighed, and slumped down on to the floor. He leaned over to the side to grab his bag, and rummaged through it for his bottle of water. He gulped down the water, letting some spill down his chin. Leaning back, he tried to control himsel, tried to control his feelings. He didn't want to make things worse.

  "What did you do?" Yixing asked, studying the younger carefully. It's rare to see him so distarught.

  "Something stupid."

  After a moment, Yixing nodded and turned back to the mirror, doing the move once again, this time without the music. Keeping his hands in his pocket, he slid to the side and hunched his body forward, moving as if the music was still on. He stopped after a while to catch his breath.

  "Hey, is Sehun coming or not?" he asked Jongin, who was still sitting down, leaning to the ground. "He's late."

  "Yeah, I don't think he'll be coming today," Jongin said, glancing towards the door.


Tadaa! What do you think? Too short? Too slow? Sorry for the lack of updates, I've been busy lately.

Anyways, if you have any question, just ask below or here.

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re editing the story bit by bit. minor stuff don't worry. slowly making a comeback


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Miskii #1
Chapter 6: I'm glad to see that you're back and I'd love to read a new chapter from you :)
My heart is begging for more ChenLay, so please let there be more of them <3<3
And good luck! :D
parvitasari #2
Chapter 5: I think it's waste my time to have read 5 early chapters just get to know nothing.. Just tell us what happen in that party. 5 chapters is too much to delay the truth.
Chapter 5: I think Kai and Luhan had a kiss or something that cause Sehun to be angry at Kai. I don't know.Arghh I'm itching to know what happen to them at the party. Please update soon and flashback please ... *puppy eyes but turns out to be an ugly stare.Pardon me xD*

Ps. Your story like a mystery and romance. I love it. :D
darkshoumy #4
Chapter 5: ok i think chanyoel and kai had a kiss (or more) the friday party and something happened to between kai and sehun? lol
thanks for the update! read you soon i hope! ;-)
nikdae #5
Chapter 4: This is really confusing but the following chapters going to clear some things (hopefully) up. And I`m hoping Chenlay makes their appeariance soon!! Please update soon!
Chapter 3: Yay an update! Now I am really curious about the party! And I enjoyed a protective junmyeon and the krisho. Seems like there's some history between them already? Please update soon :)
gatau-- #7
the poster is so cute~
Chapter 3: Omg this is so good,please more Krisho,and I hope Baekyeol shows up soon!!!
Chapter 3: "Last Friday night, we went streaking in the park, skinny dipping in the dark, then had a ménage à trois..." Was that what happened? Lol! I'm so intrigued. Can't wait to read more!
Chapter 3: last an update! Poor kyungie he really needs to find out what happened at the party, ne? I also enjoyed the krisho a lot! Good work :)