happy birthday

miscellaneous ♡


happy birthday

feat. kyungsoo and krystal


Clink clank, clink clank.

There are blaring sounds coming from the kitchen that unfortunately woke the sleepy Kyungsoo up. Kyungsoo groans and mumbles to himself who the hell would make annoying noises in the midst of night. He glances towards the right side of his bed and finds Soojung missing. Kyungsoo heaves a heavy sigh before  getting up from their bed, trudging towards the dim kitchen.
"Soojung, what are you doing?" Kyungsoo grumbles sleepily as he yawns, leaning against the counter, his eyes eyeing Soojung, who is wearing his huge chef's hat and a pink apron she had bought for him. 
"I'm baking cookies," Soojung replies nonchalantly before adding, "and just go to sleep, you have work tomorrow."
How am I supposed to sleep when you're being noisy. He thinks.
"I thought you didn't know how to cook, even worse bake," Kyungsoo remarks as he chortles but stops when Soojung shoots him a glare.
"What? Baking is basically putting eggs and flour together, and then you add some water and sugar and chocolates and then mix them together and and put them in the oven," Soojung explains, rolling her eyes a bit. "Oh, and a bit of butter, I guess."
Kyungsoo shakes his head. "How are you so sure? But hey, I hope you don't burn the whole kitchen," he remarks, "but why are you suddenly baking cookies anyway? Who are you baking these for?"
"It's for someone," she quickly replies, ignoring his statement. "Anyways, stop bothering me!"
Kyungsoo thinks maybe it's for Jinri so he shrugs his weird thoughts off. "Just call me when you need any help."
Soojung scoffs. "I'm a profesional, I don't need your help." 
"If it pleases you then all right, milady,"
Kyungsoo chuckles and then strides towards their bedroom. 
It has been hours and Kyungsoo peeks at the empty side of their bed. Is she still baking? Kyungsoo chuckles in thought of the 'professional' Soojung pouting, and secretly wishing she had actually asked for his help. Kyungsoo then goes to check on her again. Before he could even reach the kitchen, there she is, sleeping on the sofa, his chef's hat covering her brunette tresses, holding a piece of paper with a pen, slightly opening. And on the table, he sees a pink box cutely wrapped with a ribbon. He guesses it's for the cookies she baked earlier. Then he sees the cookies laid down on the table, he grabs one and munches on it, only to have him ponder what on earth did Soojung put in this cookie. His eyes wander to the piece of paper, Kyungsoo furrows his eyebrows as he casually grabs the paper. He eyes the messy handwriting and his eyes begin to read between the lines:
Dear Kyungsoo oppa,
You know, never in my life have I ever written someone a letter. So you better feel special that I actually wrote a letter for you. I know this letter is probably just a lame letter, and it's short too. Anyways, the point of this letter is that I'm actually grateful to have you in my life. Okay, this seems cheesy, I don't know, but I swear, I'm not trying to be cheesy or anything, my words are just really genuine. You've been busy with work these days and so I baked you some cookies, to kind of cheer you up. Hope you'd like it, even though it may taste a bit weird since I, myself, haven't tasted it, so I'm still not sure whether it's edible or not. Happy birthday. I think I don't have to ask this silly question (you are already mine anyway), but anyway will you be mine until forever ends? The answer is only yes.
P.S. I love you a lot. ♡
Sincerely, your professional Soojung.
And his lips form into a smile; an elated one. Kyungsoo actually has no idea that today is actually his birthday, he has more important things to do to even remember his own birthday. But then he decides that he's not going to work today.

A/N: OMG. This one is really weird, pardon me.


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Chapter 6: Hahaha.. I like the last one..
It's so funny...
I thought it was going to be an angst story according to the title...

i mean gongstal >#3333333

i mean <333333333333
Chapter 5: slaps u to the corners fo the earth

bc u

this is so cheesy and sappy and im feeling hurt right now by all these feels im gonna cry

Chapter 4: Gosh... They're sooooooo cute.

Haha.. Sleepwalking..
Good call...

I feel very excited after reading this.
Will be waiting for the updates one
Chapter 4: aj;fjda;kf;laksdf
omg like ok wait wow
omg i ship ljoe and krystal but like i've never read any byungstal drabble/fic before so this is really cute

Chapter 3: i love that sestal drabble omf
it's so cute a;ldkf;alkds;f

and myungstal <3333
im missing some myungstal interaction.
hope to read more from you! x
Chapter 3: aw... this is so cute..
and lol at the hello kitty ... hahahaha.....

love your writing... and also your layout...
well basically everything...

keep on writing dear :)
I love your drabbles. :) Hope to read more in the future. :)