Chapter 21

Ending Page (The Rhythm of the Wind)



“Aaahh I’m so tired…”, Sulli leaned her body on the couch lazily, so did her friends. The girls just finished helping Sulli’s mom preparing for tomorrow’s party. They had decorated the living room with balloons and confetti.


“Girls”, Sulli’s mom was walking toward the girls.


Luna, Krystal, and Amber fixed their sit-position meanwhile Sulli stayed with her lazy-position.


“Girls thank you so much for today. You guys helped us so much, even Krystal’s foot is hurt but still you help us”


“It’s not hurt anymore aunty”


“It’s for our little San E”, said Luna. And Amber just nodded—agreed with her so-called friends.


Sulli’s mom smiled to the girls, “Thank you so much. Now guys, you have to take a rest. But I’m so sorry there’s only one guest room here in our house, is it okay if the the three of you sleep together in a room?”


“Yah Umma… the bed is too small for the three of them though”, Sulli said.


Sulli’s mom pouted. She looked cute just like her daughter.


“Luna unnie you’re my roommate, you sleep with me. Soojung ah and Hyung you guys are roommates so you can sleep together in guest room”


“That’s good idea Jinri ya!”









Krystal bit her lower lip—she felt this weird feeling right now. She had no idea what she had to do. She just sat still on the edge of the bed. Meanwhile the short haired girl did the same on the opposite edge of the bed. They felt this awkward atmosphere inside the room. They’re roommates indeed, but there was only bed here in Sulli’s guest room, and the room was pretty small.


“Uhh… don’t you wanna sleep?”, Krystal was the one who started to say something.


“I will”, Amber answered shortly.


Krystal nodded, “I… I wanna sleep”


“Go ahead”




Amber turned her head to the younger girl—raising her brows.


“Can I ……… change my clothes? Um… there’s no bathroom in this room so…”, Krystal bit her lower lip.


“Oh, sorry. I forgot. O…of course you can… I mean… I’ll wait outside”


Krystal nodded awkwardly, “you can change after me…… I’ll wait outside”


“……yeah… sure”, Amber scratched her crook before leave the room. She mentally facepalmed as she realized how dense she was. Not that she forgot that both of them are girls but for Amber it would be awkward if she watches Krystal changing her clothes……


“Shtt what am I thinking”, Amber shook her head.



“You okay?”


“Holy sht!”, Amber almost jumped as she saw Krystal’s face appeared behind the door.


“I’m done. Now your turn, I’ll be waiting here”


Amber sighed, “no. No need, just get in”


“Don’t you wanna change into pyjama?”


“I don’t bring any pyjamas”


“I bring some, wanna borrow mine?”


Amber turned to Krystal. She watched the younger girl from the top to the bottom. The younger girl was wearing a blue baby doll pyjama, it has a cute ribbon on the front side.

‘How in the hell I will borrow that kind of pyjama’, Amber mentally thought. Amber scoffed, “no, thanks”, she said.


Krystal shrugged her shoulders. She then took a seat on the bed and grabbed the pillow. Her beautiful sharp eyes went wider when she saw the tomboy suddenly ed her shirt.


“Wa-wa-wait!! If you wanna change your clothes I’ll be waiting outside didn’t I tell you?!”, she yelled while covered her eyes with her hand.


“I’m not changing”


“You’re ing your shirt!”


Amber rolled her eyes, “I’m wearing tanktop and shorts inside. I’m not ”, she said as she continued taking off her outfits.


Krystal slowly removed her hand from her face. She took a glance at the older girl, yes, she wasn’t , but she was just wearing a black tanktop and a shorts.

‘And what’s with that Soojung?! She’s a girl duh’, Krystal shook her head.



Amber laid her body down on the bed. She pulled up the blanket to cover half of her body.


Feeling tired and sleepy, Krystal also wanted to rest her body. “Can I use the blanket too?”, she asked to the older girl.






Krystal pulled up the blanket and laid her body on the bed.


The bed was pretty small, it was a single sized bed. Amber realized that the distance between her and Krystal was pretty close, and it somehow made her felt uncomfortable. She didn’t even know why but her sight landed on Krystal’s neck, then down to her collar bone, she has such pale soft fairy skin. And Amber could smell this sweet scent from her long hair.


“Night Amber”








“Are you okay?”








“What’s wrong?”


“Huh? No… uh… is your feet okay?”


Krystal frowned, “my foot?”




“…yes… better. I even could help aunty it means my foot is totally fine now”


“Oh……”, that was an only word that came out from Amber’s mouth, she was hipnotyzed by Krystal’s scent, and she couldn’t take her eyes off Krystal’s fairy skin.






“What’s wrong?”


“Uh? What’s wrong?”


“……… you keep glancing at me”


“Uh? W…what? I’m… look I’m not… I’m not glancing at anything”


“…….. okay……”, Krystal pulled up the blanket—covering her whole body but her head.


Amber grabbed a pillow and got up.


“Where are you going?”, the younger asked.


“……… I’ll be sleeping on the floor”




“The bed is too small”


“But it’s not fair if I sleep here and you sleep on the floor”


“No it’s fine”


“You even just wear tanktop and shorts”


“I’m fine”


“I’ll sleep on the floor too”




Krystal was dumbfounded.


“Krys it’s… it’s for our sake just stay on the bed okay?”


“…… our sake?”


Amber sighed, “just don’t follow me. I’m sleepy, good night”, Amber lied her body down on the floor. She closed her eyes while hugging the pillow.




Amber opened here eyes as she sensed something was hanging above her.


“Take the blanket, it’s cold”











“Happy birthday San E… Happy birthday San E… Happy birthday dear San E……. Happy birthday to you……”

Everyone clapped merrily before the cute little boy blew the candle on his birthday cake.


Sulli’s little brother birthday celebration went pretty good and everyone looked so happy specially the little superman—San E. There were just Choi family and some of Choi’s close friends in San E’s small party. They had good time together and the birthday boy looked so happy that he got so many presents. After finshed opening all the presents, they were all enjoying lunch together now.


“Achoo~”, Amber rubbed her itchy nose. She had been sneezing since morning, seemed like the tomboy caught cold.


“Hyung? You okay?”, Sulli whom was sitting next to her asked.


“Yes. I’m gonna get some tissues”, Amber was about to get up from her seat but then,


“here”, Krystal handed the tomboy the tissue box. Somehow Amber felt Krystal was judging her with her eyes.


“Are you okay?”, Sulli’s Dad asked.


“Yes, uncle, I’m fine”, Amber answered.


“She has a cold, honey”, Sulli’s Mom rolled her eyes at her husband, “Jinri ya, get a flu med for Amber, okay? It’s in the drawer in my room”


“Okay mom”










“It’s because you slept on the floor last night”


“I used blanket”


“Blanket is not enough. No more sleep on the floor tonight”


Amber stared at Krystal, she wanted to say something but she had no idea what to say.


“I know the bed is too small, just be patient okay? Tomorrow morning we’ll leave”


“It’s not that”, Amber said in frustration.


“Then what?”


“Forget it”


“Sshhh weird”


“You weird”


“I’m not!”


“Yes whatever princess…… achooo!!”


Krystal rolled here eyes, “You’re sick so stop being stubborn and close your eyes, it’s late already”, Krystal flipped her body then laid her body down, “night stupid”


“Why you call me stu……a…achoo!!”


Krystal chuckled, “stupid”, she mumbled as she closed here eyes.







Next On 'Ending Page'

"Where are you going?"

"Uhh... Jong Suk Oppa... he invited me to a dinner didn't I tell you"

".................. don't go"




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wintwar #1
Chapter 21: Always.....
ezz1824 #2
Chapter 21: I've been waiting for years and im still waiting for the next update.
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Chapter 21: After all those years, our giant baby is now in heaven...
You kno what....

We all your readers are still here.....

We miss u.....

Stay safe....
Nnamaste #4
I keep waiting this story to update.. huhuu T_T
Chapter 21: mmmmmmm
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Chapter 21: I ma still here ... ummmm
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Chapter 21: Still here!!!
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Chapter 19: Hundred years later and im still waiting for an update