
I'm Not Your Rose

Daesung was filled with a while bunch of mixed emotions. He hadn't seen Youngbae, and the stress from that was interfering with his relationship with Seunghyun. Youngbae said he was leaving in a week, it was a week and he still didn't here from him. Daesung didn't want it to end like this, with uncertainties about there friendship together. How was he supposed to move on with all these questions?


It wasn't like Daesung just sat there and waited for Youngbae, he tried calling him, he tried going to his dorm and now he was on the stage of just giving him some space, but how much space did Youngbae want before it was too late?


He looked up and saw Seunghyun walk into their dorm, “Hi.”


Seunghyun frowned at Daesung, he had been moping and sitting in the same spot for sometime. He barely even spoke to Seunghyun at all, “We need to talk.”


Daesung swallowed, that was never a good sign, “About what?”


You, us, everything. I need to talk to you Daesung.” Seunghyun sat next to Daesung and looked at him, “This year is ending, we have few months and then we're on our own. I need to know what you want to do.”


Seunghyun, I don't want to talk about this right now.”


Seunghyun sighed, he had been trying to get something out of their relationship, but Daesung's mind was preoccupied with something else, with Youngbae, “This is what I'm talking about Daesung.” he stood up, a hand running frustratedly through his hair, “What are we going to talk about then, huh? I'm sorry about Youngbae, I really I am, I know he means a lot to you but how do you think I feel when you're completely blowing off what we have?”


I'm sorry, I know it sounds like I haven't been putting up any effort in our relationship. I want to be with you, I do, it's just I can't think about more than one thing right now.”


Seunghyun didn't think that was fair, “Look, I've already found a place to stay and I'm looking into an internship for a new business. I really think you should start looking into a job, start thinking about the future.”


I said, I don't want to talk about this right now.”


Seunghyun knelt down in front of Daesung, he was being a pain right now and all he wanted to do was get through to him, “Daesung, please baby. Just talk to me, we haven't talked for a week now. You don't want to do anything anymore, it hurts Daesung.” he took his hands in his, “It hurts to see you like this.”


I'm sorry Seunghyun, I've been upsetting you. Let's talk.” he cupped Seunghyun's cheeks and looked down at him, “I want to be with you when this year ends, I want you Seunghyun.”


You'll live with me?”


I'll come to live with you, we'll be together.” he closed his eyes, thinking that he needed to let go. Daesung didn't want to ruin his relationship with Seunghyun by dwelling on what was happening with Youngbae. He loved Seunghyun, he didn't want him to hurt over his own pain. “I just don't like the thought of losing a friend. I'm sorry Seunghyun, I don't mean to upset you.”


Seunghyun sighed, “Don't apologize Daesung, I know it's hard for you. I wish I could be of more help to you.”


Daesung Seunghyun's cheek and leaned down to kiss him, “You just being here helps me. I can't wait to get out of here, just you and me. No more distractions.”


Seunghyun grinned, liking the thought of that, “And we can be happy right?”


Of course.”


Seunghyun leaned into Daesung's hand that was avidly his cheek and couldn't wait to start his life with him. He wished he could fell Daesung's hands on him twenty-four seven, but there was the nagging sound of someone knocking on their door couldn't be ignored. Seunghyun groaned and kissed Daesung's hand, then went up to answer the door, “Oh.” Seunghyun raised an eyebrow, “Isn't it nice to see you.”


Youngbae looked down, hands stuffed in his pockets, “I just want to talk to Daesung, then I'm gone.”


Seunghyun put his hands up and backed away, “He's all yours, don't upset him anymore than he already is.” he met the questioning look Daesung had and nodded to the direction of the door, “You have a visitor.”


Daesung stood up and walked past Seunghyun. Once he laid eyes on Youngbae, he could give no reaction. He was afraid of what Youngbae was going to say or do. Daesung looked back at Seunghyun, “I won't be long.” he reverted his attention back to Youngbae and walked out of the dorm whilst closing the door behind him.


Youngbae sighed, he had been avoiding Daesung for a week now. It was now or never that he would talk to him. He looked down at the ground, Youngbae couldn't look Daesung in the eye, “I contemplated not seeing you. I was considering just leaving, but I couldn't. Despite everything, we've still known each other for years now, and even if I'm upset with you, I'll have to get over it sometime.” he looked up while taking a deep breath and bringing his eyes to Daesung's.


You're still upset with me? Will you ever forgive me then?”


It's not that I can never forgive you. It's just, I need time. You never really know if you've forgiven someone till the situation has been brought up again, and if it has and you still feel some kind of pain, then you just haven't forgiven them.”


Daesung swallowed, he had wanted to talk to Youngbae for a long time and now that he was getting the chance, he realized that this was the beginning of a bitter end, “You're leaving, and we still h=don't have anything resolved.”


A small smile spread on Youngbae's lips, “Don't think of it as anything bad between us. I know the last time we talked it wasn't anything pleasant, but think of it as me going to find myself. I have some things that I need to straighten up, to think about.” he looked up at the ceiling, trying to figure out a way to say what he needed to say without making his departure anymore upsetting for Daesung, “Don't fret.”


How can I not when my best friend is leaving me to go on soul searching quest...without me.” he quirked an eyebrow, a sad smile spreading on his lips.


You have Seunghyun, you don't need me. I just need time, just don't change your number.”


A look of hope spread on Daesung's face, “You're planning on keeping in touch?”


When the time is right, I'll call you. Just don't ever change your number.”


Daesung nodded, “Then, is this really goodbye?”


Yeah, it really is goodbye.” Youngbae knew he had more to say, but he had to go. He gave one last look at Daesung, he would miss him, but not seeing him for a while or anyone for that matter, seemed like the best choice. “I'm sorry.”


Daesung gave him a confused look, “Sorry for what?”


Youngbae didn't answer him, he bit his lip and cupped Daesung's cheeks. Taking advantage of Daesung's pure confused expression, he leaned forward and kissed him. It was brief and Youngbae pulled away quickly as not to upset him anymore than he has, “You know I'll always love you, bye Daesung.”


Daesung took a breath, touching his lips and watching Youngbae's retreating back. His voice came out hoarse and raw, “Youngbae! Wait...” he swallowed, eyes glazing over and the lump in his throat refusing to go away, “You can't just do that to me and leave. You can't!” he didn't know what to feel, angry and hurt, sad, he didn't know.


Youngbae turned around, giving Daesung a sad smile, and mouthing the words I'm sorry. That was it, he had said what he needed to say, done what he needed to do, and then he rounded the corner and left. He promised himself that when he was ready, when Daesung was ready, he would call and they would pick up the pieces and be better friends than before.


Daesung breathed heavily, toughing his lips and feeling upset. He wanted to go after him and ask what he meant that by. Ask him why he kissed him, what he was going to do, but he knew he needed to let him go. He would just have to wait and that would be that. Daesung turned around and walked back into his dorm, seeing Seunghyun and a bit of guilt washed over his features as he stared at him. The revelation that Youngbae loved him, spinning in his head.


He could answer all his questions just from Youngbae kissing him and telling him those words. Why Youngbae couldn't forgive him, why he wanted to leave, it was because he loved him and he needed to time get over that before he could get over anything else. Daesung made eye contact with Seunghyun, and that was when Daesung thought that maybe Youngbae was right in leaving. He just hoped he wouldn't take too long in finding himself.


Seunghyun stood up and wrapped his arms around Daesung, “Are you okay?”


I'm fine.”


Do you need to cry?”


Daesung laughed, loving that he had Seunghyun here for him, “No, I don't need to cry.”


Then, you want to tell me what you two talked about?”


He just told me that he was leaving and that one day when he is ready he'll call me, and..” Daesung cleared his throat, wondering what Seunghyun's reaction was going to be to his next tidbit of information.


And?” Seunghyun raised an eyebrow, waiting for Daesung's answer.


Before he left, he...kissed me.” Daesung looked up at Seunghyun curiously.


Seunghyun laughed and looked at Daesung with a look of amusement on his face, “You're kidding right.”




No? He kissed you, like was it on the cheek on your lips?”


Daesung looked down, seriously regretting saying anything, “The lips.”


Seunghyun folded his arms, forgetting that he was supposed to be comforting Daesung, “So he made a pass at you. The nerve, I swear.”


Are you mad at me?” Daesung looked up, an innocent look settling on his face.


Seunghyun face softened and brought Daesung into his arms once again, “Of course not, you're the victim in all of this. We should call the cops and report him molestation, that'll show him.”


Daesung shook his head disbelievingly, “You're an idiot.”


Was it consensual?” he pulled back and narrowed his eyes at Daesung.


Not exactly.” Daesung avoided all eye contact with Seunghyun, his gaze was too heavy for him to bear.


Not exactly? Well is it yes or no, did you let him kiss you or not? Please don't tell me you let him kiss you.”


Daesung didn't think it was that easy to say yes or no. He didn't exactly say yes to the kiss but then again he didn't say no, but even if he was going to say no, the kiss was too short to even react to it, “It's not like I said hey Youngbae kiss me, it was kind of like it just happened. I don't what else to say, I didn't react to the kiss at all.”


Did you like it?”


Daesung rolled his eyes, “No.” it wasn't long enough for Daesung to even know if he would have liked it, but he wouldn't tell Seunghyun that, or risk having him blow up in his face.


Good.” Seunghyun leaned down to kiss Daesung, in a slightly possessive way, “Because your lips are mine anyways.” a frown settled on his lips.


What's the matter now?”


I just thought of something.”




If Youngbae kissed you, and I just kissed you, then that means I practically just kissed Youngbae.” he turned around picked up his and Daesung's toothbrushes off of the desk, then handed Daesung's toothbrush to him, “You have to brush your teeth now.”


Daesung raised an eyebrow, “Are you serious? It's not like Youngbae has cooties.”


Every time I kiss you I'll be thinking of kissing of Youngbae because his essence is on your lips, you have to brush.” Seunghyun couldn't be more serious than he was now.


You're ridiculous.”


He probably does have cooties,” Seunghyun pouted and ushered Daesung out of the room to the bathroom, “and you let him kiss you.”


Daesung rolled his eyes thinking Seunghyun was being a bit childish, “What can I do to make it up to you?”


A sly grin spread on Seunghyun's lips as he thought of one thing in particular.


What are you thinking?”


Seunghyun's grin quickly faded, “Nothing, just brush your teeth.”


Daesung looked up at Seunghyun repeatedly wondering what he was up to. Seunghyun had been avoiding eye contact and smirking silently at him for a while now and it was seriously annoying, “Seunghyun what do you want?”


Nothing Daesung.” he laid down and waited for Daesung to sigh in frustration. He had been purposefully messing with him for half an hour, he really didn't want anything.


Then why do you keep giving me those looks? You must want something.” Daesung glared at him and wondered what he was trying to pull.


I really don't want anything.” he grinned at Daesung.


Daesung stood up from where he was sitting and knelt next to him, “You have to want something, you're grinning like you want something.”


I'm grinning because you're so worked up about this.”


So you really don't want anything?”


Seunghyun sat up and leaned down to kiss him, “I don't want anything. I just like seeing you squirm.”


Even if I were to take a shower and invite you to join me, you wouldn't want anything? Because I am going to take a shower.”


Seunghyun swallowed, Daesung was seriously messing with him now, “Are, are you serious?”


Daesung stood up, preparing to take a shower, “Yeah, but you said you didn't want anything so I suppose you wouldn't want to take a shower with me.”


What? Did I say that?”


Mmhm.” he winked at Seunghyun.


Seunghyun stood up and wrapped his arms around Daesung, “Hey, I'm the only tease in this relationship.”


Daesung leaned into Seunghyun's arms, “Well that isn't fair.” he turned around and wrapped his arms around Seunghyun's neck, “You are a tease though.”


Yes that's what I'm told.” he leaned down and kissed Daesung, hands combing through his hair. Before anything could get really heated between them, a knocking brief knock interrupted them, followed by Seungri entering with barely a warning. Seunghyun broke apart from Daesung, raising an eyebrow at him, “Can I help you?”


Seungri cleared his throat, having interrupted something, but whatever, he didn't care much, “Did you hear?”


Hear what?”


About Youngbae.”


Daesung turned around, “About Youngbae what?”


Seungri walked in and closed the door after him, “Did you know he left?”


Daesung thought it would have been some news that he didn't know, but what else was he supposed to get from Seungri, “I already knew that.”


Oh, well do you know where he went?”


No, do you?”


Seungri folded his arms, thinking that he didn't come here for nothing, “I don't know exactly where he went, I was walking and bumped into him earlier. I asked where he was going and he said, 'mountains'. Just like that, and of course I thought he was kidding but then he said he was going to Nepal to be a wilderness instructor. I don't even know what that is what is that?”


Daesung sat down, “He didn't tell me that. He had wanted to do something like that, a wilderness instructor teaches leadership and technical skills. So he's going to be all out in the mountains in Nepal? He told you that?”


Yeah, it was just a brief conversation, he said he had to leave for his flight.” Seungri put his hands behind his back and rocked on his toes, “So...”


Seunghyun looked around, “Where's Jiyong?”


He's in the dorm.”


Why isn't he with you?”


Seungri pursed his lips, “Can't I be anywhere by myself? He's sleeping.”


Daesung raised an eyebrow, “It's going on the afternoon, why is he still sleeping?”


Seungri smirked, “I don't know.”


Uh, okay.” Daesung took a deep breath and twiddled his thumbs, “So, Youngbae really went to Nepal? How long do you think he would be there.”


Both Seunghyun and Seungri shrugged.


He really wants to get away then. I bet he's really hurt.”


Seunghyun glared at Seungri and whispered hurriedly in his ear, “He was in a good mood a minute ago.”


Seungri looked sheepishly at Seunghyun, “What happened?”


They had a sort of falling out slash in, I don't really know, it's complicated.”


So are they not talking?”




At one time that was a good thing, but I guess he's upset huh?”




And I kind of ruined the mood huh?”




I'll just go.”


Seunghyun smiled at Seungri, “You're so dumb.”


Seungri rolled his eyes and walked to the door, “I'm graduating aren't I?”


Seunghyun shooed him away and payed attention to Daesung, “So, how are you feeling?”


I'm good.” Daesung sighed, “It's just that, he's just gone.”


The pain will numb, just remember that he said he'll call you one day. It's not like it's truly over.” Seunghyun felt like he was giving Daesung relationship advice, it was kind of awkward but he wouldn't dwell on that.


Yeah whatever.”


I'm serious Daesung, it'll be okay.”


I don't know what I would do if you left me too.” he reached out for Seunghyun, wanting to be near him.


Seunghyun sat down and pulled Daesung into a hug, “I'd never leave you. I can say that over and over again, I'd never leave you.”


Daesung leaned into Seunghyun, “I hope not, I love you.”


I love you too.” Seunghyun kissed Daesung's forehead and held him closer to him, “I'll always be there for you.”



I think I don't have many chapters left. Like one or two I think? A chapter and a epilogue? I'm not sure.

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ILuvToDae #1
Chapter 29: Awwwwww... I'm glad everyone got a happy ending.
Chapter 29: Just binge read this! I love it! So glad that Youngbae got a happy ending and didn't stay on the outs with Dae.
pikachu79 #3
Chapter 29: Just finished re read...over like 4 days haha...lovely journey...hope all is well with u authornim!
Chapter 29: qute as hell
pikachu79 #5
Chapter 29: This is really engaging! Fluffy sweet at times and painful angsty moments...coming back for second read soon!
blackqueencleopatra #6
Chapter 29: Another amazing story! I am so obsessed with your writing, you're awesome!!
asianluvr #7
Chapter 29: That was one of the best stories I read. Absolutely beautiful.
Chapter 29: Sigh....

I honesty feel like crying whenever I come a good story such as this one and have to say goodbye to it because it ends....

This took my heart to different heights... it touched on so many emotions that I've felt in the past and still feel now. I could completely relate to how each of them felt at a certain point, especially Youngbae... his pain hurt me the most because it was so real to me.

Anywhoo, I really applaude you on your writing ability, though I will advise you to proof read for future reference, you really know how to pull at the heartstrings with your words.

That epilogue put the biggest smile on my face... happy endings will never fail to make me cry, I'm such a big cry baby.

...that was beautiful........

Thank you :')
Chapter 3: I really love your work. You always manage to get the atmosphere of the story just perfect!

I absolutely love the humor in this. It really is funny and enticing.

I'll be sure to let you know what I think of the rest as I go... but so far it's great!