Maybe this isn't right

You Got Me

”I hate it” Alex mumbles starring at herself in the mirror of Seungho’s bedroom. She tilts her head and looks at the outfit she is wearing. She is now 21 weeks pregnant with a big ‘proud’ stomach to show off and none of her clothes fit anymore but not to fright cause YongGuk’s mother has already been out and bought her tons of pregnancy clothes, so many that Alex would just be wasting money if she went out to buy anything herself. It is just that just about all the things YongGuk’s mom bought is not what Alex would have picked out if she had the choice herself. “I look like a freaking marchmellow! Why does anyone think it is a good idea to make anything in light pink? It is the most horrible color on the planet!” she rages and pulls the shirt of and throws it onto the floor. Seungho covers his eyes and sighs “Alex what happened to warning me before you take off your clothes?”

She just got all the clothes today after wearing nothing but a couple of huge t-shirts for the last two weeks and at first she flatly refused to even try them but Seungho forced her. So far she hasn’t been happy with anything really. The pants she can live with but all the blouses are what most people would call cute but in Alex’s eyes they are a reason to throw up. She doesn’t mind cute on others just not herself.

“I forgot” she mumbles and picks up another shirt

“For the 16th time?” Seungho lets out a chuckle “You don’t even care do you?”

“No” Alex turns the shirt in her hands with a frown as she tries to figure out how it works “I’m wearing a bra and have a stomach of the size of a space ship, if you find that attractive I suggest you get someone to look at your head… How the hell is this a shirt?!” she throws the blouse over to Seungho in frustration and he sighs and lowers his hands looking at the fabric now on his lap “I don’t want to point this out but you do remember that I have some rather intimate memories of… you” he frowns a little finding it very wrong to even say that about someone he calls a sister “I know you are pregnant but you still look like her”

“I don’t care” Alex shrugs and crosses her arms over her stomach wearing just her pants and a bra “Those memories would be there regardless. Seungho I sleep in your bed do we really have to get worked up over you seeing me in my bra?”

“I am a guy” Seungho turns over the blouse  to see if he can figure out how it is supposed to fit “And technically you aren’t my sister” he gets up and steps over to her gesturing for her to lift her arms “You are an independent, very beautiful, vibrant…” he pulls the blouse down over her head and helps getting it into place “attractive woman” he takes a step back and looks her over “Whose s have gotten bigger…” He chuckles teasingly and steps back close to her “You don’t think I can see all that?”

“YongGuk would a brick if he heard you right now” Alex chuckles and puts her hands in her sides “Please, you don’t think of me like that” she turns and looks into the mirror at the shirt “You sure it is supposed to fit like this?”

Seungho places his hands on her arms and looks at her in the mirror “Yes it is and it looks very good on you”

Alex tilts her head and scrunches her nose “I don’t know”

Seungho sighs and moves his arms around her placing his chin on her shoulder “You are not being nice to me Alex” he looks at their reflection and a slight saddened expression flickers in his eyes. The image in front of him, her, the pregnant stomach, the image of the beginning of a family… it could have been his. She could have been his. They are practically acting like a couple these days, sleeping in the same bed, living together, sharing the experience that is Alex being pregnant. It is hard when he knows if he has just hadn’t given up on back before her accident this may have been the image of his family and not YongGuk’s.

Alex holds onto his arms and looks at his reflection “Seungho you don’t love me like that”

“I know” Seungho mumbles “I’m just very comfortable with how things are, I don’t know what I’ll do when you move back in with YongGuk. I’ll miss you too much”

“We need to find you a girlfriend” Alex reaches up and pats him on the cheek. He moves his arms of her and walks back to sit on the bed “Good luck, she needs to be a lot like you”

“Aww that sweet” Alex mocks and looks at herself in the mirror.

Seungho lies down and puts his hands behind his head “I’m not even kidding. Maybe a little less destructive would be nice and she should listen to me and not YongGuk… that would be strange but yea… I want someone more like you”

“I’ll keep an eye open then” Alex smiles over at him “But you do know I’m taken right?” she pulls of the shirt and throws it in the pile she may be convinced to wear.

Seungho turns his head towards her seeing her yet again just stripping her shirt of in front of him and he laughs and covers his eyes “Alex you forgot again”

“I thought we were done with that game” Alex takes yet another shirt and frowns immediately “No freaking way in hell!” turns out it is a dress, pale blue and completely adorable.

Seungho lifts his hand a little and looks at her “You promised to at least try everything so put it on”

“No!” she shakes her head and holds it up in front of her “This looks like it is made for 8 year old girls!”

Seungho chuckles and gets up “Put it on” he smirks at her glare and pats her on the cheek “Do it or I will throw away the ice cream I bought for you”

“You wouldn’t!” Alex’s eyes widen and she looks absolutely horrified, her food has gotten very important lately and ice cream is very high on her list these days.

“Try me” he grins and gestures at the clothes in her hand “Try it on” Seungho turns his head for a moment when his phone buzz before looking back at the now sulking Alex. He chuckles and pats her on the cheek “Last thing you have to try today and you can try the rest tomorrow. I’ll ready the ice cream. Just come out and show me” he walks out with her mumbling that she hates him but he knows very well she doesn’t mean it and can just chuckle at how childish she can be. All the clothes she has tried as looked great on her, very different, more colorful and cuter but she could pull it off but to someone who is used to leather, demin, jeans, a tank top or a t-shirt it is very different.

He heads towards the kitchen but before he can get to it the doorbell sounds and he changes direction with a slight frown. People don’t really ever ring the doorbell unless it is a neighbor who needs something. Peeping out he spots YongGuk and he can’t help but smile. He knows from Alex and others how busy YongGuk is right now with the agency rushing his album but somehow the soon to be debuted solo artists always finds time to see Alex and he never seems tired or unhappy. It seems almost unreal.

Seungho opens the door and looks out “Hey, did someone let you in?”

“Yea” YongGuk nods and scratches his neck “Your neighbors are getting used to seeing me I guess. I passed one of them on the street just before and they came back with me just to let me in” he grins mischievously and peeks behind Seungho “She is in right?”

“Yea just trying out some clothes your mom bought for her” Seungho chuckles. A confused expression forms on YongGuk’s face. He knows his mom knows, there is no way she couldn’t know and the 30 minute long rant she left on his voice mail about how he better get back with Alex so her grandchildren can have a proper family. He just didn’t know his mother had taken that big an interest in Alex’s pregnancy “My mom… bought her clothes?”

“Yea, apparently the mother of her grandchildren is supposed to look cute” Seungho can help but laugh and when YongGuk gets a very strange grimace on his face his laughter only becomes bigger “My mom is trying to make Alex look cute? Has she lost her mind?”

“I hate it!” Alex’s voice sounds and Seungho pulls YongGuk in and closes the door. “I look like I belong in a world of lollipops” her voice drips of disgust as she gets closer “I’m never ever letting anyone see…” she freezes when she spots not only Seungho but YongGuk as well. Seungho is smiling while YongGuk just looks like one big questionmark mixed with utter surprise. The dress reach mid thigh and somehow manages to make her look very delicate and sweet.

Alex groans and hides her face in her hands “Seungho I will kill you!” she turns and rapidly walks out again with YongGuk dashing after her and Seungho laughing “That was cute” he shakes his head and heads towards the kitchen finding plates for three.

YongGuk pushes the door to the bedroom open and looks in seeing Alex sitting on the bed in a sea of pastel colored clothes “Alex? Can I come in?”

“No” She breathes out and covers her face in her hands “I’m not meant for this crap”

YongGuk cautiously moves further in and walks over to her “You look good” he comments with a slight smile and reaches a hand down to her “Let me see you”

Alex groans again and lets him pull her up so he can get a better look. YongGuk looks her over and smiles, he likes seeing her dressed like this for once, it is a little less… in-your-face than usual.

“I can’t go anywhere in something like this” Alex complains and lets her head drop “No one will take me serious… Why do pregnant women have to look so….” she runs through her hair and sighs not really having any nice words to say about the clothes she has gotten. YongGuk slides his hands around her waist and pulls her closer “I like it but you are right you shouldn’t wear it anywhere else. Every man in Seoul would fall for you, I can’t have that”

Alex looks up at him and shakes her head, not amused “Don’t… It’s not funny”

“I’m not joking” YongGuk grins and nudges her nose with his own “I like it on you”. She looks at him a bit in disbelief and somewhat offended in some way “Guk this is not me. I’m never gonna wear this ever ever ever again” she pushes him away and picks up her pants quickly pulling them up before removing the dress and throwing it to the side. YongGuk smirks and pulls her back to him before she can put on another shirt “You are right. This is better” she kisses her neck and slides his hands over her skin actually managing to make her laugh “Horndog”

“Yea” YongGuk confesses in a muffled voice as he continues to spoil her neck in kisses “You know the last time was when those happened” he moves his hand over her stomach caressing it lovingly before sliding his hand back around her to make sure she doesn’t move away from him.

“I know” Alex chuckles and bites her lip looking at him. She would be lying if she said she didn’t want to spend a night with him, in fact many times she finds herself wishing nothing more than that she could just rip his clothes of, she has been doing a very good job of hiding it but she misses feeling his skin against hers and judging by how eager he is right now she can guess the feeling is neutral.

“Please come back with me tonight” YongGuk mutters and moves his lips to hers invading them with his own. She leans into him and moves her arms around his neck really wishing they could just be together here and now but a knock on the door and a comment about ice melting brings her senses back and she quickly pushes away from YongGuk who deflates and pouts, sticking out his lower lip “Idiot Seungho and his timing” he mumbles and looks down getting a chuckle from Alex “His house” she points out and starts looking for a shirt. YongGuk sighs and looks at her smiling at the sight, she looks softer and less muscular than she used to and it is a bit strange seeing her with a stomach that big but no less beautiful to him. He looks to his side and spots a red shirt and picks it up “This one” he holds it out and she gives it a critical look and a sigh before nodding “Fine” she takes it from him and puts it on only just managing to get it down before she is pulled into an affectionate hug “I meant what I said” he mumbles and takes in her smell and her warmth “I want you to sleep at the apartment tonight”

“You sure?”

He nods and looks her in the eyes “I have my comeback stage tomorrow. I want you to spend the night with me”  he moves his hands up and down her back and pouts “Please”

“Tomorrow?” Alex frowns wondering why she didn’t know that “I… I thought it would be in a week”

“Yea well…” YongGuk mumbles and looks down

“Guk you look tired” Alex moves her hands to his cheeks and looks him over worried “Are you okay?”

“I’m just tired” YongGuk smiles at her softly “It has been a little stressing”. Alex looks into his eyes and the façade he has been keeping up when he comes by slowly starts to crumble. He is tired, stressed and nervous as hell about how his fans will greet his solo album. Ever since Alex came back everything has been going so fast but it is what he wants so he has given all he has every single day treasuring the small moments he has had with Alex. He has just reached a point where he really needs not to feel so alone with it all. He was used to be this stressed with B.A.P. Hell for the entire time he was in B.A.P. there was always something, always something new, always stress but they were 6 and had each other. It just isn’t the same anymore.

“Angel” Alex lowers her voice and his cheeks “Don’t lie to me” the is a soft hint of scolding in her tone and her eyes sees right through the last bit of pretending he had let. He frowns and tugs his lip in between his lips as he lowers his head and lets his shoulders slump.

Seungho calls out again asking if he should just throw the ice away and Alex gives YongGuk one more look before walking out. She is bothered about him lying to her and making her think everything is fine when it isn’t. She isn’t angry but feels left in the dark and he was the one who once upon a time told her that she couldn’t hide things from him which she doesn’t but apparently that is a one way thing.

“Babe” YongGuk reaches out his hand for needing to explain but she swiftly moves her arm out of his reach and leaves silently. YongGuk breathes out and runs his hands through his hair “Well done” he mumbles and catches his own reflection in the mirror, he looks like crap which pretty much reflects what he feels. After a couple of minutes he moves his eyes off himself and turns following Alex out to the kitchen where she and Seungho is eating and chatting. Alex looks over at him but quickly returns to looking at her ice without a word. The atmosphere quickly takes a turn for the more uncomfortable which has Seungho frowning “Did you two fight?” he looks from Alex to YongGuk and back again. Alex shakes her head “No” she pokes the ice cream with a sudden lack of appetite.

“You look like you need to sit” Seungho comments at YongGuk as he tries to figure out what made the smiling male he saw in the door turn into the mess in front of him. No doubt Alex had something to do with it but he just isn’t sure how.

 YongGuk shakes his head and looks down “No I’m okay. I’ll go home” he lifts a hand in a farewell and turns towards the outer door moving one foot after the other. Seungho looks at Alex not really believing that she’ll let him leave like that but she just keeps poking her ice cream.

“Alex…” Seungho calls her name softly “Alex he isn’t okay”. Her grip on her spoon tightens but she doesn’t budge.

“Alex are you really gonna let him leave like that?” Seungho continues with a look of amazement “Alex you would never allow him to be that kind of a mess”

“He said he was fine” Alex mumbles and keeps her eyes down. Seungho looks at her and sighs, it is not his place to try and fix them “Fine. If you can let him leave looking like that I don’t care but Alex… How many times has he picked you up when you were down despite you being an idiot to him?” he gets up with his bowl and walks over to the sink while Alex drops her spoon into the bowl and sighs “Why wouldn’t he just tell me he isn’t okay?”

“Would you tell him if you weren’t?” Seungho asks while rinsing the bowl

“Yes” Alex listens to the door close and pushes her unfinished ice away “I mean… I’m trying to…”

Seungho looks over his shoulder at her seeing her looking miserable. He really doesn’t want to see her move back to YongGuk already, these weeks has been great, having someone to come home to, someone to share the troubles of the day with and someone there next to him when he sleeps has been amazing and he doesn’t want it to end. He looks back at the sink and taps on the counter with his finger contemplating what he should do. He wants to be selfish and keep her to himself but could he really do that to YongGuk?

He pushes away and walks into the bedroom with Alex sighing in her seat. “Damn it Guk why couldn’t you just tell me you weren’t okay?” she leans back and looks down at her stomach with a sigh. It is one of those moments she hates being pregnant, if feels like she can’t do anything.

“Out” Seungho comes back and places a bag on the table next to a stunned looking Alex “W-what?”

“I said out. You need to go, get out of my house” Seungho steps back and crosses his arms

“You are throwing me out?” Alex frowns at him

“Yes” Seungho nods “I’ll get you the rest of your things one of the days but you need to get out now”


“Because if you don’t get out now I won’t let you leave. I’ll want to keep things the way they are now where you are closer with me than him” Seungho’s voice is strict and leaves no room for argument “I’m not gonna be that guy. Alex I love you and I’ll do anything in the world for you but I’m starting to see us as being together and that just isn’t right. I know you don’t see it the same way but that is how I see it so get out now or you’ll regret it”

Alex stands up and stares at him “Seungho…”

“Now” he looks down and cuts her off

Alex huffs and grabs the bag bringing it along with her out to the door where she puts on shoes and a jacket and leaves, slamming the door behind her.

Seungho swallows and steps back till his back collides with the wall, his face falls and he closes his eyes. He isn’t quite sure about his feelings for Alex these days, spending so much time alone with her, almost acting like a couple even though they aren’t… it was the perfect illusion to him. He knows it isn’t the same for her and he isn’t sure she can ever understand what it is like to be him. To her he has always been a brother but to him she was the love of his life. It is the same old problem, he still loves Ali and he loves Alex and these last weeks it has been harder to separate the two personalities. Somehow they seem to have merged into one and he fears that maybe he has ones again fallen in love with the redhead, he fears he has fallen in love with his sister.











Truely sorry about how long there is between updates but here is one and I think it is worth the wait... I'm currently trying to adjust to having many things to do in contrast to before where I had a lot of free time outside work so my writing has been lacking and I ain't updating just to update so I hope you'll bear wit me. :)

Anyway... I really liked this chapter myself :P I think the Seungho Alex thing in the beginning is cute. To me it really shows a lot of their personalities in this. Alex, still rather oblivious and very much her old joking and easy going self with a temper. Seungho being the caring guy who wouldn't think of himself first and YongGuk who loves Alex to bits and needs her more than he'd like to admit.

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You got me is done... The story of Alex is over... for good. It's been more than 2 years since she first appeared in my head. I miss her already


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user555 #1
Chapter 63: yep I cried, such an amazing ending! thank you much for the adventure, ive grown quite attached :( alex and yongguk forever! THANK YOU
Chapter 63: Damn it! You made me cry towards the end ;_______;

I'm sooo gonna miss you updating this story :(
Thank you for writing it though :3 I'm coming back to read it from the beginning, that's for sure ^^
user555 #3
Chapter 61: I really enjoy this story and have been followering her ages! I understand what you mean about your attachment aswell hahaga I think you wrote this story perfectly well so no regrets there either :) I'll be sad to see it end but thank you for even writing it
Chapter 59: The title fit with the chapter, which I really like also :3 It was kinda intense and I liked it ^^
Chapter 58: That son of a b* of a CIA Agent! Was it really damn necessary to do this to Alex, I mean really?! >.<
user555 #6
Chapter 56: Lovely update, alex is so thoughtful now haha. thanks!
user555 #7
Hello! How have you been? Ive missed you and the story hahahaha go alex!!
user555 #8
Chapter 53: AW THIS STORY IS COMING TO AN END! at least its mostly peaceful now :) how have you been author? i dont want you to think anyone forgot about this story okay!!! eheheh happy new year as well, although a bit late :S
Chapter 53: Finally caught up!! Omg this chapter was so good..cant even explain it.
user555 #10
Chapter 53: Omg these were sooo sweet! A beautiful wrapping up aw everything's so different hahaha thanks and merry christmas!