Chapter 9

Heart is the King

"You!" Eun Hye clinched her fist while her eyes full of anger and disappointed. She never expected that would meet a girl who has hurt her lovely brother here. Then she gazed her eyes on the tanned man who is standing beside that girl.


She is definitely heartless. How could she do that? After she cheated on her brother then she just dated with this man like nothing happened. And as expected, Eun Hye suspected that this man whom she is cheating with.


Her brother does love this girl, whenever he talks about her a glimpse on his doe eyes always sparkling. Eun Hye was really grateful when Tiffany came into her brother life. After their parents dead, Yoong's attitude had changed and his smile was fading. He became introvert person. But when Tiffany came to him, everything has changed. She could make his smile back. Yoong became mature and his rude was fading away. She was affecting him, a lot. 


It's paining for her when look at her brother slumped and misery because of this girl whom she trust could make her brother in happiness.






Jessica and Yul's eyes become wide. Jessica's shock because of she didn't have any idea why Eun Hye has to slap this girl whereas they just met. Lucky, In the boutique is quiet enough. And they are in the corner of the boutique so they wouldn't get the attention from the others. Meanwhile Yul knew about this and try to calm, he recognized that she is definitely Yoong's sister. 


Yul then is standing closely to Tiffany who is standing there a little bit shaking. He calmed her with her back. Slowly, he tried to walk to Eun Hye. "Noona, I'm sorry. I'm truly sorry ..I.."




"Eun Hye, what did you do?! What's happening here?" didn’t resist, Jessica then spoke up. And turned Eun Hye's body to face her. "Im Eun Hye, tell me" She is looking straight at Eun Hye's anger eyes. But Jessica got a silent approval. Eun Hye just shook her head that it means it's not the right time to tell Jessica everything with what's going on. Eun Hye turns her attention again to the two persons who just got her hard slap.


"How could you two cheat on my brother!"


Jessica's mouth gapes in shock, so this is a girl that she met before with this man is Yoong's girlfriend? Then she understands why Eun Hye did it. 


"Unnie.. I can.. explain this..." Tiffany tried to hold Eun Hye wrist, but she yanked it. Tiffany's eyes full of tears now. In other hand Jessica is staring at the girl who has name Tiffany with unreadable expression yet pity.


"You don't need to explain to me! My brother who deserved got that! I'm disappointed with you Tiffany! Leave my brother and let him finds the other who does love him full of sincerity. You don't deserve get his love!" Again, an explosion came from Eun Hye.


"I trust you! I trust you could make my brother change and happiness in his life. But how could you Hwang Miyoung! I thought your love for him was pure and sincere. And I admittedI was wrong!


"But I..."


"But, you what? You are cheating that explain everything ! Come on Jess, I'm not resist anymore to stand in here." Eun Hye drags the silent Jessica who is in her deep thought and left the cheating couple.


"Unnie.. wait.."


Before Eun Hye and Jessica left any further, Eun Hye stop in her track. So does Jessica that staring at her best friend questioning.


"Nice to meet you Kwon Yul, MY BROTHER'S GOOD FRIEND" she pressed the last words while smirked. Because she has recognized who is this tanned man. She remembered this man. He is Yoong's childhood friend that moved in Tokyo and back here again, even stole his brother girlfriend. They are good friend after all. But this incident has changed everything.


Yul is just silent there. He just like got punched there trough the words that really hit him to the reality. That he is this woman's brother's good friend. But he is cheating with his good friend's girlfriend. How meanie he is, isn't? It's just because of his unstoppable feelings to her.


Again, Jessica has been made shock by this all situation. His girlfriend is cheating on him with his good friend? She felt pity to Yoong, how could a gentle yet kind and lovely man like Yoong got this? She has imagined how weak and slumped Yoong by this. She really wants to by his side now, she didn't know why she wants it.


Is it has connection with his bloody hand at that time? This question is popping in Jessica's mind.


After Eun Hye and Jessica have left, both of Tiffany and Yul are still standing there. There is no words come from their mouth. Tiffany is still in shaken and her guilty even bigger yet regret. Actually, Yul is the one who asked her to go out with him today. He said that he wanted to make her better first and refresh her mind so that she would do stupid things. But unexpected it was wrong thing to do. 


"Fany ah..."


"Yul, I'm sorry .. I.."


"Sshhh don't be sorry okay.. Just.."


"I have to go now." Without any words to utter again, Tiffany just left the clueless Yul there alone. Tiffany has no idea now. She just needs her time. 


"Tiffany Hwang!"







"Hey stop man!" 


"It's not your own business!"


Sooyoung sighed in frustrated. He just tried to prevent his best friend that in drunken now. It has been his 8th glass of his martini. But still, it's not good enough for Yoong to ease his pain, in his deep heart.


Yoong and Sooyoung now are in Bam club. At the first time, it was Sooyoung's idea who invited Yoong to enjoy the Saturday night with him, because Sooyoung felt pity when he saw Yoong always in his deep thought. Of course it's all because of her. But Sooyoung didn't expect that would earn something like this.


"I do love her, do love Soo!"


"I knew."


"So why she is cheating on me? Am I not deserve to get her love?"


"I don't know."


"Or maybe I'm not good boyfriend?"


"Stop talked nonsense."


"Hahaha I knew it, maybe I'm not good as Yul when it becomes in bed, right?"




Actually, Sooyoung regret to do that. But he didn't have any choice, Yoong just made himself in misery with all of the nonsense things. Sooyoung surely cares to his best friend. He just wanted the best for Yoong. Because of Yoong, he and Seohyun become couple. It was Yoong's helped so that he could to be close with Seohyun. Therefore, Sooyoung wants to help Yoong gets himself like the old time who is happy go lucky guy, smiling a lot, dorky and choding.


The last time Sooyoung saw him became like this is when Yoong's parent passed away. But the different thing is Yoong could find something to ease his pain. It was Tiffany. Yes, the same person who was made him like this. Tiffany was one who was easing his pain but in other hand Tiffany was one who was making pain to him.


" slapped me?"


"Back to earth Yoong! She didn't deserve to get something like this from you! Just forget her! She has made a pain in your heart. Let her go! And let you find the better one!"


"I..I.. can't..."


"You can! Trust me there is someone who is better, even best than her."




"Just stop to drink again, come on we better go home."


"But who is better than her?"


"Haisss, shall I answer that? Just find by yourself Yoong. It depends with your choice, your heart. Remember, heart is the king of your choice whenever it becomes of your soul mate.  Just trust to God, because he has prepared the best fate for you."


Because of Yoong is silent there, it was a chance for Sooyoung to drag his best friend goes out from this loud place. With a heavy step, Sooyoung help the drunken Yoong to pass every visitor who is drunken too.


"Aish.. this is my fault." groaned Sooyoung hardly he drags Yoong's body.


"Yes, you are bad in bed. I thought Tiffany felt heavy whenever you were on top her." Didn't know why Sooyoung said something like this -_- but it's all because he felt Yoong's heavy body is making him in trouble.


"Ya! keep away your hand!" yelled a girl from somewhere of the club. Heard that, make Yoong startled from his sleepy drunk. 


"Yoong! where will you go?!" shouted Sooyoung that lose Yoong's grip. "Here comes trouble man!" Sooyoung follow where Yoong walked to. 


The girl is hardly to lose the man's grip and she always tries to push away the maniac man but unlucky his hand is too strong. "Come on girl, just enjoying this night." said the man while roaming his hand to her waist.


"someone please help me!"


Suddenly, the man felt a hard punched on his face that make his corner mouth is bleeding.


"let her go jerk!"


"Yoong oppa.."







"Jessica, you know where is your sister going?" asked Mr. Jung who is watching the news from television with his wife. 


"She just told me that she is going to Sulli's birthday party." replied Jessica still busy with her book.


"I wonder to her, when she will got boyfriend." Jessica's father said bluntly, that without realized make Jessica and her mother turned their attention to Mr. Jung.


"Dad, she just 20 years old now." 


"Hey, it was a legal age for her to get boyfriend" Well, Mr. Jung is different than the others father that really over protective with their daughter if it becomes to boy. Mr Jung has extrovert thought about this, he allowed his daughter to date as long as it was didn't change anything from his daughter.


"Whatever dad." Jessica rolled her eyes and back to read her medical book.


"I always think that Yoong is suit to her."


Quickly, she titled her head to her father who is grinning to himself. And of course she sent a glare to his father, but unlucky it didn't affect for him. She just felt a knocked on her forehead through his father words. Why it has to be Yoong? Just find another guy for Krystal, even she could find by herself. Unrealized by her, she is irritating by this.


"Honey, you are right. I like that kid. And of course we knew his family back ground. He is a good boy. But unlucky, he has a girlfriend." added Jessica's mother.


Speak of Yoong and his girlfriend it makes Jessica backs to incident that happen this afternoon. After that incident, Eun Hye told her everything about Yoong, Tiffany and Yul. Jessica didn't believe that thing. How could Tiffany do that to Yoong, with Yul that no other is Yoong's good friend. Tiffany just wasted her chance to be with that good boy, like what her mother describe. That girl is dumb yet heartless. Jessica is wonder, what Yoong is doing now? Is he fine? Of course not. But she wished that he didn't do stupid things.


"I think you wanna engage your daughter again huh?" quip Jessica felt irritate. She just hope that her sister could find her choice without any forced. About her and Jinki's engagement is something that never she expected. She didn't have feel for Jinki as he has to her. Yet, she felt pity for Jinki, because he is too kind to her. She didn't know why she felt confuse this lately with her feelings. 


Suddenly, a rang phone from the Jung's mansion is ringing. So that one of their maids is taking it.


"Kim ajhumma who is that?" asked Jessica curiously. Why she has a bad feeling for this?


"This is from Miss Soojung." with that she passed the phone to Jessica.


"Hello?" as expected either Jessica's father and mother are waiting for Jessica and Krystal's conversation.









Krystal has waited in the police office. She just looked at the maniac man that tried to ripe her with a disgusted face. In other hand she is looking at the other man with a pity yet thankful to him. She couldn't believe that he saved her. Both of that man now are under the police interrogation.


"Emm Krystal sshii.." a tall man that sitting beside her is taping her shoulder so that she turned her head.




"Have you called your family?"


"Yes I have. Sorry, for involved You guys." Sooyoung just gave her a genuine smiled.


"It's okay, my friend just want to safe you because you are in trouble right?" 


Krystal nod. She remeber how Yoong becomes hero to her. It was a meaning time to her. She felt a thump inside her heart. Yes, she knew that she is crushing to him. But why she felt other thing inside her heart now. Is her feeling growing up?


"And why Yoong oppa looks so drunken?"


Shall, Sooyoung tell her? It was insane. He shouldn't tell his best friend's problem to the others beside his closing person. It is privacy thing to tell.


"He just drunk a lot, and couldn't hold the liquor."


A rushed then came from outside, because the clicks of the heals are echoing at this area.


"Jung Soojung!"


"Unnie!" quickly, Krystal is hugging a worry Jessica tightly. Behind her are her father and mother that look so worry to. Of course it all about their younger daughter.


"Baby, are you okay?" Jessica asked concern with checking out every Krystal's body part.


"Unnie.. I'm okay.. I just.."


"Who is doing this to you?" 


In other hand, her father is going to the one of the police's desk to get the information. Meanwhile, her mother is hugging Krystal to calm her.


"She just neared to . But lucky, my friend was saving her." Interrupted Sooyoung in the middle of worry Jung.


"You are.." 


"Yeah I'm Sooyoung, we ever met when attended at Eun Hye's noona engagement."


"So, who is saving my sister?"


"He is." Jessica then turned her head where Sooyoung pointed. Quickly, her eyes becomes wide. There is a man who is really she knew. And she wanted to meet. She could see bruises on his handsome face maybe because of the fought. He looks so messed. Different than she met before. 


"Yoong..." mumbled her then walking to where he is.







After Sooyoung left, because of something urgent called him, there are just leaving Yoong, Krystal, Jessica and her parent. Krystal is sleeping on her mother laps, because she felt sleepy and tired. Mr. Jung still has business with the police so that this problem could clear quickly. Yoong just free from the problem, because of information from Krystal, Sooyoung and the other witness. He just need to give report to the police every 2 days. Until he really gets freedom.


Meanwhile, Jessica and Yoong in the corner of the police office.


"Thanks for saving my sister, Yoong." Yoong who just aware from his drunken because of a splash water that he got from the police just smiled at Jessica.


"It's okay noona. Krystal in trouble, and I thought that I have to help her. She just like my sister."


In other hand Jessica tried to study Yoong's face, she could find a pain from his doe eyes. She knew that he does love Tiffany through Eun Hye's story. She felt uneasy inside herself.


"What are you doing there, and drunken like that?"


Yoong just looking at his sneakers and avoiding Jessica's gaze. He just felt couldn't resist with that brown eyes every he gazed on it. 


"I am with Sooyoung just enjoyed the night." lied him to her. But Jessica too harder to lie.


"Is it because of her?" After hearing that, Yoong turned his head to the Jessica that staring at him curiously. 


"Noona, how could..."


"I saw and knew everything Yoong. Today, I'm with Eun hye were going to shop and we gapped her with..."


"It's just... fine I admitted it's because of her." his voice becomes weak as Jessica could feel that. Without uttered any words, she hugs him.




She bitted her lips, why she has to do this? But when she wanted to release the hug, quckly Yoong is hugging her back. So that both of them now are hugging each other.


"Yoong... it's alright okay.. it's alright.." she rubbed his back to calm him. Somehow Yoong felt a fluttered on his heart with her action. It's just comfort him.


"Just making it as the life's lesson for the future. God has planed to us, he really knows what is the best to us." Jessica then release the hug and starring at him deeply.


"Trust me, you can find the better thing." said her sincerely. "Just listen to your heart"


For the 3rd time, Yoong got the positive advice for his problem. The 1st was Eun Hye that no other is his sister, and then Sooyoung who is his best buddy, the last is Jessica who is now becoming his favorite noona besides his sister.


"Thank you noona." Jessica just gave him a genuine smile yet sincerity. Again, Yoong has fluttered with that smiled.







After that incident, Krystal didn't know why she has to think about it until now. She felt bother inside her mind. She admitted that she always remember the scene when he saved her and gave her a comfort hug. It was a simple way, but it was a complicated to make her confuse with her feelings.


"Why.." she sighed and stretched her head and hand after her study has finished. 


She knew that she has crush to him, yeah she hope it was crush. But his acted, it's like building her feelings. Then she remembered that something happened in Busan, between her sister and him. She has pushed her sister to admitted what she felt to that man, but still her sister is denying about it until now. 


Krystal looks at the clock, It is 10 pm now. So she decided to walk out from her bed room. She titled her head to Jessica's room.


"Is unnie sleeping yet? Ah maybe isn't."


So she knocked her sister's door. "Unnie, are you inside?" After got the permission, then she walk in to Jessica's room. She could found that Jessica is watching the television.


"I thought that you are sleeping." said Krystal while sitting beside her sister on her heavenly bed.


"Nope, I just feel can't sleep. How about you? have you study yet?"


"Of course, I have. Same with me then, I'm not sleepy yet."


Krystal's mind then back to what she just thought. She is wonder, if she can ask her sister about this. She just need someone to release all heavy heavy thought. Although the incident between Jessica and him is always keeping on her mind, and heard her sister confession make her uneasy. Beside, Jessica still denied about that. Or maybe it's true, that her sister just felt in that ordinary way to him. And of course Jessica has engaged, soon will marry to Jinki. So, it was her chance although she knew that he has taken by the other? 


But her feeling is unstoppable. 


Jessica could crop a confuse on her sister's face. "What happened Soojung ah?"


"Unnie, what if I fell in love to Yoong oppa"







HAIIIIIIIIII I just updated! how is it? bored? short? or anything opinion? Still late right? hehehe


Sorry for lated it's just because I'm in the middle of school hectic -_-


and please don't hate tiff or yul :( I'm sorry for make them as the bad cast. I don't mean it okay? :(


BTW, thanks guys for your concern, hehe. And comments, subs, even voted. It was precious to me to forward this story. 


once again, thanks guys for everything! *bowed ^^



with love,



Bonus pict! :D





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sisbro #1
please update
Chapter 9: Dont abandoned this pls, update~
Chapter 9: Update please author nim :)
zellyoon #4
Chapter 9: Hey there author I just read the story and I like the plot hey you don't abandoned this fic right we'll be waiting for the update
HunterSecretive #5
Chapter 9: Update soon author
Ryuki92 #6
Chapter 9: please update soon
Chapter 9: I just found this fic. Aish! Fany how could you? Yoong is very hurt but luckily, jessica is there for him. This is a very interesting author. Im excited and anxious about krystal's confession to her unnie yet she knows that her unnie loves yoong. I wonder what sica would feel. Will she surpress her feelings for yoong because of her sister? Aish. Cant wait for the next chapter author!
722DolDeer #8
Chapter 9: update please...
update please :D
UPDATE SOON...........