And We Meet

If We Meet

A man in his grey cotton loose long sleeve top which reveals his y collarbone and white pants is running his long elegant fingers on the grand piano. The morning sun is shining harmoniously with peaceful figure. But what contrasts this scene is the frown that forms on the man’s eyebrow. One Park Yoochun is having a dilemma of what should be the perfect song, perfect melody and perfect mood on their comeback, well pseudo-comeback. There comeback song has always been a fast song. But Yoochun doesn’t feel a fast song would rise from the atmosphere among them lately.     

                Yeah, he heard Yunho agree on composing one song but beyond that there Jae and Yunho are still not warming up. Changmin’s and Junsu’s meeting was still being extended, by Su’s schedule or Changmin’s schedule. He have a feeling neither schedules are conflicting. And him, well he haven’t been contacting with neither HoMin nor JaeSu. He just brushed off and told them he wants to be in peace for the perfect song but no peace comes in him. It doesn’t help that his head keeps aching and he could feel a fever coming.

                Finally he gives up on this solitude and hit on his cellphone.

                “Lo Jae, could you come in my resthouse?”

                “Sure, actually I’ma coming when you called” Jae said on the other line. “Can I bring someone?”


                Changmin didn’t know how he end up being on his Jaejoong hyung’s passenger seat nor does he even has the slightest idea how Junsu ended up moping in the backseat.

                “I think years of separation had made you crazy”, Changmin commented. He’s been sleeping in his apartment and next thing he knows he’s already on the car. Apparently his manager has something to do with this also.

                “Yah!! Changmin-ah, it’s not the way to talk to Jaejoong Hyung!”, Junsu spat reaching to punch Changmin from the backseat.

                “Su I am driving, beat Changmin later”, Jae chirped while happily driving.

                “You know I could jump from the car you know”, Changmin said but that’s nowhere impossible for Jae is running the car full speed and they’re in the countryside. Min has neither money nor the slightest idea where they are.  

                Jae smiled. “Yunho is probably there”, Jae said. “I’m afraid I can’t control that guy. He’s really strong. Not that you’re not strong Min but you’re rather refined than your Hyung”

                Changmin frowned. Jae has been like before, carefree around them almost like a mother. Why is he acting like nothing happened? He’s been like this since they meet. Well, he knows that Jae has been trying to contact them but he thought Jae would have been angry on them but no.

                “This is kidnapping you know” Changmin continued.

                “SHIM CHANGMIN!!” Su growled.

                Jae smiled - same old same old. Even though they aged and Junsu has been really mature lately but when they around each other they’re still like when they debuted. Fighting here and there and roughhousing too but he hope they don’t beat each other hard this time. They are after all still grown man.  Jae feels better lately and he can’t past some chance of having a fresh air. He could already see Yoochun’s lovely rest house.

                It is a villa near the sea. It is white and made of white stone and wood. The sky is already grey and bound to rain later but the cozy promise of warmth of Chun’s house would surely make them comfortable later. Unconsciously Jae hummed into Fallen Leaves making Min and Su stopped there combo.

                Surely the autumn scenery is ahead but the two knows neither the scenery nor boredom made Jae hum the beautiful song. And for the rest of the ride it’s been quite and only the sound of Jae’s humming is heard.


                Yunho woke up founding himself on the beach. He’s wearing some autumn clothes but still the strong wind seeps in his skin.

                ‘How did I GET here?!’

                He looked around and saw a white villa. It is a few walks ahead on the top of a cliff. Stone made stairs leads to it. Smoke spurring out of the chimney of the villa indicating there is someone there. Yunho made his woolen black sleeves closer.

                It took him few minutes to reach the villa. He could see someone on the porch drinking what seems to be beer. ‘I could use some of that’ He was about to call the guy when that guy made eyed contact on him.

                Both are shock.

                “Are you the one who brought me here?” Yunho said angrily.

                “You’re the least I want to see, why would I be bringing you here?”

                Yunho run to Yoochun and motioning to punch him and Yoochun throw the cup of beer on the ground and also is getting ready to fight. Chun doesn’t want to fight but the frustration lately makes him get some use of a punching. Yunho is nearing to land a punch on Yoochun’s face and Chun is nearing to land a punch on the other’s stomach but when they blow each punches something in between obstruct them.

                “Hyung!!”, Junsu cried.

                “Stop!”, even Changmin shouted.

                It’s too late to know that they hit someone and that someone is already kneeling on the ground with pain.

                “You two sure can punch”, Jae said. A red bruise is on Jae’s right eye while he is ushering his back with hand. All are shocked and circled around the pained man. Yoochun made the older man rest on his shoulder and checked the cut on Jae’s eyebrow. Good thing it’s just a small cut but it still looks painful.  Yoochun could see Jae’s eyes fluttering indicating the blow might make him dizzy. “Mianhe Boo”

                Yunho on the other hand is frozen kneeling in front his friend. On the other hand Changmin started to check on Jae’s pulse and temperature.

                “I think he has already fever before coming here and the blow might made him a little weak” Changmin commented. Junsu on the other hand motioned for Jae to hang on his back and successfully carried the older man.

                “Hyung, show me where he can rest”

                Yoochun lead the way to the living room where a cozy white couch is waiting. Changmin prepared the throw pillows for Jae to keep his head 45 degrees. Yunho just followed and stay at a small distance.

                Yoochun disappeared for a second in what seems to be a kitchen divided by a counter and got an ice bag when he returned.

                “What the heck is happening?”

                “This is Jae hyung’s idea” Junsu explained while slumping on one of single couch. Everybody turned to Jae who is now out cold.

                Yoochun is placing the bag on Jae’s eye. Yunho chose to sit in one of the chairs also. Then, it started to rain very hard.

                “Great” Changmin said. “Now what?”

                “Well, I think everybody should stay. I heard there is a storm so it’s not safe to travel back” Chun explained.

                Everyone took a glance to each other and turned away to different directions.

                “Well, I have 3 bedrooms so make yourself comfortable. I know we’re not okay with each other but let’s keep ourselves civil. Now Junsu what is Jae-hyung thinking when he did this? And why you didn’t stop him?” Everybody’s attention is in Junsu.

                “What, I’m a victim here too you know. Well Hyung told me we are just going out and he’s going to pick me up with his car from my house. Then when I entered Hyung’s car, low and behold unfortunately there’s someone in a passenger seat”, Junsu shot his glance on Changmin. This made Changmin irritated. “I was already inside and Hyung hit it full speed. Imagine even not stopping on any stop lights. I don’t know how he managed to not ran after some cops”

“We’ll he did suggest I come here to do some composing, so to sum it all up..”, Chun

 “Apparantly we’re all kidnapped by Hyung”, Junsu finished. “Well, it’s only 5pm how about dinner?”

“The fridge is already stocked”, Chun suggested.

“Fine, I’ll cook”, Junsu said.

“Yeah, about time, you have a restaurant and you seldom cook”

“Well, it’s a pizzeria as if you’d eat pizza everyday and plus I don’t handle a thing in it”

“Not talking about your parent’s. Your RESTAURANT. You bought one remember”

“Oh yeah. I don’t handle a thing either. Ellaine does”

Upon the mention of a female’s name HoMin’s attention shot on Junsu, while the duckbutt already disappeared in kitchen. Yoochun noticed there confused looks and save them from it.

“Ellaine is his girlfriend. She’s American. She’s now in the U.S. handling Su’s business. This time it’s kind of serious”

                Among TVXQ, Junsu seems really someone who wants to settle first. But no one expected he would get a foreign girl. Well Jae probably would have also a girlfriend. Now HoMin is thinking of how much did they missed out, specially Yunho.

After these years JYJ’s success has been a magical success story among the Koreans – how they conquered the U.S. market, how they collaborated to some artist abroad, how they extended to Europe solely by their own effort, own song, own investment. They’re really living the dream.

HoMin was just the shadows of their success. Somehow people still see them as commodity not artists. But for Yunho he always thinks that it’s for the better. His loyalty and paternal attachment with SM is the best decision, but sometimes he falters in his pride and principles and just wishes they were just back together. No company, no media, no pressure from the fans – just plain reconciliation and making music together.  And now is the chance, yet it appears to be more difficult being back.

The rain is just becoming stronger but it’s still cozy inside because of the fire. Yoochun went upstairs and later return with a pile of blankets. He placed four on the coffee table while he placed one on the sleeping figure. Yoochun check on Jae’s temperature and frowned. “He has a slight rise in temperature but appears to be still normal”, Yoochun mumbled. He placed around himself and sat to another chair shivering.

Changmin is looking around when he again glance to Yoochun.

“I think you’re sick yourself”, Changmin said to Yoochun. “You’re obviously cold and your pale”

Everybody could already smell Su’s cooking. Since when did he learn to do anyway? Aside from Jae, Changmin is the most known cook among them.

“The food is ready”

“Let’s eat”, Yoochun said to the other two. The two just glance on each other. “Well?” Yoochun said as he stands.

HoMin nodded and proceed to the dining table just opposite the living room where Su place a hot pot food. Su returned to the kitchen to prepare the rice and some side dishes.

“Is there a room for one more?” Jaejoong surprisingly tries to get up and motion to go to the table.

“Yah, I could just spoon feed you” Chun said as he went to older man’s side and tries stop him from going any further.

“Chun-ah, the table is made for eating purposes. Let’s eat there”

No one knows that Jae could be really stubborn now and now they’re again facing each other on the dining table and Jae who is in the middle seems the only one enjoying the food.

“Su, your Kimchi-chaege is the best. I think this is better than mine. Come on everyone, eat.” Jae said almost incoherently as his stuff some food in his mouth while eating. To an OC person he sure acts grubby now. But his lively gesture work as the others also ate their share. But no one dared to talk. Well except Jae who is actually a talkative person on special times. 

So what is Jae up to?

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Chapter 18: This is beautiful and sad
Chapter 18: First of all THANK YOU!!! Thank you so much for writing this story, I read it in 2 days and didn't comment on every chapter because I wanted so badly to know what will happen next. It was worth redding it. The plot is amazing , it's very realistic. When I read it I was fascinated at how deep the emotions are and how easily you could feel them .The story just drowns you in. For me it was a pleasure to read this masterpiece of yours. ^~^
PS. Pleace can you tell me the name of the final song , I know it sounds stupid and like I'm not a fan for not knowing, I will be very grateful i you do.^^
kyouya3 #3
Read this in one go >,< awesome~ love it, hehe, thx for writing~
am i too bad to demand a sequel? pls! :)
cassiopcassie #5
how can i just found this fic? it's so great =)))))
bolero #6
Thank you so much for this fic, even if I almost cried... :)
awe i loved it post more,update new stories.....................DBSK HWAITING- Cassiopeia forever ^_^
kiattyandbone #8
Rereading again ^^
melfics #9
good!! AKTF