What was harmless

The Mobster

Seunghyun rolls in his bed with a groan. He didn't know what he wanted so bad would actually get him sick. So sick to the point it's past noon and it's concerning his employees. 

Bae already brought over many different drugs from the drug store because the older is just simply too stubborn to go to the doctor. He doesn't want to talk about it. He just keeps ordering drugs to try to suppress but not actually cure.

Seungri comes into the room with yet another drug for the older to try to stop his one nostril from clogging up. "Finally you get here you little ..." He rolls over in the bed. "What took you so long?" 

Seungri smiles. "I was getting you drugs Hyung" 

The older sits up and rolls his eyes. "Just hand me the bag..." 

"You know hyung these drugs only suppress they don't" The younger stops talking when his boss gives him a glare. "Okay fine fine...just telling ya..." When Seunghyun is sick he becomes even more of a bastard than he already is. He could be the devil's brother because he is just so heated all the time. 

The older peels off the safety label and looks at the pills. He grumpily tries to open the container. "Aish...." says the older. 

"I can help you Hyung." 

" off." says the older who is once again stubborn. He finally puts the pills in his mouth and Seungri hands the man the bottle of water that is snatched out of his hands. Seungri is not offended at all by the man because this is just how Seunghyun is. Seunghyun hates to be sick and he hates that he is restricted to a bed. Sickness is weakness and at any point someone could try to take him down. In a way it can make the man paranoid and that is the answer to most of his sudden outburst of anger. 

Seunghyun looks over at the younger who is still in the room. "That is all for now. Help Bae with the proposal." 

"Do you think you can make the meeting?" 

"Of course. I'm Choi Seunghyun" 

Seungri grins. "That's my hyung. Fighting!" 

"Get out" mutters the older. Seungri leaves the room and Seunghyun waits for the door to click. He then reaches under his pillow case and pulls out a random phone from early 2000. It's a prepaid phone that he recently found and put some money on it. He is hoping to get at least a phone call with Jiyong because it's actually been three days since he saw the man. 

//////////////////Noodle Shop//////////////

It's lunch time and it's super busy. For some reason all of Korea is wanting Noodles and Jiyong feels that he is constantly boiling water. The phone rings and Jiyong just looks at the thing with a sigh. He can't leave the noodles because they can easily get burned. The phone continues to ring and Jiyong then mutters. "Aish why do you have to call me now..." He continues to let the phone ring until it stops. Don't get him wrong he loves talking with Seunghyun, but at the end of a day he has a business to run. "Black bean!!" Jiyong screams to the busy restaurant. 


The older tries to call the shop again but there is no response. He figures that it's super busy and Jiyong can't get to the phone. The man could be patient and wait...but Seunghyun is never patient as he rolls out of bed and puts on some slippers. 

He walks over to his closet and digs through the many suits to try to find the most casual and most undetectable outfit. It has been a while since the man has not worn a button down so it's different putting on denim and a regular cotton shirt that is of course designer. Seunghyun then puts on a hat and lowers it down on his face. 

He looks at the closet door at himself and smirks. "This will do." Says the man with medicine now kicking in. He is not 100% but it's close enough to it so want to go out. 

He older then walks over to his door slowly and peeks out into his hallway. He opens it a bit more but then closes it shut when he sees feet coming by. The older laughs at himself because right now he is sneaking out of his own house. He will be the only one not in a suit and he could be easily found out. The man then opens the door again to see no one in the hallway. With a quick step the man makes it down the hallway to the back stairs. He takes the stairs all the way to the kitchen to then sneak out the back door. 

The man looks at his car and sighs knowing that he can't take it...he would be found out...looks like he will have to take a bus. " that...I"m not taking a bus." Says the older as he waves down a taxi. He snuck out of his house...but remember....he is rich. 

////////////////Noodle Shop...busy Noodle Shop really////////////////////////

The place is still crowded and many people are demanding food and wanting checks and wanting more food. Jiyong is use to rushes but it's a little hard when you are getting over a cold. The younger continues to boil water and throw in noodle after noodles that were prepped. Jiyong wipes his head from the sweat and continues to stir and prepare. 

Granny Kwon is currently taking orders and handing out checks. The old lady herself is feeling the pressure of it all; she and Jiyong try to give good service. There are tons of Noodle Shops so they don't want to lose customers because they can't keep up. 

"Give me more sides Jiyong ah." 

Jiyong huffs as people continue to clean out their stock. "No more Kimchi!" Jiyong yells at the table demanding to eat all of their food. That is the thing about Korea. If the owner feels you have had enough of their food they will tell you to order something else. The table then makes a pissed look and yells. "Aish I know you have more back there...you just brought some out." 

Jiyong continues to pour noodles and peaks out the kitchen again. "Order something else...aish!" Says the man annoyed. Granny Kwon is use to the commotion so she doesn't even get mad at Jiyong yelling. The place is loud anyways so really you have no choice but to yell. 

Five more people come in and wait at the door. Granny Kwon is just so busy. "Just take a seat I will be with you customers." 

The people come in a take a seat. "Hello and welcome. I'm Seunghyun. What would you like?" The people smile. "Ummm we will take a order of these and these." 

Seunghyun smiles "Okay I just need some paper...do you have any on you?" says the man with a smile at the Women. "Ummm...we...Um...." says the women who are flustered to the man who is just too good looking. "It's Okay customer. I can get some." 

Seunghyun then goes over to granny Kwon. "Hey do you have some paper Grandmother?" 

Mrs. Kwon turns around. "Seunghyun? What are you doing here?" 

"I'm here to help? I figured you were busy." The man smiles again. 

"You sure..? This is hard work...." 

"I can handle it." Seunghyun then takes her note pad. "I"m going to borrow this for a bit." 

He then hurries over to the the table of women and takes their orders. Jiyong who is currently in the kitchen is preparing more side dishes for everyone. "Don't work too hard. Jiyong shi" 

"What the ..." says Jiyong almost cutting his finger. "You trying to kill me bastard..." 

The older comes into the kitchen. "Nope...just giving you this." He then places a piece of paper down with another order. 


"What I wanna help...I was bored today." 

Jiyong then looks the man over. "You don't looks so good..." 

"I'm good...now get to work...we have a big crowd today..." 

"You have no idea what you are in for..." 

"Make more noodles...go go..." says the older as goes back into the dinning room. Seunghyun has no idea why he even decided to start helping out, but he just felt the urge to. He saw how the two were struggling and he wanted to help. He just wanted to put smiles on their faces and indeed he did. Jiyong watched how the man who wouldn't dare do this job...actually do the job.

Seunghyun is doing the job well for a rookie and makes the people laugh. Jiyong can't even hear what most people are saying but he can feel the joy. This is one of those how you say...human moments that you want to mentally keep permanent. Jiyong can't help but stare at the man who is so tough but yet so warm.

Seunghyun continues to take orders and slap them in the kitchen to then yelling out orders just like granny Kwon. The man became to use to the menu he didn't even need paper anymore. He is no longer a novice working here. 

The crowd dies down and it's almost 2 hours later. Everyone is exhausted due to the rush but it's a big profit for the business. "I had no idea it would be this busy..." says Seunghyun plopping in a chair. 

Granny Kwon laughs. "Oh this is not the end...we still have six more hours of business." 

Jiyong then laughs. "I think that two hours is enough for him today granny." 

The older then stands. "No I can do six more." 

Jiyong then laughs. "It's okay...we are all human here...just say that you had enough." 

Seunghyun then smiles. "I'm fine" 



"Sorry Granny" 

Seunghyun then chuckles. "Well my meds are wearing off...you got anything I could take?" 

Jiyong then laughs. "You need rest...and you need to stop suppressing things." 

"I know..." 

"Well if you know pabo why are you over working yourself?" 

"Because..." says the older. "There are certain reasons...." The man then makes eye contact with Jiyong again. Granny Kwon then laughs. "So when are you two going to be official?" 

Jiyong and Seunghyun's eyes widen. "Granny!" screams Jiyong. "We are just friends..." 

"Sure you are..." says the older taking off her apron. "I hear you two...smooching and what not behind my back..." "GRANNY!"

"At least you found someone Jiyong ah. Be good to my sweet boy Seunghyun ah." The woman smiles and comes over to the older. She then takes his hand in hers. "Please feel comfortable here. We like visitors and I especially like people who make my Jiyong happy." 

Seunghyun holds the hand in his. "I will be good." 

Jiyong then scoffs. "You will be good you..." Jiyong stops his words as he gets a glare from his granny. "Come here Jiyong ah..." says the older. 

She then takes both of the men's hands in hers. "Now you two be good. None of this sneaky sneaky anymore. Ne?" 

"Sorry granny....I just didn't know what to do around you yet..." 

The older then runs a hand through Jiyong's hair. "Oh my sweet boy. I love you. Don't worry about such things." Seunghyun smiles at the motherly moment to Jiyong. 

"Are you two hungry? Shall I fix snacks?" says the older with a smile. 

"Granny don't over do it..." 

"Oooooh what ever  you never bring guest. I like Seunghyun." 

"Granny we need to work..."  

"We can actually close now...we made enough profit...actually...I'm going to go visit some friends for a bit." says the older looking at Jiyong. Jiyong then whines. "Really granny...could you be more obvious." 

She then grins. "You two I will be back soon." 

Seunghyun laughs as the woman leaves the shop. "I wonder how long she has known...." 

"Probably the whole time. She knew I was gay before I came out...she is just like that..." 

"Oh I see.....how are you feeling?" 

"I should be asking you that you stupid bastard over working yourself..." 

"I told you I could handle it and I did Yongie..." says the older with a whine and it's the first time Jiyong has seen this side of the man. With his brows furrowed and his lips in a pout. Jiyong can't help but laugh. "I can't stay mad at you...you are too cute..." 

"Oh am I?" says the older wiggling his brow. "What do you think of my attire...I didn't wear a suit today." 

"You look good." says Jiyong but the older makes a face. "What....what you want me to say...I love your dark denim jeans?" 

"Well at least notice." 

Jiyong takes off his apron. "You are such a girl." 

" you" 

"You could" Jiyong grins. "Come here." He then goes up to the man and pulls him by the collar to press their lips together. Jiyong has been wanting to kiss the man all day and so has they other as they taste each other's lips and allow each other take turns of taking lead. 

They release the kiss to kiss again with a long peck. Jiyong's coffee eyes smile at the man. "Why did you help today?" 

"Because you needed it..." says the older with his hands still gently placed on the smaller hips. He rocks them side to side gently. "Because I like you" says the dark eyes. 

Jiyong smiles and pulls the older into a hug to then release it taking the larger hand in his. "Come on...let's get you some drugs to suppress that stuffy nose of yours." 

The older then pouts. "I want to cuddle too" 

Jiyong smiles. "Of course"  

It's funny how Seunghyun can be this cold bastard...but then this teddy bear like man...

//////////////////////The Next morning////////////////

Jiyong is up extra early because most of the food they planned for the week was eaten up the night before. Even though yesterday was crazy Jiyong still had a great time with the help of Seunghyun. It was unexpected help but much needed. 

"Jiyong shi!" yells a person behind him on the sidewalk. From behind you can hear that the person is catching up with him. Jiyong then turns to the semi familiar voice. "Oh what brings you here?" 

"Oh I just needed some things in the area...then I noticed something familiar." says Dongwook.

"Me?" says Jiyong pointing at himself. "I blend in like every other Korean here." 

"But the hat you are wearing I can't miss it..." 

Jiyong then puts a hand to his head. He didn't even realize what he put on today. It was warm and it was working for his 30 seconds of throwing on clothes. "Oh I didn't notice...." 

"Oh that hurts my feelings Jiyong shi. I thought for a second you liked the hat I gave you." 

Jiyong then smiles. "Sorry...but it's still in my posession...so it works." 

Dongwook then smiles back. "Where you headed?" 

"Oh to get some food. It was crazy yesterday." 

"Oh really. Well I see why you are here early...must be stocking up with the two bags you have there." 

Jiyong laughs a bit. "Kinda...well I must be going now.." "Oh I will help you" says Dongwook taking one of the bags. 

"Oh I will be fine." 

"Just take the help when offered. Listen to your hyung." 

"So now you are my hyung." Says Jiyong with a laugh. Remember Jiyong only knows this man as the Cop Dongwook. So really their friendship is harmless to a person looking in. 


It has been a long day and lots of meetings. Seunghyun has been catching up on things he missed the day before and he doesn't regret it. "So you were sleep the whole time hyung?" 

Seunghyun nods. "Ne...those drugs are powerful." 

"How much did you take." 

"Enough." says the older still looking at a file. Seunghyun then flops in a chair. "Oh I saw Jiyong today..." 

"Whatever Ri...." 

The younger keeps talking. '"He was with that cop again. They look pretty close cause they were carrying bags of food together. They looked happy with smiling and talking together....who knew Jiyong had a boyfriend..." 

Seunghyun listens to the words and grips his papers slightly. "Hyung?....Hyung?" 

"WHAT!?" Screams Seunghyun. Seungri looks at the man like he is crazy. "Just leave Ri...I heard enough non sense." 

"Why are you so mean to me hyung...I"m just talking...." 

Seunghyun then looks at the younger. "ing man up...if you can't handle it then leave this place..." Seunghyun didn't mean to be so rude to the younger...he is just pissed at Jiyong...just the thought of him with someone else..."I"m going out." 

Seungri then nods. "Ne hyung.." says the younger in a low voice.

"Sorry Ri...didn't mean to yell" says the older who is never too proud to admit his fault. Seungri smiles. "I understand" 

////////////////////1am Noodle Shop//////////////

Jiyong is cleaning the shop and putting chair away. Seunghyun then walks into the place with a quiet stare. Jiyong notices the figure in the corner. "Why do you just sit and stare?" says Jiyong with a smile....but it suddenly drops when there is not a smile returned. 

"What's wrong?...did something happen?" 

"Yeah something is wrong..." says the older...."Since when have you been seeing that cop..." 

Jiyong is taken back by the words they are cold and there is no warmth to his stare...."What are you talking about...I'm not seeing anyone..." 

"Then why were you at the market with that cop...laughing and ...with that smile...." 

Jiyong then slams his mop down. "I don't have to ing deal with this Seunghyun. Just trust that I"m only seeing you and only you." 

Seunghyun then looks at the younger with rage. "That hat....where did you get that?" 

Jiyong then doesn't know what to say. "I can explain..." 

"Explain what...that you are wearing that bastard's hat...that you didn't mean to go on a market date with him." 

Jiyong didn't know that the man could be so jealous. "What is wrong with you..." Jiyong just doesn't get it. "You know I wouldn't hurt you...." 

"How would I know that Jiyong...?"

That tone...it just sickens Jiyong. "You ARE SO stupid!" 

"ME? YOU ARE THE ONE THAT IS STU" "I LOVE YOU YOU ING JERK!" Yells Jiyong over the older. "I love you..." he says softer. "Why would you think that I would do something to hurt you....after all we have been through you will let one of your goons tune you up...and this ing hat?" Jiyong takes the hat off his head and holds it out. "Here...you can have it you ing jerk....I"m tired" 

Jiyong continues to hold the hat out and then frowns his face to drop the hat on the floor. Jiyong then thinks back. "How did you know this hat was his...and what is wrong with me having friends. He gave me the hat because I was cold...he was harmless..." Jiyong then looks at the man again. "And I told you that I loved you....I'm in love with you...Doesn't that mean anything???" 

The older just heard the words that have been going through his mind...he was jealous...and now he is scared...a man loves him...and he is also a man. Yeah they cuddled,kissed and did things that any relationship would do...but the love word...Love is the word that brings happiness...but it's also the word that is dangerous and can lead to death...Love is also a weakness...Love is dangerous."I need to go..." 

"Seunghyun..." says Jiyong grabbing on to the arm but it is slowly pulled away. "I'm sorry...I knew this would happen...I saw it coming. Don't love me...don't love me Jiyong...." The man walks out of the room and Jiyong is now in a puddle of tears. He was in love for the first time in years and now...it's all gone to waste. To the floor the younger melts with a bucket of water and the hat that he thought was nothing but harmless.  Jiyong then picks himself up off the floor and runs out of the store...He looks from side to side of the street and runs in a direction....he doesn't know where the man would be....he doesn't know if he drived...he needs to find him....

"Seunghyun!!!" Screams Jiyong in the dark streets. "Seunghyun!!! You ING !!!!" Jiyong is not giving up...

"Will you stop scaring these people you little ..." says the man behind him. Jiyong turns around out of breath from having to run up and down the streets. "Why did you leave...why were you just standing behind me and just now saying a word..." 

"Jiyong I told you before." 

"Cut the ....I'm not giving up on you...on us..." says Jiyong in the amber lit street. Seunghyun has his cap pulled low and nothing but a shadow of his face is seen on the streets. 

"That person back in the shop....that monster...it's not you...I know the risk...you told me...I don't care...and I'm not letting you walk away..." says Jiyong getting closer. 

"Don't...." says the older stepping back and for the first time there was a tremble to his voice. "Why are you scared..." 

"I'm not scared..." 

"Stop saying you are scared...because you are..." says Jiyong finally in front of the man. Slowly the smaller hand reaches up and takes the hat that is being a barrier of Seunghyun's true emotions. "Here is the man I know..." 

"Give it back...." says the man in a low voice. 

"You don't even want to yell at me huh?....because you love me..." says Jiyong in a soft voice as he places the cap backwards on his head..."I was scared when I had my first love...it was exciting at first...the sneaking kisses...the making out...it was all fun until reality set in... when I found out my gay love was real...it scared the out of me...I felt my life was going to totally change for the worse...but it didn't....I gave it a chance...slowly...yea it lasted a month...but that person helped me to understand myself..." He then looks into the dark eyes. "To see what I really wanted..." 

The younger then takes a hand and caresses the strong jaw making the older close his eyes to the touch. "Jiyong..." 

"I love you..." says Jiyong again and this time slowly bringing his body closer to the other's.  "I love you" says Jiyong looking into the dark eyes. 

Finally arms goes around the smaller body...the older looks at Jiyong with soft eyes. "I love you" 

Jiyong smiles. "See wasn't so bad...." 

"Why did you forgive me..." 

"Because you were just scared of loosing me...sometimes we just need a little push in our lives" Jiyong leans up to kiss his hyung's cheek. 

***Yo up date. I wanted to add a little real life. People get jealous and lots of relationships have ups and downs. They are never perfect and the downs make all relationships stronger. Thanks for reading! Please comment rate and sub! Love!!




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updated Mobster again!


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Chapter 6: Your plot is such a bae
Chapter 35: Aww this story is so cute. Im happy because the happy ending??. Love it!!!
Chapter 19: I don't really like when Top bottom and Gd is top. It's make me felt weird for some reason. Gd is smaller man and Top is strong man so... I feel disgusting.. But it's okey, it's your story by the way..
mspennyles #4
Chapter 35: I know you wrote this quite a while ago, but I just discovered it. And I'm really glad I did! This story had my emotions all over the place. Thanks for devoting the time to it over the years. This story was truly amazing!
Chapter 35: Your story is really amazing !! It was third time i read your story and I never get tired ! Thanks for your hard work author-nim !! ( sorry for my english , i'm french )
Dayonyl #6
Chapter 35: Absolutely amazing, loved every sentence!
lovelydarling #7
Chapter 35: As always another great story came to an end. I always enjoy reading your stories. Your the best!!!
ayaayawae #8
Chapter 35: Tks for updating :)
Wysmom #9
Chapter 35: 2 thumbs up.
Chapter 35: I LOVE U AUTHORNIM TT THX FOR UPDATING ALL THESE FICS i will deffinetly read this fic again as its one of my favourites ever and the fact that i related this fic to my fav gtop song i couldn't stop thinking abt the fic whenever i listened to the song.