his heart fluttering

miscellaneous ♡

his heart fluttering

feat. myungsoo and krystal


She was studying the script gripped in her hands tightly rather too seriously that it made him laugh when his eyes lay on her briefly. Myungsoo knew that it was probably a bad idea to approach her and make fun of her, but he couldn’t help but just want to somehow break that concentration of hers—although he really liked it when she seemed passionate with acting, with everything, honestly, it made her look so intriguing. It took his long legs only several seconds to finally reach her side, not forgetting to harshly place his black hat on her head.

He badly wanted to gently embrace her until the world just ended, but he knew that would never happen. She wasn’t his after all, at least, not yet. He hated himself for being such a fool, he knew that all he should be doing was not admiring her inwardly like this to get her, he knew that perfectly, for that applies to almost everything. You have to work hard for something that you want, if not, then it will just be a childish wish.

“Ugh—“ she began, her angelic expression immediately altering into an annoyed one. Myungsoo wanted to hug her so bad because to him, whether she was happy or not, she still looked so adorable. “Dammit, Kim Myungsoo. You’re breaking my concentration, don’t you know that?”

“Ah—Jung Soojung. Still not going to call me oppa, are you?”

“Maybe later.” She rolled her eyes fabulously, immediately focusing again on the script that she was trying to memorize.

Myungsoo furrowed his brows in confusion, humming as he sat down next to her on the sofa, trying to casually put his arm around her shoulder. Dang, he was confused on how she didn’t know how nervous he was at that moment; he guessed he turned abruptly into a very good actor.

“I thought you were supposed to memorize everything beforehand, dummy,” he said, squinting his eyes in order to take a better look of the sentences.

“I know, I know. It’s just that yesterday was so tiring that all of the sentences I’m supposed to memorize didn’t seem to really get into my head. It’s so easy, but I’m nervous,” she admitted nervously, biting her lower lip as her eyes moved across the paper. “See, the words aren’t complicated at all, it’s just—I’m scared. I think I might not be able to express it well.”

“I’m sure you’ll do fine. Which scene is that one anyway?”

“It’s actually our scene—like the one where Siwoo confesses his feelings to Sena, but I just don’t know, this part is somehow the hardest to me!” She buried her beautiful face in her hands, heaving out a sigh.

Myungsoo, gently patting her head, blinked his eyes because unlike her, it was actually his most favorite part. He was looking forward to shooting that scene the most since maybe he could actually really utter out all of his feelings without directly saying it to Jung Soojung, and he could actually hug her and peck her on the cheek. Of course he was excited.

“Aren’t your lines so short though compared to mine? Whatever though. Do you want to practice it out then? We still have ten minutes,” he muttered out rather incoherently, though he wished that she didn’t hear him.

At his offer, Soojung ferociously nodded, a smile evident on her tiny lips (which he would die to kiss anytime). “Yes, of course!”

Myungsoo cleared his throat, locking his eyes deeply with Soojung’s. His words might sound foolish, but at least his eyes spoke sincerity. “Yoon Sena,” he started, suddenly feeling very nervous.


He could hear that she was trying her best to conceal the anxiety she was feeling and found his lips quirking up slightly.

“I have something to tell you. It might surprise you and give you a heart attack.”

“That’s shocking because I’m naturally famous for not being surprised easily. You could give it a try though.”

He was supposed to be all cocky and roll his eyes, really.


“I actually, I-I like you. A lot,” he stuttered as he actually spoke out his feelings in front of someone he’s obsessed with. He knew this wasn’t Siwoo speaking out to Sena, it was basically the goof  Kim Myungsoo speaking out to the gorgeous Jung Soojung.

With that, Soojung just shook her head, an amused laugh escaping from her lips as she nudged his side. He didn’t understand why she was so casual at everything, though she’s quite famous for being shy. Shy my , he thought.

“Hey, why are you so nervous?”

“Okay, repeat. Yoon Sena (Jung Soojung), I like you, okay. You may be one annoying idiot that I have ever met, but then you showed me how to love. Though rather harshly—Gah!” He ruffled his hair out of frustration, realizing that it was not the lines that he had perfectly memorized. His heart was palpitating so fast that he felt like he was going to faint.

“Myungsoo oppa! Your face is so red right now!” she exclaimed kittenishly as she pointed to his flushing cheeks, giggling once again though covering this time. It was a habit of hers, he noticed. But God, all Myungsoo wanted to do was just bury himself under a hole and stay there forever. Was he even on his right mind to offer to practice?

“Ugh. Jung Soojung, you are so beauti— I mean, thanks to you I suddenly forget all my lines. You always seem to distract me. At least I didn’t forget this part though,” he mumbled, leaning in closely.

His intention was to peck her on the cheek seriously, yet when his eyes landed on that soft-looking, pink pair of lips of hers, he just lost control and hovered his lips over hers gently. He gently moved his lips on hers, reaching out to pull her closer. Being the slow Myung, it took him more than five seconds to finally realize what he was doing. He swiftly pulled away and stood up, not daring to look at her at all.

“Shoot, I forgot it was on the cheek,” he blurted out, feeling even more embarrassed than ever.

He probably looked girly with his crimson cheeks blushing even more furiously at that moment, so he ran like a madman towards the toilet. God, Kim Myungsoo, you ing idiot, he thought, an unconscious smile revealing itself on his face. 

“We’ll start shooting in five minutes! Siwoo and Sena, prepare yourselves!”

Oh shoot. Good job, Kim Myungsoo. Good job.


A/N: I wrote this without really watching the drama. Well, I haven't really finished it. It's not accurate or anything. I think this is too fluffy though. LOL.

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Chapter 6: Hahaha.. I like the last one..
It's so funny...
I thought it was going to be an angst story according to the title...

i mean gongstal >#3333333

i mean <333333333333
Chapter 5: slaps u to the corners fo the earth

bc u

this is so cheesy and sappy and im feeling hurt right now by all these feels im gonna cry

Chapter 4: Gosh... They're sooooooo cute.

Haha.. Sleepwalking..
Good call...

I feel very excited after reading this.
Will be waiting for the updates one
Chapter 4: aj;fjda;kf;laksdf
omg like ok wait wow
omg i ship ljoe and krystal but like i've never read any byungstal drabble/fic before so this is really cute

Chapter 3: i love that sestal drabble omf
it's so cute a;ldkf;alkds;f

and myungstal <3333
im missing some myungstal interaction.
hope to read more from you! x
Chapter 3: aw... this is so cute..
and lol at the hello kitty ... hahahaha.....

love your writing... and also your layout...
well basically everything...

keep on writing dear :)
I love your drabbles. :) Hope to read more in the future. :)