The Best Man

I'm Not Your Rose

Seungri walked into his dorm to see Seunghyun curled up in a ball on the floor. He knelt down next to him and shook his shoulder, “Seunghyun, what happened? You didn't go to your classes today.”


Seunghyun turned around and looked up Seungri with red eyes, “I wasn't feeling up to it.”


“Why are you on the ground? What happened?” Seungri pulled Seunghyun up into a sitting position, “Tell me.”


“You always want to talk about the most impossible things.”


Seungri knew that if Seunghyun didn't want to talk about it then it must have something to do with Daesung, “What did he do this time?” Seungri was tired of seeing his friend upset over Daesung. He just wished he would move on already so he can stop going through this.


“You know me so well.” Seunghyun rubbed his eyes, “I don't, want to talk about him. I can't right now.”


“You don't have to right now.” Seungri wondered what could have happened to have Seunghyun like this, “Come on get up and lay in your bed.” Seungri helped him up and guided him to his bed.


“I don't think it's normal for me to feel this way about him.” Despite Seunghyun not wanting to talk about Daesung he kept talking anyway. He knew if he held it in he wouldn't be able to get over this hurdle to jump over the next.


Seungri sat next to him, “You can't say that.”


“There has to be something wrong with me, and Daesung can see it.” Seunghyun swallowed back more tears, “He won't tell me what's wrong with me.”


“There isn't anything wrong with you.”


“You just can't see it.” Seunghyun covered his face with his hands, “Seungri.”




“Can you just lay with me? I don't want be here alone.”


“Of course.” Seungri climbed next to him and rested Seunghyun's head on his shoulder, “Will you be okay?”


Seunghyun gave him a weak smile, “I'll always be okay. I just need to get over it today and try again.”


“Why do you keep doing this to yourself Seunghyun? You don't have to try again, why won't you find someone different?” Seungri hated seeing him like this, it was so unusual from his normal self.


“I'm in love with him, I always have been. That's why I won't give up.”


That surprised Seungri, he had an inkling that Seunghyun felt that way about Seunghyun but he had never said it out loud. “You love him?” Seungri could not see what was there to love. All he had ever seen was Daesung ignoring Seunghyun or telling him off.


“Stupid, huh?”


He wouldn't tell his friend that he was stupid, but he still didn't understand why he loved him, “You're aren't stupid, it's just I don't understand.” in his book he thought Seunghyun was to good for any of the treatment that he has received.


Seunghyun pursed his lips, he had always felt this way about Daesung and he assumed that it was Seungri to be confused as to why he loved him. “There's a reason why I fell in love with him, but I at the time I was to young to know it was love. I just thought I wanted to be his friend. I don't even think Daesung remembers what he did.”


Seungri furrowed his eyebrows, “To young? How long have you known him?”


“I thought girls fell in love for the most dumbest things but look at me now. When I was younger I wasn't all that popular.”


Seungri looked up at him, “You weren't popular?”


“Even the people who got picked on picked on me.” Seunghyun laughed, “Now that I think about it, it's pretty funny. I didn't start getting popular till late in my high school years before then it was painful going to school. Some the kids that used to pick on me go here, they're extremely fake now.”


“I never knew.”


“I never told you. Guess who was really popular in the sixth grade.”


Seungri scrunched up his eyebrows, “I don't know who?”


“Daesung, he had so many friends. People just naturally flocked to him because he had an infectious laugh and could brighten anyone's day.”


“Daesung? Are we talking about the same person, because he isn't like that now.”


Seunghyun chuckled, his mood was getting a little better, “He is still the same, you just can't see it.”


Seungri gave him a disbelieving look, “I'll just take your word for it.”


“Anyways one day school had been a particularly bad day a lot of the popular kids had been bullying me till I was reduced to tears, Daesung stepped in and he told them off, then helped me with my stuff. I really appreciated it.”


“And that's when you fell in love with him?”


“No, what Daesung did wasn't the popular choice. Slowly the roles started changing, the more friends he would lose, the more I would gain till the social status eventually flipped. Now he doesn't want anything to do with popularity or gain more than the two close friends he has now. I had never changed since that, at first I was just appreciative of what he did for me, but it started to turn into something more. It was also because of him that I learned I was gay because of how I felt for him.” Seunghyun sighed, “I never got to repay him back and I want to do that with my love, but it's kind of hard if he won't take it.”


“Do you think you're really in love with him? Maybe you just feel gratitude is it really love?”


Seunghyun knew that Seungri would have trouble with grasping how he felt. It may sound like he was just grateful but he knew that he loved Daesung for everything he was. Daesung had given him more than pain, he had also given him a new life; One much better than the one he had. “I know what I'm feeling and maybe you're right, maybe it isn't love, and if it isn't then it has to be something more than love.”


“Is that how you truly feel?” Seungri was still a little skeptical but that could be because he didn't want Seunghyun to feel anything for Daesung. He wanted him to move on from Daesung and go to someone who truly deserved his heart. Seungri felt that he had gave it to the wrong person and that Seunghyun should take his heart back, because it obviously wasn't in good care.


“Yes it is how I feel. It's been way to long for me to stop feeling this way and even if I wanted to I don't think I would be able to do so.”


“Well if that's how you feel then I guess I have no choice but to be supportive of your decision, but Seunghyun let me tell you something. I don't like that you're so infatuated with him, I wish you would move on.”


“I know you do, but I can't so I'll keep trying.”


“And if he does this again?”


Seunghyun smiled, “Then you'll be my shoulder to cry on, right?


“You don't even have to ask. I'll be there for you like always.” and he was afraid he would always have him crying on his shoulder.


Daesung walked with Youngbae back to their dorm, it had gotten quiet between them because Daesung was still thinking about his recent encounter with Seunghyun. The sadness on Seunghyun's face was etched into his mind, he couldn't stop thinking about how he left him. Daesung tried to clear it from his mind, he was with Youngbae and that was who he needed to be thinking about.


Youngbae turned to Daesung “What took you so long earlier.”


Daesung was yanked out of his thought and a little confused, “What?”


“When you went to get your backpack, you took forever.”


Daesung was quiet for a second, “I bumped into Seunghyun.” he thought the truth would be better than lying, though he highly doubted he would be able to give him the whole truth.


Youngbae's face had fallen, “Oh.” the fact that Daesung had already gone back on their promise was crushing him.


“Don't think anything of it, I didn't mean to break m promise. He stopped me in the hallway when I was walking passed.” Daesung didn't want him to feel that he wasn't taking their relationship seriously.


“So what happened then?”


“We kind of got in an argument, I had to tell him that I wasn't interested and he couldn't handle it.” That wasn't the truth but it was the closest he could get to the truth without worrying Youngbae.


“Was that all that happened?” Youngbae didn't want to come off sounding like he didn't trust Daesung, but he had been quiet all day like he was thinking about something important.


“Yes that's all that happened.” Daesung didn't sound all that confident in his answer, but it was all the answer he was giving.


Youngbae nodded his head, he wasn't stupid he knew there was something more but he didn't want to push it. What were you supposed to do when you knew a loved one was lying to you? Did you just come out and say it? Or let them tell you in due time?


Can he love you more than me? Seunghyun's words were roaming around Daesung's head. He didn't know that Seunghyun had felt so strongly for him. He couldn't wrap his mind around how Seunghyun could love him, was he really that loveable? I will always feel this way. Daesung didn't even know how long Seunghyun had felt such strong feelings for him. It was different from he initially thought about him, but he couldn't be that different from what he portrays himself to be, could he? Why can't you love me? His heart shattering words fluttered around Daesung's mind, is there something wrong with me?


Daesung couldn't help but keep thinking about everything Seunghyun had said to him. He said it like he was so sure of himself, like he had known how he felt for years. To think Daesung had just thought it was some sort of crush. He couldn't believe that it was more then that, it would be harder turning Seunghyun down with this new information.


“Does he get the point now?” Youngbae wanted to like Seunghyun but he felt like he was trying to take Daesung away from him, no, he was trying to take Daesung away from him and Youngbae felt like he was slowly succeeding.


“I don't think he ever will. He told me that he would never stop.”


“Do I have to say something?”


Daesung held up his hands, “Please don't start something else, I want to finish this problem not cause more problems.”


Youngbae frowned, “Your problems are my problems now.”


Daesung rolled his eyes and smiled, “Please don't be an overprotective boyfriend.”


“I'm not being overprotective.” he thought about it, “Well maybe just a little, but not overboard.”


Daesung threw his arm around him, “Come on lets hurry up and get to our dorm.”


Daesung was relieved that their conversation didn't escalate into something more serious.


Seunghyun woke up with Seungri attached to him. One of Seungri's arms was shoved up his shirt and the other had made it's way under him. Seunghyun looked at him and smiled, even when things were down he still managed to him while he was asleep. He shook him, “Seungri.”


Seungri stirred but didn't wake.


“Seungri.” he felt Seungri's hand move around under his shirt. He tried taking out of his shirt but it was futile, “He couldn't be asleep.” Seunghyun shook him again, “Seungri!”


“Shut up Seunghyun I'm sleeping.”


“Get up.”


Seungri opened one eye and looked up at him, “Leave me alone.” he repositioned his hand on Seunghyun's chest.


“Stop touching my s!” Seunghyun rolled off of the bed but wasn't anticipating Seungri to come tumbling after him, “Get off me!”


Seungri sat up and rubbed his head, “Well that definitely is a rude awakening.”


Seunghyun rubbed his s, “You think so?” his voice was heavily laced with sarcasm.


“We should do that again.” Seungri laughed at Seunghyun's expression.


“No, no, we shouldn't..” Seunghyun got up from the ground and helped Seungri up, “What am I going to do with you?”


“Love me unconditionally?”


“Or just get rid of you before you cause me even more trouble.”


Seungri smirked, “You won't be able to get rid of me, I'm here forever and ever and ever... and ever.”


Seunghyun walked over to grab some clean clothes and a robe, “That's way to long for me to deal with you, I might have to cut an ever.” Seunghyun grimaced, “I really don't want to take a shower.”


Seungri winked, “Why because your boytoy might be waiting for you knowing that you shower in the morning most of the time.”


“He's creepy, especially when I take showers, I feel like he watches me.”


“He can't be that bad, and besides you can't see through the curtains.”


“Oh he isn't that creepy, come with me you'll see how creepy he is just by looking at him.”


Seungri chuckled, “You're overreacting, but I'll come anyways just to prove you wrong.”


Seunghyun grabbed his shower stuff and dragged Seungri with him to the bathroom. Seungri peered in and spotted someone's silhouette by the showers. He walked in behind Seunghyun and peered behind. “Oh, man he is creepy.”


Seunghyun smacked him, there wasn't that much distance from him and the guy.


Seungri rubbed his arm and waved to the guy, “Sup.”


He turned around startled from whatever he was doing n awkwardly waved back, “Hi, who are you?”


“I share this bathroom with you guys.”


“Oh are you knew, is Seunghyun showing you around?”


Seungri looked at him like he was crazy, “No I've been here since my freshmen year. I'm Seunghyun's roomie.”


Seunghyun wasn't trying to say anything as he watched them talk.


The guy raised an eyebrow, “Oh, is that so. Seunghyun hasn't said anything about, you must not be that important. You see we're best buds.”


Seunghyun coughed, “Uh what?”


Seungri on the other hand thought that was funny, “Oh really? Well then I'll leave you two alone. I wouldn't want to get in between your kinship.” Seungri walked out trying to contain his laughter, maybe that guy wasn't creepy but misinformed.


Seunghyun glared at the closed door, “Yeah uhm I'm just going to take a shower so...”


“That's fine.” he stood where he was.


“Uh I'd like to do that alone.”


“No prob.” he walked out of the bathroom.


Seunghyun shook his head and got undressed then stepped into the shower stall.


Seungri finished up some assignments and started waiting for Seunghyun to hurry up with his shower. He looked around and to see if there was something he could do. He dove down and searched for some movies to watch, Seunghyun took a long time in the shower so he'd probably be a while. Seungri dug in their movie collection and picked up the Titanic, “So we meet again.” he wondered if he should watch it again, you know, for Leonardo DiCaprio. He put it down, he so wasn't going through that again. Instead he decided to watch the Lion King.


Seunghyun walked in to see his friend balling in front of the TV. At first he was concerned as to why he was crying until he looked at the screen. “Really Seungri, I thought we agreed for you to skip over this part if you were going to watch this movie.”


Seungri wiped his eyes, “I thought I could handle it this time, but Mufasa's death always gets me.”


Seunghyun turned the TV off and popped out the disk, “And that's why we don't watch sad movies.” Seunghyun grabbed him by the arm and picked him up, “Lets go outside so you can get some fresh air.”


Seungri nodded and followed him outside the dorm, one day they needed to get off the campus. There was only so much you can do here.


Seunghyun tapped Seungri on the shoulder, “Hey look.”




“There's your boyfriend.”


Seungri raised an eyebrow, “I don't have a boyfriend.”


“Really? Oh you and Jiyong still haven't got together then.”


Seungri hit Seunghyun repeatedly, “That guy will be lucky if I ever gave him the thought of the day, but I don't and I never will. So will you please shut up about it!?”


Seunghyun smirked, “Why are you getting worked up about it?”


“I'm not getting worked up. I don't care at all, he isn't important at all. I don't like him, so there's no reason for us to even be talking about this. I'm done with it are you?”


Seunghyun opened his mouth to speak, but Seungri interrupted him.


“I mean what's so special about him anyways? He isn't that good looking, so why all the talk?”




“I'm just as cool as him so what's up with him being able o take my girlfriends or future ones at that? I don't even notice him, at all, not one bit.”


“You did-


“And another thing, why is it that you have to keep bringing him up like he's relevant? He isn't, I don't think about him. He doesn't come across my thoughts at all. I don't even care.”


“Maybe I should call him over here.”


Seungri slapped his hand over Seunghyun's mouth, “Don't you dare.”


Seunghyun pried his hand off of him, “If you don't care about him, then why should it matter?”


He tried to act nonchalant, “I mean if you want, I'm not going to talk to him. It's like whatever.”


“Okay then.” Seunghyun waved his hand to get Jiyong's attention, “Hey, Jiyong!”


Jiyong turned around he was confused when he saw Seunghyun waving at him. They had never spoken to each other before so this was new. Jiyong told his friends to wait for him then walked up to Seunghyun, “Uh hi?”


Seunghyun had a sly grin on his face, “You know Seungri right?”


Jiyong looked at Seungri who had his arms folded and was staring in a different direction. “Yeah, I know him.” he looked him over, “He's the one who stole my boyfriend in freshmen year.”


Seungri snorted, “I did not, I borrowed him. There's a difference. Besides you literally took my girlfriend sophomore year, all of them.”


Seunghyun looked at Seungri, “All of them?”


“Okay well maybe not all of them.”


Jiyong laughed, “And your point is? You started it first.”


“No, you did. Remember middle school in eighth grade?”


“Don't tell me you're still stuck on that. She was a floozy, you just caught her with me.”


Seunghyun didn't know it had gone that far back, these two had some serious issues together, “I'll just be slipping out of here.”


Seunghyun backed up then when he was far enough he started speed walking away from them. Well that was a disaster. He turned around and saw them still arguing, their faces were merely inches apart while they were quietly yelling at each other. Seunghyun gave the sight he was seeing an inquisitive look. His eyes widened when he saw Jiyong pull Seungri in for a very heated kiss. “Well that escalated quickly.” he had known they had some , but what he was seeing was some serious tension being dissolved. He turned around so he wouldn't be deemed a and walked right into someone.


“I'm sorry I didn't see you.” he started dusting them off.


The person cleared their throat to get his attention. Seunghyun looked from where he was dusting the persons shirt off and instantly his worried face turned into a look of animosity. “Oh It's you.”


“I could be saying the same thing to you.” Youngbae folded his arms.


Seunghyun rolled his eyes, “Well if you don't mind I have somewhere to go.”


“Actually, I want to talk to you about something.”


Seunghyun stopped in his tracks, “What could we possibly talk about?”




“What about Daesung?”


“I don't to argue with you so I'm going to just say this. You need to leave him alone, I'm in a relationship with him, so back off.” Youngbae gave him an austere look.


“I don't care whether you're engaged or on your second honey with him, I won't give up.” he gave him back a look that was equally unrelenting.


“You really don't get it do you? Daesung doesn't want you, I should be all the proof you need that he doesn't want you. You don't need to give up, because you've already lost.”


Seunghyun his lips then stared Youngbae down, “And you really don't get that I haven't lost till the day I breathe my last breath.”


“You really are pathetic, stay away from him. This is the last time I'll ask you nicely.”


“You think I'm pathetic but how much do you know about Daesung?”




“What does he tell you when he's with me? Does he say that there's nothing going on between he and I? Do you think that's the truth?”


Youngbae glared at him angrily, “You can't trick me into thinking that there's something going on between you two. I believe every word he says, and if he says there's nothing then there's nothing.”


Seunghyun gave him condescending laugh, “If you really believe everything he's been telling you then your dumber than I thought.”


“You shut up, you don't know what you're talking about. He wouldn't do anything like that to me, he promised. He promised.” his steam left at the end of his sentence, Daesung wouldn't break his promise, would he?


Seunghyun looked away, “I'm not trying to purposefully hurt your feelings, I'm just telling it like it is. Maybe you should really think about what he's telling you.”


Youngbae shook his head, “You're just a liar, I don't believe anything you're saying. Just leave him alone, that's all I'm asking.”


“We'll never be on the same page, not if Daesung is involved that is. I won't give you a promise that I won't keep, I'm not going to stay away from him. So we're just going to have to be enemies.”


“Fine, if you want it to be that way then it'll be that way. Let the best man win then?”


“Yeah, the best man.” Seunghyun walked away from Youngbae and went to see if Seungri had gotten done with Jiyong. Seunghyun hoped that the better man will win, he was planning on it.


Hey guys so if I'm down here then you know I have something to say. listen, school is coming up on the third for me so i won't be uploading as frequently as i have. i may only have time to upload on fridays/the weekends once the year starts to pick up so if i miss a few days then be sure that you WILL get an update on the weekend. i'm not going to leave you hanging for a month. Anyways that's all i had to say sorry for the inconvenience but I'm sure some of you guys will be starting school too so lets all get ready to do that homework!! <------ Serious sarcasm right there. is it weird to eat hot cheetos with a hamburger? Do you guys not do that and I'm just weird? I am. Okay.

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ILuvToDae #1
Chapter 29: Awwwwww... I'm glad everyone got a happy ending.
Chapter 29: Just binge read this! I love it! So glad that Youngbae got a happy ending and didn't stay on the outs with Dae.
pikachu79 #3
Chapter 29: Just finished re read...over like 4 days haha...lovely journey...hope all is well with u authornim!
Chapter 29: qute as hell
pikachu79 #5
Chapter 29: This is really engaging! Fluffy sweet at times and painful angsty moments...coming back for second read soon!
blackqueencleopatra #6
Chapter 29: Another amazing story! I am so obsessed with your writing, you're awesome!!
asianluvr #7
Chapter 29: That was one of the best stories I read. Absolutely beautiful.
Chapter 29: Sigh....

I honesty feel like crying whenever I come a good story such as this one and have to say goodbye to it because it ends....

This took my heart to different heights... it touched on so many emotions that I've felt in the past and still feel now. I could completely relate to how each of them felt at a certain point, especially Youngbae... his pain hurt me the most because it was so real to me.

Anywhoo, I really applaude you on your writing ability, though I will advise you to proof read for future reference, you really know how to pull at the heartstrings with your words.

That epilogue put the biggest smile on my face... happy endings will never fail to make me cry, I'm such a big cry baby.

...that was beautiful........

Thank you :')
Chapter 3: I really love your work. You always manage to get the atmosphere of the story just perfect!

I absolutely love the humor in this. It really is funny and enticing.

I'll be sure to let you know what I think of the rest as I go... but so far it's great!