Chapter 7

Heart is the King

          Jessica is running to her room now. She didn't care with every odd look that got by the peoples. She just needs to calm herself with something that just happened earlier. Her eyes became red because filled the tears, she didn't know why she has to feel in this way. She felt like a dumb , she has fiancee that soon to be her husband and so he does, who has a girlfriend that waited there. This is so wrong.


          After she closed her door's room, slowly she is sitting behind the door while bending her knees and crying. "Why?" mumbled her between her sobbing. Why she didn't reject and push him away, why she had has to replied that kiss, why she has to feel completely puzzled to her feeling, why she felt an explosion inside her heart, why she can still feel the taste of his lips and why she didn't regret it.


         "You Jung Sooyeon."


          Then she heard knock on the door. But she just shrug it off, she is too afraid that it was him. And after a while, she heard the voice that she really knew. "Unnie, are you inside?" So, quickly she wiped her tears with her palm, and then gets her up from the floor.


          "Why it take that so long?" Krystal just passed walk in after Jessica opened the door.




          "I just saw you run from the beach. Why?" asked Krystal while sitting on the bed. Jessica actually is startled a bit, but then she just wears her poker face. Although in other hand, Krystal really knew what just happened. But she kept playing her dramas, that she didn't see anything.


          "Eumm i just feel sleepy." Jessica lied and then pretended to yawned. "Okay, I want to sleep now, good night" Before Jessica could lays her body to the bed, Krystal hold her wrist.


          "Wait, I knew you are hiding something." slowly, Jessica turned her head to face her sister. Krystal sent her an intimidation face.


          "I'm not, Krystal Jung. By the way it was late we better sleep now." Jessica back to the bed again, but when she heard Krystal said the words that remain her to what happened earlier, it is making her stood in her spot.


           "Actually, I saw you and him.." there was a paused that make Jessica's attention full on her.  "were kissing." and that's right. "Unnie.."


           And without Krystal's expected, then Jessica turn her body and hugging her. Krystal didn't hug her back yet, she just stood silent there, with her hands still beside her body. Jessica starts to cry again on her sister's shoulder. "Yy...yes, we...were". In other hand, Krystal mad inside there. She didn't know that her sister would do that. Yes, she has crush with that man, she hopes she could close and more know about him although he had has girlfriend. She just wants to admire him from there, and she waits a chance comes to her. But her sister, she didn't expect in that way. That's wrong, she has taken, but she just kissed another man. Is that cheating?


          "I didn't know what I feel now. I..just.. why I feel didn't regret that, why i feel want to stay in that way, I confuse with myself  Soojung ah." Jessica just wants to release what she felt, and she thought her sister is the best to hear that. "He, just affected too much to me. He really knows make my feeling confuse to him, with every single time with him I felt that I'm real Jessica Jung, I felt something different that i never felt with my ex's. He knows how to make me melt, laugh and feeling excited, I just feel comfy with him, and I never feel in that way whenever I'm with Jinki."


           Now, Krystal understands what her sister feels. She never saw her sister being like this. Slowly she is Jessica's back, it's no other to make her calm. Her sister is need her now, and now she just realized that what she felt to that man just crush. But what is Jessica feels now is different than her.


           "I think you have fallen for him unnie." Jessica than release her hugs and stared at her sister confusingly.


           "It's imposi...."


           "No! It's not impossible! Don't try to hide it for me. Whenever my eyes caught you with him, I could see a glimpse on your eyes, you are not cold at all. I could see a lovely stare whenever you stare at him."


           "Soojung ah.."


           "Unnie, I'm not 10 years old anymore. I'm 20 now. And I know something like that, just be honest to your self." Krystal just left here stood there. And she is laying her body on the bed. Actually, she is still mad at her sister and herself that being so irritated. "I hope you realize it soon, good night."


           Jessica is just silent there. She is completely speechless now. She never knows that her sister would be say like that whereas she didn't know at herself. Is she that too dumb? No, she is just not that dumb. She just dense, that’s all.






             In this morning, just Yoong, Krystal, Sunny, Joong Ki and Sulli are that taking breakfast. Yoong's eyes are looking around there, but he couldn't find her presence. He still felt fool last night, how come he just kissed her like that. He felt didn’t appreciate to Jessica. But what that makes him feel confuse with him self are he were cheating on his girlfriend with kissed another woman and then damn why he couldn't forget that soft lips.


            Krystal is just starring at him that looks so obvious. In the dinning table, just Joong Ki, Sunny and Sulli that chit chats every thing. Both her and Yoong just silent with their deep thought.


            "Jessica unnie left this early morning, because she has suddenly called from hospital to take surgery one of her patients." As she could read Yoong's mind, she informed that. And earned nod from the others, include Yoong that previously he felt that Jessica is avoiding him. It's right, because he texted her, he tried to call her but that earned none. He just wanted to explain everything to her, he just wanted to apologize with what that he did to her. And he didn't want there is a miss understanding between him and her that could make their relationship that start to be close and comfy turn into awkward even away.







           "Jessica..." Eun Hye called her but she is too busy with her thought, it was 3 times Eun Hye called her but no response until she didn't care with Eun Hye's presence. They just finished their seminar and now they are in the canteen of their former collage.


           "Ya! Jung Sooyeon!"


          "Uh... what's up?"


          "You are zoning out again." pointed Eun Hye to her. But she just sighed. Her mind is nowhere now, even though her physical is here. It has been 3 days, after that incident. And it has been 3 days too she avoided him. He always texts, calls, even he paid visit her in the hospital after back from Busan, but she just avoided him. She is too afraid to face him after that incident. Actually Krystal was lying, because Jessica still in their room she didn't want to meet him at that time. And then she left by her driver that fetched her when the others were on the location where the hospital will be build.


           "What are you thinking about anyway?" should she tell everything to Eun Hye? That was insane, she is his sister after all for god sake! And what will she said, her brother that has girlfriend with her best friend that has fiancee had kissed?


           "Nothing, but emm I want to ask you." Eun Hye just stared at Jessica waits her to say something. "What do you think if I'm not in love with Jinki?" Jessica asked at Eun hye, but Eun Hye just blinks her eyes.


           "We have discussed about this Jessie. And you who told me that you will avoid this topic. Yes, you just accepted it, because you tired with all the guys, and want to try learn love him. But now, why you want to talk about this again?"


          "I'm confuse." that's all that Jessica said. Eun Hye raised her eye brows in confuse.


          "That's it?" Jessica nod for the replied. "Oh come on Jessie, tell me. Is there any guy that make you feel in this way?" crap! Why Eun Hye bring this up. 'yeah and that is your brother' said Jessica in her mind.


          "Why you have that thought?"


          "I just guessed. It's okay if you didn't want to tell me yet." Eun Hye shrug it off and back to enjoy her cheese cake.


          Then, Jessica's phone vibrated, so she takes it and when she saw the screen it was him who texted her.


          Noona, can we meet?  Please, don't avoid me again T_T

          From: Yoong


          In other hand, Jessica wanted to reply that. But still her ego wins everything. So, she deactivated her phone and put in her bag. She just not ready yet to meet him, it will be awkward. And she is too afraid that she can't hold herself. And avoid him is the best way.






         Yoong and Tiffany have made up. And everything is alright now. Tiffany felt regret about the fool fight between them, because she wasn’t her good mood at that time. But now, everything is okay, and yeah both of them back cuddling each others again.


        Yoong just woke up from his sleep. Suddenly a smile appears because a sight of the girl that he loves is still laying beside him, with her is backing him. Slowly, he is tracing his long finger on her shoulder. He can feel her soft skin. Then he closely to her, and brushing her hair side. He kisses every inch of her skin, from nibbled her ear, kissed her cheek, her jawline and then her neck. He loves her scent. It is so intoxication for him.


          But then he felt a slap on his hand. “Stop that, it has been morning Yoong.” And he just grinned. Because he just squeezed her , that make her wake up.


         “Aww come on babe, I just squeezed not much.” She turned her head to face him, and found a putting face. She grinned inside. Then she pecks his lips, but the simple act of her could make him turn on. So he deep their kiss, and slightly she smiled between their kiss.


         “Good morning, Mr.Im” greeted her after broke the kiss, and didn’t forget she flashed an eye smile that never failed to make him fluttered.


         “Good morning too, Mrs.Im”


         “Hey, I’m not an Im yet.” frowned her.


         “As soon.” Mused him while giving a soft kiss on her forehead.  Then she hugs him tightly, she felt lucky to have this man. But in other hand she felt like a loser in front of this man.


         “You’ll never leave me right?” she whispered to him. And he nod firmly.


         “I’ll never. I promise.” Then he remembered something, but It seems she didn’t. He has planned about this before. And he thought, tonight is the best time. “But, I have to go to Busan his morning.” She released her hug and stared him with a glare.


         “What? In this weekend?”


         “Yeah” he replied weakly.


         “But you just came from Busan 5 days ago. And now, you will go to there again?” she pouted. He nods. Then, she wakes her body up, and wrapped her body with the blanket.

         “Hey, don’t be mad Fany ah.”


         “I’m not, fine just go and leave me alone.” He just hold his laugh, when he saw her girlfriend like this is too cute.


         “Ya! Ya! You left me without the blanket, and now, I’m like this.” Then she realized, and saw his body. Suddenly her face red.


         “Jj..just.. look for your… pants! I want to take a bath now!” she quickly ran to the bathroom. He laughed at her silly girlfriend.


         “Don’t ever lock the door!” He shouted.


         “I will lock!” shouted her back. It makes him more laugh.


          After he can stop from laugh then he heard the voice of water’s dripping from the bathroom where she is, and it ensure him that she is bathing now. So he took little red box, from the cupboard of the bedside. He smiled when he open the box, and relieve a diamond ring.


         “I’ll make her as mine completely.” He said while looking at the ring amusingly.






            “Yoong…” Sooyoung was tried to speak to him. But it is just hard to him. He really wants to talk about this after he came back. Then he felt a kick on his feet. And he turned his head to his girlfriend that gave signal not to talk about this yet with shook her head. She just wants to ensure all about that they saw last time.


            “What?” Yoong asked after he sipped her coffee. The three of them now are in the coffee shop. Actually, Yoong wanted help from them. Because he wants make a surprise to Tiffany.


          Sooyoung just silent, but his eyes looks like want to tell something. Yoong rolled his doe eyes in annoyed. And then he remembered, why he wanted to meet them. “Fine, if you didn’t want to tell me something. But, eumm actually I just want to ask you help guys.”


           “Eumm.. we just.. Yoong I want to tell you something actually.” Because Sooyoung didn’t survive again with all the things that full in his mind that bothered him. He decided to say that although it’s hard.




           “No, Seohyun. I will tell this no matter what. I don’t want my best friend gets the pain any further.”


           “What do you mean Choi Sooyoung?” Yoong found an awkwardness from his best friend.


          “I saw Tiffany with the other man, some time ago. When you were in Busan.”




          Seohyun who is staring at the two men in front of her, just could silent and a fear could saw in her eyes. Sooyoung really felt pity to his best friend. But well, he just ruined everything.


          “Don’t be a liar Choi Sooyoung.” Yoong face becomes emotionless that staring at Sooyoung’s eyes.


          “I’m not a liar. I saw everything Yoong!”


          “Are you trying to talk me that Tiffany cheating on me?”


          “Like you said.”




         Yoong punched hard on Sooyoung’s face until Sooyoung fell down from the chair. Every gaze is on them now. We could see in the corner of Sooyounng’s mouth in bleeding. Quickly, Seohyun kneeled down to help Sooyoung while Yoong is just staring at him angrily.


          How could his best friend just said something nonsense about her girlfriend like that. He knew that actually Sooyoung didn’t like Tiffany. But could he respect with his best friend decision, include his best friend’s girlfriend. Many times, Sooyoung said that he really didn’t like with Tiffany’s behavior. But this times Yoong really couldn’t accept all that he said. He is really angry to his best friend. His best friend is wrong, Tiffany doesn’t like that, she does love him, she is the loyal one, and he trusts her.


          “I feel disappointed to you. How could you say that, I knew you didn’t like her. I don’t know what is in your mind Choi Sooyoung. I asked you here, because I just want to ask help from you to give surprise Tiffany to our anniversary. But you ruined everything.”


          Both Sooyoung and Seohyun are shocking now. And great, he ruined everything. He didn’t know about it yet. Now, Yoong is completely angry to him now.


          “Just refresh your mind first.” With that, Yoong is going leave them with disappointed.


          “Oppa, I just said you not to tell this yet. We have to ensure everything and say in the best time. And now, he is mad to you.” Seohyun said while helping him to sit on the chair again.


         “It’s okay Seohyun ah. I hope, God can help him to open his heart and eyes.”







         "How could he say that" whined Yoong while driving to the hospital where his sister works at. He decided to ask Eun Hye's help after he text her. And she said she could help him. He is still mad at Sooyoung now. Tiffany isn't like what he said. Because Tiffany said that she has many job in Jeju to does photo shot, and it's impossible if she was in Seoul at that time. No matter what, he trusts her.


         After a while, now he is arrived at the hospital. Eun Hye said that she just finished her surgery and now she is at her room. 


         Quickly he is walking to Eun Hye's where. Because he want to make his plan is going well. He said to Eun Hye that He want to make surprise to Tiffany, and Eun Hye excited about that, with pleasure she will help him.


         Because he is in hurry, he is accidental bumping someone, that make papers that she hold is falling. "Oh, I'm sorry." he help her to fixing the papers.


         "It's okay." said her while smiling.


         "Hara!" then he heard someone's voice that familiar to him. The girl that he bumped turn their head to that voice. 


         "Oh Dr.Jung." said that girl. It makes him turn his head. And that's right it was Jessica. "Eumm, thank you" Yoong just nod. Hara then leaving Yoong and walking to Jessica's where.


         "Noona.." Jessica's eyes becomes wide. She like saw a ghost. She couldn't believe that will meet him. Jessica wanted to avoid him, but unlucky she just called Hara, her nurse. And now, both Hara and Yoong approached her. She really want to runway, but she couldn't. Thanks Hara!


          "May I help you Dr.Jung?" asked Hara. Jessica is still silent. He is in front of her now. After all avoids that she did. "Dr. Jung..."


         "Oh..umm I just want to ask you to take some documents from Dr. Kim." replied Jessica while avoiding Yoong's gaze.


        "Ah, okay then. Well, I better go now. Excuse me." After Hara left, now Jessica really feels uncomfortable. When she wanted to take a step to walk away from Yoong, Yoong holds her wrist. 


        "Noona, wait." from his voice is like he pissed off. And she can feel that. With take a deep breath, she turned her head to face him.


        "What?" asked her cooly.


        "I just want to say sorry about something that happened with us, when were in Busan. I was really didn't mean it. i didn't mean to not respect to you noona. I'm really sorry." Her face really looks so emotionless. And then she gazed at his hand that holding her wrist. 


        "Oh.. I'm sorry." said him while releasing his grip. Somehow, she lose a warm from his hand.


         "It's okay. I'm sorry too for being uncontrolled. Just forget it." Actually she felt pained inside when she said that. She didn't know why she has to feel in this way. 


        "But, can you instead not avoid me? And we can be friends like the old time?"he pleaded to her. She puzzled for a while. She just felt awkward inside whenever he is around her. Then she remembered what her sister said. Is it true that she has fallen to him? "Noona, can we?" he snapped her from her thought.


        "Yeah." replied her weakly. He smiled widely like a child who just got a new toy.


       "Really?" She just nod. In other hand she felt amused whenever seeing he is smiling like that. And again, her heart is fluttering.


       "Thank you noona!" and without realizing he is hugging her. Jessica startled, suddenly the warm scent is filling inside her. As her blood is pumped by her heart quickly. That earned her face is blushing hard now.Even she couldn't replied his hug. "And you right about the talked that you gave me before, and now I've made up with her. Thanks noona."  after hearing that, suddenly Jessica's face turned into frowned. Slowly, she is releasing his hug. She really need her sister's shoulder now. She just wrong to feel in this way.


       "Yoong!!" It was Eun Hye that called him. And walking to them now. "Ow, you are here. I've called you but you didn't take it. You said that need my help to make a surprise to Tiffany right?" But then Eun Hye raised her eyebrows after saw the distance between his brother with Jessica that looks so close like that, while Jessica's face in red turned into frowned. "Ah Jessica you are here too."


       "Well, I better go now. My patients are waiting for me." said Jessica a little bit sad and then walking away from them. He want to make a surprise to his girlfriend, and it's not something wrong. Why she has to feels uneasy with that. Because, actually the wrong thing  is on her self now.


      "What did you do to her again?" asked Eun hey curious.


      "Ha? I didn't everything noona. We just talked. That's it."






       It's 11 pm now. Yoong sure that she in on the bed now. And she is sleeping because she said that today she has many photo shot that made her tired. She surely didn't know that Yoong is lying to her that he is at Busan now. Because he wanted to make a surprise to her.


       Yoong wears a black suit, with his handed pink box that fill a beautiful dress that he bought with Eun Hye, while his other hand holding a bucket of red roses. He wanted to invite her dinner late, at the restaurant that when the first time they dated. He wanted to celebrated their anniversary in the special way. He felt a little bit nervous. Now, he is standing in front of the door of his condo. with take a deep breath he pressed the combine of the number code. 


       "I hope this is the best day." said him while open the door with a smile always on his face.


       He is walking inside, with every pumped of his heart. He didn't know why he felt uneasy for this. Then he put the box on the table, while he is still holding the roses. "Hwang Miyoung, I'll make you mine at all."


        Then slowly he is going to their room. But when he closed to the door of the room, he heard something voice. It was her voice. So she didn't sleep yet? slowly he holds the knob of the door. And when the door open, his eyes becomes wide, his jaw is dropping. His blood is rushing entire his body. With that the roses that he handed is falling now. And he didn't care about that. 




        "Yoong..." Tiffany and Yul's really in big shocked with what they saw. It was Yoong. Quickly, Tiffany pushed Yul away, and covered her body with the sheet. 


        "YOU BASTARD!" With an anger Yoong walked to the two persons that for god sake in his bed! Yul is on the top of Tiffany. He just saw his girlfriend is making love with his good friend. He saw that she is in pleasure at all. He felt  a thousand knifes are ripping his heart now. 


       Quickly he grabbed Yul's shoulder, and then punched him so hard that make him is falling down from the bed. He didn't do that just once time, but many times until Yul falls headfirst with the blood covering his face.


      "Yoong! stop it!" yelled Tiffany that is crying now. She is never expecting this is will happen. But Yoong just ignored her and keep punching him. He is really in his anger now.


      Then he stop his punched and releasing his grip on Yul that in pain now. He didn't replied what did Yoong do to him. Because he deserved to that. Yoong turned his head to Tiffany that staring at him in fear and cry. "Yoong.." She try to hold his hand but he yanked it.


     "DON'T EVER YOU TOUCH ME AGAIN! YOU ARE ING CHEATING ON ME! WHY HWANG MIYOUNG? WHY?!!!" He is staring at her in anger, and without realizing he is crying now. Meanwhile Tiffany just lowering her head, she is too afraid to face him. She can feel a pain from his words. She is a jerk yet like a in front of him now.




       "AND YOU?!" Now he back to Yul again, and forced him to stand. He grabbed his shoulder again, and staring at him in anger.


     "I NEVER EXPECTED THIS FROM YOU KWON YUL!" Then he punched him again, but unfortunately because he completely in anger and lose his balance he punched the mirror behind Yul too hard, that make the mirror turn into pieces.


      Yoong is panting hardly and loosening Yul's from his hand. His right hand is covering the bloods that come into his hand that pained because punched the mirror. But he didn't felt pain for that, he felt pain inside, inside his deep heart.


     "Yoong.... I'm so sorry... I can explain this..." 


     "No! You don't need to do that!! We are end for now!" he said while throwing the red box, she shocked while covering that gapped with what she just saw. It is a diamond ring that falling down to the floor. "You know Tiffany, what day is it?" he asked in lower voice now, without look at her while prevent his tears.


     "Oh my God..Yoong..this is.." Tiffany just realized it. It more makes her guilty. 


     "Don't say that. I'm leaving now. Don't be ever to come to me again." with that Yoong takes his feet from the hell place with anger, sad, pain that mixed in one. This is their anniversary, he supposed to purpose her tonight. At their anniversary. He wanted to make her as an Im, like what she wished. Whereas, this morning, she just asked him not to leave her. But it didn't for her. He really felt disappointed.


      "Yoong! wait!" late, Yoong is walking away from her.They end from now. Tiffany then take the ring that on the floor with tears always wetting her puffy cheek. And staring at the ring with a guilty yet sadness face.


     "I..I'm sorry."






      "! why it didn't want to stop!" Yoong cursed to his pained blood hand. With forced, he is going to the hospital because the bloods that came from his pained hand didn't want to stop. 


      "Is Dr.Im here right now?" asked him to the one of the nurses.


       "Ah, I'm sorry she just back to home. May I help you sir?" Well, it's better that his sister didn't here. Because he didn't want her sister knowing about this yet. He is not ready yet.


      "Err... I just.. need a treat for.. my hand.."said him while showing his blooding hand.


      "Just wait I'll see the doctor who is staying now." Yoong just nod while the nurse, back to the computer to check the schedule of the doctor that working tonight. Yoong sighed and waited. While he turned his body surprisingly, he saw Jessica that just came from her room. And so she does that see him. Jessica's eyes then gazed on his blooding hand. 









Ah I'm sorry guys for late update and this chapter :/






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sisbro #1
please update
Chapter 9: Dont abandoned this pls, update~
Chapter 9: Update please author nim :)
zellyoon #4
Chapter 9: Hey there author I just read the story and I like the plot hey you don't abandoned this fic right we'll be waiting for the update
HunterSecretive #5
Chapter 9: Update soon author
Ryuki92 #6
Chapter 9: please update soon
Chapter 9: I just found this fic. Aish! Fany how could you? Yoong is very hurt but luckily, jessica is there for him. This is a very interesting author. Im excited and anxious about krystal's confession to her unnie yet she knows that her unnie loves yoong. I wonder what sica would feel. Will she surpress her feelings for yoong because of her sister? Aish. Cant wait for the next chapter author!
722DolDeer #8
Chapter 9: update please...
update please :D
UPDATE SOON...........