Part 1

To The End of Sorrow

Sunlight drifted into my room sitting on my face causing me to wake up.

I stretched and sat up on my bed, grabbing my phone and looking to see if he texted me or left me a call. 


I sighed and layed back down on my bed closing my eyes again, "Where are you?" I opened my eyes again and a bunch of thoughts started rushing through my head.

What if something bad happened to him?

What if he got or killed? 

Where is he? Why didn't he text me back, is he with someone else? 

If he is I'll- 


I quickly glanced at my phone and answered it immidiately, "Hello?" "Kris Hyung?" I smiled, Tao.. "Finally you called, I've been worried about you.." He laughed a little, "Thank you.." "Is something wrong Tao?" "No... It's just, soon it's your birthday" I smiled, "You remembered, I'm so happy~" "I'm glad that you are hyung.." Something seems wrong.. "O-Okay.. I'll see you at school.. Text me when you reach there.." "I'm already at school.." "What? Why didn't you call me earlier, I could have been there already." "No.. It's okay.. I'm with someone.." He's already with someone? "Oh, okay. Who?" There was a slight pause, "Ah, it's no one. You shouldn't worry, hyung. I love you, I'll see you at school. Bye~" "Wai--" He hung up on me. 

Who is he with? Why is he with that person? I know it's bad to be this jealous, but really, it's making me angry that he didn't tell me who. 

What if he's cheating on me? 

I shook my head and got off of my bed, heading into my bathroom. I looked into the mirror stairing at the face that always looks angry. Why does Tao even like me? If he is cheating on me, I bet it's with someone that has a much happier personality.. I sighed and angrily walked out of my bathroom and changed my clothes. Just thinking about this makes me angry, but it's not something I can just control.. I grabbed my schoolbag and walked out of my house. 

On my way to school I couldn't stop thinking about Tao and the person that he was with. Why is he with that person, and why couldn't he tell me who that person was? It's making me worried, but even more jealous. I want to know what he's hiding from me. 

When I reached the school, I didn't see Tao anywhere. He wasn't waiting outside for me, he wasn't waiting by our lockers. "Maybe he's in class already.." I took out my phone and checked the time; 7:45.. It's to early to be in class.. I sighed and walked into our period 5. I opened the door to our class and nobody was in there except our teacher, I sat at my desk and put my head down. "Where are you.." I closed my eyes in anger and tried to fall asleep before class started. 

" ung.." "..ris hyung.." "Kris hyung." I opened my eyes and found Tao staring at me, he was smiling and he kissed me on the forehead, I sat up and looked at him with a blank expression on my face. "Is class over.." He shook his head and sat down on his seat, "It's just beginning." I sighed and looked down, "Where were you this morning? You said you would be waiting for me, but when I reached the school you were no where to be found." He smiled at me for a short moment and then looked away, "I was with one of my friends hyung.." "Who?" "It's no one that you should be worrying about." I smiled, "Of course, why would I worry about you?" I sighed.

Why should I worry about you if you're not going to tell me anything right now? 

I got up and grabbed my bag, "Where are you going hyung?" I glared at Tao and looked away, "Somewhere, you shouldn't worry about it." I walked out of the classroom and decided to sit down on the staircase.. "Are you Kris?" I turned around to see a slightly tall, slender man with blonde hair looking at me, his face had no expression on it. "Yeah, who are you?" He sat right next to me, "I'm Oh Sehun." I looked at him, "Are you a new student?" He nodded, "You're mad.." "I'm glad that you can notice that so easliy." He smiled at me, "I was the one that was with Tao this morning and yesterday." I looked at him and angrily grabbed his hand. "Why were you with him?! Tao is mines, Stay away!" He smiled, but this smile wasn't a kind one, it was more of a evil smile that said something like 'Do you really believe that?' I let go of his hand looked away from his face, "Do you really think that he's yours?" "If he really was yours, wouldn't he tell you everything? Wouldn't he have told you that he was with me yesterday and this morning?" 

I quickly got up and slapped his face as hard as I could, "Tao is everything to me, and he feels the same way about me, no one and especially not you can get in the way of the emotions that we have come to feel for eachother!" He smiled, "I hate to tell you this, but Tao isn't as trustworthy as you think he is. You think that he's so innocent? That he would never hurt you just because of the words I love you, but maybe you should stop just paying attention to the good things in your relationship and look at the bad things too." "Not everything is as perfect as you think it is you know? Tao may seem that he's happy, but on the inside he wants to be happy. He wants to be with someone that can actually make him happy, and not question all of the things that he's thinking about. You seem to do that don't you? You question him about every little thing. You don't give him enough space, you always tell him to let you know where he is at all times, but a man needs his space. That's why yesterday he came to me, and this morning as well." I sighed and sat back down.. 

"Everything is going to break because of you, I can't stand you. Pretty soon you're not going to be breathing, stay away from Tao and all of this will be better." 

He grinned and shook his head, "Isn't that supposed to be Tao's decision? He's the one that texted me yesterday saying that he wanted to spend time with me, and he's the one that saw me this morning and asked me if we could hang out." I started grabbing my hair and pulling on it, "Tao doesn't always tell the truth.. There are somethings about him that you don't know, that I do. So before thinking that Tao belongs to you, and you belong to him, think about wether he belongs to me, and I belong to him because this isn't the first time we've met." "We're closer than you think Kris." 


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Chapter 3: woah! Kris killed my panda and bubble tea! waaaaaaah!
nice story btw author ^_^ didnt think that Kris is a possessive man because of Tao... TaoRis is hart hart <3
but author... is Sehun Tao's childhood friend or step bro? im confused @-@