Some Meetings

If We Meet

The perks of tying up with UAM are that they are already able to really move in television stations freely. For JYJ it’s like necessary evil. But it’s not that bad at all. For one they will be close to their friends like Big Bang and Hyunjoong. Jaejoong himself pretty loved that he will have a rock song collaboration with Hyunjoong. Hyunjoong even though younger, became like almost like same age , if not, older brother to Jaejoong during the lawsuit time. Now that the lawsuit is over and JYJ won they didn’t flaunt it to the company’s face anymore. They are being paid back of a sum but JYJ doesn’t care anymore the important thing is their principle has been fought for, but for a cost…


Now Jaejoong is recoding with Hyunjoong for a song that both of them composed. Jaejoong being free really loves composing and he want to share it with his friend Hyunjoong. Hyunjoong has grown a lot and Jaejoong is proud as his hyung. Hyunjoong has stronger built compared to his soft flower boy image he promote before. Now he is wearing a shorter stylish short black hair complimenting his rock-ish simple black t-shirt and dark blue jeans.


“So, hyung, even though I’m also 4D like you, I didn’t quite get why do such thing… not that I’m complaining” Hyunjoong said as he examines the song in the couch. Jaejoong himself is his simple white tee examining his song sheet.


“So our Hyun-Hyun is complaining?” Jae teased


“Yah! Hyung stop that, what’s up with the name? Yeah, yeah it’s nice. Especially to be with you in professional level. It’s a nice change, but wouldn’t this hurt you.. I mean..” Hyunjoong doesn’t how to bring this up. Even though he is quite outspoken in front of his hyung somehow the issue about Jae’s other two friends is almost like taboo.


Jaejoong stared at Hyunjoong intently. Surely, Kim Jaejoong is a very good piece of human specimen. His eyes are now arced with something juvenile. “Trust me, I wouldn’t miss this opportunity for the world. It’s about time” Jae uttered having a bittersweet smile “So what do you think? Should we put some changes in the song?”


Hyunjoong don’t want to push anymore. Surely, his hyung knows what he is doing.


“Uhmm… well the song is good…”


“Honestly? Tell me…”


“Well just some changes here..then..”


Then finally the two work their way to the song.


Yoochun and Junsu are heading to SM. But actually it was only Yoochun who is needed that day. He was teamed up with the group F(x). He has known them on their debut days but now after all the controversies he doesn’t know how to approach them. Worst he could meet with some of his former label mates. He dragged Junsu with him knowing that Junsu could help and probably control him from doing something stupid.


Yoochun doesn’t quite understand Jaejoong’s decision. But he trusts his hyung for deciding for this and here it is and he needs to face it.


 Luckily the two arrived at the recording area without a fuss. Probably SM prepared everything for fewer ruckuses. Upon arriving the recording they are greeted by 5 ladies. Before everyone fear they would be like DBSK and overshadow the boys success but these ladies somehow build themselves their own name and style.


“Anyeonhaseyo”, the five girls bowed.


Yoochun and Junsu greeted them back politely. Yoochun surely recognized them before as young girls, now they are young ladies already. Especially Jin Ri, of course people call her Sulli but she will always be Jin Ri for him. But one girl caught his eyes Amber. Oh she’s the American girl.

After all this years still America holds a bad impression for him though he worked in there for so long. Yeah sure he loves America but the memory in it still is a bad experience for him. Even working there is hard. So many critiques and some dirty business here and there. The three tried to make everything clean for them as much as possible.


So their collab song is actually an R&B one. Yoochun made some draft of the song himself but he wants to have the girls something to say also.  All of them sat on a long table opposite the recording room. At first it was a little awkward but some jokes here and there made the atmosphere lighter. Junsu Eung Kyang Kyang didn’t escape get the heart of the girls.


Surprisingly Amber has a lot to say. Yoochun is quite impressed. Well among them it seems Yoochun is there professor leading everything but still pushing the girls to do more and contribute more in the discussion. For Yoochun it is a nice feeling. He guesses this wasn’t so bad.


 The recording ended pretty nice but they are not quite done yet so they have to do another schedule. Junsu and Yoochun headed only to meet eye to eye with Changmin. Junsu and Yoochun at first look at each other and Changmin finds the wall interesting.


Junsu is the one to first greet “Anyeong, it’s been a while”


Changmin stared at them don’t know what to say. “Yeah, nice meeting you too. I am going I’m quite busy” he bowed and headed straight.


The two froze not knowing what to do.


“So, how about food”, Junsu was the first to speak.


“Yeah” Yoochun said. “I could use some coffee now”


Changmin’s heart beat so loud. He went to the wash room and heaved a heavy sigh. ‘What was that? Why is it so hard?’

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Chapter 18: This is beautiful and sad
Chapter 18: First of all THANK YOU!!! Thank you so much for writing this story, I read it in 2 days and didn't comment on every chapter because I wanted so badly to know what will happen next. It was worth redding it. The plot is amazing , it's very realistic. When I read it I was fascinated at how deep the emotions are and how easily you could feel them .The story just drowns you in. For me it was a pleasure to read this masterpiece of yours. ^~^
PS. Pleace can you tell me the name of the final song , I know it sounds stupid and like I'm not a fan for not knowing, I will be very grateful i you do.^^
kyouya3 #3
Read this in one go >,< awesome~ love it, hehe, thx for writing~
am i too bad to demand a sequel? pls! :)
cassiopcassie #5
how can i just found this fic? it's so great =)))))
bolero #6
Thank you so much for this fic, even if I almost cried... :)
awe i loved it post more,update new stories.....................DBSK HWAITING- Cassiopeia forever ^_^
kiattyandbone #8
Rereading again ^^
melfics #9
good!! AKTF