I thought

You Got Me

Alex pouts and slides down in the corner of the elevator trying to understand what just happened. Seungho and her was fine, they were having a great time living together. They never really fought and she really thought he was enjoying having her around so she can’t understand his outburst or his reasoning for that matter, oblivious as she can be.

She curses and gets back up hitting the wall “Why does everything have to be so damn complicated?!” she hits the wall again in frustration and lets out another curse. As soon as the doors open she steps out and walks out the building with her bag over her shoulder and a foul expression. She looks up at the evening sky and huffs as she tries to figure out where to go. She can’t go back to her and YongGuk’s place so she doesn’t really have many options other than going back to the firm.

The sound of someone sniffing makes her turn her head and she spots a pathetic YongGuk sitting with his back to the wall and a lowered head. He lifts his head and looks at her without a word, his eyes upset but not sad, frustrated but not angry.

Alex drops her bag onto the ground and crosses her arms “He threw me out”

YongGuk doesn’t reply and just lowers his head again. Alex takes a couple of steps towards him keeping her arms crossed “I thought we weren’t supposed to have secrets Guk”

“I thought we were supposed to get married” YongGuk mumbles back at her “I thought we were supposed to be together but you left me. Then I thought we would never be together again, I thought we’d never be parents, I thought you were gone but you came back. Today I thought you would understand that I don’t want you to see that I’m struggling without you but you don’t” he gets up and steps closer to her “It might be easy for you to do everything alone but it is not for me” he steps passed her but she grabs his arm before he can leave “Then why didn’t you just tell me?”

YongGuk sighs and looks down the street “I’m gonna be a dad… twins… I should be able to handle myself. When the babies come you’ll be busy with them and I need to be able to do my share” he pauses for a bit and looks back at her “What kind of dad and husband would I be if I need you to comfort me when things get a little rough? Compared to the problems you’ve had mine are just…” he shakes his head and looks away not even wanting to try to finish his sentence.

“What happened to doing things our way?” Alex sighs and steps closer to him “If we are gonna go down that road than what kind of woman am I?” she tilts her head and frowns “Guk I fight, yell, curse, hate cute and scare the out of people. Not the most charming trades in a female” she smirks a little and holds onto his jacket “I was throwing a fit because I didn’t want to wear a cute dress for Christ sake. I can’t cook, don’t like toys and if anyone say they always thought I’d make a great mother they must have lost their mind. Guk none of this motherly crap comes naturally for me”

YongGuk looks her in the eyes and smiles a little “You are just different”

“Yes I am which is why I wouldn’t be able to do this without you” Alex says with a serious expression “Rough things is all I know, if you aren’t gonna let me be the one who handles that I don’t know what good I’ll do” she tugs on his jacket and leans a little closer “I like comforting you, angel you know I’ll always have your back and if you are stressed I want to be the one who fixes it. It reminds me of the days you were just that idol kid I had to look after”

“Alex you never had to look after me. It was your fault I had any problems at all” YongGuk raises a brow and gives her a critical look “You forced it upon me”

“Yea well you forced yourself upon me” Alex smirks and gives him a bold kiss “You brought this on yourself when you said you were the man for me”

“I should have known that would come back to bite me in the ” He sighs dramatically and looks her in the eyes unable to stop his heart from pounding like crazy in his chest “Poor little me didn’t know what I was getting myself into”

“I’m sorry angel” Alex tilts her head and smiles “If I could give you back all the time…” she frowns a little and then shakes her head flashing a huge cocky grin “No I wouldn’t cause I’m selfish and you belong to me”

YongGuk chuckles slightly and moves his arms slowly around her “You would have gone back to your ex. You’d gotten married to him… maybe had kids already”

“Yea but then I wouldn’t have you” Alex shrugs and makes him smile a little bigger “All the times I’ve had with you… I don’t want to lose those” she continues and tilts her head. He her sides gently and looks her in the eyes a bit relieved but still a little unsure “You really don’t regret it?”

“I regret a lot of things” Alex admits but keeps smiling in that slightly smug way “But not that I picked you over Kei. And you were the one who made the move Gukke. Remember that”

“So everything is my fault? All my misery is because I made the move on you?” YongGuk’s brows moves up his forehead and he huffs

“Yes” Alex nods and gives him another kiss. When she leans back his head follows and engages in another quick kiss before settling for leaning his forehead against hers “We were never meant to have anything easy were we?”

“No angel” Alex shakes her head “That’s the problem with getting in bed with the devil”

“You should have warned me that was what I was doing” YongGuk gives her a blaming look and steps away to pick up her bag. Alex chuckles and catches his free hand holding it with both hers “That would have been a nice thing and devils don’t do nice things”

Chuckling slightly YongGuk shakes his head and tightens his hold on her hand “Seungho really threw you out?”

She nods and leans against his arm as they start walking back to his car “He said if I didn’t leave now he wouldn’t let me… Seungho is acting strange” she frowns a little and then looks up at YongGuk “He needs a girlfriend”

“Agreed” YongGuk nods “He is spending too much time with mine” Alex hits him softly and gets another chuckle “I’m serious”

“So am I” YongGuk says with a serious face “He has very explicit memories of your body, why would I like knowing you slept next to him since you got back?”

Alex shrugs indifferently and puckers out her lower lip “He said something about that when I was trying on clothes… You think I have gotten bigger s?”

YongGuk stops in his tracks and turns her by pulling her hand “He commented on that?”

Alex looks at his expression and can easily see the green beast of jealousy starting to peek out in YongGuk’s intense expression. She gives him a sly smirk and tilts her head “Maybe I should go back and try and make up with Seungho…”

“No way” YongGuk starts walking again, this time faster “You ain’t leaving my side ever again”

 Alex chuckles and holds a hand over her stomach as she tries to keep up. Getting to the car YongGuk opens her door and makes sure she is in and the door is closed before he hurries to his own side and quickly drives them back to their building where he escorts her back to the apartment without leaving her side. They are greeted by a somewhat confused BangHim who can’t quite decide who to walk over to but when YongGuk picks the cat up and hands him to Alex the furry thing is quite content. YongGuk closes the door and then quickly starts running around with all the energy in the world to make sure Alex would have everything she needs.

Alex chuckles and cuddles the cat asking if he has looked after YongGuk while she was away. It seems to have forgiven that her stomach kicked it some weeks ago.

When YongGuk emerges from the kitchen Alex is lying in the couch with BangHim on top of her sizable stomach and his schedule, which she found on the table, in her hands “How did you ever manage to come see me at all?” she asks with a frown. YongGuk smirks a little and walks towards her “I just did. I wanted to see you so I made it happen” he pecks her forehead and runs his finger over her cheek “I think I have to go buy some things, what do you want in the fridge?”

“You are tired and should rest” Alex takes a hold of his arm and shakes her head at him.

“I’m fine” he smiles which turns into a grin when she gives him a suspicious frown “Babe I got you back now.  That’ll keep me going for at least a few hours and if I get a kiss I’ll be super fast and get back before you realize I’m gone” he leans down to a laughing Alex and gets his kiss. She tells him a few things that should be easy to get but luckily her constant cravings are starting to wear off and she just has some things she wants more than others, except for milk, babies want milk.

YongGuk quickly gets his things and runs out promising to be back before she knows it. BangHim looks after him and as soon as the door closes the cat start yammering and jumps off Alex before circling around the floor. Alex follows it with her eyes a bit confused “What is it? He’ll be back in a sec”

The cat turns and starts walking away but when she doesn’t follow he comes back yammering even worse. Alex sighs and gets up but with the belly it isn’t exactly easy to move around. She follows the cat to the studio and opens the door so she can look inside. The cat jumps in as soon as the door is open enough and Alex turns on the lights and looks around. It is different from the last time she was in here. Over by the desk is pictures of them, old pictures and the one Seungho took of them not too long ago. The ultrasound picture is there as well and a couple of wedding rings in white silver, simple and elegant, one a bigger than the other. Alex frowns a little and looks at the rings before a meow from BangHim makes her turn her head and she sees a mess by the couch. A pillow and cover is stuffed next to the wall and there are papers and magazines on the floor. “Has he been spending all his time in here?” she frowns and walks over to the couch. She crouches down the best she can and starts picking up the things to tidy up a little.

The papers are mostly lyrics and things from the agency and the magazines are some with articles about B.A.P. and some about parenthood. Those got her smiling a bit and she stands up again and carries them over to the table where she starts organizing a bit which is something she never used to do. She puts the lyrics in one pile, the important papers in another and divides the magazines as well. When she is done she returns to the couch and brings the pillow and cover with her out. She finds that there are already some in the bedroom so she figures they should just get washed and put away, she is not gonna let him sleep in there anymore. Not if she has anything to say.

She then returns to the studio and continues to clean, there are a few glasses and a plate which she brings out as well and when YongGuk returns she is just sitting in his chair looking around in the room that seems to be the only room YongGuk spends time in the last weeks.

“Alex?” YongGuk calls out from the entrance and looks around for her. He quickly puts the things he bought away and calls for her again.

“In here” she calls out from the studio and spins the chair towards the door giving him a smile as he enters “BangHim wouldn’t leave me alone till I came in here”

YongGuk looks down at the cat who gives him a smug look “You are such a nuisance” he mumbles and sighs realizing that she must have spotted the rings he bought a couple of weeks ago. He wasn’t really gonna talk to her about those just yet. He looks around for a bit and notices that it is not like he left it “You cleaned?”

“A little” Alex mumbles and looks towards the couch “I don’t know what got into me” she frowns and makes a weird expression that has YongGuk smiling, it isn’t really that much like her to clean up his things.

He walks over to her and crosses his arms “About the… rings”

“They are pretty” Alex says and turns towards the rings still placed on the table. YongGuk smiles a little bigger but quickly gets serious “Alex… I have been thinking… Do you… You said the engagement was still on right?”

Alex looks back at him a little impatient and not up for beating around the bush “Guk just say what is on your mind”

“I just wonder if maybe it is best we are married before the babies are born” YongGuk lowers his head and mumbles. Alex smirks a little and reaches out her hand to him “And when were you planning on talking to me about this?” she tugs on his arm and he lowers his head a bit more “I don’t know”

Alex stands up and walks past him holding on to his sleeve and gives it a tug so he follows her out. “You want a big wedding?” she asks and leads the way. YongGuk thinks it over and shrugs “I don’t know. On one hand yes but at the same time no”. Alex frowns and looks back at him “Yes or no?”

“Kind of” YongGuk shrugs and looks a little like a school boy unsure if he is giving the right answer.

“Traditional?” Alex asks and opens the door to the bathroom with YongGuk obediently following without really realizing where he is. He is too occupied by her questions “I think not” he mumbles to himself “It wouldn’t really be us I think”

“Church?” Alex puts some toothpaste on the new toothbrush already put out for her and stuffs it in before putting some on his as well.

“Maybe not” he shakes his head a little and frowns “Actually… I just want to be married to you. I know my mom wants a big thing but I just want to be able to say you are mine”

Alex smiles and hands him his toothbrush “All that takes is filing some papers, are you sure that’s enough?”

YongGuk absentmindedly moves the toothbrush into his mouth and starts brushing his teeth while he thinks. Alex observes him for a bit and then spits in the sink. YongGuk follows her example and then looks at her “No I want to look you in the eyes and say ‘I do’”

“Okay” Alex smiles “And you want it to be before the babies?” she starts brushing her teeth again and YongGuk takes a pause to think about it while continuing to do his evening ritual without really being aware of it. When he spits out the last time Alex turns him towards her and gives him a look “So?”

“No… I don’t want it to be rushed and we have other things to do now. At least I do” he lowers his head a little disappointed even though it is himself that has just made up his mind about it all. Alex kisses his cheek and pulls him back out of the bathroom and to the bedroom picking up her bag on the way.

“I just want to be married to you” YongGuk whines as if she had just refused to marry him. He pouts and pulls her to him in a hug “You have to be mine alone”

“I am” Alex chuckles and snakes out of his arms “Change”

“It feels like I’m sharing with Seungho” YongGuk mumbles and starts removing his clothes still without really thinking about it. He just blindly do whatever Alex tells him to which amuses her a great deal. She stops her own undressing just so she can watch him. His shirt is already gone and he is working on removing his pants, he is still in great shape like she remembered him and she is quite enjoying the view, he is a bit paler but that isn’t so stranger after the winter and with him spending all his time inside.

It isn’t until he wonders what he is supposed to put on that he realized that he is standing in his underwear in front of a smirking Alex who is giving him hungry eyes. “That’s not nice!” he grabs the covers from the bed and holds it up in front of himself “Goggling me like that…” he scolds and shakes his head at her but all he achieves is a chuckle from her. “Why aren’t you getting undressed?!” he mumbles and looks her over “You just trick me into stripping and eye me out like I’m some sort of… food…”

“Maybe I’m hungry” Alex laughs and turns to her bag to find something to wear “I just told you to get changed, you did me and why wouldn’t I enjoy the view?” She can’t help but feel relieved when she finds the pajamas she has been sleeping in lately. She turns her head over to YongGuk who is looking around for something to sleep in himself while keeping himself covered“Guk I’ve seen you ” Alex chuckles and pulls off her shirt and places it on the bed but before she removes her pants she frowns a little and looks over at YongGuk again. He is looking a little awkward and suddenly she feels a bit awkward as well. They haven’t slept in the same bed in months and neither is quite sure how to go about this. YongGuk wants nothing more than to sleep with her close to him, as close as he can get but he isn’t sure she would be okay with it at this point and Alex is getting a bit selfconcious about the underwear she is wearing. She always liked dressing up under her clothes so even though she dressed to kick her underwear would be more feminine and more attractive but thanks to the babies she has had to wear some, in her mind, very unattractive ones.

“Ah it” Alex huffs and puts on the shirt for her nightwear and then removes her pants and puts the pants on. It is a very light fabric and pretty thin, she doesn’t like wearing a lot to sleep but with the stomach and all it is more comfortable. She gets in on her side of the bed and immediately feels comfortable as she stretches her body and the big bed that she has missed sleeping in so badly. YongGuk has found a pair of pants but is still considering if he should put on a shirt.

“Guk” Alex reaches out her hand in his direction and he turns his head towards her chewing on his bottom lip.

“We shouldn’t be this awkward around each other” Alex says and gives him a slight smirk “Just come to bed”

YongGuk nods a little and gets in his own side looking at her. She looks at him as well and for a good few minutes they stay like that silent and awkward but not uncomfortable. YongGuk inches closer and Alex gladly lets him, moving a little closer herself till she is in his arms where she belongs. YongGuk smiles happily and breathes out feeling how much more relaxed he is when she is there next to him but even so he is finding it hard to sleep. It’s not like he haven’t dreamt of falling asleep with her and then woken up unhappy and alone and a part of him has that in the back of his mind. Alex however falls asleep almost instantly smiling in her sleep and holding onto her man.

YongGuk looks at her face unable to stop himself from wondering if she smiled like that next to Seungho. He isn’t actually that worried about Alex, he used to be afraid she’d remember her feelings for Seungho but right now that doesn’t worry him as much as Seungho still remembering his feelings for her.

One of the reasons he always made sure to see Alex as often as he has with a happy face is also because he was scared. He was scared about what might happen if Alex lived with Seungho. When he found out they shared a bed he was just about ready to throw himself off a bridge and every time he came by and saw them acting so comfortably and natural regarding her pregnancy he wanted to just grab her and take her away but he kept it in and told himself that it was best she stayed there. Seungho could follow the pregnancy close hand and missed nothing while YongGuk felt left out. It was killing YongGuk but he kept telling himself that as long as he could be there after the babies were born he it would be okay that he couldn’t be there now and that kept him going.

HimChan thought it was strange, he said he wouldn’t be fine knowing Kiseop was living with and sleeping in the same bed as someone he has been intimate with, even if it is purely platonic. Kiseop had agreed but argued that Alex doesn’t remember that to which HimChan pointed out that Seungho does and that he has struggled a lot with the fact that Ali and Alex have the same face. He reminded them all that that was the problem earlier. YongGuk had gone there hoping they could calm him down and reassure him but instead he had another thing to worry about aside from all the things regarding his solo debut.  

Alex stirs a little and YongGuk hugs her a little tighter and says the words that always got her to calm down “I got you”

She frowns a little and moves her head a bit back opening her eyes just a little. Seeing him she smiles and moves her head back in the rightful place with a content sigh “For a moment I thought you were Seungho”

“Seungho says that to you?” YongGuk frowns but then gets an even more upset expression “He holds you at night?”

“Sometimes” Alex mutters through her sleep and snuggles closer “I prefer you though”

YongGuk kisses her forehead and holds her closer “Alex… why did Seungho throw you out again?”

“Something about… wanting to keep things like they were… something about….” She yarns and starts drifting off “… being closer to him than…. You….” Her words fade out and she falls asleep again.













Yea so maybe there will be more drama than I had planned at first :P How will YongGuk handle this. You know how Alex is. She won't put much into it but YongGuk isn't the same.

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You got me is done... The story of Alex is over... for good. It's been more than 2 years since she first appeared in my head. I miss her already


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user555 #1
Chapter 63: yep I cried, such an amazing ending! thank you much for the adventure, ive grown quite attached :( alex and yongguk forever! THANK YOU
Chapter 63: Damn it! You made me cry towards the end ;_______;

I'm sooo gonna miss you updating this story :(
Thank you for writing it though :3 I'm coming back to read it from the beginning, that's for sure ^^
user555 #3
Chapter 61: I really enjoy this story and have been followering her ages! I understand what you mean about your attachment aswell hahaga I think you wrote this story perfectly well so no regrets there either :) I'll be sad to see it end but thank you for even writing it
Chapter 59: The title fit with the chapter, which I really like also :3 It was kinda intense and I liked it ^^
Chapter 58: That son of a b* of a CIA Agent! Was it really damn necessary to do this to Alex, I mean really?! >.<
user555 #6
Chapter 56: Lovely update, alex is so thoughtful now haha. thanks!
user555 #7
Hello! How have you been? Ive missed you and the story hahahaha go alex!!
user555 #8
Chapter 53: AW THIS STORY IS COMING TO AN END! at least its mostly peaceful now :) how have you been author? i dont want you to think anyone forgot about this story okay!!! eheheh happy new year as well, although a bit late :S
Chapter 53: Finally caught up!! Omg this chapter was so good..cant even explain it.
user555 #10
Chapter 53: Omg these were sooo sweet! A beautiful wrapping up aw everything's so different hahaha thanks and merry christmas!