The Phonecall


Yunho receive a special call from Jaejoong.


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Chups05841 #1
Chapter 1: this is so ... so heartbreaking :(
I feel like crying right now :<
Chapter 1: this..this is... </3
kyouya3 #3
I don't expect angst at all 0.0
This's epic! *sorry, I'm Angst lover*
Totally love this...I mean it can be 2 interpretations:
1. Jae did use his chance to call the police but instead call Yun to say sorry
2. It's only a dream, Jae saying goodbye to Yun
I dunno, this's just my interpretations, anyway thx for writing^^
this... woah. i cried. :'(((
CinqLuna #5
whoa.. :O this is good yet sad :'(

good job author nim~
holy ,that is really wow.....thanks for posting!