Chapter 8

Ending Page (The Rhythm of the Wind)




“STOP IT PLEASE!!! PLEASE STOP THE PIANO PLEASE STOP THE BLOOD!!! DAD!!!! DAAADD!!!!”, Amber shouted in English hysterically . Tears were flooding over her face, “…No… NOOO!! Please stop it! Stop the piano I don’t wanna hear it please please!!”, she sobbed hardly, she kept using English.


Krystal stopped playing the piano as she noticed Amber was speaking English and sobbing. She turned around and she was surprised as she saw Amber sprawled on the floor, her face was so red and she was sobbing hardly.



 “Amber… what’s wrong…”, hearing Amber kept talking in English, Krystal asked the tomboy in English too.


“Stop it! Stop it! Dad… help my Dad……his blood… please stop the piano please stop his blood!!”






“Amber! What are you saying?!”


“I said GO!!! You killed my Dad you’re a murder!!! You make him bleeding!!”


Krystal had no idea what was happening to Amber. She suddenly shouted in English and sobbed. She seemed like she was in a nightmare.


“Fine…… I’m leaving…”







Krystal decided to visit Sulli and Luna’s room. She told them what happened earlier and the girls were surprised, especially Luna, she couldn’t believe Amber sobbed. Sulli said there might be a reason behind Amber’s behavior and why she hates piano that much. But the girls couldn’t figure it out.



“It’s really confusing…”, Krystal sighed, “I have no idea what would I do…”


“Look, Soojung, let her alone. When you find her better, just talk with her”, Luna suggested.


“She won’t listen, unnie”


“Soojung ah… how about we tell Jonghyun oppa about this? He’s Amber Hyung’s cousin”


“Yah Sulli ah, why you call her ‘hyung’?”


“Because she doesn’t want me to call her unnie”




“Well forget it unnie, it’s a long story”


“O… Okay”


“Soojung ah, tomorrow I will accompany you to meet Jonghyun oppa, okay?”


Krystal nodded hesitantly.


“Well girls, how if we go to a restaurant nearby to have dinner?”, Luna suggested while rubbed her tummy.


“I agree!!”, Sulli shouted excitedly.


Meanwhile Krystal just forced a smile.


“Yah Soojung ah! Everything’s gonna be okay trust me… come on let’s have fun for a moment”





The three girls headed to a restaurant nearby. All of them looked very excited when they saw the menu. Even Krystal forgot her worries about Amber. She ordered steak, beef barbeque, and mango juice.


“Soojung ah… you just ordered meats where is the vegetable?”, Luna protested.


“She’s tiger unnie, she only eats meat”, said Sulli.


“Yah I’m not tiger!”


“You have to eat vegetables then”, Luna took a bite of her pizza.


“Later unnie, I just want meat now…”, Krystal whined cutely.


“Aigooo… cute. Fine then, eat your meats”





The girls had fun chit-chat while enjoyed their dinner. Sulli talked about her up coming mini-drama, Luna said she would be invited to a musical show if she could pass some tests, and Krystal talked about her solo performance next week. It was almost late when the girls decided to leave.



As they reached the dorm Luna and Sulli bid goodbye to Krystal. Seeing her best friend forced a smile, Sulli encouraged her and assured her that everything would be fine. Krystal nodded, she hope what Sulli said is true.


Krystal walked to her room. She unlocked the room door with the card and then she opened it hesitantly. She was afraid to be honest. Amber seemed really lost and mad last time.


Krystal steeped into the room, it was really quiet there. Krystal glanced at Amber’s bed, she saw the tomboy was closing her eyes, she was lying on her bed while hugging her knees. She was even still using her shoes.


Krystal frowned. Somehow she thought Amber looked like a little kid that was scared of something. ‘What’s wrong with Amber…’, Krystal became more curious.



“Dad… Daddy… your blood… please stop it… the piano”


Krystal raised her brows. Amber was gibbering in English again, her eyes were still closed though.





“She keeps calling her Dad”, Krystal whispered and walked toward Amber. ‘Is she having a nightmare?’, she thought as she saw Amber’s face closer.


Unlike usual, this time Amber didn’t look grumpy at all, she looked so pale and sad.


“Hhhh… Dad…”, Amber hugged her knees tighter, she was shivering.


Krystal raised her hand. She didn’t know why but she felt like touching Amber’s face.


“She’s having fever”, Krystal said as her palm touched Amber’s burning head.


Krystal immediately took off Amber’s shoes, and then she covered Amber’s body with blanket.


“I need to cool down her burning head”, Krystal said to her self.


She took her scarf from her cupboard and then soaked it in the cool water. Afterwards she put the wet scarf on Amber’s forehead.


Krystal stared at the sleeping Amber. She wasn’t gibbering anymore. ‘Maybe she feel better now’, Krystal thought.






“I’m sorry, Amber…”












Amber opened her eyes slowly. Her head was really hurt, and her eyes were really sore. Amber sat up, suddenly something fell of her head. It was a scarf. Amber furrowed her brows—trying to remember what happened last night.




“H… hey…”


Amber looked up and she found Krystal was standing in front of bathroom, she just came out from it.


“How are you feeling now? You feel better?”, the younger asked.


Amber looked away without saying a word.


“Amber… I’m sorry about what happened yesterday… I didn’t know that…”


“Don’t talk about it”, Amber interrupted, “just forget it”, she mumbled as she pulled back the blanket over her body. She closed her eyes again.



Krystal shrugged her shoulders. Well, at least Amber didn’t get mad again.












Amber didn’t know when she fell asleep again, but yes, her head was still hurt. Her cell phone kept ringing that’s why she’s wide awake now.


Amber grabbed her cell phone, “yes Hae”, she answered the call.


“Professor Tan told me you didn’t attend his class this morning”, said Dong Hae.


“Hm. My head really hurts”


“… Are you sick, Amber? Need a doc?”


“No. I just need some sleep”


“Okay, take your time. Should I tell Jonghyun or Victoria?”


“No need, I’ll be fine”


“Okay. Take care of you self Amber”


“Hm”, Amber hung up and threw her cell phone on the bed.


Amber got up, she was about to wash her face and brush her teeth. She then accidently found the white scarf, the one that fell from her head earlier. Amber took the scarf, she thought of something for a while before stood up and walked toward the bathroom.










“Krystal sshi!!”, Jong Suk ran toward the long haired girl. To be honest since the first time he met the girl—he hit the girl accidently that time—Jong Suk found her really attractive. She’s pretty, she has beautiful shy smile, and the one that Jong Suk liked the most about her is she’s a pianist.





“Krystal sshi… have you practiced?”


Krystal smiled bitterly, “…… yes… a bit”


“Really? Good then… Amber Liu… didn’t do something bad to you did she?”


“……… No”, she lied. Suddenly something appeared in her mind, “oppa, can I ask you something?”


“Of course. What is it?”


“Do… do you happen to know……why Amber Liu hates… piano?”


Jong Suk shook her head, “no… I think… she just has that bad attitude… she doesn’t wanna see someone plays music better than her”


“I don’t think so”, Krystal whispered.




“Ah… No… Oppa I gotta go now, I need to meet someone. Bye oppa”








To: Dulli

Where are you now?


To: Soojungie

The class will be finished in few minutes. Wait for me okay?


To: Dulli

Okay I’m in cafeteria. Don’t forget ask Taemin about Jonghyun oppa okay?


To: Soojungie





Krystal put her cell phone on the table. Yes, she planned to meet Jonghyun today. She needed to tell Amber’s cousin about what happened yesterday, because she had no idea what she’d better do. Krystal needed to make it clear, it’s for her and Amber.


“Soojung ah!”, a couple of minutes later Sulli came, “let’s go. Jonghyun oppa is waiting for us”












“She screamed because I kept playing the piano… and… she was using English … she even cried”, Krystal explained to Jonghyun.


Jonghyun narrowed his eyes, “what did she say?”


“……… Dad… blood… piano… and…… murder”


Sulli looked surprised. Krystal did tell her and Luna about Amber’s madness, but she didn’t tell about what Amber said.

Jonghyun looked down and let out a deep sigh.


“Krystal sshi, she didn’t hit you did she? Did she hurt you?”


Krystal shook her head while bit her lower lip.


“Thank God… Krystal sshi, you should talk to Sir Dong Hae as soon as possible”


“But Oppa… may I know what’s wrong with Amber?”


Jonghyun shook his head, “No. I’m sorry. All you have to do is leave her”


“Jonghyun oppa”, Sulli spoke, “how come you do this to your cousin? Do you always tell everyone to stay away from her like she’s a monster?”


“Sulli sshi… you got it wrong… she’s my cousin and I do love her. You just don’t understand…”


“Jonghyun oppa, I know Amber Liu isn’t a bad person. Let me guess, something bad happened to her in her past right?”


Jonghyun blinked, “………… I’m sorry… I can’t…”, he said while looked away.











Things became more confusing right now. Everyone told Krystal to leave Amber, but Sulli, she kept believing that Amber isn’t that bad. Krystal herself wasn’t sure if she wanted to leave that room or not. But if she keeps staying in that room with Amber… she can’t play her piano freely, and if she leave Amber…… somehow she didn’t want to.



Krystal stood right in front of her room. She was about to take her ID card but suddenly the door opened—someone opened it from inside.


Krystal looked up and she saw Amber appeared from inside. Amber halted for a moment as she saw the younger girl, but then she looked away.



“Where are you going? You feeling better now?”, Krystal asked with innocent tone.


“Hm”, Amber replied and walked away.


“At least she replied”, Krystal said to her self before stepped in and close the door.


As she entered the room, something caught her attention. Krystal walked toward her bed with furrowed brows. She saw her scarf was folded neatly on her bed. Krystal took the scarf, and she noticed there was something under the scarf.


A paper.






Krystal’s lips curved a smile without her knowing it.













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wintwar #1
Chapter 21: Always.....
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Chapter 21: I've been waiting for years and im still waiting for the next update.
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You kno what....

We all your readers are still here.....

We miss u.....

Stay safe....
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I keep waiting this story to update.. huhuu T_T
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Chapter 21: I ma still here ... ummmm
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