the wrong idea

miscellaneous ♡

the wrong idea

feat. chen and krystal


Soojung hates cigarettesthey are futile and obnoxious, they don't even bring any good benefit yet people still smoke, and not to mention the smoke that cigarettes emit smell really disgusting and awful. She can’t comprehend how people still manage to smoke; she just doesn't get how. If she were given one wish in this world, she would most definitely wish for more wishes world peace without cigarettes. Undoubtedly. Once, she was told by her English teacher to write her views on cigarettes and she literally wrote a long essay about it, she even swore on the essay that she would never, ever date and kiss a guy who smokes although she adores him a lot. She just abhors anything that has to do with cigarettes.


Soojung wears her unusual drowsy face as she walks down the school hallway sluggishly. Completely unaware of everything, she accidentally bumps into her senior, Kim Jongdae, whom she has been crushing on ever since last summer.

"I'm sorry," she speaks nervously, realizing it's him.

"No worries." He shrugs, eyeing her sleepy face. "Are you okay? You look kind of. . . dead."

"I'm fine, just pretty tired after doing some major Mathematics."

"I see."


"But hey, if you want to, we could always hang out together to relax yourself after school or something."

Is this a date? Soojung thinks before nodding promptly. "Sure, I'd love to."

"Meet me in the garden after school, I'll see you later." He shoots her a wink before walking away, both of his hands shoved into his pockets. She pinches herself to make sure this isn't a dream and can't help herself from grinning like an idiot.


School's finally over.

Exhilarated, Soojung immediately goes to the garden, hoping to see Jongdae already waiting for her. However, to her disappointment, he is nowhere to be found. She heaves a sigh and decides to wait for him here just in case. After around fifteen minutes, he still hasn't come and she's anxious that he doesn't mean the words he said and ditches her thus she opts to just search for him rather than wait there in the garden like a desperate idiot (although searching for him kinda means that she's pretty desperate too).

She sees Jongdae's classmate, Byunghun, walking out of the school building and decides to ask him if he knows where Jongdae is.

Approaching him, she asks, "Hey, sunbae, do you by any chance see Jongdae sunbae?"

"Jongdae? I saw him walking towards the back building earlier."

"Okay, thanks!" Soojung flashes him a smile before striding towards the back building, refraining herself from looking too worried.

Eyes wandering everywhere swiftly, she spots his familar hair and supposes that it's him. She freezes in place when she sees what he's holding: a box full of cigarettes and a lighter. Before she knew it, she's already standing in front of him, inattentive of the other person who's with him.

"No, just no," she murmurs incoherently, "Kim Jongdae, what do you think you're doing?!"


"Don't do this okay. I know you're better than this, just please."

"What are y"

"By doing this, you're slowly committing suicide! I don't want you to die!"


"You will smell horrible, as if you've just walked from a burnt building," she shrieks before finally taking a deep breath. "Plus, how are we going to kiss later on our date if you smoke? Kissing a smoker is like an ashtray, it's such a major turn off!"

"Wait, what"

"I will never, ever date a smoker, even worse kiss them and"

"Shut up before I kiss you."

She promptly shuts up (even though she doesn't really want to). Quite amused, Jongdae chuckles a little bit before waving the box of cigarettes in front of her face, which makes her scowl slightly.

"Jongdae, just give me those cigarettes, God dammit," the forgotten person remarks. "Why did I even agree to go here if my cigarettes are going to end up being taken away."

Confused, Soojung squints her eyes in confusion. "Huh?"

"Soojung, you're misunderstanding things. These cigarettes aren't mine, they're Sehun's, they just happened to be in my hands," he mentions as he glances at Sehunthe person who blankly stood there, waiting for Jongdae to give his precious cigarettes backbefore throwing both, the box full of cigarettes and the lighter. "I don't smoke, okay?"

"Okay, guys, I don't want to be the third wheel so I'm leaving," Sehun announces, walking away before shouting from afar, "I hope you guys will kiss soon!"

Soojung gazes at the floor as she nervously bites her lips, feeling both of her cheeks reddening. She feels completely ashamed especially since she just blurted out everything that was on her mind without much forethought.

Trying to break the silence, Jongdae speaks: "So, I guess we should get going since we wouldn't want to delay our date and that kiss you were talking about."

A/N: I haven't been writing drabbles for a while and I certainly apologize for being lazy. In case you guys don't know what sunbae is, it is a senior or someone who is more experienced than you (tell me if I'm wrong).

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Chapter 6: Hahaha.. I like the last one..
It's so funny...
I thought it was going to be an angst story according to the title...

i mean gongstal >#3333333

i mean <333333333333
Chapter 5: slaps u to the corners fo the earth

bc u

this is so cheesy and sappy and im feeling hurt right now by all these feels im gonna cry

Chapter 4: Gosh... They're sooooooo cute.

Haha.. Sleepwalking..
Good call...

I feel very excited after reading this.
Will be waiting for the updates one
Chapter 4: aj;fjda;kf;laksdf
omg like ok wait wow
omg i ship ljoe and krystal but like i've never read any byungstal drabble/fic before so this is really cute

Chapter 3: i love that sestal drabble omf
it's so cute a;ldkf;alkds;f

and myungstal <3333
im missing some myungstal interaction.
hope to read more from you! x
Chapter 3: aw... this is so cute..
and lol at the hello kitty ... hahahaha.....

love your writing... and also your layout...
well basically everything...

keep on writing dear :)
I love your drabbles. :) Hope to read more in the future. :)