A Day Off [End]

A Day Off

It was one of those rare days in the EXO residence. Their schedule showed no activities for the day, which meant that everyone enjoyed their day off in the backyard.

The backyard was their favourite place to be, alongside the living room and gaming room (and their own rooms with king sized beds of course), because it was very large and nicely decorated. Besides the white stones with the few lounges on them, the ground was covered with healthy looking grass with a few oak trees here and there — some of the trees showing different kinds of food in them — a luxerious swimming pool that laid in the middle and a river with clear blue water in the distance as a finishing touch.

Yes, the backyard was a beautiful place to be and each and every one of them enjoyed their day off on their own way.


On the biggest couch on the lounge sat Zitao with a pile of magazines by his feet. His aura was calm and peaceful as he read the latest fashion tips while humming his rap part in EXO M's Peter Pan. He gave a judging glare to one of the models and quickly flipped the page.

On one of the other couches laid Sehun, who had his hands resting behind his head as he looked up at the clouds. Without anyone noticing it, he was in his own world while watching the clouds slowly move and change into a different shape. He stopped daydreaming when a hurricane looking cloud was above him and caught his interest.

It wasn't for long until the cloud's shape changed and Sehun felt bored. He slowly sat up, looked at Zitao and choose to ignore him. He didn't want to disturb Zitao's free time and focused his gaze on the male on the nearest couch. The male had his fist with his ring in the air and grinned like a kid who got to see Santa on Christmas Eve.

"Luhan hyung?" Sehun called. "What are you—"

"Ssh," Luhan said, eyes never leaving his target. "Let me concentrate."

The maknae of the group followed his hyung's gaze with a small frown which lead to the biggest oak tree. Underneath the tree were Yixing and Kyungsoo, reading and writing something in their notebook looking books. It was Yixing who flew in the air and he seemed quite oblivious to it.

Kyungsoo suddenly noticed the air move in his eyes. His eyes widened when he looked up. Just then, he noticed the deer on the couch with his arm in the air, making him chuckle. Luhan placed a finger on his lips, as a signal for Kyungsoo stay quiet, and slowly moved to sit beside Sehun on the other couch. Kyungsoo nodded and did as he was told.

In no time, Yixing felt the air shift around him and he suddenly felt a little.. light. A little to light for his liking.

He gazed up from his page, but once he looked around, he was already back on the grass beside the main vocal.

Kyungsoo stifled a laugh.

"What's so funny?" Yixing asked, still oblivious.

Kyungsoo just shook his head with a smile, saying that it was nothing special and they both went back to reading and writing while Sehun and Luhan laughed silently at Yixing's oblivious answer and priceless face.

Yixing wasn't stupid though.

"Luhan made me fly again, did he?" He asked, not looking up from his book.

"Yes." Kyungsoo answered while doing the same.

"Why is it always me? Can't he make Sehun fly or something?"

"It's because you always seem so oblivious to it." Kyungsoo said with a small grin.

Yixing looked up from his page. "I do?"


A little further from the oak tree, Joonmyeon, Minseok and Jongin were the ones that decided to spend their time at the swimming pool. As Jongin paddled with his feet in the lukewarm water, the water bender and frost bender were both training their powers while Jongin watched them move with fascination.

"How about.. snow?" Minseok suggested.

"Snow?" Joonmyeon asked, almost as if he'd never heard of snow before.

"Yes. It can't be that hard, right? Try it again. Maybe you'll succeed today."

Joonmyeon seemed to think for a few seconds and then gave in, knowing that he had to try again. Jongin watched in bewilderment as Joonmyeon made a in the air with his right hand towards his chest, resulting a small amount of water from the pool floating in front of him. With a steady hand, Joonmyeon moved his fingers to find the right way to make snow, but the water only changed into little droplets and nothing more.

After a few seconds, Joonmyeon sighed. "It's no use. Besides, why do I need to make snow anyway?"

Minseok stayed silent for a few seconds and then sighed as well. "I don't know. But hey," he said warmly, placing a hand on Joonmyeon's shoulder. "You'll find the right way." He gave an encouraging smile before freezing the droplets in an eyeblink.

"Yeah," Jongin agreed. "Don't give up just yet, hyung."

"Right," Joonmyeon said confidently. "I'll try again."

But before he did, he gave the boys around him a wide smile. "Thanks guys."


As for the rest of the band members, Baekhyun, Jongdae and Chanyeol were showing off their powers on the big grass field, convincing the others how good their powers were.

However, the peace got disturbed easily when Baekhyun shone his shining ring at Chanyeol's face, the light becoming stronger than he thought. Unfortunately, the rapper was blinded immediately and began to run around like a mad man.

Like a farmer who tried to catch a chicken that had lost his head, Baekhyun ran behind Chanyeol and apologized as much as he could.

On the side lines, Jongdae watched the two in amusement where as everyone else ignored them or watched them before turning their attention back to what they were doing. They were used to Baekhyun being loud and Chanyeol being an idiot anyway.

After almost two minutes, Chanyeo's vision was clear and finally accepted Baekhyun's apology. They returned back to their previous spot, which lead to the point where Chanyeol suddenly announced that he would show something special and amazing.

Confidently, Chanyeol snapped his fingers and an incredible heat developed behind his back. Once he turned around, he was met with a phoenix of flames that screamed to him in a language that only Chanyeol could understand.

Jongdae faked a gap and Baekhyun only smiled when Chanyeol's smile turned into a frown.

"Uh.. Hello to you too? What's wrong?"

The phoenix screamed again and flapped with her wings in an aggressive way while creating more fire and more warmth around her. Yixing's unicorn, who stood nearby, snorted from the sudden heat and walked with a huff towards her owner.

"Alright, alright! I'm sorry," Chanyeol apologized, holding his hands up to protect his friends behind him. "Don't flip your wings to much, please. You could accidentally burn someone down by that."

His phoenix seemed to understand and nodded a bit before landing down on the grass.

"Good girl!" Chanyeol cooed while patting the phoenix lovingly.

Jongdae's jaw seemed to drop a little at everything staying the same - the grass didn't get burned and Chanyeol wasn't screaming in pain either. But then again, he's a fire bender and the phoenix is a magical animal, just like Yixing's unicorn, Yifan's dragon and his scorpion, so Jongdae quickly shut his mouth, ignoring Baekhyun's loud laugh beside him.

Just then, a shadow drove them all by and made them stop with what they were doing.

The shadow belonged to Yifan, who had been flying around (probably to be alone — the stress he has to handle is sometimes to much, you know) and nodded at everyone as a greeting. Each and every one of them greeted Yifan a welcome back home on a different way.

As he landed softly beside the pile of magazines, Zitao dropped the magazine and crossed his arms. "Gege!"

Yifan jumped a little, but quickly recovered. "Er.. Yes?"

"Why did you stay away for so long?"

"I needed to be alone." Yifan simply answered.

"Really? But you said that you would fly around for just a few minutes. Those minutes turned into hours, hyung."

"So?" Yifan asked, not getting what Zitao meanted to say.

Zitao only rolled his eyes. "Tch. You should've bought me some Gucci while you were away."

Yifan raised a brow. "Excuse me?"

Zitao stared, almost glared, back at Yifan and they held a three-second-staring-contest before Zitao muttered, "You're excused." and turned his attention back to the magazine on his lap. Yifan's brow only raised higher in return.

"Hyuuung." Sehun whined. "What would we eat for dinner again?"

"Pizza." Yifan said, gaining everyone's attention as the chatter dropped down.

"Pizza?" Jongin called from the pool.

"Did he say pizza?" Jongdae called back.

"Yes, I said pizza." Yifan boomed, sighing after that. "It was a while ago that we had a day off, so I decided to finish it nicely—"

"—with PIZZA!" Chanyeol interrupted happily as he made his phoenix dissapear. The tall boy started to bounce around the big field and rapped sentences with the word 'pizza' in it, Jongdae and Baekhyun soon following him as they sang in unision. Soon, the group started to jump and bounce towards the lounges where they made a beat and sang the word 'pizza' over and over again.

Suddenly, the group went inside while singing, rapping and beatboxing over their dinner and Yifan smiled.

There were no grunts, no complaints or how some of them wanted to stay a little longer in the backyard. All of them eagerly went inside while enjoying each others company.

Satisfied with the choice of food, Yifan tagged along and clapped with some others on the mix of voices that echood through the living room.



*looks at the whole story* Meh. It looks good enough for me.

So, here it is!   It's a one-shot, as you can see (and already saw -because of the 'Finished' sign) and honestly, I changed a lot in it. My writing style changed A LOT as well.

Again, I apologize for any mistakes in here.  I have the urge to make very long sentences full of nonsense. Either way, I just had fun writing it. :D

My next story is going to be a Baekyeol story, mixed with the general pairings, so you better be ready!

I'll see you next time! x Dalliance.

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Dalliance #1
Thanks everyone who commented and subscribed! <3
It's time to write a new story, right? The upcoming fic will have Baekyeol as the main pairing with the other EXO members + some SHINee members (because I love SHINee) in it. The storyline isn't fully there yet, but it will eventually come. I'm sure of it.
Thank you once again *bows* :D
Chapter 1: aww this is really really really funny and great--!!
been looking for this kind of story for so long!
well done author nim!
Chapter 1: really nice author nim
Chapter 1: ha "you're excused" i like it the story it was simple and nice. good work