Be Strong

His Smiling Angel

chapter nine - Be Strong


He broke the hug and looked at you deeply “Bear with me. I’ll find a way out of this mess. So ‘till then, just stay with me. Don’t listen to what my parents or what everybody else is gonna say. Just trust me”

You hesitated but then nodded "Okay, oppa"


You and Jaejoong finally reached your house, it was his first time coming there

It was small, since your family didn’t have that much money

You two were in front of the house

You pulled your hand from his grip “Well, this is my house” you announced as you turned around to face him

“Thank you for walking me home, oppa”

“Hey, I’m your boyfriend. Of course I have to walk you home” he smiled

You wanted to smile, but your heart kept hurting since the conversation

And so did Jaejoong’s, even though he had that smile plastered on his face, his heart was hurting too. Because the truth is, he didn’t know how he could find a way out of this mess

You forced a smile “Yeah…”

“You should go home now, oppa” you told him

“I’ll go when you go in” he stated

“No, you go first, then I’ll go in” you insisted

“No… You go first, then I’ll go” he persisted

You smiled, amused “You’re really not going until I go in, huh?”

He nodded

“Fine, oppa” you finally gave in

“I’ll see you soon” he told you then he gave you a kiss on your forehead

Then you went inside your house

He watched you from behind and his heart felt heavy

He sighed deeply and then left

“Damn my life” he cursed


You closed the door of your room and your legs felt weak

You leaned against the door and you slowly sunk down to the floor

Tears started to flow down your cheeks

You covered your mouth so nobody could hear your cries

“Jaejoong oppa’s going to get engaged…”

You didn’t want to look like a weak person in front of Jaejoong. That was why you said it was okay. You wanted to look like you were strong, but inside, you were crumbling down

You clutched your chest tightly and cried your hearts out

What’s going to happen next?

Can we really make it out of this?

You took a deep breath to stop your crying

“Andwae, andwae. Stay strong” you told yourself

"You have to be strong, for yourself, and for Jaejoong"



The next day


“W-W-Wait… You’re WHAATTTT?????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” Donghae exclaimed as he jumped on the couch, landing on the spot next to the calmly sitting on the outside, but furious on the inside, Jaejoong

“I’m ing getting engaged”

“Tell me the full story! Stat!”

“My parents want me to marry the ing daughter of another ing rich family just to get ING richer”

“Whoa, whoa, dude. No need to throw your anger at me” Donghae held up his hands

“Sorry, Donghae. But this is really getting on my nerves. All of this. I can’t even look at Hyeri straight in the eyes without feeling guilty!!”

“This is pretty messed up. How did she take it?” he asked

“She said, ‘I get it’

Donghae looked at him weirdly “She just gets it? Only that? No hands slapping? No yelling? Wow, she’s really something…”

Jaejoong nodded “I know. Can’t believe it, huh? Why do my parents have to arrange me to marry another girl when I’ve finally found an angel like her?” He sighed

“So, what are you gonna do now?”

“I’ll do what they say. But I will not, NOT acknowledge her as my fiancé, or my family, or any other part of my life. Hyeri is still my girlfriend and I will marry her someday, even if the worst happen”

“What if your parents disown you?”

Jaejoong closed his eyes and sighed “That’s what I’m afraid of, Donghae. What if they disown me? No matter how I hate them right now from making me marry a girl I don’t even know, they’re still my parents…”

“There’s no way they’re letting you off this time, hyung” Donghae shook his head “I’ve watched this a lot of times in dramas. They’re still gonna make you marry the girl even though how many times you struggle… They will not let you off, hyung” Donghae looked seriously at Jaejoong

“And that’s not the end of it, hyung. They’re going to torture your girlfriend until she gives up on you” he nodded with his eyes closed “Your life is slowly turning into a drama, hyung”

Jaejoong looked at him in disbelief. Then he grabbed a pillow and threw it at his face “Not helping. You no good of a fish”

He knew Donghae was joking, but he knew all of the things he said were true

The scariest thing he was worried about was the thought of his parents torturing you

I can’t let that happen


Jaejoong asked you to go with him somewhere and you agreed, even though you didn’t know where he was taking you

“Oppa, where are we going?” you asked

“A place” he said, without taking his eyes off the road

One hand on the steering wheel, and the other holding your hand

This was your first time riding his car, it was a black Audi R8. And this was the first time you’ve ridden a car this luxurious

You puffed your cheeks and looked at the window in amazement

Jaejoong caught a glance at you and he couldn’t help but to chuckle lightly

You turned “What?”

“Nothing. I just realized something…”

“What is it?”

“I have a dork as a girlfriend”

“What? Me?? A dork?!”

“See, you’re acting like a dork right now! Well, maybe I shouldn’t have called it acting...” he laughed

“I am not a dork, oppa!” you slapped his arm

“Pfft, dork” he rolled his eyes playfully

“I know you are but what am I?” you stuck out your tongue

“You’re such a kid” he shook his head and laughed

You blew a raspberry and slumped back on the seat

Jaejoong glanced at you from the corner of his eyes

He noticed your slightly swollen eyes and felt his heart slowly beginning to feel heavy

She must've cried after I went home...


You finally reached the destination

You unbuckled your seatbelt and so did Jaejoong

You looked at where you were and your eyes widened when you realized where you were at that time

“O-oppa…” you called him

“Don’t be afraid. Just come with me. Like I told you, just trust me” he took your hand and held it tight

“Come on” he tugged your arm

You hesitated at first but you decided to just trust Jaejoong

Then you two went inside




how was it? tell me~!

no silent readers please!

comment replies:

ichajulisca : from gold lol
yeah, that's the whole point hehe
it isn't fair to tiffany but it's fair to them lol
i will update soon :)
donghae will appear more soon

Ahraay : yes she is lol :p

iluvlollipops : she's too nice lol
yess it is!
fany is gonna be half nice half bad, i think hehe
not entirely evil
she will know hyeri soon
it's still a secret~~

glamfab : not entirely evil, don't worry ;)

boojae_wifey : yes she did
but she cried her hearts out at her room, though hehe

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ladykwonxiwu #1
Chapter 5: I just reread your story and found a mistake. Juwon is a male right so he should say noona,not unnie. ?
i haven't logged into aff in such a long time
and the first thing i read was your comments! and i even got featured??
it made me really, i mean really happy
thank you for all your support!
i'm brewing a new fic!! yay!
ladykwonxiwu #3
Chapter 55: Whyyyyyyyyyyy? ;^;
boreddddd_xoxo #4
Chapter 36: One more thing... I'm halfway through..
AND I HATE TIFF. Well right now. AHahahah why is she so mean????? >.<
boreddddd_xoxo #5
This story needs more upvotes and suscribers. What is wrong with aff users?? This fanfic is amaaaazing!
yes, it is cliche. But it is good. You've got me hooked. And let's just say getting me hooked is not an easy task.
taechannieshin #6
Chapter 55: And thanks you for making me crying in the middle of my study period~~~ T.T
Ohhh.... You killed my jaejoong tooo T.T

Best fanfiction ever!!!!!! ♥
Chapter 55: T,T you killed my JJ Y,T
rashelo #8
my friend recommended this fanfic to me . got to read it once i reach home
Chapter 55: I cried so much. This is seriously the bestest best best story i have ever read! Only took 2 days to finish it because i couldn't stop reading it xD the story is just so beautiful and what Jaejoong did for Hyeri like awww, this kind of man is really hard to come by, Hyeri's so lucky.