Part 0

To The End of Sorrow

It's been seven years.. 

For seven years I have been stuck in this small cell with a bunch of people that have nothing left in their life. 

If you're wondering why I'm in this cell then I'll just tell you; I've been sentenced to be in jail because I decided to be a very stupid and jealous person that wanted to get rid of the only person I loved in my life because of the words that he told me; "I love you, I'll never let you go." and the one person that decided to come into our lives and ruin everything.

My life before being stuck here was actually a very nice and calm one, filled with a lot of warmth and happiness.. Something that I miss dearly. All of that happiness and warmth was filled in one person that made my life an absolute fairytale. At that time, I believed that once I fell in love with a person and they fell in love with me back that everything that was theres belonged to me, and only me. But during a relationship there are times where you have to go through jealousy and pain all because you see someone talking to the person you love, or hugging the person you love, or just being with the person you love in general. 

I just wish that the word "Jealousy" did not exist in life. 

It makes things hard.

Very hard. 

You get all attached to one person and you start thinking your life out with them, getting married, being old together.. Everything that could possibly make your life not a living hell. 

But then one person has to come into your life with that significant other and just ruin everything. They make it hard for you to breathe, they make you furious, filled with hatred and you don't want anything else but to completely rid the world of that persons existence. 


I sat up on my cell bed and sat there stairing at the ground.. 

I wish I could go back into the past and change everything, because if I didn't do what I did then maybe I could have fixed everything and we could have been happy together just like how we both wished we could.


You grabbed my very large hands tightly and brought them to your lips and gently kissed them and you laughed and embraced me in your hug that made my insides fill up with butterflies. You let go and I smiled at you, "I love you.." hearing those words brought a big smile on my face.

Tao is the only person that can make me smile and laugh like the way I do now. Real.

"Come on Hyung~" He grabbed my arm and dragged me into our next class, he sat me down and sat right in the desk right in front of me.

I stared at him. He just sat there looking at me with a cute, big smile on his face. "Why are you so happy?" He blinked and put his hand ontop of mines and blushed, "It's because, I love you? Isn't that a good enough of a reason?" I blushed and leaned over the desk to kiss him on the cheek. He blushed and smiled. "I love you, I'll never let you go." I smiled, and then the bell rang for class to start. He smiled at me and let go of my hand before turning around to pay attention to the teacher. I sighed. Class is so boring..I decided to pay attention in class, but not to the teacher, but to Tao. I decided to pay attention to Tao's beautfiul back profile. He's beautiful in everyway of course, but right now I can only see this side of him. In class he's so studious and serious, it's different from when he's with me and his friends. 

Before I knew it class was over. Tao quickly turned around and it startled me that I almost fell over. He laughed and stood up, "Did you have enough time looking at me during class today?" I looked at him and blushed, "What do you mean?" He smiled and sighed, "If you just look at me, you'll never know other things that are important too.." I shook my head and stood up and grabbed my bag, "I only need to look at you to figure out that the only thing important in my life is just you." I turned to him and he was smiling at me, he hugged me and I held him my arms, "I love you hyung." I blushed and I tightened my grip on him, I leaned onto his shoulder. "I love you too.." I pulled away from him gently and held his hand, "Come on, let's go.." He smiled at me and nodded his head, he leaned in closer to me as we started to walk out of the classroom and my heart started to beat a little faster. When we were about to walk off of school grounds he let go of my arm and stopped. "What's wrong?" He looked at me with no expression on his face, "I'm sorry, but I can't go home right now. There's somewhere I must be." I smiled, "Then I can take you there, I don't want you to get lost." He smiled and shook his head, "There is no need. I am sure of where I must be." I blinked and nodded my head, "Oh, okay.." I sighed and walked over to him so that I could kiss him on the forehead, but he pushed me away with a flustered face. "Are you mad at me?" He shook his head and smiled before lightly kissing me on the lips. "I'm not mad at you, in fact, I'm happy to be with you." I blushed and smiled at him, "Then why can't I take you to where you need to be?" He sighed and looked at me, "It's not that I don't want you to take me it's just it's personal." "Ah, I see. I'll see you tomorrow then." 

His words hurt me, but I didn't want to let him know or show him that it did. I quickly turned around and walked away, "Ah, Kris hyung wait!" I turned around with a slight smile on my face. "I-I'll call you and text you when I'm done." He smiled but I could tell that he was worried about my feelings, "Okay." I turned around again and started to walk home..


It's so lonely without you here...

When I reached my house, I quickly went up to my room and locked my door. I changed my clothes and layed down on my bed and took my phone out of my bag. "I wish you were finished already.." I sighed and stared at the ceiling of my room, "Don't you get it.. I"m so lonely without you with me.." I closed my eyes and started to fall asleep.. 


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Chapter 3: woah! Kris killed my panda and bubble tea! waaaaaaah!
nice story btw author ^_^ didnt think that Kris is a possessive man because of Tao... TaoRis is hart hart <3
but author... is Sehun Tao's childhood friend or step bro? im confused @-@